Triiiple, That's exactly what I meant, I have not added the inner layer of the robe as of yet, or capped the bottem of the robe, so you can see through parts of the robe. I'm still playing with the weights, right now I have the bottem of the robe set up almost like a model with pants. I'm going to experement with some other areas. He actually looks rather good the way I have it now, the robe moves with his feet, with no cliping at all, it moves quite a bit like a real robe, with the exception of certian moves. (jump) Take a look at BloodRiots (and of cource Asbath) Robed Tyrion model, it moves for the most part the exact same way :)
nomad, I actually thought of the same thing when I saw the shot, I just need an imperial shuttle prefab now :)
The robe has come out much better than I thought it would with the first weighting. When I exported the model again today with some bug fixed (fixed all the normals, got the head lined up right, and got rid of all the visable segmentation lines) the robe looked proportinally correct (the bottom has to come out some though) to me, and much to my supprise the sleeves almost look perfect now. (medium sabre stance really looks the best, the sleeves are perfect, and he's bigtime hunched over) I was expecting to have to tweak the hell out of them, but with the exception of adding caps to the sleeves, and some other positional tweaks I'm going to make, they look great :D
Unfortunatly I couldn't make it up to the exibit on time, I was a little too busy to get up there. I've heard that the Smithsonian has the same (or simmilar) exhibit, and I might actually be able to get down there sometime this summer.
Oh, the color I used on the robe was R 0 G 0 B 2, so it's essentially black. For the CTF blue skin, I'm going to try and match the color of the reflected light in some of thoes shots. The main robe will definatly be black, with some highlights of cource ;)
Time for some zzz's
CT :lightning