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United We Stand

Page: 4 of 5
 Cyborg Ninja
04-16-2008, 11:03 PM
It had been a while since Kevak had fought. He did not want his combat skills to get rusty.

"Well Aeran if you want to test that rifle out we've got two options. The first is we go to a club or cantina and start a fight. Though I feel it is not an honorable choice, I'll go with you if you choose so. The other is we see if there's some kind of tournament going on. The choice is up to you, I just want to get some practice in with my hand to hand combat experience. If you have another idea don't be afraid to say so," Kevak added.
04-17-2008, 12:11 PM
Vynn shook his head vigorously as he downed the second Reactor Core, and reached for the Corellian Ale.

"So, do you figure there'll be much time for... more leisurely pursuits during our mission? Sightseeing aside, that is" He said, as went slower with his ale.

"And do you think we really stand a chance against Sith Lords?"
04-17-2008, 2:21 PM
"Hmm.. a tournament sounds rather interesting, I think they have bouts where a gunman and swordsman can play against an equally sized team..." He said, although feeling a bit uneasy... didnt they have a galaxy to save?
 Cyborg Ninja
04-17-2008, 4:11 PM
"Hmm.. a tournament sounds rather interesting, I think they have bouts where a gunman and swordsman can play against an equally sized team..."

"We'll seeing that we're going to be here for a while, I say we go to the cantina. Hutts tend to hang there, and if I'm not mistaken a Hutt runs the tournament."

Kevak began walking until he found the cantina. An Ithorian Guard stood outside the cantina. Kevak walked up to the entrance but the Ithorian did not move.

"We wish to enter the tournament," Kevak said.

He tried once more but the Ithorian did not move. It did however pull out a blaster. The Ithorian aimed at Kevak's head and was inches from pulling the trigger. Kevak ducked as the blaster shot went over his head. Kevak then sweep kicked the Ithorian causing it to lose its blaster. Kevak picked up the blaster and pointed it at the Ithorian's face.

"Now were going to go in, and you're not going to get in the way this time."

Kevak walked into the cantina and began searching for a Hutt.

"Do you see a Hutt around?" Kevak asked.
04-18-2008, 5:09 AM
"So, do you figure there'll be much time for... more leisurely pursuits during our mission? Sightseeing aside, that is."

Zarena took another sip of her Nectarwine. "I'm a Zeltron, hun, we always find time for leisurely pursuits."

"And do you think we really stand a chance against Sith Lords?"

"Me personally? No, not unless they happen to have a weakness to exploding power couplings. But I figure you and the other Jedi, ex-Jedi types together might stand a chance. The rest of us are just here for covreing fire and tech support."
04-18-2008, 12:09 PM
Aeran kept his sights trained on the ithorian the second it made a move on Kevak, however before he could do anything else it was on the floor.

"Wow, nice moves" Aeran said as they walked through the door to see a lively cantina, it felt good to see people who didnt look at them like stray dogs or uninvited guests, everything carried on as normal.

"These cantinas revolve around the local Hutts... it shouldnt be hard to find him... or he finds us." He mentioned.
04-18-2008, 12:54 PM
"I'm a Zeltron, hun, we always find time for leisurely pursuits."

For some reason, what Zarena had just said filled Vynn with boy joy and dread.

"Me personally? No, not unless they happen to have a weakness to exploding power couplings. But I figure you and the other Jedi, ex-Jedi types together might stand a chance. The rest of us are just here for covreing fire and tech support."

"Hey, if you think i'm going to be jumping in to fight their Sithinesses, you'd be very much mistaken. Besides, not many Sith i've seen can dodge thermal detonators. And if they can, then it's lucky i've got new boots" He said, finishing his ale.

He didn't relish the idea of fighting Sith Lords - they had a lot of minions. But, for amount the Jedi were paying, it too good to pass up.

