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Cantina 9-The Last Hope

Page: 12 of 18
03-16-2003, 1:45 AM
*Farran writes a reply*

Message: I'm unlikely to do that unless you try to kill me again. What do you intend to do now?


*A time passes. Kvana patientily waits for the girl to awaken.

Suddenly, the woman's human face spontaneously morphs into that of a vampire's. She stirs and slowly gets to her feet*

Kvana: You're awake. Good. I was afraid I'd drained you too much. I was rather starved.

*The woman looks around at her surroundings as if seeing them for the first time*

Kvana: And now you'll want to eat yourself. Well, we can't just kill in the middle of the public library. Come with us. But try and keep your face hidden.
03-16-2003, 9:18 AM
*Vertmor picks up the books that Kvana had picked out.*

Vertmor: "Let's leave this place."
03-16-2003, 3:52 PM
*Flax frowns.*

Flax: Our security isn't as lax as you might think. Yes, the outer temple is open, however, anything in the top 20 levels is sealed, and there are no access panels.

As to the mirrors, well, that is going to be difficult. We can't just eliminate night, not without causing mass panic.

((OSS: Scar, Ivrine should say something))
03-16-2003, 6:00 PM
*The Valkyrie leaves a brief message before leaving Irvine's quaters.*
What we intend does not concern you, you have fullfilled your bargin and have saved your life for the time being. Remember we are watching.

Coruscant: Jedi Temple

Goll: Do Jedi only use the top 20 levels? If they don't then you need to secure all levels or leave yourself open to attack.

It is your choice, however if you fail to take aggressive measures then these vampires given enough time will overhelm you. Also do not expect any additional manpower from us. We *motioning to her comrades* are it.


*Athena and Odin are sitting in a cafe*

Athena: We need your help. A couple of days ago 4 escaped from Tartarus.

Odin: You really should have contacted us sooner.

Athena: I know. Can you help us?

Odin: Of course we will help you my dear Athena. I'll send six Einherjar, and a Valkyrie. That should be enough.

Athena: Thank you.

Odin: *pulling out a com unit* Sleipnir, send a message to Vidar. Tell him to dispatch six Einherjar and a Valkryie to Elysium. There they will be assigned to hunt down for escapees from Tartarus.

You have that?

Sleipnir: Transmitting now

Odin: Thank you. *turns off the com and puts it back in his pocket*

Mag Mell An Aesirian controlled world near the containment zone

*Gerd and Skadi finally arrive over the world of Mag Mell. Skadi brings the transport to land next to a large house. Lowering the boarding ramp the two exit.*

Skadi: This is our home

Gerd: Wow. *looking around, she had only lived in that small cell on Utgard.*

Skadi: *smiles* Come on let's get inside.

*The two enter the house. From, they sit down to have lunch.*

Vanaheim On the Valkyrie Transport

Svafa: When we reach Asgard your training will commence in two days.

*The soldier nods still a little dumbfounded for being selected to join the Einherjar. Svafa smiles. The Transport breaks atmosphere and heads into space and towards Asgard*
03-16-2003, 7:13 PM
((As far as i knew Irvine did. And one more thing, how does someone even know that name of someone when there is nearly no history of that person? (as far as i knew not even the Imperial council posted any offical infomation about him)))

*RH Irvine sits down, and patently wiats for sophae to answer his question, before starting to speak again*


*the fused Irvine rages though the skies, and inadvertantly crashes head on to another shuttle. glass cut his arm, but he manages to escape quickly before he is trapped in the shuttle as it falls.*


*Fused Irvine finds the place where the vampiric horde was lovcated til resent.*

Fused Irvine: "They cleaned up in a hurry. We don't sense our former body anymore. Hm!?"

*Fused Irvine relised he had had been minorly wounded on the trip here. mos tof the wound had already been healed up on its own.*

Fused Irvine: *sensing his own blood, he finds NanoMechines* "Oh, the Nanomechines that we'd had for so long. That creature whom ressurected us must had allowed every part and detail of our bodies to return. Interesting..."
03-17-2003, 6:38 AM
((OOS: BD: About PtH, the group is currently running around on Coruscant, as opposed to some higher plane out of this reality. So if you want to come back from that break...just to let you know ;)

[They're going to be on Coruscant for a while, tho, so, erm, no hurry]

Scar: ...What? Irvine's a cyborg? If not, how are nanomachines healing him? Even if that's possible (it may just be the caffeine, but I don't think it is), where did Irvine get that technology? :confused:

edit: for first a name error, then a time omission.))


*Scene change*

*Kvana watches as the new vampire finishes draining the blood from a hapless pedestrian. The vampire finishes her meal and drops the man*

Kvana: You still haven't told me your name. By the by, you can change your face back to its human form now, if you wish.

*The vampire morphs back to human form* Lilan. My name Lilan.

Kvana: I am Kvana. This is Vertmor. Lilan, do you know what you are?

Lilan: I am...dead. But more alive than ever. What am I? I can feel...everything. I can smell the rockworms in the walls. I can see the hawkbats hidden in the shadows on the top of that building.

Kvana: Yes. You are a vampire. The two of us are vampires as well. You were a human, and I killed you, and I made you one of us.

Lilan: I feel strong. I feel powerful.

Kvana: And what, my dear, do you want?

Lilan: *grins and bares her teeth* To kill. I want...blood.

*Kvana smiles*


Outer Regions

*Several days ago*

*A Shadow's ship floats through space. Another, smaller ship is docked with it.

Inside, a group of Shadows in dark red uniforms escorts a group of people inside from the docked ship. Another group of Shadows in the ordinary dark gray suits meets them. One of the gray-suited Shadows, in a slightly different steps forward to speak with the foremost escortee, a tall woman in a business suit.*

Shadow: I am Commander Serjin Baken of the Shadows' Twelfth Delegation. We are honored to receive an Associate such as yourself in our---

Woman: You can stop fawning now, Commander Baken. I know you aren't happy to see me. Of course, you know that among the many reasons I've been sent is the rather dismal reports of your conduct here we've received.

*The Commander tries to hide his discomfort, not answering*

Woman: *continuing* That, coupled with the interesting offer of our friend Sejhan, and a few prophecies that have recently been dropped in our hands... Well, let's just say the Partners thought it wise to start devoting a little more time and energy to this corner of the multiverse. In short, I'm taking control here. I, and the other Associates who will be arriving soon, are going to be running things quite differently from now on.

