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The Associates

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05-21-2002, 3:01 PM
Then I'll start by doing the same thing without the Jedi powers to back me up. Not to mention, acting like a Jedi before actually being one provides an RP reason why I'd become one in the first place, no?
 Darth Maxx
05-21-2002, 3:35 PM
Players will have access to public transports that will shuttle them between planets. For a given leg of interplanetary travel, the answer is between 3 and 5 minutes or so. Of course, some trips take multiple legs. For intra-planetary travel, if a planet has more than one spaceport, it's a minute or less. As far as what to do, we hope to have mini-games drawn from the continuity that you can play while en route.

Quote from the FAQ.

So if they use a server=planet system, it will be hard, since a lot of players prolly 'll travel from one planet to another at the same time.
 Arallu Bokatur
05-21-2002, 5:54 PM
I just wanted to introduce myself, Arallu Bokatur here. I am a pilot/explorer and perhaps a smuggler occasionally...but don't tell anyone. I hope to be a valued member of The Association. My icq is 793405. Hope to talk to you all soon.
05-21-2002, 6:24 PM
Alright Arall, I'll put you down as an explorer. Just make sure you join on the player association part of the main page and keep posting! Oh, and Welcome!
05-21-2002, 6:48 PM
Hey Gaalgoth, what did you think about the idea of a jedi council on the other topic that I started about a city, would it not be a good idea for this place? Just think of the benefits.......
05-21-2002, 7:27 PM
Welcome Arallu and Ben!
05-21-2002, 7:30 PM
Originally posted by BenSkywalker
Hey Gaalgoth, what did you think about the idea of a jedi council on the other topic that I started about a city, would it not be a good idea for this place? Just think of the benefits.......
What benefits could that possibly be? Do you really consider having the Empire bombard your city into oblivion from orbit a benefit?

I already mentioned this on the other thread you started, but since you asked here too... I'm sorry, but the Jedi are in hiding. They can't train anybody that hasn't already become force sensitive. What could it possible do for us but cause trouble?
05-21-2002, 7:33 PM
I'm afraid that Mike is right......they would do more harm then good. Maybe eventually (after the game has been out for a long time) that would be useful, but as for now a few jedi won't provide much of a benefit. The way the game works is that the Empire and bounty hunters are constantly hunting down jedi. It wouldn't be good to have them there...they'd be found.
05-21-2002, 7:35 PM
Well, for a proclaimed rebel town, it could be an advantage, since the empire would bombard you anyway if they found you.

However, since not all in this PA are proclaimed rebels (aight?), a jedi sanctuary would put us in an awkward position.
05-21-2002, 7:41 PM
Originally posted by MikeC

What benefits could that possibly be? Do you really consider having the Empire bombard your city into oblivion from orbit a benefit?

I already mentioned this on the other thread you started, but since you asked here too... I'm sorry, but the Jedi are in hiding. They can't train anybody that hasn't already become force sensitive. What could it possible do for us but cause trouble?

What difference will it make, if and when the Empire discover all these rebel cities, surely they will take us over? I dont wish to sound pessimistic, but I believe this will be the case with alot of these towns, although they willhave to be defended to the best of our ability. As I posted in the other topic, yeh, maybe not now, at least not completely in the open, but in the future, when the empire has fallen, (depending on how fast this timeline will run), a jedi council would be an excellent facility to have
05-21-2002, 7:47 PM
Time stands still. The empire will not fall. And we are most likely going to be a neutral town because limiting peoples' faction decisions would be bad....we're not here to limit people, we're here to have fun and have friends. Having a group of soldiers, automated defenses and bounty hunters like me to back up the town should be effective enough against an attack. Think about it, the jedi aren't going to be like they are in's much easier to kill htme than in the story line because the actual players are not in touch with the force. A jedi acadamy is not a good idea.
05-21-2002, 7:49 PM
Who in the *&$% said anything about being a Rebel city?

You're missing something on the timeline. The game is in the period between ANH and ESB. It stays entirely in that timeline. The Empire WILL NOT FALL IN THE GAME.
05-21-2002, 7:55 PM
Mike..... this is the second time I've had to tell you to cool it!! Ok, now I know this isnt a rebel city, glad we've got things straight. Its better being neutral anyway.
05-21-2002, 7:56 PM
hahaha holy **** I've never seen Mike curse before! feels good don't it? Don't worry though mike, it won't be rebel. or hutt or empire for that matter. It'll be neutral
05-21-2002, 8:03 PM
Mike's mom, "Oh my, Mikey, you come here you need to have your mouth washed out now!!!"

Oh yeah, Gaalgoth, why are you going to stay neutral? Come on, the Alliance needs us. (Why did I just say "us"? I'm not an Associate!) They need our services and provisions! (Here I go again)!

