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 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 8:27 AM
Something is wrong... I'm gonna go down to the vault... can you take care of your father?" Rueben asked. "Meet me in the vault when your finished... I don't want to forget about you being part of our entourage."

Wonderbread nodded, and Rueben took off... flying down the stairs... the elevator was much to slow.

Rueben reached the door to the vault, opened it, and stood inside by the strange artifact that fasinated the king. Rueben rolled his eyes when he saw it... it was fasinating... it glowed dimly a bright blue color, and it floated in the air... Hmmm... perhaps this thing is worth more than I remembered it. Rueben said to himself.
 Empress Padme
11-18-2007, 8:37 AM
" They are here to take it too?" Suki asked her sister.

" Yeah. Do you really feel like a burden ?" she asked Suki. Suki nodded yes. "Why don't you come with us then."

" Really? We can be together again." Suki became so happy.

" Yes Suki. Thought I could hurt you but I can't.Souvi told us to stay here so we shall." sighed Sakura.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 9:30 AM
Souvi barely had time to stop. The guards had already performed their exchange, and there were no other means to get in, as Rueben had left with the Wonderbreads.

He put his goggles and switched to night vision and magnified his HUD 3x. He did also put a silencer on his weapon. He would snipe the guards as quickly as he could.

He shot the guard closer to him on the head, once. His armored body fallen on the ground, the bullet ricocheting on his armor. The other three guards were confused at what had befallen their unlucky companion.

He shot a another two times on the chest. One of the remaining guards pointed to him and both of them hid on the walls battlement. Souvi managed to shot one on the head, before his sole companion turned at him, shooting like crazy with a rifle and charging at him. As he approached, Souvi tackled him and he felt on the ground. Even beneath the helmet and armor, he could feel the soldier shaking in terror. He decided knock him off instead of using his knife. Good thing I took my sleeping darts before coming, he thought as he entered the treasure chamber.
11-18-2007, 11:12 AM
[[ ;__; You guys left without me...oh wellz, I'll just add mehself in! ]]

Errol looked back to his friends. Each of them silently falling down to, if was looked at with no prior knowledge to the mission, they're immediate death. Each they went, one by one, smiling brightly, with a hint of a nervous aura illuminating around them.

"Let Arious guide your way," He whispered, as he prayed to his god. Arious was an elven-like mystical being, whom with the knowledge of his White Wizard, he had learned about.

"What to do...what to do." He whispered softly, looking up to the metal ceiling. "I guess practicing my magic couldn't hurt."

And with that, he began meditating, trying to grow as much Magick as he could within himself.
11-18-2007, 1:11 PM
Not bothering with the harness, Solidus took a tight grip of the rope before jumping down, following his team mates as he did so. As he fell head first, he began tinkering with his riffle as he made sure that enough ammo was present and scope was working probably and that nothing was inside the muzzle. He only looked down to make sure he was falling in the right direction.

Inside the palace Princess Refia Klauser 3rd stood in front of the large vault doors as she watched them open. Once the vault was open to her, she took a deep breath before taking a few steps forward. The room had been engulfed by darkness and the only thing illuminated an area of the room was the opening where the vault doors once stood, which grew dimmer as the doors returned to their closed state. Not a moment before they had closed, magically mechanisms light torches which had been place on the vaults walls as they revealed the vasts empty room which was the vault. One of the other side of the wall was a stand which held a strange looking object known only to some as the Piece.

Refia smiled as she crept towards it. "My family has been corrupted by the heretics. They can no longer be trusted to hold the very object which can be used to destroy those who brought them into their corrupted state." The artifact began to emit a strange light as if it was responding to the princess. "I will hold you for now. But I'm going to need your help in finding the others."
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 1:34 PM
Rueben stepped out of the shadows that hid him.

"Listen Princess... you ain't gonna get this..." Rueben snarled. "We came here to take it... besides... I could have taken it anytime I wanted to... your clutzy father gave me permission to do so." Rueben smiled. "It is mine... however... should you want to even come NEAR it... you could join me and my entourage... along with your brother."

Rueben stretched out his hand, awaiting her to join him... if she didn't, then he would take the artifact and run... he would not kill a member of the Royal Family... that would declare him a traitor...

