This is not Quanon or Sithspecter level area modelling, but the fact that you can area model to this level of quality is extremely impressive. I'm very much looking forward to this planet mod.
Thanks. I have not been modeling for too long, but my brother is a good teacher :)
Unfortunately, I don't have time to write out an actual script for this mod, but I'd be more than happy to provide ideas for the plot and characters. Just PM me if you are interested. :)
I would love for you to help. My brother has talked about your work a few times before.
Will it all be voiced?
If i can get enough people to voice act, then yes.
Looks like a nightmare when time to texture.
Actually, it already is. (though it is still a WIP) :thmbup1:
@your first screen: Not knowing the first thing about rendering from Max or any other 3d, I was wondering if the flatness of the image was due to a weak render. Other than the 2d look, it was cool, and I like where you are going with the skin/texture!
It is not flat, thats my bad rendering tallent :¬:
And a wire-frame image, to show off detail that the render doesn't
EDIT: The head for the Governor of Siron