Hey, first time shader here.
Anyway, I am making a clan release skin for QQJJz, based off of VampD's model. I have a shader set up for the eyes, but I can't get it to work. Here is what I have:
map models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes_g.tga
map models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbGen wave triangle 1 2 1 1
Whats wrong is that the mouth_eyes_g is not replacing the eyes in mouth_eyes.
And my TGAs are based off of the tuorials at planetquake located here (
http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/qbranch/tutorials/shaders-1.shtml), mabey I have to make the part of the mouth_eyes that has the eyes to be over written a certain color?.