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Cantina 9-The Last Hope

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02-26-2003, 6:30 PM
((deac, red: actually I was having Spectar wanting to use the portal. but for some circumstance (which i didnt think my characters caused (wink wink)) He found his way to side steping his whole thing, and saying 'piss on it, at least this is something' (:rolleyes: ). As for Vertmor, he's on his own for now, til Spectar wants to actually do soemthing more with...))
02-27-2003, 4:21 AM
((*kicks R15* Not with the musicness ;) :p :D

Scar: Deac and Rwos are groping in the dark for answers, even if they're not the right ones. You on the other hand, I have no idea what you're talking about...))

Rwos: The portal to the universe where we left Syrnl...the one that was destroyed? Maybe there was more than one of those portals. Or maybe someone tried their hand at rebuilding it. After all...the Darkstar knew it was there...and we don't know who or what it told before it was put back in its own plane.
02-27-2003, 6:50 AM
((I Swear! I Know this time! :D))
02-27-2003, 9:49 AM
((alright, alright. :p ))
02-27-2003, 3:29 PM
Deac: So should we find the contact first or head straight there? Anyhow, I think we should leave. Do you have a ship available?
02-27-2003, 4:23 PM
*Flax paced his office, today was a dark day.*

Assassin: The blight is deep, we cannot wipe them out.

Flax: Can we contane them?

Assassin: They will oneday break out.

Flax: Then it appears we have a war on our hands.
02-27-2003, 6:51 PM
((You always want war huh BD? :D))

Vertmor: *Practicing with a lightsaber* 'I'm going to have to re-ajust my combat strategy with this device...' *To apprentence* "Ask the leaders of each branch to report on their location where-a-bouts and current brood size,.."

Apprentence: "Yes."
02-27-2003, 10:03 PM
((OOS: A) I'm gonna assume Vertmor attempted to alter a lightsaber and failed, because he already made a point of the spell-casting, and B) Vertmor can't use a lightsaber unless he's a Jedi for reasons I don't feel like listing. Maybe Battledog can.

Also Scar, you didn't even know about this portal (it was introduced in a spinoff), so how would you have been planning for the Spectar to use it? Why would he have wanted to use it anyway? Do you know what the portal is?))

Rwos: We should probably find the contact. I still have my ship, but we have to use my teleporter to get there.


Artemis: Decided what to do yet?

Farran: No.

Artemis: Well there's another Council meeting taking place soon. Debate quickly...

Farran: Actually, I have an idea. *to Kioet* How would you like to act as bodyguard? You'll get a higher salary of course...wait, have we given you a salary yet?
02-28-2003, 1:33 PM
Deac: Then, why don't we get going now. We have a lot of catching up to do. Where have you been since I got put in hospital?
02-28-2003, 5:50 PM
Kioet: I think this suit was my salary, but now that you mention it, I could use a few extra credits.
02-28-2003, 6:11 PM
((about tat ligthsaber thing, picture this: A vampire whom usualy used a metal sword, when he uses a lightsaber which has different properties, woudl still attempt to continue to use the same style of 'swinging' the blade. While on the other hand, a typical Jedi would swing it at different angles, etc.
And I still havent labeled anything about what the crystals did, so, i'll get to that sometime soon

Well I'm guessin im running intopa dead end with that one :D))

*In the hospital, Ravan is soaking in a Bacta tank...*

Doctor: "Councilmen, Ravan is doing fine in the bacta. You shouldn't expect him out of there in a few hours,.."

Ivan: "Good, thank you."


((considering that maybe Jokemaster would have agreed...))

*After the small meeting, RH Irvine goes to Chi, whom was meditating in his quarters.*

Irvine: "Master, you requested me..."

Chi: "Yes, wwhen your on Coruscant, I'd like you to find that Flax. It'll be most apreechated from both the Republic and their Jedi Order, that the situation with Kur was strighten out."

Irvine: "I request any direct information I need to decuss?"

Chi: "You remember how Kur took things into his own hands during various training missions when it was the 'No-Win-Senarios'?"

Irvine: "I understand, but your saying that Kur's actions on their battleship was because of that we could not have the Republicain ship release Kur, or an excuse?"

Chi: "What ever it takes. Jsut as long as they excuse the issue. reguardless if it means in a minor dishonorment of Kur's memory. To us, it'll remain the same, but to them, they'll think that we train mishaps, but nothing more."

*Irvine bows, and exits...*


*A circular table, on the planet unknown to the three main factions, sat 5 members of a commitee. Their job was to decide what will happen with their minor faction...*

Member 1: "After Chi allows one of his students to act as an embassador explain the issue with Kur to the Repub..."