"And what do you plan to do with your million creds when we're done?" He said, leaning back into the seat.
04-19-2008, 11:32 AM
William was bored. It was already 2:00 in the afternoon and he had nothing to do. He had already become the Coruscant Swoop Champion earning 1700 credits and made Fava a very happy Hutt. He had also played a few pazzak games, and now he had a need to actually explore Coruscant.

Stepping out into the streets of the planet, he walked aimlessly around.
04-19-2008, 12:05 PM
Bail finished his ale. 'Time to get sober, I guess...' he thought, paid the bartender and left the cantina. Bail always thought that, even if Coruscant was a big planet, and lots of things happend everywhere in all times, he always wanted to leave the planet, he considered it to be boring, and he felt restless. On his way out he noticed two bounty hunters staring at him. He knew there was a price on his head, mainly since he made some enemies during his travels the last 15 years. But Bail just kept walking, a pair of lousy bounty hunters couldn't really do him any damage.

Out on the streets he noticed that there wasn't as much traffic as it uses too, and also spotted a ship leaving the Senate Building. Bail hadn't been at the Senate Building since he was young, actually not since the Mandalorian Wars. In the begining of it, just before some Jedi's joined in. He remembered himself stand there, together with Revan, Malak, Vilad Katan and Kalo Hoban, Bail's older brother. No one knows what happend to Kalo, he just dissappeared during the war. Bail's face turned sad, he missed his brother, who always was there for him when he was young and had doubts in his progress in the training.

Bail just kept walking the streets, thinking of the old days and of his brother.
04-19-2008, 3:14 PM
"And what do you plan to do with your million creds when we're done?"

As Vynn leaned back in his chair, Zarena leant forward in hers and rested the side of her face in her palm.

"Buy a small planet?" She grinned. "I haven't really though about it. I'll probably retire to Zeltron, spend it all on alcohol and parties, then be back out wandering the galaxy in a few years. Did you have anything in mind?"
04-19-2008, 6:10 PM
"I haven't really though about it. I'll probably retire to Zeltron, spend it all on alcohol and parties, then be back out wandering the galaxy in a few years. Did you have anything in mind?"

"So the usual for a Zeltron then?" He smiled, as pondered Zarena's question.

"I hadn't really thought about it. I'm used to 'just getting by'. And i'm not the settling down type." He said, as he leant forward, to meet Zarena's gaze.

"But" He said, after a small moment of silence, "I'll maybe buy beach house on Spyra - and maybe some slave girls. That, or the usual - Juma and Pazaak"
04-21-2008, 12:11 PM
"I'll maybe buy beach house on Spyra - and maybe some slave girls. That, or the usual - Juma and Pazaak."

"Well, if I haven't blown it all in two years I'll probably have lost it on Pazaak."

Zarena grinned for a moment.

"But I don't think anyone here's gonna settle down, not really. Nobody seems the type. There's people like us who like to party, others who... just like shooting things, probably a couple of do-gooders in the mix who're doing this "for the greater good". We might all wanna slow down for a while, but we'll get bored, pack up our homes, and go back to being shot at for fun and profit."
 Cyborg Ninja
04-21-2008, 5:09 PM
(You may use the Hutt as well Niftyeye.)
Kevak had finally spotted a Hutt in the corner of the cantina. As he approached the Hutt, a Trandoshan guard pushed him back. Kevak already had his vibrosword to the creature's throat before it had time to do something else.

"Unless you want to end up the Hutt's next meal I suggest you back down!" Kevak said forcefully.

The Trandoshan backed down but by the Hutt's command.

The Hutt began speaking to Kevak, but he did not know the language. Lucky for him his suit had a couple translators.

"So you're the man causing my guards so much trouble," The Hutt said as he pointed to the Ithorian who had managed to sneak by him. "I could have your head for this, but Jar'gla tells me you wanted to enter my tournament. Now I can take your money and watch you get beaten," The Hutt laughed.

"I fear no man not even a filthy creature such as yourself," Kevak replied.

"We'll see about that," snapped the Hutt, "I suppose you'll be entering with that sword of yours?"