*The woman takes off her jacket and hands it to the Commander as she walks past him* Oh, could you get that for me? Thanks.

*The Commander doesn't answer. He only stares hatefully at the woman's back as she walks towards the ships's bridge*
03-17-2003, 9:23 AM
((Sorry Scar, missed that.))

Sophae: My name is Sophae Flax. How I know your name is not currently important, let us say that I know someone, who knew someone, who knew of you.



Flax: I said it was difficult. I didn't say it couldn't be done. There will shortly be a greivous malfuction in the mirrors, which will take several weeks to fix.

As to security, there are no entrances below ground level. Jedi use all levals. However, if we closed the temple it would cause riots and Sithmungering.
03-17-2003, 1:42 PM
*Deac reads the pad*

Deac: We should land in the bottom of the crater left from the explosion, then go down into the old complex tunnels.

*The ship lands. Deac steps out into a room with a hole ripped in the roof from an explosion. Equipment litters the area*

I feel

*In the corner lies a broken tube. On the side is printed the words "Subject #2: Deac"*
03-17-2003, 4:35 PM
Flax: I'm afaid that's all I can do for now. I have something else to attend to. If you need a base of operations, offices, somewhere to sleep.... speak to the orderly

*Flax heads back into the Temple.*
03-17-2003, 6:05 PM
((Red: the nano's are ment for healing him (remember we wasn't 100% of the time he can use the force :D), but more history on that will come in sometime later.) Eh, screw it. why not now, a little sample... :D))

*The fused Irvine still looks at his wound, and remembering his past...*

Fused Irvine: "Now in this body it feels so long ago. Longer then it was."

[15 years prior]
((slight flash back))

Ivan: "My parents. Why must they have gotten the damned disease. My sister, and my nephew too. Damnit!"

[end flashback]


RH Irvine: "Very well then. I come here with two objectives. One to applogise on the behalf of my people, on the actions of Kurtis Tacal, he can be spontanious, especally in no win senarios that the one presented to him at that time." *does a half bow*


Vertmor: "Welcome to a new world and a new way of life."
03-17-2003, 11:27 PM

*Odin and Athena walk to the spaceport. Reaching Sleipnir they pause*

Odin: My men will be here shortly. Now I will take my leave of you.

Athena: Thank you and have a safe journey.

*With a brief Hug. Odin enters Sleipnir. Athena backs away as Sleipnir lifts off*


*THe Valkyrie transport lands in the city of Vingolf. Svafa and the soldier exit the ship.*

Svafa: The other traniess are over their. Join them, and good luck.

*Svafa enters the ship, as the soldier goes to join his comrades. The transport takes off and heads towards Vidi. A short time later they reach the city. The transport deposits Svafa at Vidar's palace. Her footfalls echo in the silent palace.

Svafa knew exactly where to find Vidar, in his study. She enters the room softly, practicing the arts of the Valkyries. She slowly approaches Vidar and wrappes her arms around him. Only to find herself flying through the air and landing flat on her back on his desk.*

Vidar: *smiling* Hello sister.

Svafa: *laughing* I guess I shouldn't have done that.

*Svafa gets off the desk*

Vidar: Come let us get something to drink. It has been a long time since we have truely talked. *looking at his sister* I see it was time to pick more einherjar.

Svafa:Yes, I just dropped one off at Vingolf.

*The two leave the room and go to the kitchen. The palace was large enough to house many people, however Vidar was usually the sole occupant.

The Two sit down drinking mead*

Svafa: Any news from Father.

Vidar: He just sent a dispatch to me. Six einherjar and a valkyrie are being sent to Elysium to aid them. I had just given the orders when you so rudly interrupted. *smiles*

Svafa: And I'm paying for that interruption *rubbes her back* Mind if I change out of these *lifts her cerimonial robes*

Vidar: Go right ahead. You know where your room is I trust.

*Svafa heads towards her room to change*
Jedi Temple

Goll: *speaking in Aesirian* Come the ship will be our base of operations. We first go to investigate the where the latest feeding has occured. After that we go to the library. There is something we must check in to.

*The Valkyries return to their ship and leave the temple*
Mag Mell

*It is the middle of the night when screaming awakens Skadi. She runs to Gerd room to find shaking with fear and in a cold sweat. Skadi goes to the child and comforts her*
03-18-2003, 12:10 AM
((Umm, Scar, I got what they're for. You still didn't answer what I asked...however I'll let it go for now...but if you have the kind of explanation I think you're going to have I'm going to have to eat you alive :p

Aso: Careful with the history. You do NOT control Irvine's mother, remember?

edit: changed "lack of" to "nonexistent". Sorry, it was bugging me :p ;)))

Unnamed Planet

Rwos: *looks around at the ruins, drawing the first conclusion that came to mind upon seeing the name "Deac" on the broken tube* You...? Is this where you were...made a Jedi? Here? Why did the Trandoshan send us here?

*Rwos senses something in the back of his mind, faint, but there*



*The Shadow's ship flies through the eerie vastness of warpspace.

The woman, now in a black business suit, sits in the ship's lounge with her entourage of dark-red symboled Shadows around her. The Shadows keep their masks and suits on instead of changing to civilian clothes like others on board the ship, making them appear doubly sinister in contrast to the others. A set of holographic datacases piled on top of each other covers the table in the lounge's center. One is in the holoprojector, another Shadow explaining it like a presentation. Several pictures appear, including Rwos, Deac, Odin, Starr, Flax, Ida, Cracken, and a Valkyrie. The pictures keep changing*

Woman: So these are the major players of this dimension.

Shadow: O-only the ones we know to be aware of, shall we say, extradimensional presences in this galaxy.

Woman: Quite a few. Then there are those who don't?

Shadow: Yes. But few true movers and shakers. Most who have connections in this dimension know of it. Mostly because of, ah, the Blade Termand Rwos' poor, or should we say nonexistent, security.

Woman: How interesting. Now, on to incidents. I want to know about everything you have seen, detected or heard of that is remotely of interest. I want the reports by this time tomorrow. Alright? Good.
03-18-2003, 8:52 AM
((1) WH Irvine is a clone, not a cyborg
2) I was controlling WH Irvine's 'adopted parent))
03-18-2003, 1:36 PM
Deac: This was the biggest Imp Research Centre apart from Maw Installation. They did stuff here the emperor didn't know about. I guess they had another portal lab...

