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Mass weapons change

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09-25-2008, 1:44 AM
I greatly apologize if this has been asked before, searched around and didn't find much of an answer. I'm looking to simply replace the weapons of EVERY sith trooper and EVERY republic trooper without modifying the .uti's of each in each module, the question being is it possible? This is for K1 and the end result is to for instance have each Sith trooper armed with a T-21 thanks to Inyri and each Republic Trooper armed with a DC-15 rifle thanks to Locutus. Its purely for personal use and hopefully easily achieved with a script or somesuch. Anyway, thanks for any input, and if it boils down to editing each .uti individually, I'll just seek out the right permissions and release it as a mod when I get done doing all the editing.

09-25-2008, 11:18 AM
Yes, and no.

You can replace the default Blaster Rifle with the custom model, but since they both use the same gun model, you'd have to modify either the Republic, or the Sith.
 Hairy Plotter
09-25-2008, 3:08 PM
Don't know if this will help, but I did a project where I swapped virtually all my ranged weapons and many of my melee weapons for models of my preference -
I wouldn't mess with the utc's in the modules as they can screw things up in other parts of the game - just open them to see what in the inventory. Often times it's a prop blaster of some sort and it was easier to just extract that uti and link it to your model...
09-25-2008, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the tips, going to give it a shot in the next couple of days and see how it pans out.
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