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07-23-2007, 8:33 PM
Ren sat in the den, reading a book of poetry. The messenger comes in, out of breath and bleeding. Ren, concerned, puts down his book.

"What's the problem?"

"Lycan, M'lord. The one we captured...he had...powder..." says messenger, breathless.

Ren goes over to a shelf, and removes some medical supplies. He begins to patch up the injured vampire. After a few minutes of catching his breath, the messenger sits down, and explains to Ren what happened.

"M'lord. The Lycan was armed, and we didn't know."

"What was it? It looks like it did alot to you." Ren says.

The messenger looks over his body and nods.

"A powder bomb. I had heard rumors of a weapon that shoots balls that explode, and that they use a special powder, and this was just the ball I guess."

"How did it explode?" Ren asks.

"I'm guess when we threw him into the fire to burn, it exploded from the heat." The messenger begins to rap up his arm. "I was near his body when it went off, and I got injured. I thank you for helping me."

Ren sits back in his chair and looks at the messenger.

"My pleasure. Now, get washed up and begin Phase one."

"Yes, M'lord."

The messenger leaves at once, and Ren picks up his book, and returns to the page he left off...
07-24-2007, 1:04 AM
Aria smiled faintly. "If you say you're faster in your Lycan form, then... okay. But try not to eat me. Or we're going to have problems." She laughed. "By the way, I don't think I ever caught your name."
07-24-2007, 6:52 AM
"Nivian" he said bluntly.

"The transformation may be unpleasant to watch, so you might want to turn around"

With saying that he began to transform into his lycan form. He fell to his kneed. Hair spouting our of ever inch of his body, his muscles grew and his bones stretched. His face started to resemble that of a dog. When it was finished he stretched out and howled.

He looked towards Aria saying "Hurry we don't have a lot of time"
07-24-2007, 7:15 AM
Aria looked up at Nivian, and trembled. Then she smiled nevously. "Er... okay then. Nice name by the way. But you're right... we gotta get going." She waited on him to carry her.
07-24-2007, 7:23 AM
Nivian wrapped his arms around her legs. Her legs seemed so small compared to his arms, so he used only a little of his strength to hold on her then said "Wrap your arms around my neck and hold on tight."

He then dashed for the hide out in Hungry to meet up with his fellow lycans.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-24-2007, 8:38 AM
"You haven't lost your playful touch I see" remarked Eulises to Ghia "But why go to such extends to mentally play with a Lycan? those beasts are pitiful, you should just have killed her"

"And for whats going on here, you're as much informed as me. I was just summoned with my whole unit here. Seems that more are coming by the minute"
07-24-2007, 12:28 PM
“I am not here to hear you’re stories, this better start or I will return to Navarra”- Lord Josй De Hernбndez said “Why is making so much stupidities with the elders knowledge.”- Lord Josй added as he looked at both vampires.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-24-2007, 1:46 PM
"And who are you?" responded Eulises to the newcomer, "or better yet, do I care who you are? No" he said plainly "The some of the Lord's decisions are very foolish, I'll agree with on that, but we still have to obey them"

He then turned to Ghia, 'Let us go inside ourselves, as you can see, Lycans are not the only dull things out here" he said, looking at Lord Josй
07-24-2007, 2:42 PM
Aria held on tightly against Nivian, as he ran in a fast pace. Her hair blew across her face with the wind, and sometime she liked that. Deep in her mind, she wanted revenge on those evil vampires that killed her loving family ruthlessly. She'll find them... somehow.

She closed her eyes, thinking, and trying hard not to cry over the memory of her poor but beloved family.

Aria looked up at Nivian. "So... you're meeting up with your kind?"
07-24-2007, 9:10 PM
Nivian slowed down and asked "Am I going to fast for you?"

He'd like to continue at the pace he was before. But he felt his companion become upset which disturbed him some. The weakness of humans, so emotional he thought to himself.

When he encountered the emotions of humans, he was glade he was no longer like them. No longer weak and easily controlled. And once the war was over, he would be free.
07-24-2007, 11:14 PM
Aria glanced down, and shook her head. "No. I'm fine. I'm sorry for wasting your time. It's just that... I lost my family, because of those vampires. Then, when I was ninteen-years-old, a Lycan saved me from an attacking vampire. That's why... I want to join your army."