*Deac moves toward the door and sees something terrible*

Oh gods...

*Next to the door is a similar tube, broken and covered in dust, marked:

Subject #3: Terisaan...*
03-18-2003, 4:41 PM
*At this point Flax walks in on Ivrine and Sophae.*

Flax: I'm afraid it is I who should apologise, I put him in that situation. I was also the one who left orders for his exicution.

Therefore I present to you his murderer!

*Flax gestures and the Assassin walks in, still with his cowl covering his face.*

Flax: Remove your cloak, my servant. *Flax gives Sophae a knowing look.*

*The Assasssin removes his hood, to reveal............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......


Then the cloak dissolves into the air. Leaving nothing behind.*

Flax: *Mock surprise.* Well if he doesn't exist that must mean...

*gesture to Ivrins.* Follow me my young friend. *Smile, wink, wink.*

((OSS: Ok, who saw THAT coming?
03-18-2003, 6:24 PM
Irvine: "Hmm. Either a Ghost or someone whom likes to play tricks very well. I understand your applogy, still neither the less both parties have some applogises to extend."

*Irvine pauses for a second.*

Irvine: "Kur was one of my best friends."

*Irvine follows Flax, atempting to recover his feelings.*

Irvine: *to flax and sophae* "The second objective to my visit for a possible 'truce' between our factions. Not that admittingly that ours does not have the amount of rescources and manpower like the your republic. But its best believed that even minor truce and lead to a freindship. And for this I act as a sole diplomatic ambassador for my people."


*Fused Irvine surveys the soundings around him. He sees old furances and crop tools.*

Fused Irvine: 'Looks like some type of historical place, showing off what it was like on planets wiht limited techonoly.' *Sees an old scythe.* 'Ah, what do we here.'

*He picks up the scythe, seemly it still is in prefect condition. He stares into it.*

*laying i'll in his bed, looking outside feebley. A child sees long grassy plains. A doctor comes in and checks on him. He gives a look of disappointment.*

*The doctor leaves, and goes to Ivan.*

Doctor: "The Disease is genetic. Although yours and my DNA aren't effected by the disease. Others are, its very rare. I'm sorry, but the are of your mother and father, there is no chance for them to survive. As for the rest of your family, it seems like-wise for them, reguardless of thier age."

*Ivan remains quiet. But he walks into the child's room. He sees the child's beautiful red hair already begun to lose its color in some strains, the typical known stage of the disease. The child continues to look outside, now someone cutting the long grass with a long curved blade attached to the end of an even longer curved staff.*

Fused Irvine: *with blank expression, still staring at the scythe.* "We should have died of that disease..."
03-18-2003, 11:36 PM
((I didn't :D What, did Flax kill Kur?

Wow, doesn't Irvine even care how or why Kur was killed? He just wants to be friends with his murderers? Also I don't see why he thinks the Jedi would want to...ah, never mind. Not. My. Business.

But: Adopted parent? Then how does she has the same genetic disease? Those aren't quite like the flu...*sighs and chalks it up to Scar not knowing how to explain things* :p

(Unless it's just the caffeine that I need, and I don't have.;))))


Rwos: Terisaan... Someone you know? Or...was there another made like you?


Kuat Space

*The amassed Imperial Loyalist fleet flies through space, standing ready. Starr and Tojo stand on the bridge of the flagship Titan to address the enormous fleet*

Starr: Today we will end this. Today we will avenge the deaths of Lord Cracken and his daughter Alys. Today we will crush the Separatists!
03-19-2003, 12:08 AM
Asgard Vingolf.

*Tyr stands at a podium addressing the trainees for the Einherjar.*

Tyr: Tomorrow you will embark upon a journey. It will not be easy. Then again if it was easy to attain then it would be not worth as much. The Valkyries have choosen you to join the ranks of the Einherjar. In six weeks time you will join the ranks of chosen warriors. Until then good luck.

*Tyr steps down. In unison the soldiers turn and board transports. The trainees were anxious to train and prove to themselves that the valkyries were right in selecting them*
Asgard Vidi

*Svafa finished changing and joined Vidar on a balcony. The sun was setting*

Svafa: Did fathers message state why we were sending help?

Vidar: Yes, some Fomorians have escaped Tartarus.

Svafa: And we are just sending such a small group?

Vidar: That is what father wanted. I assume they will only be assiting, and not actually investigating.

Svafa: I hope so. Six would not be a match for a group of Fomorians. Anything thing else?

Vidar: Of course little sister. Goll and six valkryies are investigating Vampires. They'll aid the Jedi for the time being. Out main objective is to test the Jedi. See if they are worthy.

Svafa: Finally you have an adequate test.

Vidar: I hope so. That is what Goll and the others are to find out.
Mag Mell

Gerd: *frightened and crying* They are coming for me. They are going to kill me.

Skadi: *rocking Gerd back and forth* No my child. You are safe. They cannot harm you anymore. Odin has made sure they cannot escape.

*thinking* If they ever did, god help those who would encounter them
Ulna Shardes

*A valkyrie slips into Ravan's room. And sends a message to Farran*

Death and destruction is coming to the seperatist. For keeping your word we tell you this now. We are watching
Coruscant: Scene of the last reported victim of Vampires

*The valkyries examine the scene. Nothing was very evident. Garm and Cerberus were sniffing the area trying to pick up scents of vampires. Under her helmet Goll smiles*
Space, where the CSII exploded

Beowulf: Any other lifesigns?

Officer: No sir. There are none.

Beowulf: Fine. Set course for Asgard, full speed.

*The two cloaked cruisers enter hyperspace heading for Asgard*
03-19-2003, 6:57 AM

1st: I did edit my post, i knew i shoudl ahve shown somemore emotion.

2nd: Your too damned impatient. besides other then a disease, theres no way i should explain why this Irvine has white hair. :P))


Sir'Qui: "Master, Do you think that Irvine can pull off such truce or even a treaty between us and the Republic? Shouldn't there have been sent a properly equiped ambassador?"

Chi: "I'm sure of it. I was counting on Irvine to show our Jedi, isn't eiter Dark nor Sith spawn. In fact it was my suddjestion to the council."