"What do you say?" Rueben asked. "Your 'Royal Highness'." Rueben grimaced as he said those two words to the princess... ugh... how he hated her, but was willing to accept her help.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 1:45 PM
"I love how it's easy for you to make friends, Rueben." said Souvi, getting from the shadows and standing beside to the other side of the orb "But one Royal family brat is more than enough for me." He took a look at the orb. It was really a shinning ball of sorts, with such a magnificent blue eerie light, that it didn't needed much help from the torches to illuminate the entire room.

Souvi had his knife ready, just in case.
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 1:54 PM
"You think her brother is a Royal BRAT! HA! Then you obviously don't know her... she's 10x worse... actually Wonderbread ain't that bad... of course, I've known him longer than you have too!" Rueben laughed. "Mmmmm... I suppose your right however... just... don't kill her. Give her to that other group that's here to steal the orb..."

Rueben slowly walked toward the orb, and he layed his hand against it. The orb was icy cold, but Rueben for some strange reason felt hot when he touched it. He held it between his hands and pulled it down to his face. He closed his eyes and smiled... breathing deeply.

"This is it... this is the moment we have been waiting for..." Rueben said, slowly. "Take it... take it back to the ship, I must go immeadiately to get the prin-"

Wonderbread ran into the vault and saw his sister...

"What are YOU doing here?" He snarled at her.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 2:07 PM
The idea of leaving Rueben there with a royal family magician bothered Souvi.

"NOT Kill her? you're kidding, there's nothing I would love more..." said Souvi, playing along. Of course she would not harm some defenseless girl, even if there's royal blood running on her veins. "But the orb is more important than any selfish action of mine." He grabbed the rather big orb and was ready to set on, running, when he saw the other Wonderbread coming.

"What are YOU doing here?" He shouted to her sister.

Man, what a family, Souvi thought. Then to Rueben. "Hey, the brats are here! Let's go!"
11-18-2007, 2:40 PM
"Go back to your room brother, the adults are speaking," Refia said to her brother before letting out a little laugh "Oh ho no you don't," She said stepping in front of Rueben. "10x time worse than my brother? Ha, looks like you don't know me either. Unlike my brother I have morals. I wouldn't work moral less pirates like yourself. Now hand me the piece before it burns you hand to a crisp. It clearly doesn't like you. Something your use to I'm sure. It likes me. Hand it over."

(Id just like to ask if I'm right in thinking, what we're collecting isn't the actual Spirit Orb but pieces of it.)
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 2:47 PM
Souvi wanted to cross his arms, but the large size of the orb wouldn't let him. Instead, he frowned and said, sarcastically, "Oh, yes. We're just giving it to you now. I'm sorry, but you're in no position to--" He dropped the orb and immediately started shaking his hands. They looked they were on fire.

How's that... Is that what she meant through 'the orb doesn't like us'?
11-18-2007, 2:52 PM
((I think PK knows about that.))

As Angel went down, she heard something at the other end of the vault. When she looked through the vent, there she could see a small group of people fighting over... the orb! Exactly what she and the crew were looking for!

Angel used her special Blast Power to blast the vent off. The vent fell on the floor, a trace of bluish smoke formed around it.

She jumped out, and pointed her gun at the other group. One of them looked like a princess.

"All right! Listen up, all! I think you're mistaken for taking that orb! My crew needs it than any one of you scatterbrains! So let's all be nice, and give it to me. There will be no harm if we all cooperate."
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 3:47 PM
((Yes... this isn't the actual Spirit Orb, but the map or whatever it is, I would think would look like an orb... just having to put them together makes it bigger...))

"NEVER!" Rueben yelled, picking it up. "You want it... you'll have to go through me!"

Rueben drew his longsword and sat, awaiting the princess or the mysterious girl to attack first... but then

"Wait... tell me what your goal is with this item." Rueben said, to the girl who had just entered the room. "Maybe we could make an alliance of some sort, if our goals are similar."
11-18-2007, 4:59 PM
Angel held her sword holstered by her hip, and focused her handgun at Rueben.

"Although you're a good-looking guy... I would give you my goal on why I want that orb." She shook her head slowly. "But... I'm afraid I can't give you that infomation."

She shrugged. "Besides, I'm with an alliance anyway. With The Gliding Angel crew."

Angel grinned, wondering if any one of those groups in front of her were going to make a move.
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 5:10 PM
"Suit yourself!" Rueben said, softly.