Member 2: "That is if the Republic will allow him and not capture the student."

Member 3: "The appointed embassador is Chi's top student. He is highly trained."

Member 2: "Irvine Palpitine? Are you serious?"

Member 4: "Yes, especally with when his own father created that piece treaty with the Republic."

Member 3: "Which would make better success possible to 'presuade' the republic that our intentions were not to cause harm to the Republic at all."

Member 5: "Now your sounding like we want to go agenst them, in a devious manner."

Member 3: "No, it wasn't my intention at all. I was about to mention that we do not have the resorces and manpower at all to rage war agenst any faction."

Member 1: "I have to agree on that statement. Next matter of business?"

02-28-2003, 7:05 PM
((OSS: Scar, Bacta has been around for milennia. You need to research more.))

*The Assassin walks in on Deac and Rwos.*

Assassin: Master Starkiller, the General told me to give you this.

*Profers a data card.*

(On the card is a list of all Vampire incidents, along with all knolage pertaining to the undead, which of course is far from complete.)
03-01-2003, 6:54 AM
((OOS: Scar, if anyone tried to use a lightsaber to fight like a sword, they wouldn't stand a chance...they would probably dismember thmselves.

Also in case BD wasn't clear enough, EVERYONE USES BACTA))

Rwos: Trying to solve a mystery. I talked to Odin again, but he's apparently still unsociable. I'd tell you what we talked about, but he threatened to kill you if I did.

*uploads contents of datacard to datapad then hands it to Deac* Okay, let's see here... *reads datacard* Sounds like the same thing we have in my dimension...or similar enough. What it doesn't say in the report is how to stop them. Now that, I know how to do.


Farran: Double standard bodyguard fee. How does that sound?
03-01-2003, 8:54 AM
Kioet: That sounds good!
03-01-2003, 9:23 AM
((aw crap :D i fixed it
damnit i knew i was going into a dead end with the vampire thing angenst jedi... :())

Apprentence: "Mainly each branch are with in either an industrial section or a corperate one."

Vertmor: "Good, maybe we should shake things up more... Tell them to find a medium sized company, and turn them into our needs. But have th em do it secretly, I wouldn't want their employees getting suspicious, until we need them too..."
03-01-2003, 1:18 PM
Assassin: I just lop the heads off.

03-01-2003, 8:40 PM
*The fused Irvine stops on top of a large building* ((like there isnt alot of those on coruscant :rolleyes:))

*Fused Irvine looks about. sees the vechicles fly past...*

Fused Irvine: "To steal a car, or not to steal a car. That is the question..." *shakes head.* "To steal..." *Grins widely*

*The fused Irvine jumps right into traffic, and right onto a car. The pulls the driver out of the cockpit, igniting a lightsaber, and impaling it into to driver. After throwing the body off, Irvine gets in the driver's seat, and notices the frightened passenger.*

Fused Irvine: *turns head to passenger* "Out."

Passenger: "Yea, what ever man!"

*The passenger jumps to his death, while the Fused Irvine smirks.*
03-01-2003, 10:12 PM
((Small time skip here, will only affect the Imperials))

*Farran arrives at the Separatist emergency meeting chambers, in use for normal meetings after the destruction of their normal meeting place. He has Kioet with him*

Farran: *to the guard* Allow him through. He's my new bodyguard.

Guard: A "new" bodyguard? What do you mean, new? You never had one before. *sizes Kioet up* A Vanguard. His outfit is quite impressive.

Farran: It's a custom job.

*Farran and Kioet enter*
03-01-2003, 10:31 PM
*A woman stands in Ravan's place*

???: "I am Kerrigan Hurtsel, I stand here in Councilman Ravan's place." *sits*

Ivan: *standing* "Councilman Farran. How soon can you have ready an reasonable size of your Vanguard? When your were gone, the rest of the council had considered your proposal of creating and managing an Army of your Vanguard to help deal with the exsistence of the Loyalist faction."
03-02-2003, 2:18 AM
*Sleipnir drops out of hyperspace of above the world of Elysium. Ground control puts Odin in to a holding patter amoung various other frieghters*


*A valkyrie leaves another message for Farran, in his quaters. She enters and leaves without a trace*


You have 24 hours to deliver the information. Leave the information on the computer system, we will then pick it up. If you fail to do so then we will hunt you down and kill you.

If you leave the planet and the information is not on the computer system, then you will be hunted down and killed. We are watching you.
03-02-2003, 2:56 PM
*Deac begins to move toward the door, and gestures Rwos to walk with him*

Deac: Then how? And we need to know, because I bet the portal's guarded.


