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Aces High Cantina

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07-30-2002, 12:48 AM
Set on a busy byway in a midd level skyscraper in the captial city of the planet Coreillia sits, The Aces High. A local pub. uan by a middle age human and his wife. It sits near an Imperail naval base, but it cators to all species, though its main flow of customers comes in the form of figher jocks from the nearby base.

As you open the heavy doors you notice a holographic sign, displaying the following.

All are welcome.
No weapons.
No fighting.
Only Imperial Credit is acceptated.

As you pass through the weapons locker, and then the scanner. To make sure you didnt "forget" to deposit anything. You are immeresed in a well lit room. Full of booths a few tables and the main bar. The bartender, also the owner gives you a wary eye as you enter the bar, but is soon distracted by something else.

Most of the patrons are human given the area. But there is a handfull of non-humans. A female Twi`elk, her skin a light blue, serves a table nearby and gives you a nod as she passes by. The rest of the waitresses and waiters go about there buisness, clearing tables and bringing drinks.

You notice a table nearby full of men in imperial uniform, but theryapparently off duty. There talking loduly and more than a glass of correlian ale is spilled. There are more pastrons scattered around in both booths and tables. The seats at bar are mostly full, thoguh there is a few open seats. There is a droid in the corner that when approached and asked will play 2 songs of your choice for one credit.

The bar is fully stocked, with its specaility being Correlian Ale. You may also order meals, and there is a limited number of rooms avaible above the bar.

this is a place for chacters to meet and roleplay feel free to describe as you wish but please keep to the format I have designated. ANd there is absolutely no fighting in the cantina, if a fight does happen to break out break out, Stormtroopers or MP 's will arrive shortly, due to there proximity to the local base. Enjoy =)
07-30-2002, 1:14 AM
Hey Sckitzo just trying this out I post a reply when i come up with one.

 Thew Rydur
07-30-2002, 6:29 PM
OOC: Well the other cantina thread died so i guess I'lll try my character here. Oh, yeah and by the way, no bouncer?

IC: A human of medium hieght strides in through the door. He has short brown hair and is wearing a long overcoat over some chest armor. He looks at the sign and removes twos blaster pistols from their holsters under each arm. After gently placing the pistols in the locker he walks through the scanner. As he walks through the scanner it goes off. He curses then removes a vibro-blade from the back of his belt. Then he heads up to the bar and orders a mug of Corellian ale.
07-30-2002, 8:25 PM
OOC: yeah, that one did kinda die. I duno, the hunt sounded better as an idea then it did in actuality i guess =)


A thin, wiry, middle-aged zabrak jauntily strolls into the bar. He has on a heavy brown overcoat and dark grey medium grade body armor on underneath. A large rifle is slung over his left shoulder. Dirt is caked to his boots, and he stomps his feet once he reachese the locker so as to knock off some of the dirt.

How are you doing today beautiful?

The droid behind the glass replies in a robotic drone.

Please deposit weapons.

Varan laughs and begins removing his weapons. Two modified D-44's, two vibro-blades a foot long each, a smaller pistol from his left boot, a wrist mounted dart launcher from his right wrist and finally his rifle. The droid takes them all and places them in a deposit bin, then gives the zabrak a key card. Varan walks through the scanner, which doesn't go off. He walks towards the bar. He sits down next to the human.

I like the outfit. Name's Varan, freelance bounty hunter.

Varan Ashard?

The one and only.

I thought you were the bouncer at the All-nighter

Yeah, well, things change. The love of the hunt got back into me. Anyways, get me three mugs of your finest ale.

Varan then begins to drink the first mug.
07-30-2002, 8:58 PM
((OOC: Hey, it was a pretty good idea. Everybody just stopped replying tho ;)

::attempts to think of a character:: Blarg...I'll just edit this later on. :D))
 Thew Rydur
07-30-2002, 9:05 PM
OOC: Do you guys wanna start up the hunt for donga again? Anyway does my character know yours Gaalgoth? We could set this one a few months after we hunted donga and then we went our seperate ways.
07-30-2002, 10:18 PM
OOC: If you'd like to thew, sure. I would say more like a year though.
 Thew Rydur
07-30-2002, 10:35 PM
OOC: Alright sounds good.