Rueben walked forward, and stroked the young girl's face, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You sure you don't wanna tell me sweet heart?" Rueben asked, softer than before. "Maybe our two groups could form an alliance."
11-18-2007, 5:20 PM
"HEY!" Said a loud voice from the hallways "Get your filthy hands off my... ermm... intern." Solidus said as he aimed his riffle at Rueben, calling Angel an intern as she wasn't offically a member of his ship, she was more of a trainee who would be going to prove herself with this mission. "Who the hell are you? Some sort of special guard?"

As the thiefs were interrupted by the sudden arrival of another group, Refia took the moment to rush to the Piece to pick it up. As she did so he shown gently as he recognized.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 5:24 PM
Souvi was surprised at the reaction of Rueben, one could expect that from Souvi, but not from him. As the girl took too long to reply, he chosen to intervene. "I think it's pretty obvious you want the same thing everyone here does, and it's not my body..." He threw a quick look at the Gliding Angel crew member. Her silver hair shining at the moon light. He mentally noted to tell her how it looked beautiful that way, if he got the chance.

The far older man had just stepped into the chamber and shouted something while pointing his gun to Rueben.

He did also noticed that the young lady was also sweating. A clear sign of her nervousness. He did also noticed a hidden sword at her waist. He stepped closer and turned to the older man.

"Listen, do you really believe you could take all the three--" he looked at the prince "two-and-a-half of us?"
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 5:42 PM
"Two and a half? You do realize he's only about two months younger than me right?" Rueben asked. "Besides, he's worth two of you... and I'm worth three... magicians... remember... we have magic on our side." Rueben continued to tease Souvi.

Rueben turned to Solidus...

"And you are? Oh and princess... don't even think about it... or you will be dead." Rueben said. "Your time in this world is almost up... unless you give us the orb."
11-18-2007, 5:53 PM
When Rueben stroked her face and tucked her silver black hair behind her ear, she began to sweat and shiver. She never been this close to a guy before. It made her blush.

Before she could say another word, Angel heard Solidus' voice. She smiled nervously. "Heh heh. Hi, captain."

Then she sighed, calming down. "Okay, look everyone. We all want the orb. But... as Captain Solidus said, I'm only a trainee. I'm wondering... what's so valuable about this orb?"

She looked around, waiting for an answer.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 5:57 PM
Souvi grabbed his pistol and was standing beside Rueben "Hmph, mages..." He snored "Before you can even start casting your magic you'll be pretty dead. Bullets are faster than spelling witchcraft". He turned his head to the female Wonderbread.

"That goes for you as well, spoiled mage-brat."

The silver-haired female that entered the room moments before the older guy seemed really puzzled. "O-kay... so you don't know what you're stealing? As if!"

The situation was tense, and Souvi did realize that none of them could call the guards, even as he was sure that the Wonderbreads wouldn't get hanged on a public execution.
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 6:12 PM
"Maybe you can't call the guards... but I can." Rueben said... reading Souvi like a book. "And don't think I won't... any of you... I will break my entourage out of jail... but the rest of you I will leave to rot in your cells... except you..." Rueben looked directly into Angel's eyes.

Rueben smiled. "Call me crazy but..."

"As will I..." Wonderbread said. "However... my idiot of a sister here will be set free... as well as you and I."

"True... so no one's gonna call the guards? Such a shame... I was seriously looking forward to busting Souvi and that girl out of prision." Rueben said, sarcastically. "I assume you are the leader, however?" Rueben turned to Solidus. "Maybe we could work together... I mean we are after the same thing... to protect the kingdom right? Or do you want to rule it?"
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 6:17 PM
Souvi reflected for a while. He can call the guards and make up some good excuse for this, but... "We won't have another chance like this!" he stepped back, so everyone on that chamber was circling the pedestal in which the orb was placed. "If the nobles hear about this security failure, they won't easy the job for us anymore!"

Oh, dammit! What a good hour for Rueben turning more sentimental than he already is! worrying about this silver haired girl now?
11-18-2007, 6:29 PM
Distracted by Rueben's handsome face, she turned to Solidus.

"Yeah, Captain! Maybe we can work something out with them! Huh?"

Angel turned back, and looked into Rueben's eyes. She blushed. As shy as she was, she couldn't say a word.

Rueben looked like the type who was willing to take risks. But about the orb...

Something was special about that orb. And soon, Angel was going to find out. "I wouldn't leave you in jail either. By the way... my name's Angel. Angel Marton." She smiled.
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 6:37 PM
((OOC: Hey SR... how is it that I always wind up romancing your character? I think that's pretty funny...))

