I actually think the Mandalorian armor looks pretty good without the shoulders. Nice skins!
I have two more screens. And this one actually came out better than I thought! Its a Desert Camouflage Mandalorian Armor - Part of the Mandalorian Super Armor Pack. SPOILER ALERT: This is one of the "Surprises" I mentioned earlier on first post, so if you dont want to spoil the surprise dont click on Spoiler. I'm not forcing you not to see it, just see it if you want, I may make some edits to the armor so it could be more of a surprise anyways. PS: Sorry for the bad quality - it will look much clear and better when its in game.
http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3286/mandodesertcamofront.jpg) (
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3021/mandodesertcamoback.jpg) (
Red robe looks nice (needs some more work though).
The blue mandalorian is too blue, throw in some other color(s) in there.
The chest symbol on the green one needs fixing (nice color scheme in that one btw, i'm not a fan of camouflage in kotor but this one looks kinda nice).
The blue mandalorian is too blue, throw in some other color(s) in there.
It is supposed to be blue like that, there is also a Red and Yellow one like that. Same design but different color, however I will change the belt, and add more designs
Not bad, not bad at all. I really like it. Just remember that anyone can make those nifty high quality models we see in games, the only limitation is your imagination. Keep up the good work dude!
I took a try at modeling a new area ( this is my first time making an area ) for a mod I might be working on in the future, Quanon's Turtorial on modeling a new area helped me a lot. Here are some screens on the area. NO TEXTURES YET!
Looks great! And very clean!
Can I ask what it is? A interiour of a ship or a base? Hideout for some smugglers?
Keep on going, I loove seeing more areas ^_^
Yay! Someone taking the leap into 3D! Looks awesome, dude.
Congrats on the model! Way more than I could do, hehe. :xp:
Great job on the area. I'm still trying to puzzle my way through that area of modding.
I like how those mandalorians look, so battle-weary.
Can I ask what it is? A interiour of a ship or a base? Hideout for some smugglers?
Its going to be a small part of a base. Oh and thanks
I started a new WIP last week, its a planet mod, which is really the yavin planet in K1 but this mod changes it to be Corellia with a new main plot, side quests, items, and more. So far I have Done Layout, 1 module. Whole main quest was written last night. There will be 9 modules in all, 4, before exchange leader is killed, and another 4 for after exchanged leader is killed, and 1 for Exchange Space Station. I honestly think this can be done, however I will need help with scripting.
The main plot for Corellia is this, SPOILER ALERT!
Main Plot: The exchange is threatening the people of Corellia especially of the city of Coronet. The governor needs the PC’s help to stop the exchange from attacking and threatening the people of Coronet. You need to kill the leader of the Exchange attacks to make the Exchange stay away.
I will post screenies by tomorrow, because only 1 module has been started and its 23% done. Also I will keep updated on progress. Another thing as that I am looking for side quest Ideas. Please PM me if you have a side quest Idea.
Characters: 12%
Dialogue: 6%
Plot: 100%
Story: 100%
Side Quests: 0% <-Not Started
Skinning: 0% <- Not Started
Voicing: 0% <- Not Started
Modules: 12%
I'm looking forward to it! If you want help/suggestions with the story, please let me know!
I have one screenie for you guys, its how corellia will look like in the galaxy map, however the white square is what i need help with, Does Anybody know the name of the file to change the planet texture on the galaxy map? ( NOT ICON )
http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/9606/cor1c.jpg) (
Today, I took at try at modeling a new lightsaber, and it came out very nice, I need to get a texture for it though. Heres a pic.
I gonna name it " The Exiles Lightsaber "
http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5779/90591862.jpg) (
It looks good, though a bit wide....It doesn't look like someone in KotOR could hold it.
It looks good, though a bit wide....It doesn't look like someone in KotOR could hold it.
It looks wide in the picture but the radius of it is 2, which is the average radius of a lightsaber in kotor.
Heres another lightsaber model, this one is the best one I created so far.
http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/9727/saber2k.jpg) (
However, i need help with Unwrapping UVW map, which it is complicated for me.
I might release this as a mod too.
You seem to be one of those newbie modders that just-so-happens to have their best talent as one of the hardest things in modding (modeling). Well done!
