What do I need in my server.cfg to best enable dismemberment on my dedicated server?
In the dismemberment (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51350) thread, I read to use g_dismember 200. That's what I use, but is that correct? What's the range of numbers used on g_dismember? Most Q3 type commands just use a 0 or 1 (off or on), but is this one a range between 0 and, say, 200?
Also, is it necessary to load the maps using "devmap <mapname>"?
Third question, do cheats have to be enabled?
I'm running my server with cheats enabled, using devmap to load the map, and with g_dismember set to 200. Dismemberment occurs (and the server doesn't get errors like it did when using dismemberment pre-1.03...hallelujah!), but dismemberment doesn't occur often--I want it to be as often as in single player, when you use the "saberRealistic 1" command.
And why would dismemberment need to require cheat mode, specially loading a map, and having dismemberment enabled on the server? Isn't it just a graphical effect? I mean, why didn't Raven allow each client to determine whether they see dismemberment or not, as some games do with blood and gore settings?