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Page: 14 of 40
Posted in: Rewards.
12-16-2005, 2:45 PM
All awards do not stack. Damage increase (red) about doubles the damage you deal to others. Damage reduction (greenish) about halfs the damage you recieve. Renegeration (blue) regenerates your health. Award Energy Regen regenerates your stamina (at a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stability issiues
12-16-2005, 2:36 PM
What I mean by reinstalling DirectX is upgrading to the newest version 9.0c. You have never fully played a level correct? Try an online game, or if your connection is too slow, try a random map. How much do you know about computers? Do you know ho...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stability issiues
12-16-2005, 1:05 AM
It should be Windows 2000 compability mode. Did you try reinstalling the game? Double check the troublingshooting guide and make sure your graphics card is supported. You said you reinstalled the video drivers, did that include DirectX?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guide to Stalking Awards, Improved
12-15-2005, 2:26 PM
Beam Rifle: Level: Kamino Get to a location away from enemy fire, but where you can still see a few enemy turrets. It is best if there a lot of enemy AI near the turret. The AI will always get into an empty turret once their buddy is killed. Easy hea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Space battle speciallist clan
12-14-2005, 9:11 AM
There is a section for clan topics. The General Disscusion is not it. Anyway, I'm already in a clan. Good luck in making your clan....  [Read More]
Posted in: ctf polis.. asteroid place....
12-14-2005, 9:14 AM
or just wait for the tank to respawn... Its not good to wait when you are attempting to rush someone or something. But yea you can always take a tank....  [Read More]
Posted in: ctf polis.. asteroid place....
12-14-2005, 5:38 AM
It is a lot easier if you get a clone commander to give you the defense award. You can make it across with a lot less health packs. Heros can also make it across. It is possible to hich-hike an invasion force across as well. Someone gets inside a ve...  [Read More]
Posted in: Map change problems
12-16-2005, 1:00 AM
I've had my server crash, but I've never had to reinstall the software to get it working again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Map change problems
12-13-2005, 2:44 AM
Yes,  [Read More]
Posted in: PC online
12-13-2005, 7:37 AM
hey, im gettin a new wireless setup for my home, so huge servers wont be a problem for me...Somehow, I don't think so....  [Read More]
Posted in: best weapon
12-16-2005, 2:47 PM
You can also place a mine so that it and it's glow is hidden by a CP. No one seems to like the blaster pistol. Once you get the pistol award, it is very powerful....  [Read More]
Posted in: best weapon
12-12-2005, 10:44 PM
sniper's auto-turret...  [Read More]
Posted in: how?, please repliy
12-13-2005, 5:14 AM
Where are you having trouble?...  [Read More]
Posted in: jumpy game
12-12-2005, 1:04 PM
Is it jumping around on multiplayer or single player or both? What is your processor?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawn shortcut key?
12-11-2005, 6:52 PM
You always have to wait for the 15 second respawn window. Selecting your unit faster will normally mean waiting longer to respawn....  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawn shortcut key?
12-11-2005, 5:42 PM
I know using the numbers select different units, but I don't know of a fast way to hitting the spawn button yet....  [Read More]
Posted in: How the Clone Wars SHOULD have been done...
12-13-2005, 8:58 AM
...Another thing is that it's going to be REALLY difficult to work out what class someone is if their skins keep changing... That is why each weapon needs its own unique model. Its not hard to figure out who is who by the weapon a unit has, assuming...  [Read More]
Posted in: How the Clone Wars SHOULD have been done...
12-13-2005, 7:32 AM
Well TURN FF OFF people...With FF off, too many people run by enemy units and drop a mine or blast them in the face with a rocket, then go on and do it again. I just hate that. If the kickbacks from friendly explosions were put back in, I wouldn't ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chaingun...max. kills
12-14-2005, 9:07 AM
...Bright orange suits? please...Thats how they were in the movies. Yea, I guess I'm wrong about the droideka having a chaingun type weapon....  [Read More]
Posted in: Chaingun...max. kills
12-13-2005, 6:17 PM
Oh, I didn't think of the turrets, fighters, and other vehicles with such weapons. The two ground units with chaingun type weapons (means units who fire at high rates of fire ) are the Rebublic's Clone Commander and the CIS' Droideka. You could say t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chaingun...max. kills
12-13-2005, 6:01 PM
I don't see loads of chainguns. Only two units have them....  [Read More]
Posted in: No Done Button
12-13-2005, 2:55 PM
Never heard that before. Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: No more reloading graphics
12-12-2005, 12:19 AM
Still having the problem. Any ideas?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Online Leaderboard
12-14-2005, 5:44 AM
Once a month is not fast enough for such a game. Did you find youreslf with the "me" button or did you look through the whole list?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Game Won't Launch
12-14-2005, 5:35 AM
Look through this: and this:  [Read More]
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