*A dead world in the blackness of space. In a cavern under it's barren surface, a cold intelligence stares at his what he calls a crowing achievement. And laughs*


*Swirling chaos, days before.*

DarkDeac: So, I'm your namesake. Do you want to take up the mantle your father refused?

*The other member of the conversation steps out of the darkness*

Lokpihet: I do.
03-02-2003, 6:02 PM
((battledog: PM))
03-02-2003, 11:43 PM
Rwos: Let's see how well I remember...besides the obvious blood-sucking part. Fire, sunlight, beheading, wood through the heart. Holy water and crosses *shows Deac his rosary* burn them, although I don't know if this will work in your dimension. There's other things that hurt different breeds...for example, some are allergic to a plant from my dimension called garlic. There is a type of vampire I've seen that can shapeshift into various forms - silver is deadly to this breed. They're pretty much unkillable by every other means. All vampires I've seen are unnaturally fast, strong and agile, heal fast, and can regrow anything that's not a full limb.

*Rwos' comlink beeps. Rwos picks it up*

Rwos: Hello?

*A woman's voice speaks* Rwos? Your friends have been trying to get ahold of you over and over again for the past ten minutes.

Rwos: They have? Uh...put them on.

Woman: [i]No, they stopped calling and I can't reach them now. But I told them I'd let you know.

Rwos: Alright.

*to Deac* Oh, and another thing about's easy to know if you've killed one. They turn into dust.


Farran: Councilman Ivan, I don't think you read my proposal. I asked for more funding for the Vanguard project. There currently aren't enough Vanguard to create an army, firstly, and secondly, I never mentioned the Loyalist faction...I mentioned the Jedi.
03-03-2003, 9:33 AM
Flax: What do we do now.

Sophae: Search me.

Flax: We don't have time for that [j/k]

*Flax looks down at the 10 half burned vampires layed out infront of them.*

Flax: At least now we know they don't go "poof"
03-03-2003, 1:41 PM
Deac: *Looking at the Rosary* This looks familiar. I think this guy is worshipped as the son of the All-Father in Mrear. Anyhow, we should get moving. Who was on the comm?
03-03-2003, 6:36 PM
Ivan: "Councilman Farran, The Council, in your absense had reviewed your proposal, and yes, it has been granted. But how ever, the Council is more interesting in the Libaration of the Loyalist systems, and we need a better trained Armed Forces and Naval support."

Marcus: "You have been granted for your funding and all of our current trained stormtroopers, to be trained at a higher standard then the typical stormtrooper."

Ivan: "We need as more of an advantage agenst the Loyalists before we attack the Republic."


*Vertmor hears of a report of deaths of his brood, and goes into his private chambers, to be alone.*

Vertmor: <Spectar, I need a favor from you...>

Spectar: *From his slightly higher plane* <Yes?>

Vertmor: <Teh fledgelings I have created, are too weak. I need more purer blood.>

Spectar: <What exactly do you need?>

Vertmor: <I need my old body back, and a few of my former brethern.

*Spectar appears before Vertmor*

Spectar: "My exsistence here is very risky, let alone me tampering. I can only grant you so much. Although you have to create more chaos, in order to keep the Aeges off my belonging."

Vertmor: "Deal."

*Spectar vanishes, and Vertmor shape shifts into his body, when he was on Mrear. Suddenly Two Vampires appear: Sertmor, and the vampire known to be Kvana Klare the 2nd.*

Sertmor: "Brother."

*Vertmor nods to both.*
((Pick a name now beotch! :D ))
03-03-2003, 8:33 PM
((OOS: BD: Flax: At least now we know they don't go "poof"

What made him think of them going "poof" in the first place, if they don't?

edit: Btw, Battledog, you're wrong; they do crumble to ash. These vampires are from another RPG and they've already been introduced. Their physical attributes have already been defined, they aren't up for anyone to recreate them, except perhaps Scar as they're his vampires. Perhaps those aren't actually vampires that Flax is burning, just bodies killed and drained by them.

Also, everyone just note: Kvana is an alternate breed of vampire slightly unlike Vertmor and Sertmor; when he calls them "brothers" it's a figurative thing ;)))

*Kvana opens his eyes. He stares around at his surroundings, blinking his eyes to make sure they worked. He moved his limbs in apparent wonder. Then he turned his attention to Vertmor and Sertmor*

Kvana: Brothers! We live again!
03-03-2003, 8:43 PM
Vertmor: "Yes, We have a new order of business. Its a quite a few milina sense we roamed on Mrear. Now we are on a Planet called Corusant. Theres far more to feed on. But be warned, there are those whom are called 'Jedi' whom soul service is to defeat evil, even it means their very lives."

Sertmor: "Alas, how do we deal with those?"

Vertmor: "Now that my blood is pure again and my favorate among the rest of our bretheren have been resurrected, we need to create an army, and much powerful enough so that we can overwhelm these Jedi' and claim the planet for our kind. And begin to plague the stars with our curse we bring to them..."

*Sertmor smirks.*

Sertmor: "It's good to be with you again."

Vertmor: "Alas, the very same with you." *turns* "Kvana, Your better with magic then I nor Sertmor is. We need to allow ourselves to be even more resistant to our weaknesses then we already are, and enough so that those resistences are shared with our children."
03-03-2003, 9:19 PM
*Finally recieving clearance Sleipnir lands at an ornate spaceport. Odin exiting the ship is meet by a beautiful woman*

Odin: It is good to see you again.

Woman: Allfather how nice of you to visit us again.


*Stepping out to where Flax and Sophae could see her*

Valkyrie: You continue to hunt them. Until every single one is destroyed. We have a team that can assist you in this if you want.
03-03-2003, 11:56 PM
((OOS: "Allfather" just gets thrown around everywhere in this RPG, doesn't it ;)

*wonders where Cracken popped off to*))

*Kvana walks to a balcony*

Kvana: Yes...I can smell the humans teeming below us. Our prey swarms in droves here. This...Coruscant...could be the loveliest of hunting grounds. *closes his eyes and concentrates* Something...has changed...I cannot feel the magic that once flowed through this universe. The strands have been pulled away. I cannot sense Mrear, our home. It is darkened to me. But gone, everything is not...

*turns* I need a source of power. I sense some creatures on this planet who possess the power I need. I must find them...meanwhile, these Jedi?

*Kvana's face twists and morphs into vampiric game face, baring his fangs*

Kvana: Why not make them our own?


Rwos: Interesting. *motioning to comm* A friend of mine, telling me someone else called. I don't know why. Do you have a ship? If not, we can use where is this contact you talked about?
03-04-2003, 1:36 PM
Deac: We should probably use yours, it's faster, isn't it? Anyway, this contact is ain Imperial defector. He's hiding out on Argonin. We should get moving. He's going to incredible risk.
03-04-2003, 2:32 PM
((I believe I have callled Odin: Allfather before, I think in PTH. It's one of his 500+ names))
03-04-2003, 4:29 PM
Vertmor: "These Jedi are based of serveral species, no matter, i had already attemped on turning on others of their 'kinds'. The jedi's biology hasn't been changed, it seems they use a alternate form of magic to preform their abilities, so we might have a challenge when we make them our prey..." *grins*
03-04-2003, 4:46 PM
((OSS: Redwing, fixing now....))

*The bodies go "poof"*

Sophae: You were wrong. Weren't you.

Flax: Yes.

*Flax looks the Valkyrie up and down.*

Flax: We need all the help we can get. They spread before we even sensed them. Though I suppose you knew that.
03-04-2003, 5:03 PM
((Actually you should consult me battledog, seening is it is my idea to bring the vampires in both Cantina 9 and Mrear 2, so a good fair amount of rules (which with the discussionary help of red of course) should be heard from "Yours Turely" :D))
03-04-2003, 5:40 PM
Valkyrie: Awful trusting.

My team is at your temple. Waiting for us.
03-04-2003, 11:29 PM
((OOS: Scar isn't kidding about the "discussion" part, as we've bitterly argued most of this out already in Mrear ;)
[hence the two races of vampires concept, since Scar beat me introducing vampires into the universe, and I already had a sort of "dossier" prepared for them - and his was quite different]

Scar: Didn't you mention something about delayed-reaction dusting for the vamps of Vertmor's "breed" who were staked with wood?

I think we need a thread to list this kind of stuff or something ^_~))

Kvana: If there are humans among them, I can turn them...but if most of them are nonhuman... *growls* if only I had a source of power! I could expand our abilities to affect other species. I did before on Mrear, I should be able to do it here. I need power...

*Kvana stares off into the night* Where has the magic gone? I cannot feel the strands...yet I can feel creatures out there who hold the power within us...


*Not so far away, Rwos walks out of the building with Deac*

Rwos: One moment...

*Rwos sets his teleporter and vanishes in a blue flash. After about a minute he appears again*

Rwos: I had it moored, and I can't teleport it here. I didn't think I'd be using it again so soon. It's on autopilot on its way here. *puzzled* Imperial? That doesn't add up. I don't see why the Imperials would work with vampires. Vampires prey on humans. Most Imps are humans...
03-05-2003, 6:46 AM
((It depends on how the vamp got killed ^_~
a wooden stake would cause a decaying effect, while a silver one would cause one much faster.

