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Star Wars Trivia. Version 3.0

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 Deft Aklin
02-06-2003, 10:48 AM
Just a thought, perhaps we should make a new rule. Here is my proposal:

For bonus information, you may only post one sentence, with no more than two facts, per question. This will prevent the 'copy and paste' method which destroys the essence of the added effort. Also, this will allow everyone a chance to get points on it. Also, the bonus point should not be divided amongst everyone, but given to whoever Wraith feels had the most interesting and most pertinent bonus info. Does that make sense?
 Thew Rydur
03-01-2003, 5:38 PM
Pokes thread with stick.

Yep, I think we got a dead one here.

;) :D

But seriously Wraith is the game over?
 Wraith 8
03-02-2003, 3:55 PM
Originally posted by Thew Rydur
Pokes thread with stick.

Yep, I think we got a dead one here.

;) :D

But seriously Wraith is the game over? nah.. i just came up empty and totally lazy :p.. ill restart it again!
03-20-2003, 5:19 PM
ill join this round:)
 Wraith 8
03-22-2003, 4:53 PM
Sienar Design Systems

Bonus answer:
Blue, Green, Red and Purple

Bonus question points go to:
JoKen, Jan gaarni and Thew Rydur

Bonus for extra info:
Can-able 0.3, Jan gaarni 0.3, Darth_Sidious 0.1, Joken 0.3

The total points are given to:
Can-able 3.3 points
Darth_Sidious 2.1 points
Jan Gaarni 2.3 points
Joken 2.3 points
Thew Rydur 2 points

Score so far:
1. Jan Gaarni 27.9
2. Thew Rydur 25.6
3. Joken 23.7
4. Darth_Sidious 21.7
5. Can-able 3.3
6. Ewok Hunter 2.5
 Wraith 8
03-22-2003, 4:56 PM
What was the name of the captain of Tantive IV?
The ship where Leia got caught on by Darth Vader.

Bonus question:
What was the name of Lando Calrissians ship in most of the EU?

Remember to donate your 5 credits to the account name of:
Mister E
 Wraith 8
03-22-2003, 4:58 PM
to you lucky winners out there.
if you join in this game.. you will sure to win big credits.
cause of a bonus .. ill be dontaing ALL my credits at the end of this game on the Mister E account and that will be devided over the players.. ofcourse the winners of the game get more credits then others.

so my acount credits will go on top of the credits in the mister E acount.
03-22-2003, 5:08 PM
Why off ourse, it must be Captain Colton Antilles you mean? (he is not related in any way with a certain Wedge).
03-23-2003, 12:11 AM
1. no clue
Bonus. Lady Luck
 Deft Aklin
03-24-2003, 2:10 PM
1) Captain Antilles

Bonus info: The Tantive VI was a consulars vessel and protected by diplomatic immunity when Vader attacked it.

2) Lady Luck

Bonus info: The ship was known as "Orthellin Royal Mistress" prior to it coming into Lando's possession.
 Thew Rydur
03-25-2003, 5:47 PM
Captain Antilles

Extra Info: It was a Corellian Corvette(CR-90 maybe? don't hold me to that I'm not up on my ships) used by the Organa family.

Lady Luck
03-25-2003, 7:06 PM
how complicated do we have to make our answers? can we just so the answer or do we have to add stuff
03-25-2003, 7:17 PM
Originally posted by legameboy
how complicated do we have to make our answers? can we just so the answer or do we have to add stuff

Well, read the question, then answer, and if your answer answers the question, it is correct. Get it? ;)

But sure, elaborating on the subject and thereby showing your insane memory of SW trivia is what these contests are all about! The sky's the limit!
 Jan Gaarni
03-26-2003, 11:57 AM
You'll recieve points for just answering the question. There is nothing that says that you have to elaborate on it. :)
However, comming with usefull extra info on the answer, or maybe even a little known fact, can give you the extra point that you may need to stay in the lead. ;)

Just keep it in the same post.

Like this:

Question 13: Captain Colton Antilles.

Extra: Antilles was working for the Organa family. His EU name seems to have been Raymus Antilles, however the novelization says his first name is Colton. Perhaps Raymus is a middle name?
Antilles was portrayed by David Ackroyd for the Star Wars Radio Drama on National Public Radio.