Sir'Qui: "But still, why does it have to be Irvine, Dintov could have taken his place, him being the more diplomatic type."

Chi: "It's becuase of his father that I wanted him to preform the duty."

Sir'Qui: "Irvine hasn't ever seen his father, or at least he doesn't remember him."

Chi: "Still, if his father can go up to the republic and offer a peace treaty, his son shouldn't be held in ther dark, especally when rumors can start if in any case that their family history might get in the way."

Sir'Qui: "Otherwise meaning,... That you want Irvine to be known ,and to show that he's compassionate before people might think he'll take the same path as his father did before Irvine, and his father did before him."

Chi: "Your learning. I should have focased a little more on that thinking when you were a padawan."

Sir'Qui: "What do you expect? You had to train seven of us."

Chi: "But you had more then one teacher. I was more of a direct supervisor."

*Sir'Qui laughs*
03-19-2003, 2:29 PM
Deac: I don't know. But it is very worrying. Nothing can be done now...

*The two of them move on through the darkened corridors, past broken bulkheads, empty containers, through the dark until they reach a chamber. Deac looks over the gantry, then hurries back to Rwos*

Deac: may not want to look down there...

*Below them, surrounding a vast portal, are hundreds of black humanoid forms, stormtroopers a kneeling figure and another man with pure black eyes...

03-19-2003, 11:58 PM

Rwos: *seeing the portal and the unusual army* Well...well. Looks like our Trandoshan friend wasn't kidding.

*Rwos catches sight of the leader* What? That's Lokiphet. But he's dead...


Ulna Shardes

*Farran finds the Valkyries' message on his computer*

Death and destruction?

*Farran begins to write a reply, explaining that he didn't want or need the Valkyries' help, then reconsiders and deletes the message*

Hey. If they want to keep me alive, then why piss them off for their trouble? So long as they aren't trying to kill me...

Guess I'm still an opportunist.
03-20-2003, 10:21 AM
*Flax leads Ivrine down into the depths of the temple, into the bedrock of the planet.*

Flax: Tell me young one, where do you go when you die.

*They walk through a door into a high vaulted chamber. In the centre of the room is a bed, floating above the bed it Kur.*

Flax: Once he thought he was dead his defences went down, we have learned all we need to know about you.

The Jedi Coincil extends an offer for your people to join the Order.

As to your friend, he'll be fine in a few hours, though he'll have the mother of all headaches.
03-20-2003, 10:21 AM
*Flax leads Ivrine down into the depths of the temple, into the bedrock of the planet.*

Flax: Tell me young one, where do you go when you die.

*They walk through a door into a high vaulted chamber. In the centre of the room is a bed, floating above the bed it Kur.*

Flax: Once he thought he was dead his defences went down, we have learned all we need to know about you.

The Jedi Coincil extends an offer for your people to join the Order.

As to your friend, he'll be fine in a few hours, though he'll have the mother of all headaches.
03-20-2003, 10:21 AM
*Flax leads Ivrine down into the depths of the temple, into the bedrock of the planet.*

Flax: Tell me young one, where do you go when you die.

*They walk through a door into a high vaulted chamber. In the centre of the room is a bed, floating above the bed it Kur.*

Flax: Once he thought he was dead his defences went down, we have learned all we need to know about you.

The Jedi Coincil extends an offer for your people to join the Order.

As to your friend, he'll be fine in a few hours, though he'll have the mother of all headaches.
03-20-2003, 10:21 AM
*Flax leads Ivrine down into the depths of the temple, into the bedrock of the planet.*

Flax: Tell me young one, where do you go when you die.

*They walk through a door into a high vaulted chamber. In the centre of the room is a bed, floating above the bed it Kur.*

Flax: Once he thought he was dead his defences went down, we have learned all we need to know about you.

The Jedi Coincil extends an offer for your people to join the Order.

As to your friend, he'll be fine in a few hours, though he'll have the mother of all headaches.
03-20-2003, 4:17 PM
[Egad! Quadrouple posting!]

Deac: Darkstars never die...

*Lokpihet turns his head toward them as the door seals behind them*

Lokpihet: No, we find ways of coming back, don't we, Starkiller? Met Terisaan yet? Maybe you don't remember her...

*Terisaan turns, revealing a once beautiful face...*

Terisaan: It was a nice summer, wasn't it?
03-20-2003, 6:08 PM
03-20-2003, 7:11 PM
Coruscant Jedi Temple

*Irvine is lead into the depths of the Temple.*

Flax: "Tell me young one, where do you go when you die?"

Irvine: "We get absorbed into the force, why?"

*They walk through a door into a high vaulted chamber. In the centre of the room is a bed, floating above the bed it Kur.*

Irvine: "Kurt!"

Flax: "Once he thought he was dead his defences went down, we have learned all we need to know about you."

Irvine: "Yes, I understand." *sighs* "I thought that he was dead too."

Flax: "The Jedi Council extends an offer for your people to join the Order."

Irvine: "The order!? Well, that was unexpected, honestly, my surperiors expected a more of a broader truce or treaty with the republic itself. I shall relay that offer to our own council."

Flax: "As to your friend, he'll be fine in a few hours, though he'll have the mother of all headaches."

*sweat beads form on Irvines forehead.*

Irvine: "Thank you, I apprechate it." 'It seems hot dow here.'


*Fused Irvine remebers about his Nano mechine installment.*

*listening from an other room, slightly muffled. He hears a specialist that had been called for this particular job.*

Ivan: *to Doctor* "I swear if this treatment or the information reguarding the use of this treatment on the kid is released, I'd kill you! He can't be known to anyone!"

Doctor: *startled* "Yes... I'll make sure it has been listed on someone who was a test subject, or someone whom is of lesser importence then the child there..."

((Think of the doctor's personality of the doctor from 'Enterprise'))

Ivan: "Tell me exactly how is this going to be injected?"

Doctor: "Oh heavans, no! It's more intravenous then injecting. We place the child in the device here, and it acts like a bacta tank. But it fulls it up with not only bacta but also the Nanomechines in question."

Ivan: "Okay. The bacta has the nanomechines. which the nanomechines are absorbed along with the batca."

Doctor: "Yes. However these nanos are garenteed for life, as long as the individual keeps a good diet. The nanos can repair just about any part of the childs body that is damaged by the disease. I have to remind you that these aren't garenteed for most every situation."

Ivan: "What do you mean by that?"

