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Darth Bashkar

Latest Activity

Posted in: Error multiple people I know have..
 Darth Bashkar
02-12-2005, 9:16 PM
Reloading a previous save does no good. Currently i'm replaying a character up to this point to see if the character itself is doomed.. Specs are as follows: Pent. 4 2.4 GHZ 1 GB of Ram Radeon 9800 Pro Creative SB Live! Series In a perfect world m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error multiple people I know have..
 Darth Bashkar
02-12-2005, 3:26 PM
I've gone from the 5.2 drivers, to the 4.11 driver, to the 5.2 again. Has not changed anything, at all. I uninstalled/reinstalled. I even used CHKDSK to verify bad files and fix various things, and yet it hasn't done anything. Again, I ask for the a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error multiple people I know have..
 Darth Bashkar
02-12-2005, 10:18 AM
Maybe I don't see it put I don't see a program that 'cleans the cache' or is labeled in such a way. The only one is under Internet, the Internet Cache Cleanup.. Regardless, I installed and ran the entire PC cleanup option, and then ran KOTOR, loaded...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error multiple people I know have..
 Darth Bashkar
02-12-2005, 8:26 AM
The game goes, after loading in a certain location, to a black screen with just a cursor. I can hear the music/ambience and if I do the little sword taunt move you can hear it. Not only this, but if I save and look at the save screenshot it shows wer...  [Read More]
Two mods I downloaded came with textures, so I decided to edit them, mess around, etc. It was the light exoskeleton suit and Bastilas' slave outfit. The result was pretty nice on both, I might even upload them on PCgamemods. Now, thats all I have o...  [Read More]
I made a new item based on the generic clothing, renamed it, made it upgradeable, but it has the basic clothing model and texture. How do I apply a model and texture to it? Also, all I have is the texture, so how would I go about extracting the mode...  [Read More]
And, if so, is it possible we might be able to port over KOTOR2 battle movements to KOTOR 1? That would be nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: In the Holowan Plugin mod..
 Darth Bashkar
08-10-2004, 7:05 AM
It's great, I love it, but.. One modification it makes, Blonde Bastila (ick) is getting rather annoying. The color doesn't seem to fit. How do I go about removing it? It wasn't an optional install.....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Skin: Armure Noire v1.0
 Darth Bashkar
12-06-2004, 4:16 PM
Has anyone rehosted this, and if not, can you please send it to me at (  [Read More]
Posted in: Has their been any attempt..
 Darth Bashkar
02-09-2004, 7:50 PM
At making Malak playable, or just his robes, or, pushing it, his mask? IMO, to be a truly good Dark Jedi you gotta have the attire.. Also, has their been any edit so the masks in this game are closer to the face? Most look like their hovering off t...  [Read More]