*Looks up from mug of ale at the Zabrak*

Thew: Hey Ashard is that you?
07-30-2002, 10:53 PM
Yeah it's me. I'm going by Varan again though. I figure it's time i get my bounty hunting name out there again.

Finishes third mug of ale.

So how've you been?
07-30-2002, 11:08 PM
As the stragner askes hte bartender. What no Bouncer. The plump man points aobve his head to a sign reading.
"Help Wanted".

A Young man, dressed in a impecable Imperail pilots uniform enters the bar, nods to the waitress as she passes by and joins his nosiy companians at the nearby table.
 Thew Rydur
07-30-2002, 11:20 PM
*Orders another mug of ale*

Thew: I'm doing ok. I haven't really had any big jobs since Donga though... How about you. Get a ship of your own yet?
08-01-2002, 12:30 AM
Varan stretches his arms over his head

You mean of my own? Well kind of. I've stolen a few, so they weren't really mine.....right now I'm shipless though. What about you?
 Thew Rydur
08-01-2002, 12:40 AM
Thew: Well right now my ships impounded by the local Imperials. They caught me carrying some "extra cargo". Think you might be able to steal it back for me?
08-01-2002, 12:57 AM
Ha! From some Imperials? No problem. See, people have this notion that the Empire is all powerful...and maybe the rumors are true about them being involved with the sith and what not, but look over at that table.

Varan gestures towards the table of drunken troopers

They're just men who are hiding behind their pretty suits. Most of them aren't even that talented as soldiers. I'll get it back for you, but I am going to have to charge you.
 Thew Rydur
08-01-2002, 1:02 AM
Thew: I understand. How much will it cost me?
08-01-2002, 1:49 AM
((OOC: Time gaps like a whole year are dangerous, since you don't know what might have happened in RPGs in the lesser timeframe. I've done this before in other RPGs and it doesn't often end well, because it assumes an ending for the previous RPGs which might not have happened and usually doesn't.

Of course, this could always be an alternate universe.

In other news, I'm still brain dead so I ain't joining this RPG yet. :D

But I'll be happy to continue with Hunt for Donga if anyone else will. ^_^))
08-01-2002, 1:52 AM
how do i make this sticky?

over at the imperail table. The drunken troopers are continually getting two thing drunk and more drunk. Then the inevatble happend one of the soldiers, about 19, light haired and still a few frekels (sp?) and also about 4 empty tankards in front of him, starts yelling at what appears to be two humanoids one a zabrak, thin fellow and the other a human in a long coat. They both ignored the drunken fool and continued on wiht tehre business, while his buddies try, unsuccesfuly to calm him down, but before they could subdue him he picked up one of the empty tankards and threw it at the the table. Thankfully in his inebrated state he missed the people but did manage to knock a few drinks off there table.

This got a few head turns from the customers. By this time the drunken trooper had broken free from his grasp and was on his feet yelling at the pair at the table, the bartender was starting to get nervous and glanced at a back table where more imperials sat. But before he could say anyhting one of them was on his feet, shoved the junior troopers aside and grabbed ahold of the greenie. In a move that would praobly end the boy his carrer he decided to take a swing at the officer. The clumbsey blow did magae to land. But the officer's reutrn blow landed hard, straight on the poor boys jaw. Knoking him back onto a empty table scattering the empty galsses on it. The now unconsious trooper layed bent backwards over a table.

Wiping some blood from his lip with a napkin he spoke to the remaing enlsited personel at the table, and they quickly threw some hastey salutes and high tailed it toward the door. They where about half way there untill the officer cleared his throat, they looked back puzzeled and he galnced at the snoring man bent backwards over the table. Realizing what he was refearing to, two of them ran forward grabbed him under the arms. And threw salutes once more, but in there haste managed to drop there parcell so they had to repick him up, recived there return salute and high tailed it out the door.

He made his way to the table that was attacked, but first saying a few words with the bartender and after what appeared to be a credit exchange the overweight man reluctenly put down his comlink and went back to cleaning the bar. He continued on the way towards the Zabraks table dabbing at his slit lip until he reached the table. He walked up and in a thick corelian accent said.

