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WIP: Mon Calamari Model

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06-27-2002, 4:57 AM
So let me see
The twilek have 3 votes, IG88 1 vote and zam wesel 1 vote
When I finish ackbar I'll make the one who has most of the vote
I hope finish him at the end of the weekend

For ackbar I finish at least , the lod0 and he moves cool I think
I start uvmap the lod1
I have to fix some skin and mesh error so I will post new pics tomorow
06-27-2002, 5:03 AM
moooa, a male twi'lek would absolutely ...


count my vote for him. and if you make him half as well as dengar and the mon cal, the community is in for a treat. and just some food for thought, (and maybe jumping the gun a bit) but maybe the default twi'lek, blue and red team colors could each have different variations of the lekku (draped, hanging, etc). again, just something to think about.

keep up the great work, moooa!
06-27-2002, 5:10 AM
Thanx adillon but for the red and blue team I don't know if it's possible because I think that the diiference is only with the skin not with the mesh. But I'm not sure maybe we can try
 Lucko Mabri
06-27-2002, 5:55 AM
Zam Wessel Has 2 Actually! :p
06-27-2002, 6:20 AM
Actually, if you made two or three sets of lekku as seperate surfaces that can be turned on and off, you could have different lekku configurations for different skins. I think this would be an awesome idea if possible, because it would mean there would be a great deal of variation possible with skinning, to the point that it looks like seperate models :D You could have one set just straight hanging down the back, one set simply draped over the shoulders, one set hanging around the neck. Even without that, though, a male twi'lek would be cool :) Tott Doneeta is my favorite Tales of the Jedi-era character, he just looks so badass :D

Can't wait for the Mon Cal to be done so I can get goin on my Jedi version :)
06-27-2002, 6:38 AM
This model looks great though it would be cooler after Star Wars Galaxies is realesed because you can be a Mon Calamarie and train to become a Jedi, so you can be more used to it. I dunno....:o
06-27-2002, 7:27 AM
i vote for the male twi'lek. and the idea with the different lekku surfaces sounds good.
 Lucko Mabri
06-27-2002, 1:59 PM
*Holds Up Banner* VOTE FOR ZAM WESSEL! *Notices Boc And Bib Fortuna* eeeek! *Runs Off*
06-27-2002, 8:34 PM
Originally posted by Lucko Mabri
*Holds Up Banner* VOTE FOR ZAM WESSEL! *Notices Boc And Bib Fortuna* eeeek! *Runs Off*

*Picks up banner and holds it high*

06-27-2002, 8:49 PM
I only have a few bones to pick with the admiral Ackbar so far. On his face, his eyes are not bugged out alone, they have skin around them and from the front are barely visible (the actual eye, the skin is visible). Also, around the top of his mouth and bottom of his mouth, to his neck there are a LOT! of wrinkles. I don't know if you've already skinned him or not, just putting my 2 cents in.
06-27-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Lucko Mabri
*Holds Up Banner* VOTE FOR ZAM WESSEL! *Notices Boc And Bib Fortuna* eeeek! *Runs Off*

Umm no, Boc was a stupid jackass.

Who is Tott Doneeta? (

Click on the above link and check out some pics and bio about tott. If the background kills ya, highlight the text and then read.
 Lucko Mabri
06-28-2002, 12:26 AM
I know boc was a stupid jackass but if a guy waz running at u with 2 purple sabers..... I'll let you work it our for yerself :D
06-28-2002, 12:51 AM
Guys....use your brains...theres already twi'lek model released with her respectful skin packs!so Twi'Lek can be counted off...Sam Wessel Gets my vote
06-28-2002, 1:14 AM
[II]Darth Vader I think u confuse with the female twilek ayala made by spacermonkey. I propose a male twilek
And just a question, the twilek with a robe or with trousers like in starwars galaxy
For the moment Zam has 2 votes(4 with Lucko Mabri :))
Twilek 4 and IG88 1
For the lekku maybe we can try
 Lucko Mabri
06-28-2002, 2:17 AM
no theres 3 votes actually! *du nuh nuhhhh!!!!* Delmar me and [II]Darth Vader :D
06-28-2002, 5:25 AM
We're all aware of the female Twi'lek, we're discussing a Male twi'lek now. Based on the movies, Twi'leks seem to be the second most widely spread species (behind only humans). If someone were to count each instance of an alien species in the entire Star Wars saga, I have no doubt Twi'leks would be at the top. Not suprising, if you know a little about their homeworld. Ryloth has a strange rotation, so that one half of the planet is always extremely hot, the other side is always extremely cold. There's a narrow strip of land in the middle that's in constant twilight so people can live there. That chunk of land probably gets pretty crowded, and the world itself doesn't sound like much fun, so a lot of Twi'leks would logically want to get off :) I think it makes sense to have both a male and female Twi'lek for JKII, because of that. If nothing else, Twi'lek make really cool Jedi! (Check out Tott Doneeta!)
06-28-2002, 9:25 PM
Uh Brad Twi'leks have only been in three of the movies
 Lucko Mabri
06-30-2002, 3:59 AM
Bumpity Bump! :D i didnt just post for bumping. i posted for a idea with zam wessel :D you know she has her mask on then off maybe you could do a tyrion stylie thing? :D just a thought
06-30-2002, 4:51 AM
True, Kranckor, which makes it all that more substantial that they're the most widely seen alien species in the movies. Mon Calamari MAY be more, but only because you see a bunch of them in ROTJ in one place. Twi'leks are alot more widely spread.
07-01-2002, 2:05 PM
Well if you want to do it THAT way then Gungans would be the most seen since there were hundreds in TPM :D
:gungan: :gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan:
07-02-2002, 2:22 AM
I've finished the model
Now I'm looking for guys who want to make different skin and for sounds

