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08-07-2007, 8:53 PM
Nivian looked sternly at Friedrich.

"You need to calm down Friedrich. She wishes to help us in our battle."

He promised Aria he'd protect her, and he was willing to do that even against an old friend.

"Besides we have more pressing matters then the appearance of a human."
08-07-2007, 9:05 PM
Aria stood behind Nivian, afraid. She was worried that the other Lycan might do something to her. Or worse... Nivian. She tried to build up her courage to speak.

"Um... I really do... want to help. Please. Give me... a chance."
08-07-2007, 10:33 PM
“What!? , Nivian you’re braking our code!!!, Humans can only have contact with us only to become them into Lycans or to eat them!!”- Friedrich said angry at Nivian “You have lost my thrust Nivian, to regain it you have 2 options, kill her or make her one of us, else I will have to ban you from our order or kill you for betraying us.” Friedrich firmly told to Nivian.
08-07-2007, 10:44 PM
Nivian gritted his teeth. Not wanting to be banned, or to do harm to Aria.

"This about is wisely my friend. She could travel to places easier then we could because she is human. We are to easily detected. But they may ignore her because she is not one of us."
08-07-2007, 10:50 PM
“You will be her death, even is she dose not turn to Lycan or you don’t kill her the vampires will, or worst turn her vampire without her will. Human I will give you 2 choices, turn like us or die, not by my hand, but by theirs”- Friedrich said
08-07-2007, 11:08 PM
Aria's eyes filled with fear. She was too afraid to become a Lycan or die. She bowed her head, and cried.

"I... I don't know! All I ever wanted was pay back against those Vampires, because they killed my family! I'm... I'm sorry!" She turned around, and ran from Nivian and Friedrich.
08-07-2007, 11:14 PM
Nivian turned around quickly and took a few steps after her but stopped. He gritted his teeth. He wanted to go after her, but he didn't want to seem more of a traitor in Friedrich's eyes. He clenched his fists tightly, that his nails dug into his skin and made his hands start to bleed.
08-07-2007, 11:18 PM
“Look Nivian, that’s why we stay away from humans, I should fallow her and kill her after she say something, but I leave that to you, I will return to the castle, don’t return with out her head or her bitten”- Friedrich said
08-07-2007, 11:22 PM
The young woman stopped at a tree, not far from Nivian. She sank to her knees, crying. Then she took off her cross necklace, and looked at it, while she held it in her hand.

"What should I do, mother? What's the right thing to do?" She clenched her hand, bowed her head, and cried.
08-07-2007, 11:25 PM
Nivian raced after her. He could smell her in the air, her tears, her sweat, her fear. He thought Friedrich a fool for refusing help when they are in need of it, but he focused on the matter at hand.

He saw Aria on her knee's holding something in her hands. He stopped beside her.

"May we talk."
08-07-2007, 11:28 PM
Aria placed her necklace against her chest tenderly. Then she looked up at Nivian, and nodded.

When she glanced back down at the ground again, haunting thoughts ran through her head rapidly. She closed her eyes, while a twinkling tear rolled down her cheek.
08-07-2007, 11:30 PM
He laid down beside her and sighed. So many thoughts running threw his head. He wasn't sure what he should do.

"I've been ordered not to return until I've either transformed you, or ripped your head off and bring it with me to show Friedrich." he said bluntly.
08-07-2007, 11:34 PM
Aria turned her head slowly to the other side, not facing Nivian. She herself didn't know what to do.

Finally, she said in a soft spoken voice, "I shouldn't had interfered in this. I should've killed those Vampires by myself." She sighed, and placed her cross necklace back on.

"I can fight really good in battle... but if your friend doesn't want me... that's all right." Aria wiped the tears away, and sniffed.
08-07-2007, 11:41 PM
Nivian sat up and looked up towards the sky. He sighed not knowing what to say that would comfort her.

"Back when I was human, I met this old man, who was wise beyond his years. As I listened to his stories, he looked at me and said that the one thing he regretted most was not listening to his heart."

Nivian looked towards Aria.

"If you fight on your own you will lose. They will show you no mercy. But I'll leave the choice to you."

He laid back down.
08-07-2007, 11:52 PM
Aria knew it was a hard choice, but she had to have courage in her heart. She sighed, and touched a nearby flower.

