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Posted in: which side be wimpy one no one plays?
08-02-2001, 2:56 AM
I voted Rebels cuz no matter how much we accept that stormtroopers suck at aiming and killing,we still overlook the first scenes in ANH where those 'horrible crappy lame' stormtroopers utterly destroyed a group of rebel troopers with only 3 or 4 loss...  [Read More]
Posted in: will there be critters?
08-06-2001, 12:40 AM
The Jawa thing wouldn't be fair,especially for the Trade Federation(all droids). On a Tatooine map tile,people would just keep luring unsuspecting Trade Federation players into Jawa herds so they'd be destroyed and leave their base open for attack.St...  [Read More]
Posted in: Interestind tidbit on faamba generators...
08-02-2001, 2:43 AM
Weird either the shield in the screenshot just got started or there is no visible shield,just at the top and by the way didn't the faamba shield generators in the movie consist or 2 faambas-1 that holds the shield energy shooter thingy and other that...  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicles...
08-02-2001, 3:17 AM
They do carryover those rebel vehicles. Look at the screenshots and you see the tank used by the rebs and the transports and stuff have the same narrow sleek design and the same shaped and styled 'winshields'. I wouldn't be surprised if they used the...  [Read More]
I'm gonna be the Trade Federation cuz they look cool,they almost blew the gungans away in the Theed plains battle and they're gonna be so friggin' cool. Atfer that I'll be the Gungans cuz their buildings and stuff will be organic and I wanna see an o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Diplomacy in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
08-02-2001, 2:16 AM
I've figured 2 of the resources,maybe 3. By common sense you realize there has to be wood for the wookies' buildings and if you look at screenshot 9 on the Battlegrounds official websote,you'll see in small white text at the bottom that refers to har...  [Read More]
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