A tear fell from her eye. But she her best not to show it. "And I know how you creatures think of humans. Although we have emotions... it can make us stronger. How we feel happy, sad, angry... or love... that is what makes us connected together. Sure, you may think we're weak... but deep inside, we are all one."
07-24-2007, 11:21 PM
Aria's words echoed threw Nivian's head. He remember so little about his human life. He can pass off as a human, but his senses are always far better then theirs. He then sighed heavily.

"My apologies for my earlier actions to you." he said. Shocked at himself for something out of character he looked towards the night sky.

"We will move during the night. And rest during the day to be safe. Is that alright with you Aria?" he said to her.
07-24-2007, 11:41 PM
Aria smiled. "Yes. That's all right with me." She held on tightly to his neck, hoping that she wouldn't fall down. Then Aria looked up at Nivian. "And I forgive you. I just hope that your pack will accept me in their army to help you all."

Suddenly, tears came out of her eyes. She looked. Aria whispered, "I miss the world being beautiful... before evil came into it. There was no worries, sadness, or hate. Now it's all choas. I wish everything was normal." She sobbed silently.
07-24-2007, 11:46 PM
Nivian tightened his grip on Aria so she wouldn't fall. Then he started running at full pace again. Thoughts went threw his head about how it would be hard for his clan to accept a human as a warrior in the war to come.

"You can always fight with me and my pack, if you desire" he said as he jumped a fallen tree.
07-24-2007, 11:53 PM
"Really? Oh, thank you, Nivian! Thank you!" Aria hugged him on his neck. Then she looked ahead, the air blowing across her face and hair. She should be able to help the Lycans, with her fighting skills and weapons. Even if they were Lycans, they had to trust Aria... somehow.
07-24-2007, 11:57 PM
Nivian saw over the horizon that dawn was quickly approaching. He slowed down to a stop and lowered himself to the ground so Aria could get off easier.

"We should be safe now. It's almost dawn."

Once Aria is off him, he goes and sits down by a tree. I'd change back into my human form so she'd be comfortable, but I don't have any cloths with me, guess I'll have to stay as a lycan. He then growled in frustration.

"I will have to stay in this form while you rest. I'll keep watch. You need your strength." Nivian told her.
07-25-2007, 12:01 AM
Aria knelt down on the grass. "Thanks, Nivian. I'll get all rest I need." She placed her bag on the ground, laid her head on it, and drifted off to sleep. The nights were unpleasant for Aria, but she was glad that the sun was coming up.
07-25-2007, 2:04 PM
Nivian sat there quietly, looking out for any danger as Aria slept. He could feel himself starting to get hungry. I'm going to need to eat to continue the trave, he thought to himself. He lifted his nose into the air and started to smell his surroundings. He was able to smell the fresh wild life, though humans were more his taste he would settle for wild game.

He stood up quietly and began his pursuit of some deer in the woods. Nivian caught several and devoured them.

"Aria will probably be hungry when she wakes up. Humans are useless if they are starving to death. Pathetic creatures." said to himself in an annoyed tone.

He saw a deer in the distance and attacked it quickly breaking it's neck. He then dragged it to where he left Aria and laid it down. She can do what she wants with it when she awakes, he thought.
07-26-2007, 3:14 PM
When Aria awoke from her slumber, she looked at her side and screamed. "What did you do?!" She yelled at Nivian, as she went by the deers side. She began to cradle the dead animal on her knees. "Why?" Aria began to cry.
07-26-2007, 3:31 PM
Nivian looked at her curiously.

"It's food. Eat it. You'll need your strength."

Saying that he laid down and watched to see what she'll do with the dead animal.
07-26-2007, 11:27 PM
Aria stood up, and looked upset.

"N-No! I refuse to eat a creature that's innocent. Besides... I'm vegetarian!" She glanced down at the dead deer. "But... thank you. I'll go out into the woods to find some fruit or vegetable."

And with that, Aria walked off, upset for the poor deer.
07-27-2007, 3:44 PM
Nivian remembered that humans usually bury their dead in the ground. He stood up and stared digging a hole for the dead animal.

"Why am I doing this? For a human no less" he grumbled to himself.

When the hole was finished, he dragged the dead animal in the hole, and covered it with the dirt. Then he went over and nudged a rock over to the hole, and made several scratch marks. Then went and looked for Aria, he found her not to far away picking some plants. Nivian sat there watching her, and listening to the surroundings.
07-27-2007, 6:24 PM
Aria felt that Nivian was behind her sitting, and sighed. "I'm sorry, Nivian. It's just that... I really hate it when I see innocent people and creatures die. It reminds me of my family. Ever since I was little... I made friends with some of the animals. I thought of them as my family, together and happy."