" I am dreadfully sorry about the incident, I have paid for your drinks, and another round also. So please do not let this reflect badly upon the local bases image the boy will be punished... he paused once more dotting his lip.... quite severly. So please accept my appoligies he said holding out his hand to the closer of the two."

occ. had to liven it up a bit.
08-01-2002, 4:36 AM
((OOC: You can't. Wraith 8 has to. Or a supermod/admin. I PMed him about it))
08-01-2002, 1:57 PM
Ahh mucho grasias senior. Thanks for the info =)
08-01-2002, 5:24 PM
Varan grins broadly

No problem sir, I'll always accept a free drink. It's been a pleasure.

Yes, well then I suppose that will be all. Thank you for understanding.

Varan makes an over exaggerated salute as the officer leaves the bar.

No, thank you.

As Varan lowers his hand from the salute, he reveals in his hand a keycard he had pickpocketed off of the officer. Level 7 clearance is written on it.

Well this should make things easier on me. Now as for price, we've worked together in the past so I'll cut you a deal. say 10000 credits? After all, the Imperials may be stupid, but there will be a lot of them.

((OOC: yeah, a year might be long, but who cares, this is just for fun. If it were any shorter then it would be odd that we would be meeting up again so soon as we went our seperate ways. If the other rpg finishes or a controversy comes up, we can always change the time length. And you can barter with that price, just a figure that I think would be a deal.))
 Thew Rydur
08-01-2002, 6:23 PM
Thew: 10,000's a bit high but I can pay it. Right now I can only give you 4,000 though. The rest is on my ship.
08-02-2002, 12:36 AM
The waitress, after watching the makings of a bar brawl, stopped by a imperail officer, a rather cute one actaully. So she decided, "Might as well earn my pay." and was making her way over there, after being acosted by a surly looking human.

Upon aproaching the table she said "Whats your posion love?"
With out looking up, ordered his drink, and she went on through the table taking orders. Most of them where happy just to order, but one. "Suppremist" she guessed got lippy with her. Then the officer a Colonel, said in a thick accent. Your lucky you never served under Thrawn.

Ahh that anilen piece of trash isnt worth the uniform he has on, it no wonder the Emperor stuck him out in the outer rims.

Im sure you mean Vice Admiral Thrawn. he said the rank especailly was rather frosty. And the man is a genius, alien or not hes one of the best commanders out there. I should know, I servered under him.

"Yeah" he said morosely. "What ever you say"

The waitress finished her orders after the little dispute and set out to reach hte drinks. While doing so slipping the mans credit pouch into her apron. Grinning to her self thinking. "Servers him right, shouldnt have leaned over the table infront on me."
08-02-2002, 12:50 AM
A heated, though one-sided argument preceded the shabbily dressed man entering the cantina. His scowl and red face, along with the white knuckles that grip the pistol in its leg holster reveal him to be in a bad mood.

He absently discards his sidearm and strides through the scanner. He had taken a couple of steps before the klaxon alarm alerted everyone to his concealed weaponry. His scowl shifted to accommodate an irritated growl, before back stepping and arching his back to cover his attempts to deposit his more illicit items.

As he re-entered, with no alarm accompanying him he took a moment to allow his eyes to re-adjust to the diffuse light from the neon strip lighting. He quite blatantly appeared to be appraising the patrons.

The table of Imperials, getting juiced on Corellian Ale earned a derisive sniff. The tables of mixed races, especially the more exotic types forced a wry smile to his lower face, though the smile failed to reach his eyes. They continued to glower with irritation.

He started slapping at the many pockets and pouches under a voluminous coat, finally drawing a fistful of credit chips. His fingers danced through them till he found a few that would satisfy him, and made his way to the bar. His route took him past the blue Twi’Lek waitress.

“Nice pair.” He whispered lasciviously. Her head whipped round in reproach. “Of tails darling.” He flapped his hands behind his ears to indicate he was referring to her Lekku. “What else?” He winked before docking at one the bars high seats.

“Now.” He declared loudly, and clapped his hands together. “Who do I have to speak to, to get a good whiskey round here?”

Ooc; Just doing a mate a favour. You know who you are. ;)
 Kylco Cotam
08-02-2002, 11:21 PM
ooc:I'm new at this so cut me some slack.

A short thin man walks through the door of the pub. He's wearing not much of what we call clothes more like thrown away rags sowen together with thread. He has long brown hair that probly hasn't been cut in months. He has bright blue eyes and dirty skin. He turns to the druid and shrugs, then moves no hes walks through the scanner and nothing happens. He continues to the bar and sits down doesnt look and anyone or anything. He orders the cheapest meal there and pays with everything he has.
08-03-2002, 1:28 AM
IC: The wiatress walks over the the foul tempered man who had just accosted her, she approaches the table and asks
"What'll be you preferance sir?"

"Just a ale, and make it snappy"

"Right way sir."

K, not bad especially for a new person but ill give you some suggestions and you take take em or leave em as you will =)

one is be a bit more descriptive, you are somewhat but also describe the seeting around you, stuff like that. Show a bit more emotion usually helps. Also try t make the sentances flow, not as choppy, le tit flow all together also reread your post and dont be shy about changing it to your liking. Interact with other chacters where PC (player chacter) or NPC (nonplayer cahcter) but theres a few golden rules with this, especially with other peoples PC
1. Never kill another chacter
2. Dont start a fight, unless you talk with the cahcter first so that way you can act it out.
3. Dont steal from another chacter, youll notice I did above but it was an NPC thats usally acceptable.
4. Dont over power you chacters.
5. Dont take full control of someones chacter unless you know it real well and you have there permition, always give them a cahce to act, so you can start something but let them post next as an answer.
6 The most imporant one, HAVE FUN =) rember all this is only for fun, and if you have problems just ask most people are decent folk that will help you. But you will also occasioanly get flamed, but just shrug them off and keep going.

and some lingo incase you dont know it
IC=In Chacter (what your person says or does)
OOC= Out of chacter (what you as a human does like ask a question or what not)
Lol- laugh out loud (this ones for anybody who might not know it)
ROFLMAO= Roll on floor laughing my ass off
just some basic stuff for you, hope that helps =)
 Thew Rydur
08-03-2002, 2:05 AM
*Gets up and walks over to the man in rags*

Thew: (In a cheerful tone) Nice to meet you sir.

*Holds out his hand for a hand shake revealing some credits in the process. Then he moves a bit closer to the man.

Thew: (In almost a whisper) This ones on me, get yourself a drink, and some decent clothes too for that matter.
08-03-2002, 10:14 AM
Thew returns from the man's table

Ever the do-gooder...

Yeah are you in or our Varan?

As long as we're settled on 10,000 I'm in.

Like I said, I can pay it but most of it is on the ship.

That's fine, I know you well enough to know that you aren't lying. Meet me back here in two days time, that should be enough time to plan my entrance and steal the ship. See you then.

Varan promptly gets up and leaves, leaving four mugs turned upside down at the bar. He picks up all of his wweapons and exits the bar.
 Kylco Cotam
08-03-2002, 12:24 PM
ooc:To sckitzo I just wanted to thank you for your helpful advise and your kindness i will try to act upon what you have said.

After Veran leaves thew the man in the rags orders a drink stands up from the bar and walks over to Thew and intoduces himself.

Kylco: Hello my name is Kylco and would simple like to thank you for your generosity and wish there was more men like you. See its hard to get bye with nothing but a few credits. (He stops there and waits for a responce.)
 Thew Rydur
08-03-2002, 12:55 PM
Thew: Yeah well, I haven't had to much good luck lately either. I'm a bounty hunter, but I haven't been able to get a lucrative job in almost a year. With all the elites like Fett, Bossk, and Dengar running around the high paying customers won't even talk to me. On top of that the local Imperials have my ship impounded for smuggling spice. Luckily Varan one of my former associates has agreed to get it back for me. Well that's my story anyway, what about you?
 Kylco Cotam
08-03-2002, 1:21 PM
Well I was once a well respected business leader and had more money than i knew what to do with untill I picked up a little gambling problem. Sabacc was probly my favorite. I won oce or twice and pritty much stayed even. Then one night I got carried away and bet it all unfortunatly I lost. I had to give away everything I ever owned sell my business and house and was left with nothing but a few credits and now Im as poor as poor can be.
08-03-2002, 1:34 PM
No problem Kylco, always glad to help.

