The day I learned to smile
was on the same I learned to dial
The day I learned to Read
was the same I read about theed
the day I learned to piss
was on the same I learned to kiss
the day i learned that a 9979 calamari star cruisar was cabable of turbulance while in hyper space
was the same day i learned the the death star was the most dominant weapon in space
the day I learned that hyper drives weren't real
was the day i learned about the oh so wonderful happy meal
the day i learned to have sex
was the day i started watching lexx
the day i learned about pornagraphy
was on the same day when i learned geography
the day i learned to construct a fully manned battle station with 90 ion canons and 308 quad lazer canons with 80 seeker torpedoes and 4000 armed troops
was the day i learned about the poops....
------why dont you continue-MUST HAVE - the day i learned to--- this really a story here? ^.^
heh heh. You're a Henry David Thoreau in the making. heh heh. That's a good thing.