Tears ran down from her eyes as she got up from picking berries. Aria sat the berries in the cloth down and herself down in front of Nivian. "But again... I'm sorry if I was such a soft person. I maybe a Vampire slayer, but deep in my heart, I want to make everything right."

She quietly ate her berries, looking down timidly and wiping the tears away.
07-27-2007, 7:46 PM
Nivian started to feel bad for his actions. He knew all to well what it was like to be hunted, but he was always smart enough not to get killed.

"I buried the deer, and put a marker by it's grave. Like you..." he broke off "like humans do."

He laid down in front of her while Aria ate her berries. He gently sniffed them "are you sure these are good for you?" he inquired.
07-28-2007, 9:23 PM
((Is it going to get night again?))

Aria smiled and nodded. "Yeah. They're good for you. I've tried these before. I forgot what they're called, but I remember how they look." Then she realized about the deer.

"I'm very glad that you buried the deer. Thank you. Caring about something that's different from you. That's a lesson we all must learn." She continued to eat her berries. "Want some?"
07-29-2007, 11:58 AM
((OOC: Do you want it to be night?))

Nivian brought forth his muzzle and sniffed the berries Aria had in her hand. They smelled sweet, he couldn't remember the last time he had something sweet, probaly before he was turned. Gently with his front teeth he picked up a couple of the berries and ate them. They were not to his liking he wanted flesh from other creatures more.

"They are not bad" he said finally.
07-29-2007, 3:00 PM
((Well... I guess. 'Cause see, I'm pretty sure the vampires wanna come out again. :D ))

Aria smiled at Nivian. "Yeah. These are the best berries there are. I know I don't eat meat... but I'm sure I can survive, even without food." She began to laugh. Suddenly, she saw the sun setting. "Oh no..."
07-29-2007, 9:53 PM
Nivian saw the sun was setting. Every time he saw it set, he growled on the inside a little.

"Hurry on my back" Nivian told Aria. Once he felt her securly on his back, it took off. Continuing they're journey to Hungry.
07-29-2007, 10:05 PM
((occ:Let`s not get to night please))
07-30-2007, 10:40 PM
((All right, Padawan! :D ))

Aria held on to Nivian, as he ran in a fast pace. She looked ahead, seeing if any enemies might come. If they did, she'd be ready.

She told Nivian, "I hope that your clan will accept me, and not try to eat me! If you know what I mean!" She began to laugh, as they continued on their journey.
07-31-2007, 4:50 PM
Nivian thought about it for a while. He wasn't sure if she'd be accepted, but if they didn't she would travel with him and fight beside him. He wanted to learn more about the humans. Deep down he wanted to see if he could remember being human.

"If they try, they will have to go threw me" he finally told her.
08-02-2007, 2:12 PM
Aria looked at Nivian, surprised. Then she smiled. "Thanks, Nivian. You know? You're a real true friend. I've never had a friend since the day my family died. But... thanks for being my friend."

She rested her chin on his back, looking back ahead.
08-02-2007, 4:17 PM
Nivian nodded his head only. Then he slowed his pase when he noticed it wouldn't be night for along time.

my mind must have played a trick on us. he thought to himself.

"How are you doing back there" he asked Aria.

He wasn't sure why he said the things he did to her, maybe in a way he wanted to know what it was like to be human again. Even if it was only for a moment.
08-02-2007, 4:23 PM
"I'm doing fine. Thank you." She rested her head on his fur. "I always wondered what it was like being another creature. It sounds... pretty scary. To me of course."

Aria looked down at Nivian. "Have you ever wondered: if you've turned into something your not, wouldn't that frighten you? Wouldn't you want to be human again?'"
08-02-2007, 8:28 PM
Nivian slowed to a stop and gently placed her down on the ground. He turned around and faced her.

"You see me as this a Lycan. A monster. That's how most people see us. And we are. I do not deny that." he looked towards the ground.

"Do you have a blanket in your sack, Aria?"
08-03-2007, 9:57 AM
Aria felt real bad for Nivian. She placed a gentle hand on his fur. "I... I don't see you as a monster. I see you as a friend. Plus... you're like a brother to me." She gave him warm a smile.

