Originally posted by Eldritch
GtK Rad can also select single brushes from a group / entity.
I know, Eldritch. I was responding to Suicide20 who had already pointed this out about GTK as if it was exclusive to that editor. I was just trying to clarify that that ability is in JK2 Radiant also.
Originally posted by Lil Killa
Jk2 radiant crashes all the time and I like q3map2 and Gtk supports that compialer. plus gtk has more features.
The only thing that makes JK2 Radiant crash for me is certain problems with its patch editor. Q3map2 can compile a map made in JK2 Radiant as well. Just use Q3map2 Toolz to run Q3map2 independently, and it's easier to access all of its options and very easy to understand also.
Originally posted by Shadriss
I just switched from JK2 to GTK, actually, and really, the only reason I did was for the Q3Map2 compiler. Speeds thigns WAY up. THough I have to admit there are a number of texture related funtions I liked better in JK2....
See above. It's not really necessary to switch just for the use of Q3map2.
Originally posted by rgoer
Try this in JK2Radiant (it's been so long since I've used JK2Radiant that I'm not sure if this is the correct bug-inducing procedure, but I remember it went something like this):
1. Create a simple patch mesh.
2. Move it around.
3. Hit ctrl+z "undo."
4. Watch your patch mesh disappear before your eyes, leaving a mess of "evil brushes" in its wake.
This will never happen to you in GtkRadiant.
Give yourself a week to properly learn to use the GtkRadiant 1.3.8 beta (
http://qeradiant.com/?data=files&files_dir=20), and I promise you: you will never touch JK2Radiant again.
I admit the largest problems with JK2 Radiant involve its handling of patch meshes. I have had that problem before. It also has certain options involving caps and such that simply don't work and when selected crash the program.
I do believe that GTK is a more mature editor, it's just that it's difficult for me to stop working on a project long enough to learn a new editor, especially when I am trying to tackle 3DS Max and learn to create pro-quality textures at the same time. I also thought that the fondness of most for GTK was creating several misconceptions about JK2 Radiant.