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United We Stand

Page: 3 of 5
04-06-2008, 12:26 PM
"But I must say I'm glad to have a non-force-sensitive in the crew. They tend to be...boring, I am too many times I guess... we are a bunch of patronizing morrons too, specially those who are strong in the know 'consulars', a Jedi class."

Zarena nodded. "I hadn't met many Jedi before I came here, but the few I came into contact with were... well, as you said. patronizing. But I have a hard time telling them apart. Maybe they were "consulars", I can't say for sure."

She had grown tired of the bowl of mush that lay in front of her, and had decided it was best to leave it half-finished.

"I'll probably head out to the city. Might as well buy some supplies before we hit the point of no return," she commented, getting to her feet. "I'll see you around."

And with that she headed for the temple exit. She'd be glad to get out again. The less time she spent inside the temple, the better.
 Cyborg Ninja
04-06-2008, 1:45 PM
Kevak was impressed with the man. Not many people could answer him without the look of fear in their eyes. Kevak felt he had seen this man before, but he could not think of where he had seen him.

"Impressive, most people would turn and run if I said something to them. You clearly know who I am, but are you friends aware of who they are standing next too?" Kevak answered and asked in a slightly concerned way.
04-07-2008, 7:31 AM
"I'll probably head out to the city. Might as well buy some supplies before we hit the point of no return. I'll see you around."

"See you." Bail said as watch her leave. 'What an intressting girl.'

Bail left the table and the room. And started to walk...just walk. 'What to do? What to do? Hmm...if I walk long enough, maybe I'll run in to a nice person.' He thought.
04-07-2008, 3:30 PM
"Impressive, most people would turn and run if I said something to them. You clearly know who I am, but are you friends aware of who they are standing next too?" Kevak answered and asked in a slightly concerned way.

"Probably not," answered William. "So, why don't we all introduce ourselves!"
"You all know I'm William so I guess its your guy's turns."
04-07-2008, 4:22 PM
"Name's Vynn." he said, as he looked the stranger up and down. He dressed curiously, and he was another with a penchant for masks. Someone else with something to hide.

"And i've seen gizka more scarier" He smiled, as he continued examining the man.
 Cyborg Ninja
04-07-2008, 6:38 PM
"Name's Vynn."

"And i've seen gizka more scarier."

The man standing next to Graff was the first to respond. Kevak looked at the man and laughed. He clearly didn't know who he is but Kevak did not want to make a huge deal out of it. He was going to be with these people for a long time, making a bad impression was not on his to do list.

"I can only imagine," Kevak replied, "As I've said before my name is Kevak Phobos, a pleasure to meet you Vynn is it?" Kevak asked as he stretched forward on of his arms to shake the man's hand.
04-08-2008, 3:00 AM
"So, why don't we all introduce ourselves!"

"And I'm Jaq, former Mandalorian..." he introduced himself. "But I now work as a mercenary nowadays, and somehow got entangled in this mess!"

He noted the mask. "What is it with people with masks nowadays?" he thought.
04-08-2008, 9:40 AM
While walking Bail saw Jaq, William and Vynn and some more talking. He walked towards them and said "Good day! It's a lovely day to die on." Bail smiled and then looked at Kevak, raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Anyway," turned to William, "I got a gift for you, kid." He opened a bag he was carrying and took out two armor plates who fits on the arms, and gave them to William.

"These are made of Cortosis, and it might come in handy for you...not saying you are any worse than any of these people...but you are younger, which often equals with less experience. And besides...if you are to lead this group...I guess that would make you a higher target for the enemy when they hear of us."
04-08-2008, 4:03 PM
William tilted his head and accepted the gift gratefully. "Thanks Bail! These'll probably come in handy! Don't worry though, we're going to be a democracy so if I die you die," joked William

"Oh yeah, one of the padawans here told me a Sith Sergant named Aeran was looking for me. Since he's part of the group, I'll contact him on my com," said William.

He then took out the small device and sent the signal, now he just had to wait.
04-08-2008, 4:16 PM
Aeran was staring into space when suddenly his comm went off on his HUD, seeing the location marked he quickly headed off and soon arrived, where he saw a rather large group of people, some of whom he met earlier.

He walked up to the person where the comm signal was coming from, Aeran assumed it was 'Graf'.

"Greetings.." He said, nervously holding out a hand but leaving his helmet firmly onto his head.

"Im Aeran, was a Sergeant in the old sith Army during the glory days, where we nearly crushed the republic...." He spoke with a hint of pride and arrogance in the sentence, but he knew that being surrounded by Jedi was not a brilliant idea...
04-08-2008, 5:28 PM
"Thanks Bail! These'll probably come in handy! Don't worry though, we're going to be a democracy so if I die you die,"

"Sounds fair enough! I can make us all die by a little ...crashing accident, it's not that hard." Bail smiled. "Anyway the good thing with the shields are that they work... they've actually saved my life more than once, for example during a battle against Revan."

"Im Aeran, was a Sergeant in the old sith Army during the glory days, where we nearly crushed the republic...."

Bail laughed. "You mean part from that a man of the Republic, almost single handed, destroyed your forces five years ago? You wouldn't even have stood a chance against the Mandies." Bail said and hit Jaq in the back. "Just face it that the Republic is the one still standing. Republic vs Mandies, winner Republic...Republic vs Malak...winner Republic...Republic vs Sion and Nihilus...I guess the Republic won that one too...You see the pattern? And in fact now, when I'm back...Your forces wouldn't have stood a chance against me either...So you lost to the Republic. The Republic are superior to the Sith. Q.E.D. You weren't even close.!" Bail smiled.
 Cyborg Ninja
04-08-2008, 7:19 PM
"Thanks Bail! These'll probably come in handy! Don't worry though, we're going to be a democracy so if I die you die,"

"Sounds fair enough! I can make us all die by a little ...crashing accident, it's not that hard." Bail smiled. "Anyway the good thing with the shields are that they work... they've actually saved my life more than once, for example during a battle against Revan."

"Im Aeran, was a Sergeant in the old sith Army during the glory days, where we nearly crushed the republic...."

Bail laughed. "You mean part from that a man of the Republic, almost single handed, destroyed your forces five years ago? You wouldn't even have stood a chance against the Mandies." Bail said and hit Jaq in the back. "Just face it that the Republic is the one still standing. Republic vs Mandies, winner Republic...Republic vs Malak...winner Republic...Republic vs Sion and Nihilus...I guess the Republic won that one too...You see the pattern? And in fact now, when I'm back...Your forces wouldn't have stood a chance against me either...So you lost to the Republic. The Republic are superior to the Sith. Q.E.D. You weren't even close.!" Bail smiled.

Kevak was shocked to see another Sith on the team. One who had been very loyal at that too. Now he was being mocked by this hothead and one thing Kevak hated was overconfidence. He lowered his arm that was previously waitng for Vynn. Kevak turned to face the man that was called Bail.

"Indeed the Republic bested the Sith but that was due to Malak's, Nihilus's, and Sion's overconfidence such was what your displaying right now. Confidence is a weakness that can kill even the strongest of warriors. You nearly died at the awesome might of Revan, and you think your better than me and my comrade here! You probally had that same smirk on your face when you first saw him too, which gave him the advantage right from the start. I too fought Revan, but unlike you we fought with honor, we fought as warriors. We ended our duel in a draw and went our seperate ways."

Kevak then turned back to the group in front of him. he stared at the mandalorian in front of him.

"So Jaq which mandalorian clan are you, or were you from?" Kevak asked the mandalorian. He was trying to make small talk with the group as best as he could, and now that he had just probally made an enemy on the team he didn't want anymore.
04-09-2008, 6:39 AM
"Seperate ways? That sounds like if you ran for your life...I could have beaten Revan with no problem, if it wasn't for my weakness...I'm too kind, you can't kill a friend makes no sense...And fighting friends includes no honor whatsoever..." Bail said "Have you ever heard of the Qel-Droma brothers? My dual with Revan was much alilke...but I don't have to explain my duel and my choices to a bloody lier...beside you can ask Rev yourself. Let's just say that the dark side users fight with did Rev against me." Bail smiled "Besides, I've been studying to a weapon-master, I'm way better now."
04-09-2008, 11:24 AM
Zarena walked the streets of Coruscant. I can't imagine they'll need me for the moment. Might as well stock up on medpacs.

Though she was used to cities like Coruscant, she still couldn't help but get lost. But this city being what it was, she assumed medpacs would be simple enough to come across. She eyed the doorway of every cantina she passed, but decided there would be time for bar crawling in the evening.

Soon enough she found a supply shop, run by a male twi'lek. She didn't speak much to the shopkeeper as she shopped, but observed him, wrinkling her nose at his greasy looking lekku when he looked away. But she had all the supplies she needed now, and put them into her satchel. Hopefully I won't be needing them.

So she stepped back out on to the streets, bright as it ever was at the time began to approach noon.
04-09-2008, 12:10 PM
Vynn could sense a lot of anger between Bail and Kevak. This was going to turn bad.

Great, not even off Coruscant and the arguments have started already.

Vynn took Kevak's hand, even though he had retracted it moments before. "Pleasure to meet you Kevak. I can tell this mission won't be dull. But, if you ladies don't mind, I'll leave you alone with your handbags." He winked, and looked for a window.

He knew where he was in the temple, in the outer corridor of the pyramidal section of the building. He pushed the window control, and it slid upwards. It was a long way down.

This is nothing Vynn, remember that canyon on Ryloth? That was deeper.

He turned and winked at the others, and without a word, he jumped, sliding down the side, towards the sidewalk below.
 Cyborg Ninja
04-09-2008, 4:42 PM
"Seperate ways? That sounds like if you ran for your life...I could have beaten Revan with no problem, if it wasn't for my weakness...I'm too kind, you can't kill a friend makes no sense...And fighting friends includes no honor whatsoever..." Bail said "Have you ever heard of the Qel-Droma brothers? My dual with Revan was much alilke...but I don't have to explain my duel and my choices to a bloody lier...beside you can ask Rev yourself. Let's just say that the dark side users fight with did Rev against me." Bail smiled "Besides, I've been studying to a weapon-master, I'm way better now."

"Run! I never run from a fight. I will gladly die before running away; lieing is even worse. In my clan honor is the most important thing to uphold on the battlefield, even if it is friends or family. I will fight any foe that attacks me and do so with valor and honor, I would expect my foe to do the same, but that is not always the case. The weapons you own are just tools to kill someone with, nothing more. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon. I am no longer continuing in this arguement for you are not the enemy."

Kevak could not believe what the man was saying. Revan fought with valor when Kevak dueled him. Had he changed his ways when he went Sith? Kevak refused to believe Bail and would ask Revan himself the next time he saw him. Kevak had made an enemy however he had at least been acknowledged by Vynn, and Graff, and possibly Jaq too. There was even another sith on the team.
Maybe it's not going to be as dreadful Kevak thought to himself.
04-10-2008, 5:07 AM
Vynn could see the sidewalk getting closer as he slid down the side of the building. He braced himself, but he knew that wouldn't be enough. He reached into the Force, to try and soften the landing.

His feet hit the sidewalk, followed by the rest of him, and he managed to roll forwards, and spring upwards, as if he hadn't just slid thrity feet down the side of a building.

I shouldn't really have done that he thought to himself, as he stretched his arms.

I tore my coat.
04-10-2008, 5:40 AM
"So Jaq which mandalorian clan are you, or were you from?"

"Though my last name is Logan, I once belonged to the clan Ordo. Why do you ask?"

Before Kevak could answer, Jaq watched Vynn wink at the group and jump out the window. "Its called a turbolift..." he said under his breath. "You should try using one some day!"
04-10-2008, 12:20 PM
Bail watched as Vynn jumped down.

"Run! I never run from a fight. I will gladly die before running away; lieing is even worse. In my clan honor is the most important thing to uphold on the battlefield, even if it is friends or family. I will fight any foe that attacks me and do so with valor and honor, I would expect my foe to do the same, but that is not always the case. The weapons you own are just tools to kill someone with, nothing more. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon. I am no longer continuing in this arguement for you are not the enemy."

Bail shook his head. "Whatever..." He said, and went to find something to drink.
04-10-2008, 12:44 PM
Sergeant Drexel kept quiet through the confrontation between the Sith and the Mandalorian, one thing he did know however, the arrogance and overconfidence was one thing the team didnt need.

He then walked over to Kevak, unsure of who or what he was, if he was a Sith and a force user, it might be a good idea to stick close....

"Typical Mandalorians, we crushed them only to be beaten by a Republic that was waiting to strike..." He said to him with a slight tone of anger.

He then watched the Mandalorian walk away, before looking back at Kevak.

"Good to have another sith around... I dont trust any of these."

The Sergeant then saw one of the others wink and jump out of the window... a bit random and surprising but it could of been worse, he then waited in silence, wondering when they were going to head off.
04-10-2008, 3:08 PM
Zarena had found herself drifing back towards the temple. She as considering returning until something caught her eye. Or rather, someone caught her eye as they slid down the side of the building. Alright, so he's a little more suicidal than I thought.

He managed to hit the ground unscathed, probably due to some sort of Jedi trick, and was thrown into a break fall. He stretched his arms as he stood up, and Zarena walked over into hearing distance.

"Aren't we quite the acrobat?" she commented, grinning, half out of amusement, half out of amazement.
04-10-2008, 3:14 PM
"Aren't we quite the acrobat?" He looked around, and saw Zarena walking towards him.

"What? That? Some men cook, some write, I steal speeders and jump out of tall buildings" He grinned. He looked up, and didn't realise until that moment just exactly how steep it was.

"And besides, the 'children' were arguing, and I wasn't going to waste my time with that paste they call 'food' " He said, dusting down his flight suit, and looking at the hole he'd tore in his coat.
04-10-2008, 3:31 PM
William left the scene after most of the group had gone their seprate ways. He decided he would get a feel for Coruscant by visiting one of the local cantinas, but before he could do so, he was met by the familiar face of Liam. "Hello!" said William pleasantly.

"Hi to you to," replied Liam. "I loaded all your supplies onto The Blade Glider. The GenoHarrden sword you asked for was already stolen from our base, probably by one of their agents. So I got you a poisoned Shyrak blade to make up for it," Liam said.

Liam pulled out a long object wrapped in cloth from behind him before handing it to William. "I also got you two other sets of knives which'll come in handy, they're also on the ship.

"Thanks for that. I know you spent a lot of time and took a lot of risk so I'll give you your credits now." William then dug into his pockets and handed him 8000 credits. That should cover everything and pay for the trip."

The rodian nodded and said,"Becareful kiddo," before leaving.

William left and started to walk towards his previous destination.
04-10-2008, 3:52 PM
Bail had found his way to cantina and sat down with a Correlian Ale. Suddenly Revan appeared and sat down next to him.
"*sigh* Why did I agree to this mission?" Bail asked.

"To save the Republic once again, old friend!" Revan said.

"Once again..." Bail paused "and once again will the Republic get close to destruction, just like after last time I helped saving it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well there are more enemies of the Republic than republicans on this quest...So even if we manage to succeed, there will just be a new war afterwards. And all Dark Jedis around, both in the mission and on the frontlines...I mean after the war the Dark Jedis will betray us, since it's their way of behaviour, you of all should know this."

"I see your concern, and I would love to go on this quest myself, but I would put it all to a risk."

"And mixing all kind of sides wont?"

"It might, but all of you have skills which can make you succeed with this mission. You're all important, and noone has anything to gain to help the True Sith. So you have to work as a team." Revan paused "Bail...I need you on this one! You have been around me since we were kids, and you could say no to me when I asked you to join me in my conquering. I need someone I can trust, sure the others are probably trustworthy, but I don't know them as I know you. You are a good man, Bail! And a great pilot, and not to mention friend. So please go on this quest, you are needed, but remember so are your with them."

"I never said I wasn't going, I just wondered why I am going!"

"Because you know it's the right thing to do." Revan said and Bail finnished his ale and left Revan saying.

"Say 'Hello' to Bastila from me." Revan looked at Bail leaving the cantina and said in silence, almost like a whisper:
"May the force be with you, old friend!"
04-11-2008, 2:37 PM
"What? That? Some men cook, some write, I steal speeders and jump out of tall buildings. And besides, the 'children' were arguing, and I wasn't going to waste my time with that paste they call 'food' "

Zarena smiled as Vynn dusted his suit down. She'd yet to encounter most of the crew, but so far Vynn was looking to be an amusing companion and a fine drinking partner.

"I did brave the canteen in there. I assure you, you're doing yourself a favour in avoiding it," she said, retaining her smirk. "We're lucky they're getting their playfighting over with while they're on the ground. You may be the finest acrobat on the planet, but you can't jump out of a moving spaceship."
04-11-2008, 3:00 PM
"You may be the finest acrobat on the planet, but you can't jump out of a moving spaceship."

"Well, there was this one time, in orbit of Alderaan..." He grinned.

Vynn laughed. He could tell having Zarena around would remove the tedium of being on a ship full of Jedi. But she had a point. There wasn't anywhere to escape to in hyperspace.

Suddenly he got a mental picture of him and Zaerna, stood in the middle of the ship, with their companions lying on the floor, having finally tore each other apart.

I hope not... He didn't have the credits to pay for funerals.

"So what shall we do today?" He said, looking at Zarena with his customary smile.
04-12-2008, 4:43 AM
As Jaq entered the cantina, he found Bail sitting behind the counter; begining the first stage to possibly getting hammered with Coreilian Ale.

Jaq sat next to him and ordered a drink. "<sigh> Sith blood joining the squad. This'll be interesting... though I wonder if their arrogance will endanger the mission."

He took a swig from his Jirly Juice. "I mean to me, all sith are just the same... no matter how different they may be. I don't trust them..."
04-12-2008, 4:56 AM
"So what shall we do today?"

"Well, we've still got a full day to cause mischief on the streets of Coruscant." Zarena was getting used to having a smile stuck on her face as she chatted to Vynn. She imagined it'd make all the difference once they were off Coruscant, when there would be a limited supply of cantinas she could disappear into to escape "the mission".

"Much as I love all the spiritual attractions, I think we should just hit the entertainment district. Try the house drinks at as many Cantinas as possible, sneak into a holovid showing and spoil the ending, tease some deathstick dealers. Anything, really."
04-12-2008, 5:59 AM
"<sigh> Sith blood joining the squad. This'll be interesting... though I wonder if their arrogance will endanger the mission."

He took a swig from his Jirly Juice. "I mean to me, all sith are just the same... no matter how different they may be. I don't trust them..."

"Tell me about it. Betrayal is the way of the Sith, it's retarded to have them amongst us. But then again, I don't trust anyone on this quest. Truth to be told I trust you the most, which of course is a paradox. I mean I killed your people in a war, and your people killed my people. And now I trust you more than others... But then again, Mandalorians are quite loyal, even as mercs. Oh and ofcourse Zarena seems nice."
"Bartender, Refill!" He turned back to Jaq. "And you should be wise not to trust anyone."
04-12-2008, 7:20 AM
Sergeant Drexel sighed, knowing that despite the differences, one of the most important lessons for a team was to trust and rely on eachother, but truth be told, he didnt feel comfortable with Jedi and Mandalorians on the mission, atleast Mandalorians had a code of honor.

He knew that sith had a reputation for betrayel and hate, but that was the force sensitive part, no one seemed to have a clue about the Sith Military, why it fought, not for the Sith or for conquest, but for the men fighting alongside you... he secretly hoped to get on better terms with the others.

Atleast it was the Republic members of the team complaining about having sith on the team, it said something about their state of mind.
04-12-2008, 11:11 AM
"Much as I love all the spiritual attractions, I think we should just hit the entertainment district. Try the house drinks at as many Cantinas as possible, sneak into a holovid showing and spoil the ending, tease some deathstick dealers. Anything, really."

"You're the boss-lady" He said, turning around to head back into the temple.

"I'll go get us some transport". He sprinted up the steps, and made his way to the garage hangar. He hoped he hadn't offended Zarena by just leaving her standing there.

Within minutes, he'd found the speeder he'd taken the previous day - he was surprised it was still there. He leaped in, and roared back towards the plaza - and set it down only a few inches from where Zarena was stood.

"Your carriage awaits, m'lady"
 Cyborg Ninja
04-12-2008, 1:29 PM
"Typical Mandalorians, we crushed them only to be beaten by a Republic that was waiting to strike..." He said to him with a slight tone of anger.

"Good to have another sith around... I dont trust any of these."

The sith walked over to Kevak. Kevak looked at the sith's armor. He had seen so many sith soldiers and trained many as well.

"Mandalorians are the greatest warriors I know. A mandalorian was in my clan.
He taught me everything I know about unarmed combat, Not only that he taught me about his culture. They fight with valor and honor as all warriors should. Though Jaq may not trust me, I trust him. Wheter we want to admit it or not we are now family, united under one cause. I trust my family. I trained many sith soldiers in the mandalorian style. Tell me Sergeant Aeran did I train you?"
04-13-2008, 5:14 AM
"But then again, Mandalorians are quite loyal, even as mercs.

"We mainly shown our loyalty to those worthy of it. Take Revan, for example. He had slain our great Mandalore the Ultamate, and almost destroyed our society with an Iron Fist! Yet we honour him a powerful warrior..."

"Oh and of course Zarena seems nice."

"The Zeltron chic? I suppose..." Jaq took another swig from his beverage. "Although I've given up on Zeltrons. Last time I hooked up with one, I woke up the next day in a rest room with no wallet or pants... I think she said she had a sister named Luxa"

To Jaq, looking back at it now was almost funny.

"And you should be wise not to trust anyone."

"Perhaps... but we could always just give 'em a chance. I was once a Mandalorian, but I changed. These Sith recruits could sought redemption..."
04-13-2008, 5:24 AM
"I'll go get us some transport."

Zarena hovered around the street outside for a few minutes, impatient. Transport? Do the Jedi have a swoop garage I wasn't aware of? Soon enough Vynn returned, pulling up a few feet away from her in the speeder they'd stolen the night before.

"Your carriage awaits, m'lady."

"Why thank you, dear knight," she commented, her lips twisting into a sarcastic half-smile. She circled around the vehicle to the passenger door and hopped into her seat. Her shoulders tensed, she lifted her chin, she lofted her finger into the air and pointed it into the middle distance. She paused in this position for a few seconds, a smile creeping across her face, and then she spoke. "Onwards, to alcohol!"
04-13-2008, 5:25 AM
"Perhaps... but we could always just give 'em a chance. I was once a Mandalorian, but I changed. These Sith recruits could sought redemption..."

"No, no...the Sith wont change. Their main belief is, the Survival of the strongest, and should be leader. Much like some animals. Anyway, this means that if William shows weakness..." Bail shook his head "...things could get pretty nasty. You want another one of those girly drinks? My threat!" Bail said with a big smile on his face.
04-13-2008, 6:15 AM
((( Ill probably make up a few names here cyborg to reflect the old sith days these 2 might of shared, whether you want to know the NPCs or not is up to you. )))

"Mandalorians are the greatest warriors I know. A mandalorian was in my clan.
He taught me everything I know about unarmed combat, Not only that he taught me about his culture. They fight with valor and honor as all warriors should. Though Jaq may not trust me, I trust him. Wheter we want to admit it or not we are now family, united under one cause. I trust my family. I trained many sith soldiers the mandalorian. Tell me Sergeant Aeran did I train you?"

The sergeant listened intently to the Sith's talk about Mandalorians, then suddenly snapped when he was asked the question, his tone took on a more strict and sharp manner, as if he was responding to a superior Officer and not a companion.

"I dont Sir, our unit was trained by a Sith Knight known as 'Scar', we were not told his name, in the rare occurance let we might of been captured and told the Republic of more Sith... we had to refer to him as 'Master' though.. we wernt even users of the force and we were expected to repel things like lightning... we lost a lot of men that way. During one particular exercise... he pushed us so hard that I.. well... I was made a Sergeant for showing a 'strong survival instinct'.. but I guess thats a story for another time, Sir."

He lamented, even though the old sith days were long gone, Aeran still felt like he had to watch his mouth.. he feared the Sith as much as he feared the Jedi, but the Sith's resolve and charisma... it was probably the reason why so many troopers flung themselves into the breach to fight alongside their Sith masters.
04-13-2008, 6:41 AM
"Onwards, to alcohol!"

That was a sentiment Vynn could agree with. The speeder lurched upwards, and pulled on the yoke so that it spun 180 degrees. With a quick pull on the accelerator, they were once again speeding through Coruscant.

Vynn didn't take the speeder back down to the lower levels. Instead, he flew to the entertainment district just south of the Senate district. He set the speeder down outside an expensive looking club, that had a few people queueing to get in.

As they got out of the speeder, a small Rodian gave him a ticket and flew it away, presumably to be parked. That, or he was a damn good thief.

"Well, you've seen some of the worst places that Coruscant has to offer, so let's see some of the best" He said, as he walked up towards the bouncer, a large Trandoshan.

"Get in the queue" it hissed, pointing the aforementioned line.

"We're VIPs. Special Invitation" Vynn replied, adding a slight wave of his fingers.

"You can go in" It said. "Leave Weapons here" He pointed to their bristling armament.

"We just did" Another wave of the fingers saw the door opened for them.

Vynn turned and winked at Zarena. "See? Easy when you know the right things to say"
 Cyborg Ninja
04-13-2008, 12:56 PM
"I dont Sir, our unit was trained by a Sith Knight known as 'Scar', we were not told his name, in the rare occurance let we might of been captured and told the Republic of more Sith... we had to refer to him as 'Master' though.. we wernt even users of the force and we were expected to repel things like lightning... we lost a lot of men that way. During one particular exercise... he pushed us so hard that I.. well... I was made a Sergeant for showing a 'strong survival instinct'.. but I guess thats a story for another time, Sir."

"Aeran you don't need to call me sir, you can call me Kevak.That's quite a remarkable thing you did Aeran. I would have done the same thing if I were you. That fool Scar may have not taught you in the proper way but you still had the courage to stick up for your family. That gives me nothing but respect for you. If your curious Scar's real name is Lucilius. He called himself Scar after I found out how he went about his teachings. I sliced the left side of his face with my vibrosword, so If that added to his brutal ways I'm sorry. I mean that, I think of Sith Soldiers as my brothers. They always go in to battle first ready to fight. Some force wielding sith could have learned alot from them."
04-13-2008, 12:59 PM
Having found his way into the cantina after taking the crowded public transportations. Looking around, he noticed the cantina was filled with different species and activities. He also noticed that all the members of the future crew were there.

William mentally sighed when he noticed that he only had 50 credits on him. "Guess I need to make some money," thought William. He finally decided to take his chances with swoop racing. Making his way over to the Hutt who controlled this event, William decided a good impression was needed. "If I act like I normally do, he probably won't let me race."

"Hey you," said William. 'This is completely out of character."

The Hutt looked at William straight in the eye, "What do you want soft skin?"

"To race ya fat slug."

The Hutt laughed and replied, "You've got spirit kid, I like that. I don't let people who want to race, race if they look like a gizka looking through the barrel of a blaster. Well, first you've gotta understand the buisness around here. There are three tiers in this system. The third tier gets you 200 credits, the second gets you 500, and the last one gets you 1000. I'm Fiva and if you don't pay your debts I get angry. So that said, do ya have your own bike?"

"Yeah, replied William. It's at the garage in the Jedi Temple."

"Oh, so you're some big Jedi now aren't ya," laughed Fiva. "Well I won't ask questions, best ya don't let one of your Masters find out. I'll send someone over and you'll be able to race soon."
04-13-2008, 2:54 PM
This time, it would seem, Zarena would be visiting a different kind of Cantina. The entertainment district of the upper side of Coruscant was much cleaner and brighter than it had been down below, and some of the clubs had long queues stretching around the corner to get in. After they left the speeder, a Rodian took it away. Perhaps he was going to park it. Perhaps he was just the newest owner of one of the most stolen speeders on Coruscant. We can always nick another one if this one doesn't come back.

They spoke briefly with the bouncer. Vynn quickly convinced him that they were two special VIPs, VIPs who were carrying no weaponry whatsover. He turned to wink at her.

"See? Easy when you know the right things to say."

"You have no idea how many people want to become Jedi just so they can do that," she commented, smirking.

The Trandoshan bouncer opened the doors and nodded curtly as they passed through into the club. It was much quieter than the lower city's Cantinas, and was lacking the shockingly neon decor she was used to in bars. It was still abuzz with chatter, this time rising from crowds of socialites and stylish youths. She wouldn't say it was better, or worse, instead it was... different. But I bet they have good wine.

And so she stepped out into the room, eyes searching for the bar.
04-13-2008, 3:09 PM
"You have no idea how many people want to become Jedi just so they can do that,"

"Oh, It has its uses. More than handy when your bank account's empty"

They walked through the door, and he looked around. The last time he saw this view, he was being dragged out by a Gammorean.

Vynn could see Zarena carefuly taking in the club around her. Looking for the bar, no doubt.

He saw a serving droid zip past, and he reached out for it. He just managed to catch it's arm as it went by.

"Two Reactor Cores, if you don't mind. And some Corellian ale to chase it"

Vynn sat down at a table, and motioned for Zarena to join him. The droid came back, with a tray contained the drinks he'd ordered. He picked up the Reactor Cores.

"If your skin wasn't already pink, this would soon change it" He said, gulping the drink down, in one slow, steady gulp.
04-13-2008, 4:40 PM
"Aeran you don't need to call me sir, you can call me Kevak.That's quite a remarkable thing you did Aeran. I would have done the same thing if I were you. That fool Scar may have not taught you in the proper way but you still had the courage to stick up for your family. That gives me nothing but respect for you. If your curious Scar's real name is Lucilius. He called himself Scar after I found out how he went about his teachings. I sliced the left side of his face with my vibrosword, so If that added to his brutal ways I'm sorry. I mean that, I think of Sith Soldiers as my brothers. They always go in to battle first ready to fight. Some force wielding sith could have learned alot from them."

Aeran looked at Kevak in surprise, although it wasnt visible from the faceless Sith helmet, he had never ever met a Sith like Kevak, he guessed Sith showed their 'tough' side to the troops, while the other side was for the person on the inside.

"Thankyou.. Kevak, but in a way the harsh training forged us into the Elite soldiers we later became, but he started choking one of the other troopers.. me and her were.. close, and without thinking I raised my rifle and gunned him to the floor.. she.. she didnt make it though.

You dont need to apologize for the way things turned out, the thing that matters is the past is behind us and we are still here.

And yeah.. you were a different kind of Sith, like Revan... you used your minds and assets instead of calling on the rage of the darkside and mindlessley slashing at the enemy, it could of been another reason we lost."

He finished saying, he looked around and noticed a lot of the group had disapeared on their separate ways.

"Umm.. I thought we were going on a mission to save the.." He didnt like to say it but he had to. "To save the 'Republic', not wandering off visiting every cantina around."
04-14-2008, 7:31 AM
Jaq skulled the last of his drink. He handed the credits to the barkeep, and walked to exit the Cantina. He looked back at Bail.

"I better not... I'm heading back to the temple, but probably go look for some supplies first for our journey tommorow..."

He raised a hand in the air to say goodbye and exited the cantina. "I wonder what the others are up to?" Jaq wondered.
04-14-2008, 9:08 AM
"I better not... I'm heading back to the temple, but probably go look for some supplies first for our journey tommorow..."

"Your funeral!" Bail said while watching Jaq leaving. Bail sat once again alone in the Cantina, restless. He couldn't wait for the quest to start, even if everything about it went to hell, it would still be better than just doing nothing. He finnished his ale and thought 'I probably wont be able to drink this in the near future either, if I'm going to pilot the ship...'

"Bartender, one more please!"
 Cyborg Ninja
04-14-2008, 10:54 PM
Kevak was quite imprssed by Aeran. The man had do kill someone to save someone he cared for and he was still able to make a joke, or what Kevak thought was a joke. Kevak decided it was time he too did something productive while on Coruscant.

"Well its no use letting the Jedi and mandalorian have all the fun. I plan on seeing if theres a tournament to participate in, or a weapons store nearby, would you like to come with me Aeran? You name any weapon you want and i'll buy it. Being an ex Sith Lord to the True Sith has its advantages, perhaps I'll get a discount," Kevak said as he laughed at his own joke.
04-15-2008, 12:21 PM
Aeran slightly smiled, still a bit wary of Kevak for the simple reason that he was a Sith Lord, or ex Sith Lord.

"Ok, lets go, I need to get this old Sith Carbine replaced anyway...." He quickly fell in behind Kevak as they headed off towards the shop.

He then started to feel slightly brave and delve into his past a little.

"So umm.. whats different about the True Sith? Do they still have guys like me apart of it?" He asked, a bit curious and wanting to know the enemy.
04-15-2008, 3:48 PM
"Alright," said Fiva. ""Your swoop bikes all ready to go and you better be to. Normally I would charge an 100 credit fee to maintain all the equipment around here, but I've got a good feeling about this. The time to beat is 00:36:04, which is a rookies time. Not bad, but I think you can do better. Now go!"

William grunted in reply and made the short trip unto the track. Hopping into a black swoop bike, he checked the systems and waited for the droid to the side to give him the signal. As soon as it was given, William blasted off. He knew that he could beat the time easily, but decided not to reveal his true potential.

The wind rushed over the bike as it made its way down the track with observers watching in the balconies, and holocameras projecting what was going on onto the cantina screens. Dodging all the obstacles and hitting some of the boost pads, William's final time was 00:32:12.

The fans gave a cheer as William made his way back to Fava the Hutt. Fava gave a loud laugh before saying, "Not bad softskin. I knew I had a good feeling about you. As agreed, you get 200 credits." Fava then handed over his debt which William accepted. "You won't be able to race for a while, but come see me later when you do."

William left the the swoop area and decided to look for something else to do.
 Cyborg Ninja
04-15-2008, 5:11 PM
((Feel free to take control of the zabrak if you want Niftyeye))
"Besides the fact that these new Sith Lords are extremely overconfident, not much changed. Soldiers that are willing to die for their comrades? No, these new soldiers are just as greedy and overconfident as the sith lords. Some of boys left when I did, and some stayed. I wish them the best of luck, and hope I don't have to meet them on the battlefield."

Kevak finally spotted the weapons store. He walked inside and began walking around. It had been a while since he had been in this store but the owner still recognized him.

"Lord Phobos welcome back to my weapons store," the zabrak said. "I think I have some weapons you might like."

The zabrak disapeared into the back. He returned moments later with a long rifle. They were not Kevak's favorite kind of weaponry.

"Do you have anything else?" Kevak asked.

The zabrak left again and returned with a heavy blaster pistol. Kevak could tell for it took two hands for the zabrak to carry. kevak picjed up the pistol with ease and held it in his hand. It had a firm grip and looked like it could pack a punch.

"That pistol is a good choice, It can do a good deal of damage on and armored person." The zabrak said with a hint of pride.

"It's perfect, I'll take two," Kevak replied.

"Anything else I can help you with Lord Phobos?" the zabrak asked.

"I'm fine for now, but you can help my friend Aeran here, that's if he needs it. Oh and show him the good stuff," Kevak added.
04-15-2008, 5:29 PM
(Yeah sure ;)

Aeran had remained quiet, and noticed that the Zabrak acted perfectly normal around Sith Lords and Sith Troopers, which most people, especially on coruscant, wouldnt be glad to see.

"Well, I just need something better than this thing.." He said, holding up the battered carbine.

"Ah ha, I have just the thing" The zabrak quickly replied as he darted off to the back.

While he was waiting, Aeran looked at Kevak.

"How much longer do you think we are going to stay here before actually heading off?" He asked.

Then the zabrak returned, holding a blaster rifle that had a tint of murkey green.
"One of these, a Zabrak blaster cannon, cuts through flesh like the air and cuts through armour like butter, might even be able to give some of those Jedi a run for their money..."

"Ill take it" Aeran quickly replied looking forward to holding it, he quickly paid and held it, it felt a little more weighty than the carbine, but all in all, it looked fairly well looked after.

'I just hope the Zabrak keeps to his word.... they are known for being brutal' his line of thought was quickly broken when the Zabrak began to speak again.

"It also comes with a Tri-Light scope, the sort that lets you both zoom and target thin sections of armour, it also allows you to charge shots, although dont use that for your normal ammunition... its still fragile.

"Alright.. it will do." Replied Aeran dubiously, there was always a catch to weapons these days.

"Now just need to test it out... my years of combat experience tell me we'll be getting into a scrap soon." Aeran said in a much more relaxed tone to Kevak, he was feeling a lot more comfortable with the situation now, and for once felt tempted to stay on Coruscant for a bit and enjoy the atompasphere rather than worry about a mission....
04-16-2008, 9:10 AM
Zarena caught the serving droid by the elbow and winked at it. Do droids even acknowledge winks? "A glass of nectarwine, please." She took her hand away and allowed it to scuttle on its way.

"If your skin wasn't already pink, this would soon change it."

Vynn was already drinking his way through the second Reactor Core when the droid toddled over with her glass. She thanked it with a smile and took a sip of her drink. She used to do it all the time to serving droids on Nar Shaddaa, as it would annoy whatever flyboy was looming over her arm. Soon enough, it had become habit.

"I prefer to start light. And then I end up downing mugs of Lum by nightfall and telling everyone I love them."

She cast her eye around the club. "It looks a lot better than the cantina, I'll give you that."
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