Hmmm, not big turnup it would seem.
Correct answers are:
Main Question:
What is the name of the ship that caprtured the Tantive IV?
Bonus Question:
What is the name of the suns to the planet Tantive IV was captured above?
The suns are named Tatoo 1 and Tatoo 2.
Points for main question goes to:
Set: 3p
ben: 2p
Noone receives the bonus point.
Extra info point goes to:
ben: 1p
Total score this round:
Set: 3p
ben: 3p
Evad: 0p
Total score overall:
Thew Rydur: 28.5p
Darth_Sidious: 25.7p
JoKen: 23.9p
Setsuko: 21.8p
legameboy: 13.8p
Can-able: 12.6p
benTantilles: 3p
Ewok Hunter: 2.5p
Evad: 2p