Doctor: "Well if there was anyway that the nanomechines were deactivated, which would be a hard way to preform seeing they are not preinstalled with a transmitter or reciever of any sort. But the only way I see that would deactivate the Nanomechines would be some sort of an immense electromagtic charge. But when this occurs that the Nanomechine would deactivate for a peroid of time before they can be operational again."

Ivan: "And which durign that time Irvine can be at risk of being injured?"

Doctor: "Unfortunately yes, in that case I have nothing else I can do. Maybe in a few years I could develop better technology to cure this disease. But this is the best technology I can offer."
03-20-2003, 11:55 PM
((NICE twist, BD. Although I think Admiral saw it coming. ;)))

Unnamed Planet (Gantry)

Rwos: *sword out* I guess that answers my question. *to Deac* I thought the Darkstar was banished to the lower planes...



*Ida appears in a flash of blue light in the building where Deac, the assassin, and the vampire had tangled. She holds another Blade by the arm, this one a woman with black hair and sharp, intense eyes. Unlike Ida and Rwos, this Blade wears only a tiny vestige of the axe-blade shaped mask; two half-blade tatoos around her left eye. Unlike Ida, she held no lightsword, but carried various decorated daggers and other weapons strapped to various parts of her body, including a moon shaped piece on the back of her right wrist. She dressed all in black, with a couple pieces of dark red colored jewelry*

Ida: It was here.

*The woman walks over to where the assassin had laid on the floor. She puts her hand down and rubs the dust on the floor*

Woman: Yes. A vampire definitely died here.

Ida: So I was right.

Woman: The plot thickens, indeed.
03-21-2003, 5:57 AM
((OSS: well, I got to thinking that if Flax had ordered the Death of someone he really shouldn't be able to live with himself.))

*Flax smiles again* You can stay with him, it would be good if he saw a familiar face.


*In a dark a ally a Vampire has just finished feeding.*

Assassin: I forgive you your sins.


Hal: I need a new line. *Throws back hood.*

((OSS: Thus all inconsistancies are removed.))
03-21-2003, 10:50 AM
*The fused Irvine ponders about his disease that he still carries. until...*

[flashback/chain of unexplainable thought: on the habitable moon in the coruscant system]

*A person on a cloak approches.*

???: "Hello My name is Sir'vin."

*A flash, this time the hood off, showing the person whom met up with fused Irvine before his death*

Sir'vin: "Hello, my name is Irvine."

*another flash, true face revealed of Irvine Cracken.*

Irvine: "Hello, My name is Irvine Cracken Palpatine."


*Fused Irvine snarls at that truth, his eyes change to a deep crimson. He knew it was true, someway, somehow, not knowing all the facts, it was true.*


Irvine: "Yes, that would be apprecated."

*Irvine walks over to the bed, then grabs one of the posts and hunches over while taking a gasp of air.*

*Irvine turns to look at Flax with an awe, as his iris' in his eyes lose their pigment. Irvine collapses.*
03-21-2003, 2:14 PM
*Deac's eyes widen*

Deac: died! I saw it!

Terisaan: You screwed up all right, didn't you, Dee? Never thought to check what was at the bottom of the cliff you dropped me down!

Deac: Shut up! *His eyes fill with tears at the memory* You're not the woman I fell in love with.

*Terisaan activates her lightsaber*

Terisaan: No. I'm a sith lady.

*She force leaps up at Deac.*

Deac: I swear...

*Ignites Sabers*
03-22-2003, 1:19 AM
((Yes I did see it coming. My valkyries keep me well informed. *gives Valkyrie a cookie for the information*))


*Garm finally picks up the scent of Vampire. The wolf begins to drag the valkyrie along as he follows the trail. The valkyrie alerts Goll and soon the entire team is following Garm and Cerberus, who picked up the scent shortly after Garm.

After a couple of minutes of tracking they round a corner and stumble upon a Vampire feeding off another victim. Garm and Cerberus pull against their leashes*

Goll: There is one. Release them.

*The two valkyries that were handling Garm and Cerberus release. With a howl the two are off running at the Vampire. The valkyries in turn run after the dogs, caps billowing behind them*
03-22-2003, 3:19 AM
((Disclaimer: Part of this post was written by Admiral via the beauty of Instant Messenger. ;)))

*Rwos holds out his hand. A small sphere of glowing red energy shoots out of it and collides with Terisaan, pushing her off balance*

Rwos: Sith lord or no, attempting vengeance isn't going to solve anything!


*Hal hears a voice behind him*

Kvana: I agree. How about "Help?"

*Behind Hal, Kvana and two young vampires (one the former librarian) emerge from the shadows*

Kvana: Greetings, Jedi. Surprised you can't sense our presences?


*The vampire drops his victim at the sight of the Valkyries and snarls, in vamp-face. He sizes up the oncoming dogs, hisses, and turns to run.

Far above him, perched in the rooftop shadows, the new Blade watches.*

*Garm and Cerberus continue to pursue the Vampire. Barking as they went along. The Valkyries following close behind draw their swords. Reaching the victim two valkyries pause for a second. One decapitates the victims head. They then rejoin the others in the chase*

*The Blade watches with interest*

Vampire hunters. I wonder how much they know of what they're getting into...

*The vampire rounds a corner. When the Valkyries and the dogs round it after him, he is nowhere in sight. The alley is at a dead end, giving no evidence of an escape route.*
03-22-2003, 1:07 PM
*Lokpihet rolls his eyes*

Lokpihet: Think of it...eternal choas overflowing onto all planes. All will fall unto me. The stars will shine dark tonight!

*Lokpihet activates the portal, causing demons to begin to spill through. Deac roars and leaps into the throng*
03-22-2003, 6:07 PM
Hal: Three, oh you flatter me. Now lets see.... New line, new line.....

Ah! I've got it!

Kal, get down here.

*Kal jumps from a roof top, sumersults and lands lightly next to his brother.*

*Both jedi remove their cloaks, revealing not robes, but seemingly antique armor. They both don helmets styled like wolves, their gauntlets are styled to apear like wolves claws.

Hal activates his shield a 75cm diamiter convex wall of energy.*

Both Jedi: I forgive you your sins.

