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Posted in: Wow... I had no idea
07-02-2001, 6:52 PM
LOL, yeah, those were the days. Me (I went by jedihorn1 for a while back then) and Kanigget are still really good friends. We have our own forum now. Come to think of it, a kid asked yesterday if there was a way to do the game Mauls moves with the pl...  [Read More]
Posted in: how does you guys do it?
07-01-2001, 2:31 AM
The people here are just multi-talented. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Worst Star Wars game of all time
06-29-2001, 5:06 PM
I say ForceComm just because io couldnt play it. With my luck, I bought it and then found out that the one graphics card that it says will not work is the one I have. Rebellion would be next. It was just plain long and boring. Too many windows. TPM...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle Katarn DF,JK,MotS,JKO
06-27-2001, 1:54 AM
i think you pretty much summed it up right there. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do ya Think Anakin becomes...
06-26-2001, 7:03 PM
Thats basically what the Official Site has if you read the bio on Vader....  [Read More]
Posted in: How do ya Think Anakin becomes...
06-26-2001, 7:34 AM
Well, no need now. Rhett covered everything I was going to say. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do ya Think Anakin becomes...
06-26-2001, 6:49 AM
I have a few ideas, but some may be considered spoilers, so I would rather not post them for those of us here who want to stay spoiler free. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: ima star wars bout you??
06-27-2001, 2:04 AM
Well, i was raised on Star Wars. My parents saw ANH on their first date. My first movie in a theatre was ROTJ. We have always owned the trilogy, on both pan-n-scan and laserdisk. I read Heir to the Empire when it first came out, and have been followi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Someone please Update me!
06-23-2001, 4:35 PM
Yeah, the same happened to me. You have to hit 200 posts to be a Knight now I think. ANyway, not too much has happened. You can check out the screen shots at LA. go to ( to get the link to the video of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best movies of all time
06-21-2001, 1:20 AM
Star Wars trilogy (duh) Gladiator Braveheart Jurassic Park T2 Gone in 60 Sec. The Shawshank Redemption The Green Mile The Matrix Dune (Sci-Fi Mini Series) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces
06-22-2001, 7:35 AM
I found the Win version of DF yesterday for $10 so I bought it. I forgot how old school the game really was. No mouse look, talk about annoying. I don't mind the graphics as much. I think i need to re-install my joystick to play it, that no mouse loo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Summer Movies
06-19-2001, 7:57 PM
The Mummy Returns was pretty good if you liked the first one. Tomb Raider just looks like it will be another cheesy "Game becomes a movie" like Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Etc. Final Fantasy looks great. JP3 will be worth checking...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
07-22-2001, 4:58 PM
Sure, Trek has telepaths, but not many serve on starships, and even then, do you really think they are more powerfull than Jedi? Forget Jedi, get a few Dark Jedi/Sith together and they can take out a whole starship just using the force and cutting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
07-22-2001, 7:28 AM
My 2 cents: TIEs could swarm a starship, because the lasers would have to lock on to each individual ship. How do you know blasters fire "lasers"? Where has that been said? They use tibanna gas to produce the blaster shot, and for all we k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
07-06-2001, 3:19 AM
I'll refer you to the topic title "Star Trek Vs. STAR WARS". Notice the Star Wars in the title. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
06-11-2001, 7:52 PM
I dont know what to think of Enterprise. #1. YOu know its going to look updated, but then again, since when did Star Trek care about continuity? #2. From the sound of it, it sounds like a combo of the original series and Voyager. Heck, the captain so...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
06-09-2001, 5:18 PM
Last I heard, it was due out in the fall....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
06-08-2001, 7:01 AM
Um...Roddenberry wrote novels? Anyways, Trek doesnt compare to Star Wars. Yes I like Star Trek, but it doesnt even come close to the grandure that is Star Wars! Lets look, shall we? Trek: soon to be ten movies-four of which don't suck. Wars: soon to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ya know
06-03-2001, 3:55 AM
Yeah, I remember when JPB first came out and people used to do that on the JPB forums. I'm sure after the newness of JKO dies down, people will return....  [Read More]
Posted in: Esp II
06-03-2001, 4:08 AM
If they were to put out a trailer, it would probably be with Planet of the Apes. If not, it probably won't be out till Aug. Thats when they did TPM....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dash Rendar
07-09-2001, 4:57 AM
I think the comic series also has him flying away, as mentioned above....  [Read More]
Posted in: Starwars Insider !!!!
07-05-2001, 6:39 AM
i work at a book store. The last one had Obi on the front. That was last months issue. The new one should be out soon. I can;t wait for the next issue of Star Wars infinities. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galaxies vs. Jedi of Old Rebublic
07-04-2001, 11:29 PM
You're right *slaps forehead* ANyway, yeah GALAXIES is going to be like everquest. Personally, I would like KOTOR better. I'm not into the whole paying to play online thing. It looks cool, but thats too much of a time and money investment for me....  [Read More]
Posted in: Galaxies vs. Jedi of Old Rebublic
07-03-2001, 5:09 AM
Galaxies is going to be a RTS, like Age of Empires 2, StarCraft, or Red Alert 2, to name a few examples. Knights of the OR will be a RPG, like Baulders Gate. I think both will be good....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why do we hate Jar Jar
07-03-2001, 5:04 AM
1. His voice 2. He was in the movie way too much. He would have been fine if they had left them on Naboo. 3. While comic relief in the SW movies is a good thing (C3PO and R2) JarJar was too overpowering to the point of being stupid and downplaying t...  [Read More]
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