"No, I will use no weapon at all."

"As noble as that is you are required to have a weapon, whether you use it or not is up to you."

"Then I will enter with my sword," Kevak replied.

"Excellent now go, your fight begins now. You will be facing another sword wielder. Now I will deal with your friend here."

Kevak turned to see the arena where he would fight. He entered and saw his opponent on the other.

"Welcome to the first fight of the day. Today we have the Butcher versus the Cyborg, ready fight."

I suppose that I'm the cyborg Kevak thought to himself. He looked up to see that the butcher was the Trandoshan guard from before. It raised its sword and charged him.

This should be interesting Kevak said as he went into a battle stance.
04-22-2008, 12:51 PM
Jojo stood at a corner sharpen his dagger and clean his blasters. He looked up and saw a man wearing black robes and a white mask on his face. The man was wearing lightsaber aswell. He suited a given discription Jojo once had heard. Jojo put the dagger in its scabbard, and made some tricks with one of his blasters before puting it in its holder. He then walked towards the man, holding his blaster. He didn't point it at the man, but held it as if he was working on it.

"Hey lightsaber-guy! Are you the one they call William?"
04-22-2008, 3:17 PM
"Hey lightsaber-guy! Are you the one they call William?"

William turned around to meet a man whose hand was on his blaster. William might be the kindest person in the galaxy, but he wasn't stupid.

William began fingering one of the knives hidden in his sleeves, in case this guy got trigger happy, his death would be quick and silent. "That depends, who wants to know?"
04-22-2008, 3:40 PM
"That depends, who wants to know?"

"Ah, the classic yes from a suspecious man." Jojo said. "I was just about to look for you. I guess my luck is superior today." Jojo put away his blaster. "I've heard rumors that you are going to lead group of mercs against the uprising evil! And I have to tell you, I'm a bit intressed in such work."

- - -

While Bail was walking he saw William speaking to someone holding a weapon. Bail sneaked nearer and hid at the corner to eaves-drop and, if necessary, help William.

- - -

Jojo put up his blaster again, and aim at the corner, but was still faced to William.
"You might want to come of there, Jedi! You jedis are so superior...but heck you can't even sneak on a normal person, such as myself." Jojo's eyes turned back to William. "So, how about that job?"
04-22-2008, 3:45 PM
Evelyn stood at the steps to the temple. The noon breeze tickled her face. In times of such strife, she appreciated the calm. But she never held on to it.

It wasn't a matter of knowing if she was in the right place. She knew she was. Report to the Jedi Temple, and at the temple she was. Her cloak sloshing around her ankles, she hiked up the steps.

She thought by now that she would be used to seeing the Temple crawling with non-Jedi. But the thought that their halls were now home to Sith and Bounty Hunters was something that would always make her uncomfortable. She could remember her first time here, the place abuzz with activity, Padawans shuffling to class, Knights striding through the corridors, proud to be there, Masters... Master... She stopped herself. There is no emotion.

For the moment she would remain in the foyer. She knew where to go if she needed to find one of the Council, and she imagined that hall was now home to the higher ups of the Republic as well, seeing as the Jedi Temple has become the base of operations for all the galaxy.
04-22-2008, 4:53 PM
The temple looks bigger from the air car than here, on the ground. Sergeant Major Ryl Thryyn thought as he looked around the temple.

"Thanks, Chre, I'll be able to take it from here." He said the the driver of the air-car that brought him here as he extracted his carryall from the back seat of the moving death trap.

"So... Where should I head to." He said aloud, looking around at the knots of people walking in and out of the temple. Some people he recognized as obvious Sith, whether force-users or soldiers. Others were immediately identifiable as Mercs, usually by their piecemeal armor.

Patting the flight jacket he'd bought at the RX several years ago, and, in the same action, his hold-out blaster, Ryl walked in the doors.

He supposed he should be used to the reactions by now, the looks and the questions that would inevitably follow. The Marines wore battle armor that was different from the traditional Republican army, instead of the gaudy red on yellow, it was usually either gray and another darker tone, or something more jungle like.