*Start fight.*


*Flax rushes to Ivrine.*

Flax: Get a healer.
03-22-2003, 6:40 PM
*Coruscant, Jedi Temple depths*

*A set of people, one male one female, both with white auras. They are both not seen to the group. Irvine gasps for air, while seemingly everything below his neck is paralised.*

Woman: "The disease has more defiant over teh year inside the clone's body. Not only that it is at least twice the strength."

Man: "Irvine won't live very long."

Woman: "Damn that Spectar, everything he does since the least few hundred years we have to fix."

Man: "It comes with the job. The clone is now becoming more evil, I'll monitor that."

Woman: "I'll stay here."

*Man vanishes.*

Woman: "Aeges, allow me to interfere. It is not the time for this soul's body to die just yet. Allow me to save him!"


*Upper planes*

*Spectar has found himself in an interesting situation. He is surrounded by a large group of individuals also with a white aura surrounding them.*

Spectar: "I should have known that I'd step into this plane. But now I see that the 'Oricles of Light' Are nothing more then the 'heavenly' equivalent of the Spectures" *smiles*

The group: "We banish you from our plane of exsistence, we banish you into the depths of a plane far deeper then your own..."

*Spectar gets thrown down beyond the Spectural Realm.*


*Vertmor watches from above at the Jedi/Vampire fight, waiting for a sign. As he watches, a larger group of vampires awaiting to pounce get into position.*

*Vertmor whispers to Kvana: ((Whispering means its like sending a message throught telephathy, but is much hard to be heard by any other 'races')) Kvana, I have some of my children waiting, jsut incase those Jedi can become rather a hard opponent. I'll call them down if you need them.*
03-22-2003, 10:56 PM
((OOS: Scar, no making RH Irvine a god. *major alarms going off* ;p

How does the Spectar know it isn't RH Irvine's time to die?

Incidentally, it's extremely unlikely that the Spectar could have caused the disease in RH Irvine, so I don't know what you're talking about...))

Planet, Portal

Rwos: *scanning the portal with his mask* Wait. That portal isn't even to another's a gateway to another plane of this reality...

*Rwos jumps off the gantry, spreading his wings. He takes several ax-blade shaped explosives and hurls them at the portal's structure*


Coruscant, Alley

*Kvana whispers a reply* No. I need to teach these childer how to fight. If they are no match for these Jedi, I myself shall protect them.

*normal voice, to Hal* You wish to hide behind technology, do you? *Kvana takes out one of the books he'd stolen from the library and reads a line* Vinculum fulmen eradico.

*A burst of energy spirals outwards from Kvana and crashes into Hal's wall. Chains of lightning play across its surface, rapidly eating away at it. The wall overloads and disappears. The spell disappaites without touching Hal*

Kvana: Now we fight. *to his companions* Attack.

*The two vampires morph into game face and advance on the two Jedi*


Ulna Shardes

*Farran considers what to do. Suddenly his comlink buzzes, announcing an emergency Council meeting*
03-22-2003, 11:09 PM
((Scar we know what wishpering is :rolleyes: Redwing typed part of this post ))

*The Valkyries pause at the dead end. Garm and Cerberus run up to a building stand on their hind legs and begin to bark. Goll assess the situation*

Goll: No way out, and the dogs are trying to jump up that building. This only means that we have a high jumper. Call the ship.

*Goll and three other Valkyries sheath their swords. Goll and two others remove their spears from their back and get ready. The third signals the ship.

The ship quickly arrives. Hovers a few feet off the walkway. 5 Valkyries jump onboard. As soon as their feet touch the deck the ship begins to rise. Goll and the other two Valkyries with spears at the ready stand on in the open hatch.*

*Above them, the vampire is on top of an apartment building. Designed like a very high step pyramid, the next apartment building began on the roof of the one below it. The vampire sees a window and heads over to it. It smashes the window with a rock and leaps into it...

And crashes into an invisible barrier and falls. Surprised, the vampire straightens up and tries to put his hand through the window. His hand is stopped by an invisible barrier, again.

Above him, the Blade smiles. Looks like the spell works even in a dimension without magic. Very interesting.

*The vampire gives up and jumps another level, three stories high. Its fingers catch onto the ledge and it pulls itself up*

*As the ship rises Goll sees the broken glass. *

Goll: He must of entered there. Bring us in

Valkryie: Wait, *she points to the feet of the vampire just as he pulls himself up*

Goll: Take us up quickly and close on the building.

*The ship rises quickly and comes closer to the building. Reaching the same level as the Vampire.*

Goll: The legs

*Goll and the two Valkyries throw their spears aiming that the Vampires legs. They then jump the relatively small gap between the building and the ship. Landing they draw their swords*
03-22-2003, 11:27 PM
*The vampire dodges two spears. The last pierces his leg, causing him to yell in pain. He jumps again, but this time doesn't reach the top, and has to scrabble at a window ledge. He breaks the window and tries once again to climb in. This time, he meets no obstruction.

He rushes through the apartment, slower than before. He pauses to pull the spear out of his leg, hissing in pain, and bursts out the door on the other side, knocking down a Vacant sign as he passes.

The vampire catches sight of a person getting into his speeder, rushes over and pulls him out, throwing him to the side. He grabs the speeder and lifts off*
03-22-2003, 11:50 PM
*The valkyries rush to the window. Two lock arms, creating a platform for Goll to step on. They then assits Goll in reaching the window that the Vampire jumped through.

Seeing some blood Goll smiles.*

Goll: Good we wounded it.

*Goll follows the trail of blood, running as fast as she can. The blood trail gets smaller and smaller as she goes. Reaching the exit she sees the vampire speeding off in the speeder.*

Goll: THe prey is on a speeder heading north. Take it down

Valkyrie *in the ship*: Understood.

*The ship roars by gaining on the Vampire*

Valkyrie: Prey spotted...locking on...firing.

*Red laser bolts lance out from the ships guns heading directly at the vampire and his speeder*
03-23-2003, 12:01 AM
*The vampire looks back at the ship behind him, stunned. The blaster bolts demolish his speeder, forcing it to tumble downwards and plow into a street, people scattering out of the way. The vampire, surprisingly unhurt, leaps out of the crumpled speeder and rushes into a nearby nightclub*
03-23-2003, 12:08 AM
*The ship hovers above the Nightclub as a Valkyrie jumps out. The ship then cloaks and hovers around making sure if the vampire left the building it wouldn't get far.

