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The Associates

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05-12-2002, 9:09 PM
Alright, so I got the PA up. It's called The Associates, at least for now. We can change that later on, but it'll work fine for now. Go on and join it, if I like you I'll let you in =).
05-12-2002, 11:06 PM
O yeah, one more thing, post here when you register and tell me what position you would like to fill. We're open to every class. Also leave your icq number
05-12-2002, 11:18 PM
i signed up. i wanna be weapons/armor designer.
by the way, my name is rune on the site.

i dont know what icq is...someone's gotta fill me in there...
05-12-2002, 11:21 PM
go to it's basically aim.
05-12-2002, 11:57 PM
ok...i downloaded icq...but before i set it up i wanna make sure i really need it. is everyone for sure gonna use icq?
05-13-2002, 11:36 AM
I dunno yet, but it can't hurt to download it.
 Wraith 8
05-13-2002, 11:45 AM
cant we please use MSN and AIM... not ICQ.. that stupid program screwes up my comp....
05-13-2002, 11:47 AM
I have AIM and ICQ, someone just told me that most Europeans don't use AIM. Either or both is fine with me.
05-13-2002, 1:56 PM

Stop arguing if you are to use AIM or ICQ or MSN. If you use Windows download Trillian instead (for instance at

Trillian is a client that works with AIM, ICQ, IRC, MSN and YAHOO! at the same time (though, you use your normal accounts). There, problem solved.

You need someone with a pragmatic mind in your PA :rolleyes:

05-13-2002, 2:00 PM
And yes, all europeans I've ever met use ICQ, no other message thingy.
05-13-2002, 2:01 PM
well then why don't you join, setsuko? we need all the people we can get. what profession do you want?
05-13-2002, 2:24 PM
Dunno, really, I had my mind up in DAoC for a long time, so I have not really planned for SWG. After all, it is still some way ahead.

If I come up with a good concept, perhaps I'll tell you. For now, I just lean back and enjoy the forums. After all, that was the good part of AO: the pre-game forums. And then they ruined it all by releasing it, oh my, oh my. :rolleyes:
05-13-2002, 2:31 PM
But hey, a captain/marshal thingy would be great fun to play, I think. Like a peacekeeper in the city, who maintains order with a keen sence of judgement and a firm hand on the blaster. Helping the mayor set things straight, and regularily patrol the area outside the gates (for keeping my skills fresh and for spare loot).

Hmm.. Might work. I'll scetch some more at it.

Ooooh, and yes! I could double as a bodyguard when the mayor is visiting other cities and such. Every good power figure has a retinue!
05-13-2002, 2:46 PM
Yeah, that could work. I'm going to be a bounty hunter, so I can assist as a a body guard as well. After all, two is better than one.
 Darth Maxx
05-13-2002, 3:03 PM
Darth Maxx
Not sure yet/Droid Maker maybe/Later pilot.
05-13-2002, 3:59 PM
Ok, people, one more time. When you post here with what you want to be, you then have to join The Associates PA on the PA section of the main page. If you do not do this, yo are not in the PA.
 Wraith 8
05-13-2002, 4:07 PM
And yes, all europeans I've ever met use ICQ, no other message thingy.

?????? what ?????
then you met weird people :D :D cause i dont know any one in europe who STILL uses ICQ :D :D oh wait.. i know 1 :D
all the guys and girls i know use MSN.. and a couple use AIM with it.... so... dont say that :D

Gaalgoth... post the link will you... :D
05-13-2002, 4:57 PM
But of course. Go here and join....
 Lord Helmet
05-13-2002, 5:11 PM
im a politic / jedi hey being able to persuade people with being a jedi is great for politicinas ;) so thats what i'll be doing...and what faction are we gonna be in imperial, rebel, or hutt?
 Wraith 8
05-13-2002, 5:46 PM
Originally posted by Gaalgoth
But of course. Go here and join.... why thank you my good sir :D i joined up. under my swgalaxies name... wraith 9 :D
05-13-2002, 7:08 PM
And now you're a smuggler. This will incorporate traders too, cause I doubt any trader is going to be completely honest about everything that they're carrying.
05-13-2002, 7:47 PM
i will join

I'm going to be part shop-keeper and trader. ( I think, dont sue me if I change my mind. But i'm pretty sure )

Like i said a zillion times before :)

Anyway, i'm going to have an NPC ( preferably a human female ) in my shop selling my stuff and i'm gonna fill up my stock with trading etc.

Maybe we can sell the stuff we trade in my/our shop and we split the profit equally.
This way we get some money to spent u know :)
05-13-2002, 8:43 PM
Btw, cant u just say Trader or something instead of Smuggler?

Kind of gives u away doesnt it? :)
05-13-2002, 9:37 PM
Well, as a bounty hunter I'll be killing alot of people....If I can loot their bodies, maybe that stuff will find it's way into your shop Ascari =)
05-13-2002, 9:55 PM
Zendjir, what do you want to be in the PA?
05-13-2002, 11:07 PM
heh, sorry if I don't write myself up this very moment, but I just came here ;)
05-13-2002, 11:23 PM
He will join us or die. :vadar:
 Lord Helmet
05-13-2002, 11:30 PM
mike c r u joining the associates?
05-13-2002, 11:31 PM
 Lord Helmet
05-13-2002, 11:37 PM
 Wraith 8
05-14-2002, 4:49 AM
am i signed up already.. cause when i looked.. i wasnt in yet....
Mike.. is in.. i think yepers means yes :D
05-14-2002, 11:47 AM
Wha, sorry for the late reply, I'm having Forum problems.