Most of the vampire's resistences grow stronger as they age and grow more demonic over the centuries, thus their powers also increase. They incude: mist forms, wolf forms, ability to turn into multiple small bats (for transportation), agility worthy enough to race agenst someone usign the force, strength, teleportation over areas (ranged), and of course (my fav) teh long arsed Jumps ^_^))
03-05-2003, 2:53 PM
Flax: Trusting? In our current situation I don't think I really have a choice.

((OSS: Scar, post the rules on Vampires, that way I'm not running around in the dark.))

Flax: Fine, Sophae will go with you. I have to pick something up.

03-06-2003, 12:22 AM
[*Insert small time skip here - just to allow Rwos' ship to arrive ^_~*]

*Rwos' ship arrives. It is a sleek, two-seater fighter, with a triangular body, round cockpit, and two sharp-edged curved wings ending in points along with the point of the nose. The fighter is blue with violet trimming*

Rwos: *to Deac* You have the coordinates for the Argonin system, right?
03-06-2003, 2:58 PM
Deac: Sure. It's on the far outer rim. We're looking for a Trandoshan, so keep your head down. Trust them as far as you can throw a Hutt...
03-06-2003, 6:28 PM
*shakese Chi's hand*
Jokemaster: agreed
03-06-2003, 8:22 PM
((JM: I thought your character's name was Chavo or something? :D))

Chi: "Good you can leave now..."

*Guards enter, while Irvine and Chi begins to walk out.*

Irvine: "Those, of course, are for security."
03-06-2003, 9:17 PM
((Scar: The name is Chavo, the nickname is jokemaster))
03-07-2003, 2:37 AM
((OOS: Assuming Deac boarded the ship - if not say so and I'll edit))

Rwos: You never know. Beings can surprise you. Still, always best to tread carefully...

*The ship heads into the Coruscant sky, then warps away and disappears*

Rwos: This might seem slightly odd...

*Outside the window, unlike the blue tunnels of hyperspace, there now was an enormous vastness all around. Bright blue energy threaded around everywhere. A blur surrounded the ship, as if it was flying into a slightly opaque wind, traveling at incredible speed*

Rwos: My dimension's answer to hyperspace. It's commonly called warp dimension, or warp space.
03-07-2003, 6:03 AM
I'm gone till monday.
03-07-2003, 1:35 PM
*Deac glances round with interest*

Deac: I think I left the Deac Star, my old ship on Tatooine. I'll go back sometime...
03-07-2003, 5:40 PM
((BTW: where did you have deac land that ship deac?, i'm just wondering...
and when will there be a C10?))

*On planet Duriel*

Chi: "Irvine, I'd like you to have the RS-Defiant at your disposal."

Irvine: "Ah yes, but thats a Reaper class."

Chi: "Yes it is, but the Reapers are the first class to have the new shielding installed in them, incase you get into some trouble. Not only that they are swift and agile compared to one of the Republic's battlecruisers."

Irvine: "But thats an Imperial classed ship isn't it?"

Chi: "But the Republic are looking for Imperial ships from the Imperial point of the galaxy, not this side..."

Irvine: *changes mood to a more 'loyal' one.* "Applogises Master."

Chi: "Your the best that we have Irvine, your a Knight not a Padawan, I'm not your master no more."

Irvine: "I mean no offence when I say this: But you did train me, you'll always be my master."

*Chi smiles*


*The fused Irvine continues to create havok on Coruscant as he makes his way, towards the Vampiric broods*
03-08-2003, 11:43 PM
((when we get to a cliffhanger/ending point, obviously, Deac (or I, or even someone else, if appropriate) can end it ^_~))

Rwos: I heard about the seems so strange to know it's gone. I mean, it's where we met. Where all this began. I wonder why someone would want to destroy it, anyway...


*Kvana paces the floor in the room in front of Vertmor and Sertmor, unable to relax*

Kvana: Someone is coming. Someone with an unusual power...
03-09-2003, 2:22 AM
Odin: My dear Pallas Athena, how has things been?

Pallas Athena: Please Allfather, just call me Athena. Things have been good. Some of the Valkyries stopped by to pick up Cerberus. But I'm sure you knew that.

Odin: I'll stop calling you Pallas when you starting calling me Odin

Athena: Fine. Come let us go somewhere more comfortable.

*A little later, the two are citting in a small dinner drinking Ambrosia, and cathcing up*

*At the Jedi temple five valkyries are unloading some supplies. While another is tending to two animals. One was a wolf, named Garm, the other was Cerberus a three headed dog*
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