The valkyrie enters the nightclub. Scared patrons make way for the Valkyrie as she continues the hunt. Examining the night club she sees the swinging of a door. Going on a feeling the Valkyrie walks through the door and into a back room.

There she encounters the vampire*
03-23-2003, 4:49 AM
((Disclaimer: The below written via Instant Messenger with Admiral. Saved space...kinda. ;)))

*The vampire leaps at the Valkyrie, snarling. The valkyrie standing in the middle guard stance (sword is held at an upward angle). Is surprised by the sudden lunge, but keeps her stance. The vampire pushes the sword aside as it leaps, cutting its hand in the process. It knocks the Valkyrie over.

The Valkyrie sweeps the vampire legs out from under him knocking him over. Giving her the chance to stand. She then pulls her dagger out and resumes her stance.

The vampire leaps to his feet and snarls. He begins to circle the Valkyrie, sizing her up, eye on her knife. Suddenly he picks up a box of glass bottles and hurls them at her. The Valkyrie side steps and at the same time does a side cut with her sword.

The vampire dodges the sword, still receiving a cut to his side. It doesn't faze him. The Valkryie follows up with a stab from the dagger to the vampires midsection. The vampire jumps backwards and grabs her knife hand.

The Valkyrie swings her sword at the Vampires arms. The vampire lets go of her knife hand and jumps out of the way of the sword, getting cut yet again, but avoiding losing his arms. The vampire snarls in pain, backing away. It picks up another crate of drinks and hurls them at the Valkyrie, then another, then another.

The valkyrie continues to dodge. This was reminding her of her training. She steadily approaches the vampire, and thrusts at his midsection.

This time the vampire takes the thrust, and grabs both the Valkyrie's arms in a vise-like grip. The sword pierces his stomach, and he roars again through his teeth. The Valkyrie moves the dagger up cutting into the Vampires arm. while giving a forceful kick to the vampire's knee. The vampire yelps again, tripping. It drags the Valkyrie down with him. The sword penatrates deeper into the vampire. The sword sticking through him, the vampire forcefully tries to bite the Valkyrie's neck. The edge of her helmet stops him, cutting his face.

The Valkyrie smiles under her helm. She uses the dagger to cut back and forth across one of his arms, she also turns the sword. The vampire forces her dagger hand away from him, hissing in pain again. He twists her wrist, trying to break it. The valkyrie begins moving the sword destroying more of the vampires interiors. She rotates her other wrist, and moves the dagger into an ice pick hold, once again bringing it to bear againt the vampire.

The vampire viciously head-butts the Valkyrie, knocking her head away, then jumps off her, retreating to a safe distance and clutching his stomach.

The Valkyrie feels nothing, her helmet protecting her. Getting up she approaches the vampire. She doesn't make a sound.

The vampire notices a metal rack next to him. He grabs it and pulls it apart, snapping bolts and leaving glass bottles to smash all over the floor. Now using a long piece of rack as a weapon, he comes at the Valkyrie again, slower this time.

The valkyrie holds her postion. Measuring her opponent.

The vampire sizes up his opponent, looking for weaknesses. In the dark light, with vampire sight, he could still see that her entire body was covered in armor. There was only...

With superhuman speed, the vampire hurls the metal rack bar at the Valkyrie's right eye.

The Valkyrie barely manages to dodge the projectile. It clips the side of the helment cause a scratch. She whips her dagger at the Vampire's neck.

The dagger impales the vampire's neck. He yelps in pain and gasps for air. He reaches up and yanks the dagger out. Blood pours from the wound. The vampire stares at the Valkyrie with intense hatred, trying to speak but spitting blood instead.

The valkyrie moves in fornt of the only exit. and bring her sword ready to decapitate the vampire.

The vampire lifts a bar like a weapon and rushes at the Valkyrie.

The valkyrie parries the bar, and cuts at the vampires head beheading him.

The vampire explodes into dust, clothes and all dissolving. The bar falls to the ground with a clatter.

A voice speaks behind the Valkyrie*

Woman: A newly sired vampire. No more than a few days old. That should have gone quicker.

*The Valkyrie collects her weapons. Ignoring the woman and leaves the back room*

*The woman looks at the bloody weapons* Fencing isn't going to kill a vampire. Unless you're going to chop its head off, metal can get pointless. Are you going to ask me what I'm talking about or just rudely walk away?

*The Valkyrie doesn't speak and joins her comrades who were now waiting outside the nightclub*

Woman: Guess that's a yes. *walks in the opposite direction* Their funeral. *pauses* Damn my conscience... *follows the Valkyrie, exiting the club*

Goll: Do not presume to know what we were doing. *Garm and Cerberus begin to growl as soon as they see the blade* Ah, it seems we have a vampire. How interesting.

Woman: You're hunting vampires. *Garm and Cerberus growl* It doesn't get more obvious. So I guess you'd better take me down, huh?

Goll: A vampire that wants to kill it's own kind. very interesting. Your arrogance at attempting to teach us almost says Blade.

*The woman grins* It does seem rather puzzling, doesn't it? However, the fact that you're wiling to believe I want to help you tells me just how little you really know about vampires.

Goll: On the contrary. This fact tells me that you are not a true vampire. The fact that you presume to know what we are doing tells me you have no idea who we are.

Woman: You are awfully trusting that I am not attempting to make friends with the amateur vampire hunters with the objective of taking them all out before they get any wiser.

Goll: *laughs* Fine have it your way. Unleash the dogs, they look hungry.

*The woman stands and waits for the dogs. The valkyries unleash Garm and Cerberus, they approach the woman like true preditors. Circling her.

The woman looks at the three-headed Cerebrus curiously. She lashes out with her foot and kicks Garm in the head, knocking it several feet away into the nightclub wall. It falls to the ground, stunned*

Woman: *moprhing into vampire game face* Lesson one: Vampires have unnatural strength.

*Garm gets up eyeing his prey and begins to charge. At the same time Cerberus grabs at the woman's coat with two of his heads and her leg with the other one. The woman leaps high into the air above Cerberus, too high for Garm to leap at her. Cerberus locks his jaws around her legs prevanting her from escaping.*

Goll: Do you wish to tell us who you are are shall we just shoot you in the head?

Woman: You only needed to ask, but as I recall you didn't want to. My name is Gilian, or Anelya. Pick one. *looks at Cerberus* If I was a true vampire, as you say, I would have killed your dog by now. However as it stands I'll just ask you to tell it to let go of me.

