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08-10-2007, 9:27 PM
As they were walking up the hill towards the Castle Nivian could sense that Aria was nervous and slightly afraid. He placed his hand on her head.

"Don't worry you'll do fine. And you've always got me when things are rough."

He then opened the doors to the Castle.

"Well this is home."

He stepped to one side saying "Ladies first"
08-10-2007, 9:36 PM
"Thank you." Aria smiled nervously. When she got in, she could could feel coldness. Nothing was warm about this place. She trembled, but remembered that Nivian was always with her.

She turned to Nivian. "Where are the others?"
08-10-2007, 10:29 PM
Nivian took a deep breath in and sighed. This was home, cold and uninviting as it was it was still home. He took a few steps forward.

"They are probaly in the meeting room. But first I need to change. And you should be shown to your room for the night."

He turned towards her.

"Please follow me."

Nivian led Aria to her room. "You'll be staying here for the night, please have a look around. My room is a few doors down if you need anything."

He nodded his head. "Please excuse me, I must change."
08-10-2007, 10:36 PM
Aria nodded. She sat down on the bed, waiting for Nivian to show her to the meeting room after he changed. She decided to lay down on the bed and rest.

The young woman looked at the window. The sun was bright and beautiful on top of the mountains. Aria wondered what it felt like being Lycan... but in her heart, she wanted to be a good person still.

"Mother... I hope that I'll still be a good person. Even if I turn into a Lycan, in my heart I'll still fight for my people." She sighed. A tear fell from her eye. Then, she closed her eyes.
08-10-2007, 10:53 PM
Nivian entered his room. He closed the door behind him and placed his back against the closed door and and leaned there.

"This has been a long day. Now the vampires will be after me. But it's good that they will be off Freidricks tail. He's the better tacttion.

He stood up and walked to a wardrobe. Opening it he saw replacements for his cloths and Armour. He got dressed in his cloths and Armour. Once he was sure he was ready, he walked out of his room towards Aria's. Nivian then knocked on the door.
 Rogue Nine
08-10-2007, 11:00 PM
Juuuuuust a friendly reminder that you need a minimum of three active RPers at any given time and recently, it's just been you two. Get some more people back in the mix please. Otherwise, you're better off just writing a collaborative fic or something.
08-10-2007, 11:29 PM
((All right. We're sorry about that, Rogue Nine. We'll get more people to come back to this. Padawan says that he's still playing, but he'll be back home in three or two days.))

Aria rubbed her eyes. "Come in." She sat up, and yarned. She's had a rough day... but everything will be okay. She hoped.

She waited to see who was knocking on the door.
08-10-2007, 11:44 PM
((My sincerest apologies Rouge Nine. We are working on it.))

Nvian opened the door and walked in wearing his black Armour. He stopped in the door way and smiled at her.

"Ready young one" he said teasingly.
08-11-2007, 12:10 AM
"I'm ready... sir!" Aria jested. She walked by his side, smiling. She tried to hide the feeling of fear, but knew that she had to be brave when she got to the meeting.

Aria glanced at the hall and sighed. "Boy. I'm sure gonna enjoy this."
08-11-2007, 12:18 AM
Nivian placed a gentle reassuring hand on her shoulder. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, she smelled of fear but he didn't let on that he could smell it.

"You'll do fine. Your one of us now."
08-11-2007, 4:06 PM
Aria smiled timidly. As they walked down the hall, she could see statues of wolves. These Lycans sure had style.

She glanced back forward, wondering if Friedrich would accept her now.

~Let's try and keep the size of the posts a bit longer, guys. Two or three lines per post is not acceptable for an RP on LF. Please and thank you. ~ FFWM
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