Most people wanted to know where the hell he'd gotten the idea that the Republic used such armor... and then what galaxy he was from.

But, today, the looks were different, it was the accusing stares from the Sith that couldn't let go of their hatred of the Republican Marine Corps. or the Sith that knew his face and hated his guts... though he doubted many of them would be here, considering he'd introduced them to religion rather quickly after meeting them.

He looked down at his datapad anxiously, "William Graff... why the hell does that name seem familiar, and why is he setting up shop here?"

He paged his datapad to the included map of the Jedi Temple, "maybe this will help me..."

"So, how about that job?"

The words came across clearly, the dead air helping his already acute hearing. He couldn't hear the response, whether because it wasn't given or if it was soft, he couldn't tell.

Either way, Ryl decided it was a good idea to go to where the sound came from.

"William Graff? Sergeant Major Ryl Thryyn reporting for duty." He paused, then grinned balefully. "You wouldn't believe how slow an Astromover-Class transport can move when it wants to, especially when you're coming in from beyond the Outer Rim Territories."
04-22-2008, 7:49 PM
"So, how about that job?"

"I suppose we could use all the help we can get," answered William. "The Republic/Sith is paying 250,000 credits for each of the four True Sith Lords we capture/kill. We move out tommorrow so report to Docking Bay 4A." Just then, William heard a sound coming from his comlink.

"William Graff? Sergeant Major Ryl Thryyn reporting for duty." He paused, then grinned balefully. "You wouldn't believe how slow an Astromover-Class transport can move when it wants to, especially when you're coming in from beyond the Outer Rim Territories."

"Don't worry about it Major Thryyn. Did you get the mission briefing?"
 Cyborg Ninja
04-22-2008, 8:15 PM
The Trandoshan lunged at Kevak, but his sword was blocked. Kevak hit the Trandoshan's sword and kicked him in the face. The Trandoshan moved back as Kevak went in for another kick. The Trandoshan caught Kevak's leg and threw him to the ground. Kevak did a flip to keep from falling. The Trandoshan charged again, but Kevak dove uder his legs. Kevak sweep kicked the Trandoshan causing him to lose his sword as well. The Trandoshan got up and pulled a knife from his side. He charged Kevak in a slashing motion. Kevak caught his arm and twisted it, breaking the bone. Kevak punched the creature in the gut causing him to double over. Kevak kickfliped the Trandoshan. The trandoshan tried to get up once more but Kevak recovered his blade and placed it on the Trandoshan's throat. As he went in for the kill, a horn of some type went off.

"The fight is over, the winner is the Cyborg"

Kevak exited the arena quite pleased. He looked up to see Graff, a merc, and someone hiding. Kevak decided to walk up to Graff to see if he needed help. The merc took his hand off the blaster.

Perhaps he's an ally of his, or a new member Kevak thought.

"William Graff, its good to see you again. I do hope we are leaving soon, this place is staring to bore me."

Kevak turned to the man.

"I don't believe we've met before, my name is Kevak and you must be another member on the team, A pleasure to meet you," Kevak said sticking his hand out to the man.
04-23-2008, 8:21 AM
Don't worry about it Major Thryyn. Did you get the Mission Briefing"

Ryl looked around uncomfortably for several seconds, as if looking around for somebody that wasn't there before he opened his mouth. "Uhh, Jedi Graff, sir, I think you might be making a mistake, I'm not a Major, unless orders have come in bumped me up a few pay-grades -and giving me a comission. I'm just a lowly Sergeant, just an NCO." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"However, if you think you still want me for this job, I'll be able to come along, since the Corps. has me listed under 'detached duty', right where I was for most of both wars." With his age that could only mean the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi-Sith War.

Ryl checked his data-pad again, this time reading his orders. "From what I understand, we're going after the Four Sith Lords that currently are controlling the True Sith's invastion of this Galaxy... If you don't mind me asking, Sir, how in the blazes are we going to kill Four karking Sith Lords?"