Oh yeah, Gaal, I hope you got the hint up there... ;)
05-21-2002, 8:06 PM
I'm not necesarily going to stay neutral, but the town is. Why, you ask? Because this is a group effort and not everyone is going to want to be the same faction. This could cause some problems, but it's the way it has to be unless we can work something out. As for now, the town remaining neutral is the best possible choice.
 Arallu Bokatur
05-22-2002, 12:51 AM
I am hoping most of us get into the beta so we can get the game ironed out for launch. I have been reading all about how the towns are supposed to work. I don't want to spend a lot of time to discuss them till I get into the game or see the actual facs.
I hope to see you all in game.
05-22-2002, 1:46 AM
Blarg, you never replied. You'll need a mediator of disputes and such, I figure I can do that to start, and if I become a Jedi later and you don't want to take sides, I'll leave, but I can at least be in for now, as I don't see you with any police or mediators yet.
05-22-2002, 2:23 AM
Where to start....

I thought by putting explorer down I'd remain a little bit unique from all the BH and jedi ;). Ah well, you're always welcome to come exploring with myself and the Flufferation, Arallu.

Theres not much to say about the Jedi council/Association thing. It's just a stupid idea and thats that. Listen to the people on the board that have been studying SWG for ages and in depth.

You can't show other people how to become Jedi and therefore build a huge secret jedi army. It doesnt work that way so just put that bit outta your mind. I assume to become a Jedi you will be sent all over the galaxy fulfilling missions and quests, not sitting around in some training facility. Whether or not it will attract imperial entanglements(hehe) is beside the point. It's just not feasible.

As far as I understand, the Associates are neutral and so they should stay. I'm actually not in favor of an Associates town. We're supposed to be a network of people from this forum who work separately but help each other out regardless of our factions.

Maybe we should have a string of clandestine meeting places on diferent planets. Like a cantina on Tatooine operating as an Association meeting point or a shop on Naboo. Maybe with secret something or other when you enter so other members know you're one of us.

If i've been thinking wrong, set me straight.
 Wraith 8
05-22-2002, 4:35 AM
yeah ok.. but an associate town can be good.. it can be a trading ground for all of us and a save haven for us.. cause when we get attacked we have eachother to cover our backs.

well the job or term Trader isnt in the job subscription yet.. so ill be a smuggler... i will trade things with anyone... rebels, hutts, empire.... as long as i get paid.. :D
05-22-2002, 6:18 AM
I agree with Wraith, and besides; I want a place I can call home, something to build on (besides my characters).
 Darth Maxx
05-22-2002, 9:32 AM
By the way: I think there's a possibility when noone of TA is online. Will they be able then to burst into our stores/houses and steal things, or even destroy or town? And will there be natural disasters like a huge sandstorm/tornado?
05-22-2002, 9:46 AM
Well, since you are supposed to be able to pay NPC's to tend to your stores and shops, I bet the town will be able to hire NPC's to guard the gates. Oh, and Tallairn, wanna be a peacekeeper? I am planning to be something likewise. Partners? ;)

Oooh, and then we could have our own station. With a little jail, to put troublesome people in! :D
 Darth Maxx
05-22-2002, 10:43 AM
Yeah, but I think people can outrun droids can't they?
05-22-2002, 10:59 AM
Better put some bulldozer-tracks under your droids then Maxx!
 Darth Maxx
05-22-2002, 12:46 PM
Like bulldozer-tracks can handle blasters :p
05-22-2002, 6:20 PM
GAVOR: not once did I suggest that the purpose of an academy would be to train hundreds of "secret jedi", any fool who has read about this game for two minutes would know that is impossible, let alone me....

Secondly, we have already reached the conclusion that this wouldnt be a good idea at this time, you are just repeating what many people have said already

I did not suggest that it was possible to tell people exactly how to become jedi either, what I suggested was that those with experience would be able guide those who had just discovered force sensitivity, and possibly help speed up their training from there on in, giving them some help. It is an idea which would work, were it not for the Imperial factor.

The last thing that anyone in this game would want would be hundreds of "secret jedi" running around, least of all me, it would make the jedi far less special characters, and would ruin the game, making it totally unrealistic for the Star Wars universe, I never said that would be a good idea.
05-22-2002, 6:23 PM
Originally posted by setsuko
And yes, all europeans I've ever met use ICQ, no other message thingy.

