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Posted in: My main gripe about SWBattlefront...
10-02-2004, 6:40 PM
Ummm - yeah... I've said it before - this game will never be competition worthy without a significant increase in the lethality of all the Infy weapons....  [Read More]
Posted in: Making it PC friendly
09-28-2004, 12:20 PM
It's not just the rebel sniper rifle - the imperial version doesn't always get the job done either. I quit playing the other day when I blasted a wookie from about 20 ft in the face with my sniper rifle and he didn't even flinch (instead he killed m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weak Weapons
09-23-2004, 8:50 AM
Right on Vandal! FPS games should reward those who play smart, using cover, teamwork, communication, and well aimed shots at unwary targets. Instead the trend seems to be toward noobification so when mommy and daddy buy their 8 yr old the latest gam...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weak Weapons
09-23-2004, 6:09 AM
I knew it! Some chode would frickin tell me to "aim better". :p Whatever bootlicker - it still takes 2 to the head to drop someone which is still WEAK! :rolleyes: Have you played Raven Shield? One shot in the chest from most weapons wil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weak Weapons
09-22-2004, 5:02 PM
I was so psyched for this game, then it comes out and I find that you have to blast away for half an hour to kill someone with the basic blaster. When are game developers gonna stop making FPS for 5 year olds and start giving the weapons some real s...  [Read More]
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