So basically, one posts a screenshot from a video game (old or new) for either PC or console and the next person tries to guess which game it is from before posting a pic of one they like. If the person does not get it right, the next person tries. The next person cannot post a picture of a game until the previous is guessed correctly. The winner can then proceed to post a picture. I will go first. Also, just as a heads up, it does not have to be SW.
The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth?
I will give you a hint, it is a cross between lotr and battlefront and it just came out last year.
The Lord of the Rings Conquest. I assumed it'd be something older based on the graphic quality.
Ok, since you guessed correctly, it is your turn to pot a screenshot.
Nope. It is, however, an MMO.
Chronicles of Spellborn?Correct!
Dinosaur Hunting?
Similar name. Definitely in the category of hunting.
Monster Hunter by Capcom?
^Bingo! You win delicious cake!
no, he wins the opertunity to post another screenshot!
Something from the Mega Man franchise.
Super Mario Crossover?
In a sense...
Something from the Mega Man franchise.
Thanks captain obvious. :p Now...Which one is it?
Ok, here's mine (with some words edited out to prevent google temptation... seriously, that's cheating.) I'm even giving you two pictures!
Nope. It's older than that, and far larger in scope.
Looks like a really early build of Halo back when it was a RTS for macs...
Your right, but it looks more like halo wars or command and conquer.
Doth that be Planetside?
OKAY Baron Von Sexy, shake dat ass and show us a pic.
Looks more like a 3rd grade art project than any game.
Dora's kindergarden adventure.
^It's spelled "kindergarten". It's German. And no.