Bonus Question: Lady Luck.

Extra: It's a modified SoroSuub PLY 3000 pleasure yacht.
He accuired it from an Orthellin royal mistress, just around the same time he was setting up Nomad City, a mining operation on the sun-scorched world of Nkllon in the Athega system.
 Deft Aklin
03-27-2003, 4:20 PM
Here are the rules for those that are new, though I think we should perhaps offer an incentive to the new players to get them in on the game without a hopeless defecit. Perhpas a ten point bonus, or double points for their first ten questions. Something like that, just a suggestion. Here is a rules recap link:
 Jan Gaarni
03-27-2003, 5:15 PM
Ok, so, no more people has given their answer, so here are the correct answers:

Main Question:
What was the name of the captain of Tantive IV?
Captain Colton Antilles

Bonus Question:
What was the name of Lando Calrissians ship in most of the EU?
Lady Luck

Bonus Question Points goes to legameboy (you'll get 0.3p for the bonus question since you are new to this, but you did answer it too early ;) ), Darth_Sidious (0.3p because I gave some to legameboy, but you answered it too early too :p ),and Thew (0.4p).

Extra Info points goes to Thew (0.3p), Darth_Sidious (sorry, you only get 0.3p cause only your first extra info is correct) and Set (0.4p for being first).

The score for this round is:
Setsuko: 3.3p
Darth_Sidious: 2.6p
Thew Rydur: 1.7p
legameboy: 0.3p

Score so far:
Thew Rydur: 27.3p
Darth_Sidious: 24.3p
JoKen: 23.9p
Can-able: 12.6p
Setsuko: 12.6p
legameboy: 9.6p
Ewok Hunter: 2.5p

Thew still in the lead, and D_S is now the one closing in on him, barely changing place with JoKen by 0.4 points. :)

Ok, so why am I doing this and not Wraith?
Well, basically, I've pulled out of the contest for 2 reasons:
1. I'm in the lead .... again. :D
2. I want to try and help out Wraith with the questions for a change. :)

Oh, and my points (9.3p to each) have been divided between the 3 new contestants: Can-able, legameboy, and Setsuko. :)
Make me proud. :)
 Jan Gaarni
03-27-2003, 5:22 PM
Main Question:
What is the "nickname" of Corran Horns' Astromech unit?

Bonus Question:
Which planet is Corran Horn from?

Remember to donate 5 credits to the account name of:
Mister E!

And ... GO!!! :D
03-27-2003, 5:54 PM
The droids name is Whistler. Since Corran was in CorSec, I think Correllia is his home planet, but I am not sure.
03-27-2003, 6:22 PM
Because Gaarni asked for it:

Yes, it is Corellia. There. I even edited it as you asked. Happy now? :D
03-27-2003, 10:49 PM
1. Correlia
Bonus Info: Corrilia is the home planet of Han Solo and Wedge Antillies

Bonus. Whistler
Bonus Info: "Whistler" was a modified protocol droid.
 Deft Aklin
03-28-2003, 8:46 AM
1) Whistler
Bonus info: Whistler was an R2-D2 model droid, the same as...well....R2-D2.

2) Corellia
Bonus info: As a Jedi, Corran was never able to move objects using the force, strangely enough, neither could his father.

Just for future reference, I thought the second question was for third and beyond to answer. Yet in your last post Jan, you said I answered too early. I'm not worried about points or anything. In fact I will be skipping a couple questions to give these other guys a chance. I would just like to know for future answers.
 Jan Gaarni
03-28-2003, 12:58 PM
Hmmm, I see there are still some confusion about who can answer the bonus question. :) (not including you, D_S ;) )

I'll explain it later, when I give the answer and points.

D_S, to put it simple: Technically, you answered 3rd. But because legameboy didn't really give an answer, and him answering the bonus point doesn't count, I concidered you as #2. :)

Yeah, ok, I got alittle complicated there. :p
Sorry. :D
 Thew Rydur
03-28-2003, 6:51 PM
Whistler, who had green markings if my memory serves me correctly.

Bonus: Corellia, the temperate Imperial-controlled world, that is home to many famous SW characters including Han Solo,
Dengar, Baron Fel, Wedge Antilles, Gilad Pellaeon, and Booster Terrik.