'And how am I going to be able to help without being able to use the Force?' he thought to himself as he checked his Flight Jacket again for his holdout blaster.

"I don't believe we've met before, my name is Kevak and you must be another member on the team. A pleasure to meet you," Kevak said sticking his hand out to the man.

"Sergeant Major Ryl Thryyn, Republican Marine Corps. Raider Section." Ryl said as he stuck out his hand to shake the new-comer's.

"So, how about that job?"

"And who the Hell are you?" He added, turning to the only one with a blaster drawn.
04-23-2008, 3:36 PM
"My bad Sergeant Thryyn," replied William. "And you don't need to call me sir. About the Sith Lords part, we'll think of a solution when we get to that part."
04-23-2008, 3:39 PM
"About the Sith Lords part, we'll think of a solution when we get to that part"

Thryyn almost grinned, "glad to see the Politicos haven't gotten to this part of the mission! Could you imagine the Supreme Chancellor trying to explain to the Senate why we have to kill four Sith Lords? They were crazy enough during the last war."
 Cyborg Ninja
04-23-2008, 4:06 PM
"My bad Sergeant Thryyn," replied William. "And you don't need to call me sir. About the Sith Lords part, we'll think of a solution when we get to that part."
after shaking hands with the soldier, Kevak turned to Graff.

"Actually Graff now that you've brought that up, I'd like to talk to you about that. Being a sith lord for a long time has its advanatges. I've seen Malak's plan fail and Nihilius's plan fail as well. I fell we should take out the sith lord operating the whole thing. my best guess is that it is Darth Auroris. From there we can take out the other three no problem. This is just my idea, do you have any?"
04-23-2008, 5:36 PM
Vynn looked around the bar, and then at Zarena.

"So, what do you say we find someplace else? Coruscant's a big place - there must be lots you wanna see. I'll even let you drive" He said, staring down into the now empty glasses of ale.
04-23-2008, 8:28 PM
"This is just my idea, do you have any?"

"I'll just head to my quarters, you wouldn't believe the travel shock from coming from beyond the Outer Rim... horrible... my body swears that its... about twelve hours from now..."

Thryyn walked away from the group and brought out his map again, this time looking for the guest quarters...

When he arrived in his quarters after several arguments with TC-01 droids that felt that they knew exactly what he wanted, Thryyn just removed his uniform and pulled out some sleeping clothes. After a quick stop in the refresher he set his datapad to sound an alarm at 03:25 local...

"I really wish I knew why I did this." He said aloud to the ceiling before he fell asleep.
04-24-2008, 2:11 AM
"I suppose we could use all the help we can get," answered William. "The Republic/Sith is paying 250,000 credits for each of the four True Sith Lords we capture/kill. We move out tommorrow so report to Docking Bay 4A."

"How lovely, I'll meet you there."

"And who the Hell are you?"

"Geez, what's up with the attitude? Besides, my mom taught me not to speak with total strangers. Anyway I'm out of here, see you tomorrow folks!" Jojo left.


"That kid would have been Jojo." Bail said "I've met him before in the outer rims, but I'm not really sure what he is doing here, and if he found out about the job or not...But he is a hell of a gunman, could be useful."
04-24-2008, 7:36 AM
(I hope you are referring to me)

Aeran had been quiet all throughout Kevak fighting in the arena and them now meeting Graff, and then suddenly snapped when he was questioned.

"Im Sergeant Drexel, Sith Military, I hear you marines were quite the fighters, a shame the rest of the Army wasnt kept up to scratch." He retorted.

As the other members of the group headed off, he approached Kevak.

"When are we even leaving? I thought we had a 'Great' Republic to save."
04-24-2008, 1:10 PM
"So, what do you say we find someplace else? Coruscant's a big place - there must be lots you wanna see. I'll even let you drive."

Zarena downed her drink. "I'll try not to crash." She grinned and rose from her seat, before making for the door. Now we just need to find that parking boy.