"I'm Rueben... Rueben Shan." Rueben smiled. "So... Capitan... what do you think? You and I both know what the orb is for... or do you? I know... and I won't tell unless we are working together."

Rueben's bright red eyes glowed... glowed with excitment... with happiness.

Rueben turned his head and looked straight at the capitan... "Well... I'm waiting..." He said.
11-18-2007, 6:50 PM
((yes, its not the ACTUAL orb. Rueban and steven are right, they are map pieces to it. Oh, and one more last minute announcment: Team 1 can have ear pieces so they can communicate with each other.))

This was rich. And the perfect moment too, as Randon saw some other group of thieves within the vault's chamber. After nights of studying blue prints carefully, he knew the right course of action to solve this matter. He was glad he hadn't been noticed yet. Lets hope that it would stay that way.

Randon krept along the corridor, where he spotted what he was looking for; the security room controlling the room. But there were two guards present by the door, with their backs facing him.

Randon krept behind the guards, and knocked them out with the hilt of his handgun. As the two hit the floor, he paused at the door. There was a finger print scan attached to the metal door. He sighed, and pulled one of the guards up. It groaned.

"mm... wuh? where am I?" he muttered. Randon pulled his hand and reached his thumb to the plate of the scanner. As it made an access granted, Randon head butted to dumb founded guard on the head, to completely knock him out. He only brought his pistols just incase of self deffence.

As the door slid open, a short, narrow stair case was seen. He climbed up it, and saw the archway entrance to the security room. The far left side of the room had a long window, and bank of computers and security monitors. The right side of the room had racks of weapons, and a door which likely led to the staff room. The staff room door opened, and two guards came out. They looked out the window, and the display of two thieves arguing over "who take the artifact".

"This is something..." one of them smirked. "As soon as we come back from our break, a gang of thieves are arguing. I'll better hit the alarm..."

Before he was about to press his finger to the alarm, Randon brought from within his pouch a sleeping grenade. He pulled the pin from the glass orb of liquid, and threw it into the room. He covered his mouth and nose.

"What the---" the guards said at the same time, when they the purple smoke emit from the grenade. They fell down instantly.

As the smoke cleared and quickly evaporated, Randon walked over to the security terminals, and accessed the mainframe. He knew his machines, as he was skilled at this sort of stuff.

He accessed the security defenses, scrolled down and saw his favourites; Gas the room, or send security robots. If he gassed the room, it would take out the entire populaton within the vault, including his team. He couldn't do that, so he tried the alternative method. The other methods were a series of deadly ways to deal with intruders who have breached the vault.

Solid, Angel! I have this taken care of...

He selected the Security Robot deffence, but before doing so, reprogrammed them so they were not to attack his team mates.


The walls around the vault opened four small chambers. Inside were the Security Robots, fully locked and loaded. They were bigger than a normal man. Each was painted a white coating, and the logo of Alliance printed on their arms. The robots had a thin waste line for easy movement, but had a bulky chest for deffence. The head was thin, and a had a large, wide visor covering their receptors (eyes). Their right arm's wrist was replaced by mini-gun nozzles, for offence.

One of the robots walked up to the one called "Rueban", and aimed their weapon at them.

"You have commited an offence against the Alliance by infiltrating the royal citadel palace. You're placed under arrest and shall be dealt with by the Valmarian Authorites. If you choose to resit, than combat is the last resort... which I assure you will have quite a challenge to overcome!"
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 6:57 PM
"I'm under arrest? That's hilarious!" Rueben laughed. "I, along with his royal highness, Souvi, and this girl, was here protecting the map from these intruders... It wouldn't be any use anyway... I'd get wind up getting set free... stupid droid... I pretty much have diplomatic immunity!"

Rueben shook his head, and snapped his finger. Thunder and lightning roared in the chamber.

"Let's see... metal and lightning combined equals... hmmm... a puddle of melted robot no?" Rueben asked. "How about you just go away... we're negotiating."
 Empress Padme
11-18-2007, 7:05 PM
Sakura and Suki destroyed some robots on their way up to Souvi. They entered the tension filled place.

Suki saw Angel. " Hi Angel!"

Sakura looked at Souvi. " We got tired of waiting."

Suki looked at everyone. " It's just a map, your gonna die for a map ? Why not work together then backstab each other when we reach the actual orb."
11-18-2007, 7:07 PM
This made the drone seem agrivated. Little puffs of smoke came from the droid, and looked back at Shan.

