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Star Ghost

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Posted in: Eragon (Book III)
 Star Ghost
01-24-2007, 11:51 PM
Ok, i used a Latin translator and got a good one: Valiridis which is a combonation of the words great and green. I like the name so I'll use it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Eragon (Book III)
 Star Ghost
01-24-2007, 1:49 AM
I'll be Arya's green dragon when the time comes for her to get him. Name: Valiridis Age: When he comes, just hatched Species: Dragon Description: Emerald green scales and deep green eyes with large claws and wings (duh) Magic User: yes Favoriot Weap...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eragon (Book III)
 Star Ghost
01-23-2007, 10:12 AM
I LOVE Eragon, the movie was a huge disapointment though. My favoriot char is Arya, so I'll be her. Name: Arya Age: 100 (edited) Species: Elf Picture and/or Description: here (  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-24-2007, 11:39 PM
John had finally learned the language of these creatures, who called themselves the Wookies. He was able to project images into their minds to speak with them, and he could understand what they said, but their language was immpossible for humans to s...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-24-2007, 1:56 AM
John awoke, unsure where he was. The last thing he remembered was over-straining himself in his attempt to save the crew. He heard a deep growling sound and turned on the palette he was lying on to see a huge fur covered beast holding a large crossbo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-23-2007, 10:00 AM
O/T- Nice drawing, I made a bunch of drawings of different things such as the Republic frigate, however I have no scanner. I made a model of a Republic fighter in Google Sketch-up  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-20-2007, 10:10 AM
O/T- sorry I was gone for a week, I was really busy. Wookies have lower level of technology because they have had no contact with the outside world, but they can have crossbows, the ancestor of the bowcaster and some advanced pulley and elevator syst...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-12-2007, 3:40 AM
Although John was glad that the Warp V had joined the battle, he was afraid it was to late for the Star Ghost. He was stuggling to make the descision to abandon ship and get into the escape pods. The Republic cruisers would send search parties to fin...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-11-2007, 11:33 AM
John sensed Sem before he saw his ship, originally thinking he was a Sith, then thinking he was a Jedi, then finally coming to the conclusion that he was neither, just a Force Sensitive (O/T- you are right?). "Hailing the Warp V, this is republ...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-11-2007, 6:35 AM
OT- I guess Anakin is right, there aren't really enough people, but I'm kinda bored, and on top of that, no one else has joined. I don't care if you use Yoda, however he was only 900 years old (only lol) and this is set at least 10000 years before he...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
01-10-2007, 9:26 AM
Well if anyone actually looks at this again, I am still posting on this (I admit I was going to give up checking) The Star Ghost loomed through space, scanning for Sith ships and other hostile craft. John walked up the bridge isle and examined the v...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Hyperspace War RPG
 Star Ghost
12-26-2006, 3:56 AM
//I don't really like the idea of D&R threads so I decided to start this RPG the good old fashion way, by having character recruitment and the RPG on the same thread.// This RPG is set before the events of KOTOR 1, during the Great Hyperspace wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with RPG's
 Star Ghost
12-26-2006, 3:13 AM
In this case, RPG's are ussually stories which you can join by creating a character and making him/her interact with the other user's characters through text (Thus the caption "without those nifty 3d graphics" on the forum entry area) Also...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Darkness begins
 Star Ghost
09-22-2006, 1:03 PM
About 10,000 years before the events of KOTOR 1, the Republic spanned the entire galaxy with no opposition. The Jedi were at there strongest, with connections to the force that were so strong they were incomprehensible. Then one man, a prominent Jed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
04-05-2006, 12:12 PM
(Ty for explanation about the last force master) John was beggining to think that the suface invasion was going well after getting half way to the small hanger, then the recon force came to a small crlearing overlooking a vast plain, where the Sith...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
03-21-2006, 7:08 AM
O/T: what do you guys mean when you say 'the last force master'? There are many jedi in this time. And the whole republic fleet wasn't destroyed, only a part of it. The Republic fleet entered the atmosphere. John was on a ship called the Force Runne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
03-04-2006, 4:36 AM
OT: Sorry ppl i went on a vacation to this beach hotel place and they had no I-cafe there :firemad: John walked up to JC with a slight limp in his leg. "Exellent work JC, I managed to get some of my crew to the escape pods, but many were lost...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
02-17-2006, 10:40 AM
As John came back to his senses, he thought he heard something, then he relised it was just his commlink. The Star Ghost was flying through open space, taking fire all the time. John sensed some very powerful sith on the battlefeild. "Yes, I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
02-12-2006, 8:41 AM
As John walked across the bridge of his ship, he thought he saw something in the window in the corner of his eye, but when he looked back, he saw nothing. In that instance there was a slight tremor in the force- "BRACE!!!!" he shouted, but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Really Old Republic (KOTROR)
 Star Ghost
02-08-2006, 3:32 AM
???? years before the events of KOTOR 1, the galactic republic was formed. However, many sought to destroy this tenuous alliance between the different races. One of these people was the Sith Lord (a real Sith, the speices that had been extinct aeons...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nar Shadaa Cantina
 Star Ghost
11-07-2005, 12:08 AM
I go on a vacation for four days and i can't keep up!!! not fair. ------------ After having my correlian ale before, i got up and went into the back of the cantina where I had a small room. I slept there for the time this was going on, then I wake up...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nar Shadaa Cantina
 Star Ghost
10-31-2005, 1:55 AM
Hi guys I was gone for a very long time but now I'm back!!! I was looking over the threads, and some of them are to serious for the mood i'm in now so i decided to start this. ---------- Welcome one, welcome all to the Nar Shaddaa cantina. Sit down,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: KOTOR: Colonies
 Star Ghost
03-21-2006, 7:26 AM
What happened to this thread??? It could have turned out really good......  [Read More]
Posted in: Stormtrooper Mod
 Star Ghost
08-08-2006, 6:22 PM
[MAJOR BUMP] Is this mod still on, because even without making new maps and only having new skins and a new visor, i would download it. I assume it's over... I hate it when things like that happen to great mod ideas... HELLO? CREATOR OF THREAD? AR...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stormtrooper Mod
 Star Ghost
08-17-2005, 8:43 AM
My uncle is an animator for nickelodeon and i could ask him if he could draw a stormtrooper. He is an extremely good artist and he'll do it for free. Tell me if your interested and i'll ask him. I think this will be a great mod if you continue. It w...  [Read More]
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