Evelyn had made her way up towards the Council's chambers. She hovered outside the door, unsure of whether or not to enter. This place was more... relaxed, certainly, but that didn't mean that they would let just anyone into that hall.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"

She turned her head slowly, relieved to see that the man standing behind her didn't appear to be one of the wandering Sith. He had black hair and blue eyes, and was wearing the uniform of MediCorps. He seemed familiar to her. And judging from the look on his face, she was familiar to him.

"E... Evelyn?"

He paused, though she wasn't sure why. By now she had turned to face him fully. Yes, I remember him. Linus Bennard. We trained on Dantooine, but his Master left during the Wars.

He began again. "I haven't seen you since--"
"Since Dantooine."

The young man seemed slightly frustrated.

"You've changed, Evelyn."
"We all have."

They stood for a moment, silent, in an awkward reunion. On the day he and the other younglings left the Enclave, she had promised she wouldn't forget them. But I did.

She swallowed. Nervous. No emotion. "I've been helping the people of Dantooine rebuild after... after the bombing."
Linus' face moved from frustration to a faint smile. "That's good to hear. I'm stuck here in the infirmiry."
Evelyn let herself smile, just a little. "I won't be here for long, I've been pulled in for a mission. But it was good to see you again, Linus."

She turned from him and the door and started to walk back towards the stairs. And here I am, another Jedi walking away from him. But I don't need this, not now. Maybe I'll return for him after the mission. Return for him and the others.
04-24-2008, 3:21 PM
Jojo was leaning against the wall as he watched Evelyn walking down the stairs. He thought that she looked troubled somehow. 'I guess a Jedi's life isn't a dance on roses.'

"You know, you're to pretty to be a Jedi... and way to pretty to be troubled. Tell me honey, do you have problems? I have great experience with troubles, more to get into to them than solve them, but I'm still alive so..." He said and smiled.
04-25-2008, 12:21 PM
As Evelyn stepped out at the bottom of the stairs, a blue-clad man began to speak to her.

"You know, you're to pretty to be a Jedi... and way to pretty to be troubled."

Oh, here we go. She contemplated rolling her eyes. Another fool who thinks that people's Force sensitivity is dependant on their appearance.

"Tell me honey, do you have problems? I have great experience with troubles, more to get into to them than solve them, but I'm still alive so..."

"I don't doubt you've some skill at getting yourself into trouble." She could feel her discipline ebbing away, flowing to the sharpening tip of her tongue. She knew better, she knew to calm herself and keep walking. But she tired of people thinking they had a right to know her. "Perhaps it wouldn't happen so much if you kept out of other people's private business."
04-25-2008, 1:26 PM
"Perhaps it wouldn't happen so much if you kept out of other people's private business."

"Maybe you're right, darling. Still it's a great way to get to know people." Jojo said and started to walk beside Evelyn. "And the more people you get to know, the bigger chance to get friends! Friends that later on will betray you...but still, friends." Jojo made a short paus and looked at the Jedi. "Does that pretty face of yours have a name? Oh, and if your name is 'Death' or something, I don't wanna know."
04-26-2008, 3:57 AM
"Maybe you're right, darling. Still it's a great way to get to know people."

The man had come to walk beside Evelyn as she retreated back towards the foyer. Not even phased. He's determined, I'll give him that.

"Does that pretty face of yours have a name? Oh, and if your name is 'Death' or something, I don't wanna know."

She paused for a moment in thought. Well, if it stops him from calling me "darling"...

"Evelyn Sirus, Jedi Knight. And you are?"
04-26-2008, 8:12 AM
"Evelyn Sirus, Jedi Knight. And you are?"

"Evelyn? Makes sense, beautiful name to beautiful woman. As for me, the call me Jojo, a survivor, or at least I would call myself that since I'm still alive."