I use MSN... ICQ sucks :fett: prolly got answer to it already but what the hey :p
05-22-2002, 7:01 PM
Originally posted by DudEhead

I use MSN... ICQ sucks :fett: prolly got answer to it already but what the hey :p

No offence, but my experience in the matter is that people who can't even change themes for windows use MSN, while the rest use ICQ. Or rather, mICQ or some other client. But then, I guess most of you are gamers, not programmers ;)
05-22-2002, 7:12 PM
setsuko, youre a programmer?

id like to get into some of that so if you could give a newbie a little direction id really appreciate it.

i know this is off topic so if you do have some tips for me, please make a new thread called pointers in the off topic area.

that would really help me out...
05-22-2002, 7:46 PM
I'm not a programmer. But since I tend to hang out with programmers a lot, I've catched up a few things here and there. I mean, when you're surrounded with 5 people talking about compiling kernels for an hour or two, it's either learn, or fall asleep :P
05-22-2002, 8:04 PM
Yeah, we'll be the cops.
There, now put me in, Gaalgoth :)
05-22-2002, 9:15 PM
cops cops.....all this law and order =)
05-22-2002, 9:21 PM
I don't want to be a 'cop'. But well, since we are aiming at Corellia right now, how about some local Corsec forces? That would also be a nice excuse for peacekeepers who is not in town all the time (i.e. logged out, exploring etc):

"hey, wheres the damn Corsec when you need them? Propably out on some routine checkup back at the farms at the Urtiel plain again, *grumblegrumbel*"
 Kyren Valinor
05-22-2002, 10:12 PM
Greetings. I'am Kyren Valinor and I enjoy this idea of the Associiates PA. I love it. I want to be apart of this community. Gaalgoth, What do you need in this PA and I will try to become it. If need be, I can become a smuggler/pilot/shopowner, but if that is already taken, I can become something else. Thanks in advance.

ICQ: 136460307. If you need to talk to me.

~K~ :)
05-22-2002, 11:17 PM
Hi Ben,

Sorry you're getting all riled up about this, but I think I had a valid point since you said:

Anoter thing which I think would be wise to include would be a jedi facility, one where people can learn and train to become a jedi (once the rest of us find out how)

I assumed you were saying that once one person had become a Jedi, that person could show lots of other people in some sort of academy. Any sort of academy is the wrong idea from my point of view and should be strongly discouraged by the devs. If there were some Jedi academy being run, why wouldn't Obi won send Luke there?

The last thing that anyone in this game would want would be hundreds of "secret jedi" running around, least of all me, it would make the jedi far less special characters, and would ruin the game, making it totally unrealistic for the Star Wars universe, I never said that would be a good idea.

Glad you agree. I think the less Jedi the better.

Thanks for listening.
05-22-2002, 11:23 PM
Kyren, we're welcome to any position you want to be. That's the beauty of it all. Just register on the PA section of the main site and you're in....just keep posting.
05-23-2002, 3:29 AM
Welcome Kyren Valinor :D
 Wraith 8
05-23-2002, 5:38 AM
hey hey hey welcome man :D

stick around...

so .. Gaalgoth.. how many people do we have already??
05-23-2002, 6:13 AM
Yes, that's a very good idea. Perfect for our purposes as well. Yes, Corsec agents will do nicely......
*insert maniacal laughter*
 Wraith 8
05-23-2002, 6:44 AM
Originally posted by Talain
Yes, that's a very good idea. Perfect for our purposes as well. Yes, Corsec agents will do nicely......
*insert maniacal laughter* oh my good lord of the Sith.. we have a Doctor evil in our midst :D MUHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA
05-23-2002, 9:02 AM
Welcome Kyren!

We now have like 3 smugglers/ traders in our PA :) it's going to be a trade orientated PA then eh?
 Wraith 8
05-23-2002, 9:15 AM
Originally posted by Zendjir
Welcome Kyren!

We now have like 3 smugglers/ traders in our PA :) it's going to be a trade orientated PA then eh? well..with Dutch people in it... what did you expect :D
 Arallu Bokatur
05-23-2002, 11:47 AM
I see I am listed as a miner I am going to be an explorer to start off with and go from there. Buying selling information any information is what I am gonna do and my race will be Bothan. I read up a bit more on Bothan and have to change my name to fit with the Bothan way.
Arallu Bok'atur
05-23-2002, 1:59 PM
I've been thinking about having a wookie information dealer too.
05-23-2002, 4:06 PM
Yeah, a wookie information dealer, that would work :)
 Darth Maxx
05-23-2002, 5:13 PM
I guess I'll have to build a lot of protocol droids...
05-23-2002, 5:21 PM
Having as many traders and smugglers as we have is a good thing, since it lets use sell the products from our manufacturers to the outside rather than having to wait for people to come in. I figure I might help with trade a little bit, maybe just work as a mule tranferring goods from our home city to one of our facilities on another planet to supplement my security duty.

Gotta be helpful to the Association!
05-23-2002, 6:46 PM
We have 12 or 13. not a bad number for starting out. I have three friends that are definitly going to play....They may join in later on.
 Kyren Valinor
05-23-2002, 7:12 PM
Glad to be here. I would like to become a Smuggler/Explorer. Can't have enough of that ;)

One question, Can anybody carry a blaster?

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