"Uh-oh..." Randon called over the loud speaker of the Vault. "You might not want to do that, buddy!"

"It is within my programming to not harm any Royal Family member. Anyone not biologically related shall be dealt with, skin tube!"

It punched Rueban in the face.

"So its resitance you choose? You're even more follish than I thought..."
11-18-2007, 7:08 PM
((Yeah, that is funny, Shan. :lol: ))

Angel saw Suki again. "What's happening, Suki?" She smiled.

Suddenly, she glanced at the robot, who punched Rueben.

"How dare you!!" Angel pointed her handgun at the huge robot. "Back away from him, metal brain! Or I'll make ya!"

Angel continued to glare at the robot. She then turned to the others. "I agree with the Suki's plan! Join now, and deal with each other later."
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 7:10 PM
"Aw, man. As if! Rueben!" he ran on Rueben's direction, he seemed knocked out cold. He stopped when he saw that his friend went crazy on the robots. He can handle himself now and went for some cover. On his way, he signaled to the Sakura and her sisters, which, not surprisingly, ignored his order.

Souvi never liked when things didn't go as he planned, but was actually happy that Sakura and Suki had disobeyed him.

"I should have known you wouldn't wait much." Souvi grinned "But we'll get all killed if we stand around more, by now, the Palace must be on alert. Escaping with or without the orb fragment won't be any easy now."

He turned to Sakura sister "I like your way to think, miss...?" He said to Suki. "By the way, thanks."
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 7:17 PM
Wonderbread raised one eyebrow.

"Then you can't hurt me... so I'll destroy you instead." The prince said, staring at his mentor.

Rueben cracked his neck. "Put me down Souvi! I'm not unconsious!" Rueben barked. "You did NOT just do that, you stupid droid!"

Anger filled Rueben's eyes, and he unleashed upon the droid. Lightning struck it from all sides...
11-18-2007, 7:18 PM
"What, did you gus suddenly make friends while I was gone? Sheesh..."

He then saw over a camera feed a team of armed guards marching down a corridor.

"Uh-oh... we have company!"

Over the confusion, he decided to reprogram the robots to attack the guards, not this newly forged alliance.

Randon reached for his guns, and charged out of the security room.

He caught up to see the small army of guards, aiming their rifles through the entrance of the Vault.

"Freeze!" the commander called out. Randon was the first to fire his weapons at the group. One guard saw him and fired his rifle. Randon managed to dodge the fire by doing a flip in the air and dropped kicked the guard in the face, which knocked him out.
11-18-2007, 7:20 PM
"Sweet Mother of Nature!" Angel couldn't believe in what she just saw!

Rueben had blasted the robot with lightning that he created! Suddenly, she noticed that he was angry. She went by his side.

"Hey... take it easy. Are you okay now?"

Angel understood what it was like to be angry like that... but she always tried her best not to show it.

Suddenly, she heard Randon's voice. "Uh-oh... we have company!"

Angel gasped. "Guys! Security guards are coming! And I think Randon's in trouble!"
 Empress Padme
11-18-2007, 7:21 PM
" Thank you ,Mr. Souvi." Suki blushed.

Sakura gave Suki a dirty look." Got over your heartbreak fast didn't you ?!"

Suki walked over to Angel. " Let's work together. That woman's my sister.I can't harm her. "
11-18-2007, 7:26 PM
Angel looked over at Sakura. Then at Suki.

She smiled. "I won't harm her. If she's your sister... then I won't. Unless she does anything to you, I will."

Angel laughed. But then she had to convince the others to be a team.

"Suki's right, everyone! Let's work together! If we wanna survive out of here... then let's see what we can do. What do you all say?"
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 7:30 PM
"I'm ok... now." Rueben said, softly... then his voice grew so loud, that it over powered the thunder in the Vault. "STOP FIRING! DO YOU WANT TO CAUSE A COMMOTION? TAKE IT OUTSIDE, STUPID NOBLES ARE FAR TOO SOFT FOR THIS!"

He voice died away, as did the lightning and the thunder. Rueben simply stared at the door... where the soldiers were about to stream in, a giant chunk of ice seemed to pop out of nowhere and block their entrance.

"Hurry! We don't have much time... we'll go back the way you guys came down." Rueben said.