I want to be a trader in the PA, I'll transport the goods from (for example) Rommels factory to ascari's shops. On top of that, I will be busy to find new markets for the goods that I trade.

Being a management, economics and law student, I think I will do well ;)
05-14-2002, 1:13 PM
Originally posted by Zendjir
Wha, sorry for the late reply, I'm having Forum problems.

I want to be a trader in the PA, I'll transport the goods from (for example) Rommels factory to ascari's shops. On top of that, I will be busy to find new markets for the goods that I trade.

Being a management, economics and law student, I think I will do well ;)

That sounds so impressive in english :)


If I open up a shop and I recieve al the goodies in our PA. U can trust that the profit will be shared..

If I get enough goodies i will start a multinational company :)

But I dont want to be busy with my shop al the time, I want to trade/smuggle myselve as well :)
 Darth Maxx
05-14-2002, 2:22 PM
I'm still doubting between Droid Maker/Warrior(Bounty Hunter)

When I'm a warrior, I'll help protect the transport(s) and city/village/community. Or go hunting for food or so...
05-14-2002, 3:22 PM
But I dont want to be busy with my shop al the time, I want to trade/smuggle myselve as well
That's what npc shopkeepers are for! Just make sure they give special prices to all the Associates.
05-14-2002, 3:24 PM
Originally posted by MikeC

That's what npc shopkeepers are for! Just make sure they give special prices to all the Associates.

If possible ufcourse. If I can't set it. Just place an order and you'll recieve it when I get back, that is if I get back from my other activities :)
05-14-2002, 4:45 PM
I'll probably be investing 50% of my time on trading, that includes the buying, selling and transporting of goods. But I want to explore also, shape up my combat skills, that's what I'll do the rest of the time.
 Darth Maxx
05-14-2002, 4:55 PM
Just in case someone doesn't know what he's gonna be.
We could use a Animal Tamer I guess :D
 Jan Gaarni
05-14-2002, 6:50 PM
Ok, I must be completly moronic here, but ...


Cause I can't find it. :(

And I stopped using ICQ last week. Got tired of all those porn adds. :rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong, I like porn as much as the next man, :D but that's not why I'm on ICQ. :p

Now I use MSN.

Jan Gaarni!
Member of the N00b Liberation Front on the Star Wars Galaxies Forums ( !
- What we do in life, echoes in eternity!
05-14-2002, 8:02 PM
haha, sorry for the delay all. I've been having trouble with the forums too....Yeah wraith, you're in as far as I know. Gaarni, the join thingy is
go there. It's looking like we're going to have a pretty good group....nobody go quitting on me now =)
05-14-2002, 8:26 PM
id prefer AIM, since i that one doesnt have too many ppl buggin me.

now we need to submit to get our own PA forum. is that already in the works?

as for the planet, i thought tatooine would be barren as well (resource wise anyway) so corellia or naboo would be great.

i dont guess anythings gotta be set in stone right now either, but we might wanna go ahead with putting down names for those of us that already have come up with one.

and oh yeah, what do you wanna be mike?
05-14-2002, 9:05 PM
Yeah, I voted for Corellia. I ahven't put in for a forum yet though...I dunno how =). Anyone who wants to let me know go right ahead and tell me.
05-14-2002, 9:35 PM
its posted somewhere. i think maybe off topic discussion...

maybe if you ran a search itd come up...anyone seen that post lately? it use to be at the bottom of like the general forums screen.
05-14-2002, 11:42 PM
If you guys want I can have Juz set up a forum for The Associates. Just let me know.
 Wraith 8
05-15-2002, 12:16 PM
euh guys.. we could ask for the admins of this forum to put our name in the forums below the general forums.. and that will be our forum.. so we dont have to make a new one.. and i sort of go to to many forums.. so lets just stick to one ok?
05-15-2002, 1:31 PM
I think i'm gonna sell a few of those crystals that people use in light sabers.. ;)

Every wanna-bee Jedi wants to have those :)
05-15-2002, 1:51 PM
You have to find those crystals first Ascari, that's the hard part. :)
05-15-2002, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by Zendjir
You have to find those crystals first Ascari, that's the hard part. :)

I thought I would just sell them, and find a few with other players. And then shair the profit :)
05-15-2002, 2:49 PM
if you get some, you can make some "lightsabers" if your not a jedi (if possible in game, you'll probably need skills for that). heh, they may not work right, but "may the buyer beware"

you could make some bucks off that, but you may not want the bad reputation, although it will be a big world ;):saberb: :saberg: :saberr:
05-15-2002, 3:13 PM
I think the word is allready out that only Jedi can make lightsabers. But who's stopping you from selling perfectly good stolen
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