The Twi`elk waitress saunters over to Thews table to take there order. Waiting for him and what appeared to be a papur to finish there conversation.

Whats your posion?

Thew (hope this is alright)
Umm, just another ale

Alright, and you sir? she asks turing to the man in rags.
The man looks at his feeble number of credits, and mutters something. "Its alright" she says this ones on hte house.
She writes out there ticket rips it off and hand it to Thew. He glances down at it and notices somehting else written on the paper. It reads
" I couldnt help over hearing your predictment, if you need any help in retreving your property, I have a few frineds that can help you out"
 Thew Rydur
08-03-2002, 7:42 PM
OOC: I don't mind Sckitzo Corellian ale's my beverage of choice :D .

IC: Excuse me Kylco I'll be back in a few minutes.

*Gets up and heads over to Cyn*

Thew: I might be interested in these friends of yours. How can I get in contact with them?
08-04-2002, 4:18 AM
OOC. Im setting this up for a fight scene so fari warning =) the boards need a little excitment. So ill try and be on if you want to take your ship back if not and I cant get on or you dont want to fight it out ill let you deal with it =)

Cyn, busy leaning over and talking to a customer near the bar when Thew appraocehs and asks

I might be interested in these friends of yours. How can I get in contact with them?

She, stands up and nods her head towards a room behind the counter, follow me, im sure we have that year of whiskey she says louder. Smiles and nods at the patrons near her and makes her way towards the room. Thew followed the Twi`elk back behind the counter and entered as she held open the door and followed him in,
"May I introduce you to my, compratiots" she says pointing to a group of people playing what appeared to be Sabbac around a table. There sitting where 3 humans two males and one female and a male bothan, with a silverish borwnish fur that rippled when the door was opend.
"Thew, may I present Alexi Arhoun, Lieutenant of the local Rebel Cell."
08-04-2002, 2:08 PM
((OOC: Excuse me, but Varan is already getting the ship. Sorry if I was too vague, but by saying "meet me back here in two days time, that should give me enough time to plan my attack and steal the ship" I figured you would be able to understand that I was already in the process of getting the ship.))
 Thew Rydur
08-04-2002, 4:36 PM
OOC: Don't worry Varan's job isn't in danger. I'm not talking to these people for my ship, I just want some contacts for future employment.

IC: A look of disapointment flushes over Thew's face.

Thew: Rebels eh? Sorry but I don't think I want to get involved. I'm trying to stay neutral about this whole thing. I don't like the Empire thats for sure, but I'm not gonna be marked for treason by joining you.

OOC: Sckitzo I might still take a job from the Rebels if they have one to offer though.
08-04-2002, 8:17 PM
OCC Galagoth, dont worry I wasnt taking your Job I was offering the two of you help, it isnt easy to take a ship back, somehitng one person cant do. This inst a back water world its Corellia, but if you dont want help of some Npcs thats cool =) but yeah Galagoth I was going to have her talk to both of you, but you left the Cantina =/ so sorry eh?

"Trying to stay neutral?, there is no neutral anymore, the Empire is a festering wound on the body of the galaxy and it most be removed. Where not asking you to join us we jsut figured youd want a little help with man power and a way into the base. Becuase, unless im very mistaken youll need that sort of help. If not then no harm no foul and if you change your mind, just contact Cyn shell know where to find me."

In case you cant tell this is more of an "extremist" Rebel so if you converse with him have fun with theat little quirk =).
 Thew Rydur
08-04-2002, 9:44 PM
IC: Look I don't like the Empire either, but to them your just a festering wound too. I don't want to get involved in this sort of thing. Thanks for the offer but I'm sure my friend Varan can handle it. I sounds like you want to go in blasting and I'd prefer to keep this low key. Anyway if you ever need a bounty hunter get in touch with me.

*Gets up to head back to table*

OOC: You said something about a fight Sckitzo?
08-04-2002, 10:07 PM
((OOC: Ok guys, this seems like a good time for a time warp. ::Gaalgoth takes a jump to his left, a step to his right, puts his hands on his hips, pulls his knees in tight and thrusts his pelvis:: ))

Two days have passed.