((V I don't think it's very funny PK!))
11-18-2007, 7:30 PM
((why does it seem I am always picking on Shan? Its kind of amusing... hang on a sec, I'm changing this post))

The robots recovered, and stood up.

"There is now no need for violence, skin tube!" the robots said at the same time. Their Vitality was probably down by half its percentage from the Lightning, but they were still functional. They then aimed their weapons at the guards and fired.

The guards entered the Vault and fired at the intruders. Some of them were taken down by the massive machine guns from the robots.

Randon had barely avoided the fast fire, and fired his pistols at the guards. Aiming at the weak spot of their armor, Randon magaed to take down at least two of them.

The guards couldn't obviously see Rueban or any Royal Family members, under the commotion of firing weapons.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 7:33 PM
"Whatever you do, ladies, do it fast!" Souvi shouted while shooting at the guards that had just entered the vault. "Invite me to a cup of coffee later, we need to hurry!"

He was looking frenetically at all sides, trying to locate both Refia and the orb fragment. Argh, where did that brat went?
 Empress Padme
11-18-2007, 7:33 PM
" Boys with toys. I have half the nerve to just grab the thing and put it down my dress but that would be bad. " Sakura said.

" I have a bag! We can put it in there and leave the men to there testosterone filled fight. Us girls seem to be the only level headed ones." noted Suki.
11-18-2007, 7:40 PM
Angel laughed at Suki's remark.

"That is true, Suki! Girls have more sense! Anyway, let's figure out on how to get the heck outta here!"

She jumped in front of the guards, and blasted them on the walls with her special Blast Power. Blue aura began to form in her hands as she shot each of them.

Angel sighed. "I wish I could see that wizard agian! I sure would like to thank him once more."
 Darth Kalverys
11-18-2007, 7:42 PM
"Excuse me? You girls are the only level headed people?" Rueben asked. "I'm not idiotic enough to stay here and fight the entire PALACE! We need to leave now... before the ice melts, and the guards stream in. EVERYBODY!!! LET'S GO!"

Rueben jumped up to the hole that Angel had fell out of, followed by of course Wonderbread.

"Idiots!" The prince said. "They're fighting a losing battle! They can't possibly win."

"You and I both know that... they'll see it eventually, even if they don't listen to me." Rueben said, reaching out to grab the rope leading up to the ship.
 Empress Padme
11-18-2007, 7:45 PM
Suki used Fire and Sakura used Blizzard on the guards.

" Hate to break up the party but It looks like the whole castle has seen or heard our show! We need to leave soon if we want to leave in one peice! Owww!" Sakura got hit by a blast.
11-18-2007, 7:49 PM
Angel looked up at Rueben. "Rueben, wait!"

She glanced at Sakura, and placed a tissue on the blood, where she was hit by the blast.

"I can't just leave you here! We gotta get you out somehow!"

Angel glanced at Suki. "Can you take her on the ship? I'm pretty sure she could be healed by Errol's potion."

"Speaking of Errol, where the blazes is he at?" Angel thought.
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-18-2007, 7:59 PM
((PK, sorry but I already finished this long post and I won't post today anymore if you wish. Let's this be the end for today, ok?))

Souvi was sure that the princess wasn't anywhere to be seen. He did manage to find the orb location, though. It was just standing between piles on rubles, shining as a lighthouse on the coast. He jumped on the orbs direction and grabbed it firmly with his left hand.

Time to leave the shi-- He stopped halfway. Sakura was lying on the floor and was bleeding. Without a second though, Souvi dropped the orb and went on to her rescue. She hold her on his arms and smiled

"Beautiful, I don't think you can use the rope on this state. So, guess what, let's follow the plan!"

Souvi went over to the window Angel had broken and lit something spheric. Two minutes later, a small ship came over. Sakura and Souvi heard an amplified rather funny voice. "Ladies and gentleman, what can Rim do for ya?" He boarded and left Sakura on the nearest bed he could find. He went over to the cabin and told Rim: "Leave, now!" He then run as fast as he could to get the orb back, jumped, rolled and grabbed it from the floor.

Rim was good at following plans, as he was already leaving before Souvi made back into the ship. He jumped and got hold on the ship with one hand. He managed to come up and finally board the ship.

He could see the Gliding Angel, through the view window, on top of the walls, where Rueben probably was. Rueben, I'll get you back too, just wait.
11-18-2007, 8:04 PM
[Gaia. ]]

It was quite lonely being on the ship. No one spoke, no one laughed, there was hardly even a sound.

