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Leper Messiah

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Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 7:00 AM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin How did he die? Old age. They had Tycho walk into a meeting in the middle of the book and tell everyone that Ackbar had died. That was it. No dignity at all. :( that deserves a big time WTF?!...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-12-2004, 4:30 PM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin The Unifying Force (last NJO book) how? and did they beat the Vong in the end?...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-12-2004, 1:25 PM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin He at least got a much better death than Ackbar did. I was joking before reading it that the worst possible death would be to die implicitly during the middle of the story. :indif: when'd Ackbar croak?...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-12-2004, 8:41 AM
Originally posted by jackofblades how does chewie die gets left behind on a planet that gets crushed by its moon, if memory serves...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-12-2004, 5:34 AM
Originally posted by Rogue Nine They killed Chewie. That turned me off to the whole damn thing. That and the Yuuzhan Vong are misplaced Star Trek aliens. anyone familiar with star trek think (this is only based on vector prime) that the Yuuzhan V...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-11-2004, 4:27 PM
Originally posted by jackofblades I am currently reading that book and liken it Vector Prime is horrible. in my opinion of course. i appreciate others may not feel the same way, but it did enough for me to go from being excited about the new seri...  [Read More]
Posted in: NJO : FAQs / Rants/ Raves/ Reviews
 Leper Messiah
11-09-2004, 6:53 AM
do things get moving very quickly in the NJO from the next book onwards, (whichever that may be) the fact that there are 19 books makes me think its not exactly fast paced. Vector Prime certainly wasnt....  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-15-2004, 9:59 AM
Originally posted by Spider AL So now you're in favour of non-tortuous life-imprisonment? :confused: Oh well, either way torture is amoral. no but thats the clear compromise between our positions...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-14-2004, 1:35 PM
Originally posted by Spider AL That's because you're pro-torture, THEN death. lol. :D well thats where compromise comes in, and the middle ground between those in favor of the death penalty and those for rehabilitation and release back into soci...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-14-2004, 9:36 AM
Originally posted by Breton I was talking about the criminals killing without reason. A mentally normal person can't kill without good reason, because the two issues contradict each other. I'm saying that death penalty represents much of the cru...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-14-2004, 4:22 AM
Originally posted by Breton That wasn't my point. My point was that "they choose to do the crime, so they choose to take the punishment" is in no way justification of brutal and unjust punishment. I suppose a better comparison would be: I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 8:14 PM
Originally posted by Spider AL Quick painless death is punishment enough for the guilty and minimises suffering if they're innocent victims. The course of action you prescribe is both tortuous, non-therapeutic and twice as dastardly if the convict i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 7:18 PM
Originally posted by Spider AL Aye, I wasn't addressing that second paragraph to you, but to the others in the thread who have claimed that it's a deterrent. There's plainly no evidence to support such a claim. What, you'd lock innocents up in a ro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 6:15 PM
Originally posted by Spider AL In any society that employs the death penalty, there will be instances in which innocent people are sentenced to death, and killed. So there is a comparison of sorts. And I don't know how anyone can claim that the dea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 1:32 PM
Originally posted by Breton Invalid argument. People in Nazi Germany knew the punishment for having sympathy with the left, so you might say socialists "chose" to be put in concentration camps and work to death. Does that make that cruel a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 9:00 AM
Originally posted by ronbrothers I say good riddance. I don't see anything inhumane about it either when you consider that it's no secret what the penalty for commiting such crimes would be. It is so narrow minded to argue against it when you think...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death Penalty
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 6:29 AM
i think a far better thing to do would be to put them in isolation and have them never see another living soul for the rest of their lives. that would be hell....  [Read More]
Posted in: Death To The Tabloids!
 Leper Messiah
11-14-2004, 4:07 AM
Originally posted by Loopster Hmm, over here in the U.S., at least where I live, "tabloid" usually refers to a satirical periodical not meant to be taken seriously. I take it "tabloid" means something different where you live?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death To The Tabloids!
 Leper Messiah
11-11-2004, 12:01 PM
ugh, was reading The Sun (rupert murdoch-owned british tabloid) today and it was horrified to note how much money Halo 2 has/is set to make in britain. why? because its a "violent video game". tabloids in Britain have for a long time now th...  [Read More]
Posted in: President Schwartzenegger???
 Leper Messiah
11-13-2004, 6:31 AM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin Why? He won the governor race overwhelmingly as a Republican in an extremely Democratic state, in spite of the fact that there were multiple Republican candidates (two of which had a significant percent of the vote...  [Read More]
Posted in: President Schwartzenegger???
 Leper Messiah
11-12-2004, 7:35 PM
well i think he could handle the job, mind you from what (admittedly little) ive seen of his work in california i think his actually winning an election might be a problem. as for the nationality thing, if he can be governer surely hes fit to be a pr...  [Read More]
Posted in: first appearence
 Leper Messiah
11-09-2004, 7:51 AM
so she's been around for some time then. i thought she just showed up and got married to Luke, but evidently not. did she die of whatever illness she was suffering from in Vector Prime?...  [Read More]
Posted in: first appearence
 Leper Messiah
11-09-2004, 3:58 AM
when in the EU was the first appearence of Mara Jade? ive only read a few books and storyline wise skipped about ten or fifteen years i think between the New Rebellion and the New Jedi Order :D it was quite easy to pick up the story again, but i was...  [Read More]
Supremacy/Rebellion because that did kick ass, its a shame they never continued and made that a series, with all the advances in technology since sequels could have had homeworld-esque combat. and the updates to the expanded universe since the game m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Christians!!! *snarls*
 Leper Messiah
11-05-2004, 7:07 PM
Originally posted by CapNColostomy Yes, people are only kidnapped and beheaded because Islam is manipulated.:rolleyes: Oh look! Another I hate only Christian based faith in the senate! How novel! To make this a real senate thread though, we need som...  [Read More]
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