07-02-2002, 2:30 AM
Me me me me me me me me me me! :D :D :D :D

I've been watching the progress of this model, eagerly awaiting the chance to create my Jedi Mon Calamari :D

My e-mail address is
07-02-2002, 2:33 AM
Originally posted by Kranckor
Well if you want to do it THAT way then Gungans would be the most seen since there were hundreds in TPM :D
:gungan: :gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan::gungan:

You're right, we do see more of them than anyone else. But it's all on Naboo, so that doesn't count :) For Twi'leks, we've seen them scattered around a lot more.
07-02-2002, 2:39 AM
I've send u a mail bradfu before write this post :)
But at this email adress
If u want I can transfer it

07-02-2002, 3:29 AM
Mooaaa, if you could e-mail a link to download it at, that would be great :) isn't my e-mail, I think it's Delmar's.

07-02-2002, 4:20 AM
Sorry Bradfu for this mistake
I'll send u the mail right now

For the update pics here it is :
I make 2 skin
07-02-2002, 4:28 AM
yeah, that would be me. you're more than welcome to send it if you want. :P
07-02-2002, 4:32 AM
both man calamari look *BLEEP* awesome, moooa! but i wouldn't expect anything less coming from you.

i can't promise anything great, but i'd like to take a stab at skinning the mon calamari ... i have some ideas. if you're willing to let me try, can you send the appropriate files here ( thanks, man!
07-02-2002, 4:53 AM
Thanx all
The file is coming up :)

07-02-2002, 7:24 AM
id love to try my hand at skinning this.
07-02-2002, 7:26 AM
Mooa can I take a crack at skinning your excellent model? What's your e-mail?
07-02-2002, 7:37 AM
i'm ready! - spongebob
 Grets Sirob
07-02-2002, 8:12 AM
Ooo, a mon calamari model.
Glad I started looking here at the end of the path, instead of the beggining(saves me that longand hard wait for the final release...)

Now, to find someone in sp to replace...

:joreth: May the force be with you.
07-02-2002, 8:44 AM
Still waiting on the files, Mooaaa :(

That last e-mail didn't have anything attached to it, if you could try e-mailing it to my other address, that might work.
07-02-2002, 11:26 PM
Ok I've sending the file
Bradfu I have resend u the file on the new email address because the file is too big for the first email
Nuclear_Jedi I just finished one or two thing on the skin and send u the file to beta-test it
Krankor u can email me at

07-02-2002, 11:53 PM
Ok I just send you a e-mail moooa :D
07-03-2002, 12:00 AM
Hey moooa have you thought of having Ackbar say "It's a trap!" when he gets hit?
07-03-2002, 12:12 AM
I'll send u the file krankor
For sounds I don't think of anything but it might be a good idea :)
07-03-2002, 12:24 AM
Krankor the file is too big for your mail do u have another mail address
07-03-2002, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Kranckor
Hey moooa have you thought of having Ackbar say "It's a trap!" when he gets hit?

That's a great idea but it might get annoying when dueling...

I would love to see it worked in somewhere though. That line is classic.
07-03-2002, 12:37 AM
Moooa can you send it to me so I can skin it and beta test it Please. :fett:


"What if he doesn't survive; he's worth alot to me"
07-03-2002, 8:03 AM
Whoo hoo! I'm first!

Received the files from Mooaaa this morning, very cool model!

Just finished my skin. His name is Oddev, a Jedi Watchman in the Calaron Sector just prior to Episode 2.

Comments? Suggestions? Angry insults? Well, maybe not the insults.
07-03-2002, 8:21 AM
Oopsy, forgot his belt :)
07-03-2002, 8:31 AM
That's great BradFu

I hope I get to make a skin. Moooa please send me the model :(


"What if he doesn't survive; he's worth alot to me"
 Sounds Risky
07-03-2002, 8:48 AM
Brad, give him some highlights, or more highlights. I can't really tell if he has any.
07-03-2002, 10:54 AM
Moooa try
07-03-2002, 11:00 AM
how big is the file?
07-03-2002, 12:03 PM
Way ahead of you, OCH :D I forgot to mention that I did this all today, so this is the rough draft. I usually spend a little time every day for a week or more adding and enhancing my skins. Got some good comments from Padme01 (don't ask her to veiw your work if you don't want an honest answer and good suggestions :D ) and continued to work on it tonight. Here's an update shot:

And here's what he sounds like:
07-03-2002, 2:26 PM
Whoa...sweet skin Bradfu!!!!
Can't wait for the release.....:D
 Lucko Mabri
07-03-2002, 2:42 PM
Bradfu! Stop being so good!:evil6:

-Lucko Mabri :D
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