As Thew sits at the table drinking yet another mug of ale, he hears footsteps behind him.

Someone needed a ship?

Thew turns around

You weren't kidding when you said you'd be back in two days, were you?

Hey, I meet my deadlines.

Well where is the ship?

It's in a rebel base.

Thew's face pales

Varan, I thought you knew I liked to stay neutral...

Chill out sparky, I stole the ship from an Imperial base. A rebel base is the best place to hide it; those rebels will do anything to stick a thorn in the Imperial's side and you can be sure that they'll defend the ship with their lives. They'll never hand it over.

Well if you're sure.

I'm sure.

Varan sits down next to Thew and sees Cyn walk by.

A few more mugs of ale.

Cyn nods and walks towards the bar.
 Thew Rydur
08-04-2002, 11:02 PM
IC: Cyn returns with the drinks.

Thew: (In a more hushed tone) So, Cyn when can I go see your friends, about my ship.

Cyn: Right now if you'd like.

Thew: Hold on.

*Walks over to where Kylco's sitting*

Thew: Come with me, I may just have a job for you.

Kylco: Ok, might this involve money?

Thew: Most likely.

*Walks back over to Varan*

Thew: Hey Varan are you gonna come along?

OCC: I hope thats ok Sckitzo and Kylco, I just wanted to speed things along a bit.
08-05-2002, 12:24 AM
((OOC: Thew just keep in mind that your ship has been retrieved))

Varan looks at his two remaining mugs of ale.

Yeah just give me a sec.

Taking a mug in each hand Varan drains both.

Ok, now I'm ready. So who's the guy in rags?
08-05-2002, 12:36 AM
Yeah its fine, I was just goin to write a battle scene to give some people some interasting things to read =) if you still want me to just post a little bout your chacters and there personailites. would tehy use stun, kill a hostage protect a hostage ect. And if you wanted there to have been a fire fight or nice an quite and who was there. Or if you dont want me to write one thats fine to =) just say so either way.

Cyn nods and brings those who follow to the same back room. As she holfs open the door and Thew enters he only sees the LT. and a few others scattered about. The LT. is sitting behind a desk talking on a local lan line to someone, see Thew enters and shortly hangs up the reciver.

Well we have your ship back" he says as Thew walks over.
"please have a seat" "Here" he says poinintg to a datapad
"is the location of your property, quite a beauty there, thanksfully we got her hidden with out to much trouble, youll have to thank your frined Varan for that." he says then with a grin that vergerd on sadistic "for us that is, they local Imps will be having kittens I hear the local Moff is making a tour of the base."
"Also, on the pad, is a list of items we find on the ship, it should all be there. Also here" and he hands Thew at waht at first glance appears to be a local comlink, "That comlink" he says "has a built in scrambler and a boosted range, so if you ever need out help again, this use it and we'll see what we can do."

"Insert comment here"
08-05-2002, 12:52 AM
Varan slinks in behind Thew.

Varan whispering to Thew
See, I told you that they'd defend it well.

What was that?

Oh nothing, just a little friend to friend chit-chat.

I see.....Well be sure to use that comlink if you need us.

Varan whispering to Thew again
Yeah, and be sure to check it for tracking bugs.

((OOC: Oh and sckitzo, if you were to take control of Varan he'd kill in just about any situation and would shoot the hostage if he had too, assuming the hostage was not valuable to him as a source of income or an ally. If you have a problem with his actions, think "What Would Pliskin Do?" Pliskin as in Snake Pliskin, from Escape from New York and Escape from LA. If you haven't seen those, well, just kill what you can. But unless it's unavoidable I would rather control him as much as possible, even if it makes battle scenes last longer. But if it's something that you have completely orchestrated, go ahead and do it.))
08-05-2002, 1:09 AM
Yeah thats fine, I wasnt sure if youd want to bother with that ill start it up and well take turns bye it, ill do a section and you do a section. So that way ill jsut have to make passing coments about your chacter and you can go into more detail.
 Thew Rydur
08-05-2002, 1:28 PM
OOC: Sckitzo my character probably would not be the type to kill a hostage. He might stun or knock one out, but would only kill one if it were absolutely nessacary, on if he had something against them.

