Redis soon realized the coordinates were fake. He had a plan also. He disapeered and the building blew up, leaving Terran behind.
Terran rised from the ruins of the building sensing that none had survived except him. well it would be hard for Redis to stop him with these new weapons that he picked up. Terran returned to his ship to see hit destroyed as well with the bodies of his men everywhere...
Later Terran found the body of his apprentice who was still living and asked what was going on. His apprentice replied"the crew mutined for Ravalack and there was a vicous battle many were lost and a clumsy soldeir hit the engine cooler and the ship blew...." then his apprentice died
"Terran.... " Redis said, noticing his enemy. "FOR RAVALAK, AND FOR THE SITH!" Redis shouted and charged in at Terran. He took his red lightsaber and swung it at Terran, who was not as experienced at it as he was. Redis jumped back and sot a red beam out of his hand that struck Terran in the chest and painfully knocked him back. "Give it up, Terran." He said. "My powers, skills, and weopons are far better than those of your own."
what do you mean give it up. You want me to join you or what.
O/T: what do you guys mean when you say 'the last force master'? There are many jedi in this time. And the whole republic fleet wasn't destroyed, only a part of it.
The Republic fleet entered the atmosphere. John was on a ship called the Force Runner II. Dropships could be seen with marines and jedi jumping off with their heli-chutes spinning behind them at high speeds.
"I'll jump now with the rest of the jedi and marines." John said to the captain.
"I'll meet down on the feild John, may the force be with you." the captain said.
John jumped off the ship with 30 marines and 10 jedi. The anti-aircraft guns on the planet began opening fire, targetting the dropping men and the capital ships that had just entered the atmosphere. A man near John was promptly ripped to pieces, the flecks of blood splattering on his white robes. The first drop of many to come.
He was low enough now to see the opening battle. The sith forces were not easy to see, as they were fighting mainly in the forest and wearing camoflouge armour. The silver glint of swords burnt lines in his eyes.
Finally, he landed. There was already a makeshift command post set up.
"Master Jedi, there is a large hanger abount 2 clicks due north-east. If we can capture it, our ships can land there and we can refuel our bombers." the general said.
"Ok, i'll lead the strike force- actually, I have a better idea. I'll lead a recon squad to scope out the hanger and area, then we'll take out their sensors and reprogram the autoturrets to fire on them. When I'm ready i'll call you in and you can bring the rest of our strike force to capture it.
"Sir yes sir!"
"I want your finest marksman, demolition specialist, and technichian immeadiatly."
"Of course sir"
JC led the way back to his fighter. He had told the injured master that he would get them there. Once inside Rogue One, JC made a breakaway out of the damaged ship. No sooner than he had cleared it, than the ship exploded. He was immediately caught in a firefight by Sith. He caught a glimpse of the LoreSeeker and sent the message of a needed detatchment to the planet's surface. Desperately trying to weave in and out of getting hit, JC broke for the surface but was persued by three enemy ships. One hit with a lucky shot, sending the ship to the surface with a crash. The last thing JC saw was darkness as the ship crashed.
Jedi Erron had received the transmission and directed several squadrons to the surface. He saw Rogue One go down and hoped that they survived.
Terran turned and ran jumping from the ledge of the landing pad to fall into vastness
( The last force master...
Many years ago, there was a group of the strongest Jedis in all the galaxy and they were called Force Masters, for they can master the force more than any other race in the galaxy. They learned new force powers, similar to teh ones that Ravalak found with the Beam of Blood, and they used those powers to stop the evil that the sith were posing against the galaxy. The group of 24 Force masters were one night having a meeting in a sacred shrine in Alderaan. The sith new about this ordeal and knew that they needed to stop it no matter what the cost. So the sith army, organized under a powerful sith general, charged through Alderaan in the heat of night, carrying swords, blasters, and torches. From far away, the force masters did not know of this planning but one of them sensed the dark side of the force. The force masters ignorantly decided to stay put for they did not know what dangers were learking outside, even though they could probably defeat them. So meanwhile the sith army was nearing the shrine and the general stepped up, shouted, and threw his torch in the building. That torch was followed by many others until the small crackle turned into a roaring blaze. The radiant fire spread quickly, and the force masters were trapped inside. The head of the force masters looked at the other 23, and opened the door that led outside. The second he opened the door a blazing cascade of crimson flames shot through the openening and he slowly burnt to ashes. The other 23 tried to duck in a corner but they too.. had a horrible fate. Legend says that one of the force masters survived that fight, was explelled from the order, got married and had a child. Then that child had a child and so on and so forth. But after each generation the parents would die and the new force master would be left without parents.. Until this time, one of the characters on the light side is a force master... And I will secretly tell you who...))
( what about the jedi?????)
ok well....
Terran was falling
until he was 100 ft from the ground he used the force to push the ground so that the repelling air would slow him. Terran did a dive roll and sat down to meditate. there were very few people in this area so he decided that in his meditation that the only way to defeat Ravalak was to quickly decieve the last force master into training him to be one of them. Then and only then would terran have the power to defeat this sith lord.
(Ty for explanation about the last force master)
John was beggining to think that the suface invasion was going well after getting half way to the small hanger, then the recon force came to a small crlearing overlooking a vast plain, where the Sith were encamped. There were thousands of tents pitched, and thousands of troops marching out of the camp. They were heading in a straight line towards the main republic command post. Even worse, there were war Rancors in their ranks.
John turned on his commlink to send a message to the general, but the signal was being jammed. Suddenly, he sensed that they were being watched, and that this whole "small weakly defended hanger" was a trap for the republic forces, but all to late.
Terran laughed the sith forces actually had believed him that there was a secret item at the republic outpost that would make them all invincible. This would be a good day...