"And yes. I have a blanket in my sack." She took it out, unfolded the blanket, and placed it to the ground.
08-03-2007, 10:52 AM
Nivain picked up the blanket and went behind a bush and placed it down. He began the painful process of turning back in to his human form. Threw his head he heard his bones shrink and crack, him muscles condense. Till finally he was a male human.

He wrapped the blanket around his whiest and stood in front of Aria.

Looking straight in her eyes. "And how do you see me now." he said calmly.
08-03-2007, 11:25 AM
Aria looked back into his eyes. She smiled. "I see a handsome young man with a good heart. That's all I can see." She paced towards him.

"This is your true self, Nivian. Your human self."
08-05-2007, 3:12 PM
Nivian looked into her eyes. He sighed heavily then went and sat down on a fallen tree near by. He ran this fingers threw his black hair, and shook his head.

"This is only part of who I am. The lycan is another part. I smell the fear upon you, when I look like that. You can not deny it. Even if you've learn to accept what and who I am. it will probaly never change the fact that the fear will always remain."
08-06-2007, 1:46 PM
Aria sat near Nivian, and placed a gentle hand on his hand. "No. I don't care if I'm afraid of you or not, I... I care about you, no matter what you are." She gave him a warm smile.

"And I'll help you, as a friend. Don't let yourself down."
08-06-2007, 1:59 PM
Nivian stood up, turned around quickly. He looked straight into her eyes.

"This war may not go well for us. But I ask then when you are older, you remember us lycans, and know that we fought for our freedom."

He transformed into his lycan form but this time filled with pride and hope, for the coming battles. For this time he found a reason to fight. Not only for his freedom, but for that of his human companion.
08-06-2007, 2:06 PM
((Can everyone please come back to this RP? D&C and I can't do this alone!))

Aria smiled up at Nivian, and hugged him. "I'll always remember the Lycans, even when I'm old. I'll tell stories of how they fought for freedom to my children, their children, and everyone else's children. And I'll fight for my people as well. Seeing that these Vampires suck blood from us ruthlessly."

She looked up at him, tears running from her eyes.
08-06-2007, 2:23 PM
((lol, maybe this had died. That be sad))

He placed his muzzle against her cheek, and in a low tone he said.

"Never fight with rage filled in your heart. Never kill out of anger. Fight, Kill to protect always with a clear mind and heart. So you will live to grow old. That is my request to you, grow old and be happy"

He backed away from her "We should continue our journey."
08-06-2007, 4:12 PM
“Jessica gather the army, we are leaving tomorrow”- Friedrich said at he looked to Jessica “I will go to look for Nivian, he is taking too much time, I will look for him even if it’s risky but It’s day and I am strong enough to fight up to 10 vampires”- Friedrich added

He then tucked his armor and his horse called “Hermann”, and headed to the southeast of Germany in look of Nivian.
08-06-2007, 4:47 PM
Aria wiped her tears and nodded. She promised that she'll fight without rage and anger... or revenge. "Yeah. You're right. We should get going."

She climbed on his back, and held on tight. "Ready when you are, Nivian."
08-07-2007, 12:28 AM
Nivian held on to her tightly. He continued full speed to hungry, not wanting to waste any time. If Aria stayed with him during the battles to come, he would protect her. He slightly chuckled at himself.

She has made you soft Nivian, he said to himself.
08-07-2007, 12:37 PM
Deep in her heart, Aria was afraid of the battle that was going to occur. As she rested her head against Nivian's fur, she began to have a strange feeling about the Vampires.

Would they win? If they did... the Vampires would rule over the Lycans and Humans. Aria sighed. If anything happened to Nivian... she would protect him from any danger that would come.
08-07-2007, 12:52 PM
Nivian smelled something in the air. A familiar smell. He grinned, his sharp teeth showing out of delight. He quickly changed direction and ran towards the smell.

"Friedrich" he said. "So you came looking"

Nivian continued to run in the direction of his friend.
08-07-2007, 4:41 PM
I smelled the flesh of human but I smelled Nivian too, I walked more thru the forest until I saw him in the distance.

“Ohhh what a relief, Nivian I thought you di… what? You are taking a human with you.”- Friedrich said as he looked mad at Nivian.
08-07-2007, 6:38 PM
Aria hid behind Nivian, when she was placed down. She was beginning to get frightened of Friedrich. In her heart, she knew he was also a Lycan.

The young woman began to tremble, holding on to Nivian.
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