Hilt: awesomeness! :thmbup1:
Yeah, this is a fine bit of modding!
Very nice, I especially like the first saber hilt :)
Keep up the great work!
Sorry for not posting here in a while, but I plan on making a model for KotOR and TSL and the model is going to be the sword of triton from POTC 4. Overall, the sword might be easy except the hand guard part, what do you guys think? I think it can be done, though it could take about a week.....or more than that.
Pic's of the real Sword of Triton
I have one screenie for you guys, its how corellia will look like in the galaxy map, however the white square is what i need help with, Does Anybody know the name of the file to change the planet texture on the galaxy map? ( NOT ICON )
You'll want to find 'GUI_yavin_1' under ERFs->Texture Packs->swpctex_gui->G.
Amazing! Another great area modeler. Looks great.
Looks really nice! My only suggestion would be to tile the texture in some areas, namely the ground. It would make it look a lot better.
But great job!
Dayum! Nice models. Very good for one just starting out.
And what happened to your other model?
Dayum! Nice models. Very good for one just starting out.
And what happened to your other model?
Looks really nice! My only suggestion would be to tile the texture in some areas, namely the ground. It would make it look a lot better.
But great job!
Amazing! Another great area modeler. Looks great.
Thanks! And the other Area model, I might not finish, theres still a chance for it to be complete though. Im setting that aside from my other projects.
NICE! I couldn't really imagine it very well when we were talking on the chatbox, but you blew whatever expectations I had outta the sky! Textures could use some tweaking, but DAYUM. That is an absolutely amazing start.
Ah, now there is grass! :)
Love it, another fine bit of modding from MrObiWan.
Im sorry for not updating this thread in a while (Playing TOR), the reason is that recently (On Christmas) I got TOR, and im addicted to the game. However I will probably show my updates to my WIP's by the 21st.
Yay! Your modules show great promise, young one.
(Says the one who's never opened 3DS Max)
I have a lot of catching up to do, and i really need to update this thread. My time on TOR is paying off, because I have new ideas for area models. I was inspired by Imperial/Republic fleet, so I can make a big model for people that quest a lot in TSL or KotOR and they can buy unique items, good gear, learn new force powers and ETC for all the time they put into the game. Also flashpoints would be a good idea, so you can take 2 of your party members and fight and have fun. And I do notice there a lot of "Ideas" in this thread so I will really put effort into this if I officially announce this a mod.
And those of you I promised textures, area models, and etc. I am working on it, I am sorry for the delay too. The sad thing is that now I can only get on on weekends, (which sucks) so I am working as fast as I can without making anything sloppy.
Anyone that can play and write music very good, like star wars type of music for mods? And if you have right equipment to record music. I have a job for anyone who can do this, PM me if you are interested.
Here are some pics of my Hoth model. This is just 1/4 of hoth, this is the outskirts. And as you can see, my modeling has improved a lot! This one is also wayyyyyyy better than the Ord Mantell I made, much more clean, and smooth. And sorry for bad quality, its just imageshack that's doing it.
http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1636/hoth2.jpg) (
http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6589/hoth3.jpg) (
Took your suggestion guys :). Here is a pic of the tweaked textures.
http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/7113/ordmantell6.jpg) (
Can I ask how you got the grass texture to tile, this is probably a n00b question but I'm having trouble with it.
Can I ask how you got the grass texture to tile, this is probably a n00b question but I'm having trouble with it.
Its not a noob question, its how modelers learn :thmbup1:. How I did it was go to the modify section of 3ds and selected the ground. Then I scrolled down the modifier tab and selected UVW map. I added screens to make it easier,
Then I scrolled down the modifier tab and selected UVW map.
http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1927/grasstexturetut1.jpg) (
1.Then once I added the modifier, I selected it,
2.Then I selected Cylindrical and checked Cap
3. Then I adjusted the U Tile, V tile, and W tile, and there ye go!
http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/74/grasstexturetut2.jpg) (
Also for the second pic, sorry for the double tab, or whatever its called. Anyways, hope this helps!!! :)
he is modelling hoth, look on page 1
oh, and thanks MrObiWan.
You should model Hoth
That was what I just posted, pics of Hoth.
:ugh: sorry one of my stupid posts. Kinda makes my avatar make since.
Anybody have any suggestion's on my model?