Oh come on DS, now your making me feel bad. :p ;)
 Deft Aklin
03-28-2003, 8:45 PM
Originally posted by Thew Rydur
Oh come on DS, now your making me feel bad. :p ;) [/B]

Did you check our lead Thew? I just want to give these guys a chance. What is the point for them to play if they don't have a serious chance? ....and if they don't play, that reduces the pot now doesn't it? So, in all honesty, it's a very self-serving plan actually. ;P
 Thew Rydur
03-28-2003, 11:17 PM
Yeah, yeah I know. I'll sit out the next few with ya. ;) :D
03-31-2003, 7:10 AM
God damn I'm so bad at Star Wars Trivia......
 Wraith 8
03-31-2003, 7:17 AM

everything a learning star wars freak needs to know :p ;)
 Deft Aklin
03-31-2003, 8:55 AM
Originally posted by Wraith 8

everything a learning star wars freak needs to know :p ;)

He's given away our advantage Thew, how can we possibly win now? j/k
 Jan Gaarni
04-05-2003, 3:07 AM
No more answers?

Very well then, lets move on to the next. But first, the correct answers and who recieves points. for them :)

Main Question:
What is the "nickname" of Corran Horns' Astromech unit?

Bonus Question:
Which planet is Corran Horn from?

Bonus Question Points goes to D_S and Thew this time. (0.5p each)

Extra Info Points goes to you all. (0.25p each)

The score for this round is:
Setsuko: 3.2 points
legameboy: 2.2
Darth_Sidious: 1.4
Thew: 1.2

Total score so far:
Thew Rydur: 28.5p
Darth_Sidious: 25.7p
JoKen: 23.9p
Can-able: 12.6p
Setsuko: 15.8p
legameboy: 11.8p
Ewok Hunter: 2.5p

Thew in the lead, with D_S closing in slowly, but surely.
 Jan Gaarni
04-05-2003, 5:16 AM
Well, we are halfway there, people. :)

Before I give out the next question, there are some info on the rules which has not been added to the first post in this thread. If you look for them, you can find them further in to the thread. But I realize not everyone is going to read thru all the posts in this thread just for that, so I will make it easier:

Additional info on the rules are as follows:
Bonus Question can only be answered by the 3rd. person that answers the main question. In the last round that means the Set and legameboy, who answered 1st and 2nd respectfully, cannot answer the Bonus Question. D_S was third so he is allowed. Same with Thew and anyone else who answeres the Main Question after him.
You are not required to do so, but its nice to get a few extra points, isn't it? :)

Another thing:
Don't linger too much with your answer. Its basically a Yes and No situation. :)
Give, or give not. There is no lingering. :yoda:
You're allowed to provide extra info on the Main Question, and Bonus Question if you meet the requirements to answer it (see above), but no "This is the right question ... trust me!" kinda answer. :)
Or: "I think it's this, but I'm not sure."

ok, I've rambled enough I think. On with the next set of questions:

Main Question:
What are the names of the 2 first born children of Leia and Han?

Bonus Question:
Who is Lukes' son named after?

remember to donate your 5 credits to the account:
Mister E
And plz, continue to send the PM to Wraith, as he has control over the credits. :)
 Wraith 8
04-05-2003, 5:41 AM
I had a different bonus Jan.. but this one is ok :D :p.... only its more tough then the main question :p
04-05-2003, 9:59 AM
The twins Jacen and Jaina! :)
 Jan Gaarni
04-05-2003, 12:19 PM
Yes, I know, Wraith, but I simply couldn't remember it. :D
And, really? You think so? :(
 Wraith 8
04-05-2003, 4:21 PM
Originally posted by Jan Gaarni
Yes, I know, Wraith, but I simply couldn't remember it. :D
And, really? You think so? :( yes i do think so./... cause i happen to have read a peace of an NJO book.. but a loty of us hadnt.. and the other trilogy after ROTJ is well known :D

OOOPS!!! i gave away a hint :p
 Jan Gaarni
04-06-2003, 2:44 PM
I haven't read one book of the NJO, but I still know it :)

And my main expertise is the classic era. Don't really care about the other periods ;)
 Deft Aklin
04-07-2003, 8:40 AM
Okay, I donated five, but, in the spirit of the game, I'm not answering so these guys can catch up a little. :D
04-16-2003, 9:57 PM
Main Question: Jacen and Jaina
Bonus Question: Anakin Skywalker

I'm third, right? And how do I donate credits?
 Jan Gaarni
04-17-2003, 4:15 AM
Read This First (

Click the link, then scroll down it, and all your question about the Lucas Forum stores will be answered. :)

Seriously, haven't you read it yet?!?
04-17-2003, 4:20 AM
Where's the next question :D i want to win some point's also this forum is so peacefull and nice i think im going to stick around here :D
 Jan Gaarni
04-17-2003, 4:41 AM
Yes, make sure you don't change that, or I'll change your status. :D

Seriously, just reply to the question that has been posted last, and you'll get some points ... provided it's correct that is. :D
04-25-2003, 1:36 PM
First Question: The twins were named Jacen and Jaina.
Bonus Question: Luke's son's name was Ben, after a certain Mr. Kenobi methinks.

How about it Jan, am I right?
05-22-2003, 7:21 AM
hey...when is a new question gonna be posted?
 Jan Gaarni
05-22-2003, 5:35 PM
Oh, yeah, almost forgot about this one. :)

We'll figure out another question this weekend. Please stay tuned.
 Jan Gaarni
05-25-2003, 7:59 PM
Times up. :D

Ok, correct answers are:

Main Question:
What are the names of the 2 first born children of Leia and Han?
Jaina and Jacen

Bonus Question:
Who is Lukes' son named after?
Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi.

Bonus Question points go to Evad (1p).

Extra Info point goes to none.

The score for this round is:
Setsuko: 3p
legameboy: 2p
Evad: 2p
Darth_Sidious: 0p

Total score so far:
Thew Rydur: 28.5p
Darth_Sidious: 25.7p
JoKen: 23.9p
Can-able: 12.6p
Setsuko: 18.8p
legameboy: 13.8p
Ewok Hunter: 2.5p
Evad: 2p

Thew still in the lead.
 Jan Gaarni
05-25-2003, 8:16 PM
Main Question:
What is the name of the ship that caprtured the Tantive IV?

Bonus Question:
What is the name of the suns to the planet Tantive IV was captured above?

remember to donate your 5 credits to the account:
Mister E
And plz, continue to send the PM to Wraith 8, as he has control over the credits. :)
05-25-2003, 8:59 PM
The Tantive IV was captured by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Devastator.
05-26-2003, 8:16 AM

ahhh....i seem to be having trouble donating creds to Mister E. can any1 tell me how, exactly, am i supposed to do so? and is there a list of instructions i can refer to when i face similar technical problems in the future?
 Jan Gaarni
05-26-2003, 1:26 PM
Well, everything is very well eplained I think, so it shuoldn't be too hard. :)

Anyway, what you need to do is, go out to the main page, , then look for the Store button on the far left side right above the list of forums.
Hit that.

Then you find the Donate Credits option and press the button.

Next, type in the name of the one you want to give the credts to.
!NOTE! It is case sensitive, so use a large M and a large E. The rest should be small letters.
Hit the Search button below.

Then on the next page, enter the amount you wish to donate, in this case 5 Cr, then hit Verify.

Next page is an overview of the transaction, like how much you donate, how much you have before and after, how much Mister E has on his account, and who it is.
The amount and who you are sending to is the most important thing you check if is right.
If right, hit Ok, Donate To Mister E button and you have donated. :)
05-27-2003, 10:58 AM
rite...missed out the store icon at the main page. thanx, jan. :p


the Devastator is the name of the Imperator-class Mark I Star Destroyer which captured the Tantive IV.
extra bit of info- while the devastator was under vader's control at the time of the tantive's capture, it wasn't always so. the Devastator was previously under the command of one Lord Tion, an imperial whose many accomplishments include the destruction of the alliance base on raltiir.
05-28-2003, 2:52 PM
Tantive IV a Correlian Corvette captured by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer... that famous scene at the beginning of Episode IV.

Bonus Question: Why Tatooine of course!
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