Errol sat in his room, practicing every spell he knew. 'With the fault of ailments, cure thine! Esuna!', 'Defend against all things physical, Protect!', 'Heal thy comrades, Heal!'.

Master would be disgraced., he thought to himself. Since the past four months since his Master had died, he had never taken it upon himself to learn new Magicks.

'Knowledge is important,' He would lecture, 'To know it is a gift, and you have a gift Errol. Always look to the future, and be willing to learn. Magick is helpful, just as it is dangerous, and never resistrict yourself, like I have.'

Errol slide out a picture of a small, fragile boy, and a distinguished, not-that-much-taller old man, out of the small pocket to the side. I'd best check on everyone, and he grabbed an radio from his other pocket. Wait ten minutes before you say anything. You wouldn't want ot disrupt the mission..
11-19-2007, 6:10 PM
((ooc: Okay. lets start this again, shall we? But lets plan ahead, incase this gets out of control again. Probably like any normal rp, if you have ideas relating to the plot, I suggest we announce it by "ooc" or in recruitment thread. In other words, if you or you want your characters to do something, which in some way could effect the plot, don't be afraid to announce it either here or recruitment thread. I want to hear your thoughts. Okay, thats about it.))

Randon jumped up into the vent, like everyone else. He followed the vent out, and entered the wide, narrow shaft which ran down through the entire citadel. He grabbed the rope.

"PUNCH IT, CID!" he barked into his earpiece. Gradually he started climbing and was everyone was assisted by Cid moving the ship moving upwards.

"Somebody reel the rope in! he also commanded. He knew that it would take hours climbing up this rope, seeing the size of the very tall tower. The rope began to move and was pulled upwards as fast as it could.

A few minutes later, Randon met the mouth of The Gliding Angel and climbed through the shaft. He layed to rest on the metal floor.
 Darth Kalverys
11-19-2007, 6:22 PM
"Need some help?" Rueben asked, stretching out his hand. "What is your name anyway? I'm Rueben... where is... Angel?"

Rueben looked worried... he would probably destroy everyone on the ship if they had let anything happen to her.

Wonderbread stood beside him... staring into his friend and mentor's eyes, this was odd... Rueben knew the girl for less than two hours and he was already falling head over heels for her. However... Wonderbread was falling head over heels for Suki... hmmm... maybe it was a Mage thing...
 Ctrl Alt Del
11-19-2007, 6:30 PM
Wingless Eagle. That was the name of the ship Souvi struggled so much to keep secret. Only Rim, Rueben and other trusted people knew about it's existence. Souvi normally traveled via public airships just to not have to use it more than necessary, and therefore, risking it. The ship was a small one, all right, but it had a surprisingly amount of rooms. There was, obviously, the Cabin that was connected to the Main Hold. It was also used as Communications Room and a small and improvised Cargo Hold. Through the hold, one could access every other rooms on the ship. There was the Dormitories, with four beds and a small bathroom. You could reach the Engine Room and the Kitchen/Refectory.

But it was the last room on right that Souvi was interested in. He left the Cabin and departed to the Medical Room where Sakura was. He entered the room and checked all the equipment that were plugged to her. Let's see. Breathing... normal. Cardiac frequency... normal. Bones... All fine. Current status... Rapid Eyes Movement (REM) Sleep... He stopped checking the gear. That last report said she was on REM sleep, on other words, on a deep sleep and probably dreaming.

You sure look like an angel sleeping, but please, wake up.
11-19-2007, 6:33 PM
"No, I'm fine thanks." Randon muttered angrily to Rueban. "And my name is Randon, incase you're still bothered to know."

The piece was gone. Mission failure. And just when Randon thought he had everything planned out. Obviously he was mistaken, and made him feel guilty for leading his crew out here for nothing. He could have gotten his crew killed, if they weren't so lucky when they managed to escape.
 Darth Kalverys
11-19-2007, 6:39 PM
"Don't be too furious... I know where the fagment is." Rueben said. "The princess ain't that original at hiding things. It's probably in the throne room... if you would like... I'll re-infiltrate the palace and take it."

Rueben's face softened. "I really want to help... and so does the prince." Rueben looked over at his friend, who was still staring at him. Wonderbread met his eyes then looked at Randon.

"As guardians of the Royal Throne... and guardian of the kingdom, we will do whatever is neccessary to protect the kingdom." Rueben and Wonderbread both said at once.
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