Jojo thought a bit and then said "I have question, honey. How is the life of a Jedi? I mean the strict life, disciplin, not being able to enjoy life to the max, and becoming allied with your nemesis?"
04-27-2008, 1:03 PM
"I have question, honey. How is the life of a Jedi? I mean the strict life, disciplin, not being able to enjoy life to the max, and becoming allied with your nemesis?"

Evelyn pressed her lips together habitually, putting her answer together in her head before she spoke. "I imagine we both have very different ideas of "enjoying life to the max". I find the life of a Jedi satisfying, just as I'm sure you find some pleasure in... whatever it is you do. And though I'm not entirely comfortable having to work with the Sith, it is for the mutual benefit of the galaxy, and I won't let my personal feelings cloud my judgement of this situation."
04-27-2008, 1:47 PM
"I imagine we both have very different ideas of "enjoying life to the max". I find the life of a Jedi satisfying, just as I'm sure you find some pleasure in... whatever it is you do. And though I'm not entirely comfortable having to work with the Sith, it is for the mutual benefit of the galaxy, and I won't let my personal feelings cloud my judgement of this situation."

"A very nice way of saying 'I hate it', I give you that. But I wonder, have you had the option of trying diffrent livestyles? I mean the life of the Jedi last a long, long time, and maybe you like it, I'm not trying to imply you shouldn't, but you know, have you tried another way of living, a way that doesn't have boundries of what you can and cannot do? Since I've heard the life of a Jedi can be pretty limited." Jojo stopped and looked at Evelyn. "Trust me, Eve...can I call you Eve? I mean no harm, whatsoever with these questions, I'm just trying to learn and figure out what kind of a person you are."
05-03-2008, 1:10 PM
(Since nobodys posted anything for a while, I decided to hurry this up.)

William decided that a good rest would be key to tommorrow's launching of the mission. "Remember, Docking Bay 4A tommorrow," he announced on everyone's comlinks.

With that said, he made his way back to the Jedi Temple.
05-04-2008, 6:33 AM
Aeran received the message through his helmet and headed off back to the temple, on the way he sent a message to William.

"Fancy a drink? I dont want to be the 'Sith outcast' because everyone else in the group seems to hate me for what I am..." He asked.

(Cyborg if you're tagging along its up to you ;))
05-04-2008, 7:28 AM
Once Zarena was clear of the club, she looked over her shoulder to check that Vynn was still behind her. Before she could speak, William's voice drifted across her comm link.

"And we were just getting started," she commented. "Well, I guess we should get some sleep." She spied the speeder parked at the side of the road, and ambled over. Alright, perhaps he wasn't a thief after all. Or if he is, he wasn't a very good one.


"Trust me, Eve...can I call you Eve? I mean no harm, whatsoever with these questions, I'm just trying to learn and figure out what kind of a person you are."

Evelyn gave a resigned nod. I must not antagonize those not versed in the Jedi ways if they do not directly oppose me.
"I simply do what is required of a Jedi. Anything more and I would be interfering, anything less and I wouldn't be fulfilling my purpose."

She basked for a moment in her own morals before she heard a sound that seemed to be coming from Jojo's comlink. "What was that?"
05-04-2008, 7:56 AM
"I simply do what is required of a Jedi. Anything more and I would be interfering, anything less and I wouldn't be fulfilling my purpose."

Jojo scratched his head and smiled. I wonder what a Jedi's purpose really is... They sure as hell doesn't seem to help the ones in most need. He thought.

"What was that?"

"Oh, it's just my comlink. That would have been some guy called William, a wierd looking guy with a wired looking mask, who is in charge of" Jojo got closer to Evelyn and whispered. "Docking Bay 4A tommorrow, that's what he said."


"Remember, Docking Bay 4A tommorrow"

Bail headed to 4A right away, he thought that he'd better get things settled so he could fly the ship the next day. When he got there he saw the ship. people works on building a ship, and it's the ugliest ship in entire galaxy.

"Who are you?" a guard said.

"The name's Bail Hoban, and I'm going to fly this...ship tomorrow, and I want to make sure everything is to my satisfaction before the take off."

