I've got the tools, I just have to figure out how to use them. Do you have any info on creating an outdoor area (like the upper city)? I figure that if I can get an outdoor area working I can probably get an indoor area working.
Well, you're going to need NWmax plugin for 3Ds Max. We don't need much from this plugin, just the handy import/export and a few buttons :lol:
The next important step is to get hold of Kaurora, this tool compiles our models to the code the game uses. Whenever you export something out of Max, you'll get an ASCII code file.
Though the game uses its own 3D format, 2 files, model.mdl & model.mdx.
So Kaurora does the job to transform that ASCII into mdl & mdx.
Mostly I just start out of a cube really, depending on what this outdoor needs to be :lol:
Owh, I'm certain you know its handy to sketch out the lay-out and look of what you want in 3D first. So you have a bit of a guide.
Then ofcourse there's the WALKMESH; Kotor uses a 3D mesh, to say where the player can walk. Its hidden in the game but you need to make yourself, thing is Walkmeshes are sensitive buggers. They easely get broken, cause you moved a vert here or there x-D
Plus the hardcore part about area modelling is you need to slice it up in parts. So your model turns into a big puzzle. If you want you leave it as one big model, but the game doesn't prefer that.
And then you need some extra files, to tell which part you can see from where, it's a crazy mess :lol:
Far to much to wright down here :)
I'll just be an ego tripper and post a linky to my wip thread, like that you should get an idea of what is possible:
Also check out Disbelievers thread on Sleheyron, in there you can see the use of the lightmaps, we only got that avaible recently: