Title says all : Thing is I got my transitions that work fine, so spawning NPCs with triggers should be almost the same...
Still I got no results, nothing spawns ... bugger :
So here the trigger setup in K-GFF :
This the setup of my UTT file :
And ofcourse the script, which compiles but doesn't seem to take effect. :(
I just hope theres an obvious "dumb" mistake in there , been cracking my head on this silly problem.
Plus I packed it all up into my .mod file.
Title says all : Thing is I got my transitions that work fine, so spawning NPCs with triggers should be almost the same...
Still I got no results, nothing spawns ... bugger :
I just hope theres an obvious "dumb" mistake in there , been cracking my head on this silly problem.
There is. :) SpawnGhostsAttack1 is longer than 16 characters, and a ResRef can be at most 16 characters in length. You'll have to rename your script to something shorter.
Your Tag in the .git file is SpawnAttack01 but should be trig_attkwave01. Though you know that I am new to this stuff, so I might be mistaken.
Take care
EDIT: You should probably listen to stoffe :-) . Just wanted to help though...
There is. :) SpawnGhostsAttack1 is longer than 16 characters, and a ResRef can be at most 16 characters in length. You'll have to rename your script to something shorter.
:lol: I knew it was something plain obvious...
@Seamheinn : It was not directly a problem, but sloppy name giving is not good... and I'm already a chaotic mind :p
Edit : Just one more problem , the trigger seems to work Twice ?
I want to fire just once , is there an extra line for the script to destroy the trigger ?
Or to make it safe to just fire it off once ?
Edit : Just one more problem , the trigger seems to work Twice ?
I want to fire just once , is there an extra line for the script to destroy the trigger ?
You can use a local boolean variable set on the trigger to determine if it has already been fired, and if so don't do the spawning again. Something like:
void main() {
if (GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC()) {
if (!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40) && !GetIsObjectValid( GetObjectByTag("g_qgmdarkjedi01") )) {
CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_qgmdarkjedi01", Location(Vector(-7.22, -43.42, 0.0), 0.0));
SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40, TRUE);
:worship: Thank you my scripting godess
*Thats one of the GW god statues, in your avy, right ?*
EDIT: It all works now, no suprises there :p
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