Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Bounty Hunter Missions mod ideas
11-24-2004, 1:23 PM
edit : never mind they already stated it in their initial commnet I have an Idea for how to acess the bounties. Maybe you could place a terminal in the Ebon Hawk and have the current bounties displayed on it. It would be like connecting to the &quo...  [Read More]
Those screen shots look fantastic! Excellent job! :trooper::trooper::trooper:...  [Read More]
Posted in: svцsh's work in progress
11-20-2004, 6:44 AM
Maybe you could use the short sabres and modify them to use for a Yoda sized sabre. Like the ones you get from killing those Sith Assasins on Tatooine. Just a thought .... :)...  [Read More]
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