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Page: 51 of 89
Posted in: favorite movie of all time
04-27-2007, 10:41 AM
Ghost in the Shell. Then again, I'm sceptical to American movies anyways. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galaxies II in the works?
04-25-2007, 10:41 PM
Actually, I wouldn't mind if there was no singleplayer for KotOR III (and that the multiplayer did not actively change the story). A duology and a loosely connected MMO doesn't sound like a bad franchising idea....  [Read More]
Posted in: What is your favorite Star Wars game?
04-25-2007, 9:01 AM
I would have voted Jedi Knight if they had came up with something better than Jedi Academy. I'll go with Knights of the Old Republic then. I find the majority somewhat unusual....  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Looking Game
04-29-2007, 11:23 AM
Eventually I'd like to get Oblivion now that my PC can run it and when I get a 360 I'll get GoW. They are porting GoW to the PC. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Looking Game
04-29-2007, 5:21 AM
Hmm... A lot of games starting to look good recently... I'd wager that my Half-Life 2 looks and plays decently on my system. It works with all the settings cranked up to highest except anti-aliasing and only goes slow at the start of each level, othe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Overrated Bands?
04-11-2007, 4:29 AM
What I don't understand is why people claim that x band is overrated, but don't explain why. I believe the answer would be, that people have a notion that a certain band is making more publicity or being more popular than it deserves, in the individ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Overrated Bands?
04-10-2007, 11:09 AM
Oh there are plenty, in my sincere opinion. Some examples being Linkin Park, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Evanescence, Green Day, U2 and so on. In general, any band that tries to fuse two genres, publicize itself too much, be American (no offence, my yanke...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-22-2007, 4:42 AM
I vote People who looks like that dress on the dark. What is that supposed to mean anyways?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-21-2007, 11:40 PM
1.People who scream "LOL!" after someone tells him joke. 2.guys who discuss his favorite sci-fi series with a (hot) girl. 3.Fans of Star Wars, Star Trek and Stars Whatsoever. 5.Fat, glasses and with a pen on the shirt combo. 7.RPG players w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-21-2007, 4:00 AM
3. Porsche Carrera GT 4. Lamboghini Gallardo 5. Lamboghini Mucienlago 7. Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren 9. Aston Martin DB12 Vanquish S 10. Aston Martin DB12 Vanquish Enzo is out. Hate those damn Ferraris....  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-15-2007, 2:48 AM
1. Grim Fandango 2. Monkey Island (any from the series) 3. Loom 4. The Dig 5. Sam and Max Hit The Road 6. The New Sam and Max Series 7. Indiana Jones Series Never heard of Bone series, so it takes the boot....  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-14-2007, 11:55 AM
Er, people, I don't think CSI and Sabretooth got it okay. If you vote on one, this will be eliminated. So, you should vote in your least favorite franchise.[/b] On the contrary, I got it right. I thought this game was to find out the most hated fran...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
04-07-2007, 4:12 AM
I'll take Final Fantasy, it's really popular....  [Read More]
Posted in: Rate the Sig and Avatar above you
03-26-2007, 7:52 AM
^ Avvy: 6/10 IMO, it's not very professional, but is rather mysterious anyways. ^ Sigy: 7/10 Unique, but the RC doesn't seem to stand out. @RC: I used the glow to give it a sort of metallic look - you probably won't get it till you look at an after/...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rate the Sig and Avatar above you
03-26-2007, 1:40 AM
Well, you don't rate things there... maybe we can instate a new rule in the previous thread bout rating? Or perhaps we can continue as we are... I mean post counts don't matter anymore, so I doubt if anything is wrong....  [Read More]
Posted in: Zork online
03-13-2007, 4:11 AM
I once played Zork. Jumping upstairs in the house is fun. :D But once it got to the maze-like part, it turned me off. I can't be bothered with visualizing gameplay maps, you know. But yeah, Zork is one of the greatest adventure games ever. I know it...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Epic Game
04-10-2007, 11:12 AM
(That be okay by me, I'm leaving charge of rules now) For before him, stood a monster of bread...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Epic Game
03-12-2007, 11:33 AM
Isn't this where the drunkard lay?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Epic Game
03-12-2007, 3:19 AM
He spotted the ever enigmatic Jae (:D)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
03-12-2007, 3:20 AM
What do colours have that I don't?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The RC General Discussion
03-30-2007, 4:50 AM
*Walks in with a scythe* Who alerted the mods?. LOL, ;was fun while it lasted. To be honest, the only reasons why this thread degenerated were: 1. Lack of moddies 2. Lack of trivia on Republic Commando 3. Lack of people viewing RC forums 4. Absolut...  [Read More]
Posted in: The RC General Discussion
03-24-2007, 10:30 AM
@ Davinq: umm..well, the Trivia thread is a common name for this thread so it doesn' noticed. ;) What do you mean? We are discussing important, surreal trivia here. How was I supposed to know monkeys grow from banana trees anyways?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The RC General Discussion
03-23-2007, 3:29 AM
a: Well, we... er... b: Well, not necessarily. "Not every piece of trivia is worth knowing. Not every thread is worth being stuck." - Master Somebody....  [Read More]
Posted in: The RC General Discussion
03-22-2007, 5:36 AM
Knowledge is a sin, which hath descended upon us, from hell itself. We were better off as sheep....  [Read More]
Posted in: The RC General Discussion
03-21-2007, 11:24 AM
I wonder if he was a hermaphrodite....  [Read More]
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