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force power tree

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04-09-2008, 6:46 AM
how do i make 3 spells that replace the lower versions when u select the higher ones?ie

stun droid -> disable droid -> destroy droid

figured it out,in spells.2da set force hostile for all 3 of the tree spells to the same number(unique to all others) and then set forcepriority to 0 for lowest 1 for middle and 2 for highest of the spells,heh had fun figureing it out
04-09-2008, 11:57 AM
Also under the collumn "Prerequisites" You need to put the "(RowLabel)" of the forcepower that you need to be able to aquire the forcepower that you are creating.

(RowLabel) label prerequisites
---------- ----- -------------
001 FORCE_1 -
002 FORCE_2 001
003 FORCE_3 002
04-09-2008, 3:28 PM
Also under the collumn "Prerequisites" You need to put the "(RowLabel)" of the forcepower that you need to be able to aquire the forcepower that you are creating.

The spells.2da file is indexed by line number IIRC, so that's what you'd need to put in the prerequisites column, not the row label. :) The row label usually match the line number, but there is no guarantee it always does.

(Line numbers start at 0 on the first row and count up.)
04-09-2008, 4:26 PM
Erm, what I meant :rolleyes:

But, in my defence, there is a very low chance that the RowLabel is not the same as the RowIndex, and KotorTool doesn't show the Line number. :)

I had a look at spells.2da for kotor in excel, that add-in rocks btw :p, and the RowLabels are the same for the ones that Bioware put in. If you append and continue that, then you should get the right RowIndex.
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