Goll: If you were a real vampire, you would be dead. Who are your allegiances with?

*Cerberus releases the woman and knocks her off of him*

*the woman lands on her feet like a cat* You are very confident. That can be good at first, but it may eventually get you killed. My allegiances are with myself.

Goll: Care to tell the truth. The last person who lied to me ended up in four separate pieces.

Woman: I'm sure. Perhaps you might tell me why you are taking up vampire hunting? It would also be nice if you know where these vampires came from, because this is definitely a new thing for this planet.

Goll: Answer my question with hoenty and maybe I'll answer yours.

Woman: It's rude to pry. I get to do it because I'm interested in keeping you alive.

Goll: It's rude to lie. Don't answer and you die.

Woman: Or I could just stand here and say "Neener neener neener." That was fun back in kindergarten, when bullies asked for my lunch money and I beat the crap out of them.

*Goll says nothing waiting for an answer*

*The two stare at each other*

Goll: Fine. Target her head and kill her. *to the woman* By refusing to tell the truth, then everything you say is in questin and cannot be trusted. This is your last chance.

Woman: Ah, very well. Then I amend my words to say "I'm not going to tell you."

Goll: Fine, then leave this dimension Blade. If you return without our permission you will be killed.

Woman: What's a Blade?

Goll: You are a terrible liar. For that offense we should begin hunting you down now. I'll have to check but I believe Ida and Termand Rwos are in this dimension. You have just sentenced them to their deaths.

Woman: You're very creative with your threats. But you aren't a very good liar yourself. And you still haven't told me what a "Blade" is.

Goll: Fine. Blades are inept arrogant people who are not allowed to be in this dimension. Except you already knew that. Oh, I'm not lying. If you could actully read people you would know that I'm very serious.

Woman: I can smell your emotions. Beats reading lying facial expressions. *motions to her own face, still morphed in demonic game face* Now. I think that you don't really believe that what you're claiming will come to pass. Nor do I think it matters. If you want to refuse my help, say so. But if you refuse, the first time you run into a "real" master vampire...your funeral.
03-23-2003, 10:10 AM
((OOS: Scar, no making RH Irvine a god. *major alarms going off* ;p

How does the Spectar know it isn't RH Irvine's time to die?

Incidentally, it's extremely unlikely that the Spectar could have caused the disease in RH Irvine, so I don't know what you're talking about...))

((NO I wasnt planning on making RH Irvien a god. Far from it. Jsut to 'save' his life.

No Spectar Has nothing to do with RH Irvine. It was events the led up Fused Irvine really turning evil, if not craynor had anything to do with it ;)

No, WH Irvine had gotten the disease some time during his childhood, and it was a cloning defect that it was able to spread to those who have a genetical weakness to the disease. Hence RH Irvine would have contracted it by simpley being around the Fused version of WH Irvine. (because WH Irvine was never 'cured' but had nanomechines that regenerated his body when ever the disease harmed places in his body. Unfortunately both the nanos and the disease returned when both WH Irvine and Elder Irvine were 'resurrected')))

Vertmor: *whispering back, while the small horde of vampire retreat* "Very well then. *deeper tone* I'll just remain here and watch."
03-23-2003, 1:09 PM
Hal: Well, I gues this isn't appropriate either then.

*Deactivates saber*

*Hal draws a 3 foot long sword with a gold inlayed cross guard. The two halves of the guard end in wolves' heads, the pommel is plain but with a dark stone set into the top. The grip is bound with leather. The blade is black like ebony.*

Hal: I don't think any of your magic will work on this.

*Hal Swings at one of the young Vampires, the Vampire jumps back but it's flesh has been burned by the blade.*
03-23-2003, 1:18 PM
*Lokphiet hurls lighting a the explosives*

Lokpihet: What does it matter where I've set up shop!? This plane will fall to me! Me!

*Deac runs toward the portal, sabers out, pushing past demons to get there. Lokpihet suddenly realises what he is thinking of doing.*

Lokpihet: No! Sacrifice is not you option here! I won't let you....

*Deac leaps toward the portal...*
03-23-2003, 2:13 PM
Goll: It will come to pass if you Blades continue to cross into this dimension without our permission. You lying has only served to quicken the time when we will no longer tolerate your presence.

By lying you have shown the Blades to be untrust worthy. Perhaps if you told the truth from the start then things would be different. You failed to do that, and now all your actions are tainted with that fact. You have given us no reason to trust you and every reason to distrust you. So why should we accept your help?

The fact that you believe you can teach us, or even know what we where doing shows your arrogance. That arrogance will be your downfall.
03-23-2003, 10:15 PM
*Council chamber*

Ivan: "We have just recieved reports of a massive Loyalist build up miltiary arsenal. We should alert our foces to defend our territory.*

Marcus: "Natually we should. But we still need some sort of a defence incase the Republic desides to attack backing up the Loyalists."
03-23-2003, 10:24 PM
Coruscant Alley

Kvana: You perhaps do not understand my magic.

*Second vampire* His sword burns!

Kvana: Never touch a Jedi's weapon! *narrows his eyes at Hal's weapon* It is a cross. It will burn your flesh. *to Hal* This magic is neutral. It can touch anything the wielder wills it to. Also I can see you have heard of us...


Coruscant Street

Woman: I can see we aren't off to a good start. *morphs back to human face and smiles* Perhaps if we meet another time...

*The woman leaps backwards to the top of the nightclub* Incidentally: Fire, sunlight, beheading, wood through the heart. Silver's worth a try. Never turn your back; they don't need to breathe or make any noise. Strength, speed, agility, all the senses that matter - better than human.

*A red, open hover-glider flies to her side*


Ulna Shardes

*Farran enters the Council meeting to find everyone else rushing to their seats*

Jun Tarl: Our spies have just transmitted this image to us...

*A holoimage appears in the middle of the table, dated several hours ago and labeled Kuat Space. The image is of an immense Imperial Loyalist armada, big enough to make the eyes of even the former admirals sitting round the table goggle*

Tarl: They are en route now, along the Hydian Way. They are coming here.

Beron Ghenn: Our fleet isn't ready for this...

*Another Councilman* We have nothing that can stand against that after the Crimson Star II incident...

*Farran narrows his eyes*
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