IC: Thew: I'll be sure to do that. Oh yeah, and before you asked about the guy in rags Varan. He said he used to be a big time executive or something like that. Then he got in to sabacc and lost his fortune. Anyway I figured he might be able to get me some good jobs. Those gamblers are known to run with the money when they loose.

*Looks at the Rebel leader*

Thew: Thanks a lot for the help. If you ever need a bounty hunter just contact me I'll give you a discounted price.

*Gets up to leave*

OOC: I'm a bit confused about this whole fight or whatever, but consider me in.
08-05-2002, 3:22 PM
OCC umm the fights pretty much jsut a read and give us something interasting to do, il lstart it later tonight maybein a differnet thread and you both can post on it, pretty much consenrating on your chacter.

"Ill mkae sure I do that"
 Kylco Cotam
08-06-2002, 5:22 PM
ooc:sry i havent posted in a while ive been way to busy and well now im kinda lost even after i read it the thx for the job offer and ill have to ask you what it is only you ppl are at another area so like i cant really so if you can kinda tell me when is a good time that would be great
08-07-2002, 1:08 AM
Huu, heh I cant make out what you said?
 Jaym Dentuhn
08-07-2002, 5:12 PM
OOC:The guy in rags said "I've been away so sorry I haven't posted. I read everything that's happened since I've been gone but I'm still kind of lost. Thanks for the job offer, I'll have my character ask about it, but since you guys are in the back room right now I guess I'll have to wait. When would be a good time to ask your character about it?" That's pretty much what he said, anyway here goes.

IC: A man enters the bar, his green eyes alert and watchful. His hair is black as pitch and hangs halfway down his cheeks. He steps through and hands the droid his weapons, concealed and visible. Several small blasters, a few thermal detonators and a vibroblade, a blaster rifle and a small tranqualizer gun. He steps through the detector to no great happening and proceeds to the bar. He waits a minute or two surveying the bar and waits to order. When he feels he has looked around enough he turns to the bartender and orders a Corellian ale. He sits drinking it, his ears eager to pick up stray bits of conversation that might be of use to him.
08-07-2002, 10:58 PM
Three men in Imperial uniform walk in, arms over each others shoulders ovbiously in the mood for celebrating. Walking through the scanner no alarm is raised this is a lawful world, in most part, and barely a kilometre away from their base three Imperial pilots have no need for weapons.

"Come on Killer I owe ya a drink"
"I still can't beleive it our first action and not one but TWO kills"
"Heh well they were only Y-wings. Ahhh who am I kidding I vaped them Rebs gooood"

All three broke out in laughs as they made their way to the nearest table. The joking continued until the waitress arrived an inquisitive look being all that was needed.

"Three Corellian Whiskeys please" As he looked up at the Twilek with what he hoped was a charming grin. His clipped upper class accent, straight back complimented the clean dark grey Imperial uniform with its glistening insignia.

The Waitress nodded catching his eyes for a second, smiled and moved off to get the drinks the man not quite yelling out Thanks while his freinds s******ed behind him while the young officer blushed. Turning around he began to recount his feat with exagerrated excited movements as he played out the manuevering with his hands his freinds jumping in they had heard it five times already but still they grinned and laughed.
 Jaym Dentuhn
08-08-2002, 1:32 AM
The man looks over and sees the imperials sit down and order 3 whiskeys. He gets up slowly and walks to the barmaid.

Put those on my tab.


He walks over to the 4 person booth and sits down next to the pilot who seems to be the hero of the night.

Hello, my name is Jaym, I have been working for the Empire as a bounty hunter for five years and they have yet to dissappoint me. I am now ready to make a more active roll in aiding the Empire, when you all leave tonight, perhaps I could accompany you to the nearby base and enroll in the service of the emporer?

The barmaid returns with the 3 whiskeys and an ale for Jaym, the three pilots are confused when the barmaid walks off without collecting the pay and Jaym speaks up.

Those are on me.

He pushes each of them a drink and sits, waiting for their answer.
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