"You may enter, but I'm watching you!"

Bail entered the ship, with the guard so close behind him as if he was a backpack. Bail didn't think the inside looked much better, but headed for the cockpit. The seat was real nice, he felt very comfortable sitting there. He started up some systems to see what the ship was capable of, and he got impressed. It was a powerful ship indeed.
 Cyborg Ninja
05-04-2008, 2:24 PM
Kevak began following Aeran to the temple.

"Its a shame you didnt get to try out your blaster. Let's hope it works. So what exactly should we do now?"
05-04-2008, 6:02 PM
"Fancy a drink? I dont want to be the 'Sith outcast' because everyone else in the group seems to hate me for what I am..." He asked.

"Sure," said William pleasantly. "But we shouldn't be out too long. We'll probably need the rest for tommorrow."
05-05-2008, 5:15 AM
"Yeah I guess, I got a few bad and good memories of using my old one." He replied to Kevak.

"Anyway, I arranged to have a drink with William, might help to get on his good side, Republic or not, they smashed us twice and it says something about their battle prowess, we should get friendly atleast.." He explained, feeling a little sad on the 'they smashed us'.

They began to head back.
 Cyborg Ninja
05-05-2008, 5:07 PM
"Indeed the republic fought well. I'll join you on that drink. Maybe this time I can talk to Graff without him walking away from me. He's gonna have to start thinking of this sooner or later, and I just feel its not going to help us if we don't have a plan."
05-07-2008, 11:53 AM
"Oh, it's just my comlink. That would have been some guy called William, a wierd looking guy with a wired looking mask, who is in charge of"

"Quest?" Evelyn murmured to herself.

"Docking Bay 4A tommorrow, that's what he said."

"It's odd you should say that..." she commented. "I'm here to participate in a mission for the Jedi, one where we gather to leave tomorrow in Docking Bay 4A..."

It took a moment to click. "Well, Jojo, it would appear we'll be working together."
05-07-2008, 3:06 PM
"Well, Jojo, it would appear we'll be working together."

"I'm begining to like this quest." He said and smiled "A quest for the Jedi you say,'re not going to be pleased working with sith, mandalorians and other scumbags then. And no, I'm no scumbag..."

"How would like to go and eat something?"
05-07-2008, 3:52 PM
"A quest for the Jedi you say,'re not going to be pleased working with sith, mandalorians and other scumbags then. And no, I'm no scumbag..."

Evelyn frowned. Surely I'm not the only Jedi on this trip. I can't be. "Needs must. I assume a variety of skills is needed, and few Jedi can handle blasters or pick locks."

"How would like to go and eat something?"

"I suppose that sounds reasonable." She began to move towards the canteen, assuming Jojo would follow. I suppose I've met worse. And I'm guessing I will meet worse, knowing that this is going to be a party of Sith, mercenaries and me.
05-09-2008, 11:07 AM
Aeran and Kevak were still walking towards the bar, Coruscant was certainly huge in every respect, he had to constantly weave in and out of the endless crowds that filled every square inch of the streets.

"Yeah I agree... a lot of these Republic individuals are just as arrogant as well... as arrogant as I was when I first signed up.. I suppose I still have a strand of it." He replied.

(sort of a bump for William lol)
05-09-2008, 3:25 PM
Jojo followed the Jedi, and went beside her. "Let's the 'Jedi-stuff' now, before you think I'm to annoying and use your lightsaber and slice me like some Dantooine Cheese. I haven't been much in the core worlds, what's the food like?"
05-09-2008, 4:46 PM
"Yeah I agree... a lot of these Republic individuals are just as arrogant as well... as arrogant as I was when I first signed up.. I suppose I still have a strand of it." He replied.

"Whenever somebody or something has power, arrogance is the result which leads to their downfall," said William. "Whether it be the Sith, Mandalorians, or Republic, we forget the one of the lessons of history which is no matter our opponent, don't underestimate them."
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