"Nivian?" The answer echoed through her mind, haunting her. "Just... bite me, if it feels more comfrontable to you. I'm gonna have the courage to do this." Tears came from her eyes again, as she looked at Nivian, waiting for an answer.
08-07-2007, 11:55 PM
Nivian looked at her.

"The transformation at first is very painful. And I..." he broke off. "I don't want to see you in pain."

Nivian realized he had spent to much time in the company of the human. He was starting to think like them. It disgusted him.
08-07-2007, 11:59 PM
Aria shot up, angrily. "I don't care! I... I just want revenge on those Vampires that killed my beloved family! If you don't want to do it, that's fine!"

She walked away, wiping her tears.
08-08-2007, 12:12 AM
Nivian quickly jumped in front of her. He looked straight into her eyes.

"I want you to be sure, about your decision. Once your like us, there is no going back" he said to her.
08-08-2007, 12:18 AM
((Occ:Bite her in human form, if you do it in beats form you can kill her, too strong))
08-08-2007, 1:45 AM
Aria looked down, and closed her eyes. The thought about it kept scaring her. Then... she made her decision.

"I'm sure about it." Deep in her heart, she wasn't. She came close to Nivian. "I'm...I'm ready."
08-08-2007, 2:18 AM
Nivian back away some and turned back into his human form. He sensed the uncertainty in her, but this was the only way to keep her safe from the other lycans.

He stepped closer to her and one side of her shirt down over her shoulder. He lowered his head and bit her shoulder hard. Blood seeped from the wound he created into his mouth. She tasted sweet but was full of fear. He released his bite and held her fast.
08-08-2007, 9:14 AM
Aria held on to Nivian tightly, as he bit her shoulder. She started to whimper. Then when he bit her harder, she gasped, and yelled in pain. This was an experience she never felt before.

When Nivian was done, Aria shivered, and felt a strange feeling inside. "What... what's happening to me?!" she yelled. Her blood dripped on a white flower on the grass.
08-08-2007, 10:29 AM
Nivian held on to her, and looked her straight into her eyes. Her blood running down from the corner of his lips.

"The process will be very uncomfortable. But do not fight or the pain will be worse. After a while you senses will be heightened, and you'll notice a strong craving for flesh. Because you are new to this, you wont be able to transform until the moon is up, until then you'll feel it coarse threw you like a virus that wants it's presence known."
08-08-2007, 10:42 AM
Aria fell to ground, crying. What have she done? She clenched her fist, angry and scared about what was going to happen on the full moon.

"I wish I never done this! I should've stayed at my village, as my people warned me! I don't want to eat any human... because I'm fighting for them!" She continued to cry.
08-08-2007, 11:10 AM
Nivian lowered himself to the ground, he gave her a warm smile. Inside however he felt horrible for what he had done to her. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I was like you when I first was bitten. But you'll find that the beast is hard to control at first. You have to remember who you are during that time. When you feel lost you can rely on me."
08-08-2007, 12:13 PM
Aria looked up at Nivian. Then she wrapped her arms around him, and cried. She felt different... not in a good way for her.

"I'll...I'll try really hard to remember who I am. And I'll always rely on you, Nivian. Deep inside, I know that there's a girl with a big heart still. And hope I won't give that up. I hope..."
08-08-2007, 1:25 PM
Nivian held her.

"Remember that, always. Even when you feel lost. There will be times when your actions are uncontrollable, but always remember who you are. And I'll always be there for you. Fight along my side, and I'll guard you."

Nivian stood up and held how his hands for her, and smiled the best he could remember.

"We should get going. Soon the war will begin."
08-08-2007, 1:36 PM
Aria took Nivian's hands gently, and got up. She trembled a little, but decided to build up the courage. She smiled.

"If we win... I hope my people would accept the Lycans. I really hope that they'll be safe. And I hope that you'll be safe too."
08-08-2007, 2:02 PM
Nivian felt slight sadness sweep threw him. But he shook it off.

"Possibly, but humans fear what they do not understand. And anything they do not understand they destroy. I have lived along time, and I have seen it happen to often."
08-09-2007, 12:53 AM
((Hey, did you guys see my Lycan? She's on the Blood War: Recruitment backstage calling. :D ))

Aria turned her head to one side, and closed her eyes. Then, a thought occured to her. "Maybe... maybe I could convice my people to help! They have a strong army too! About like 120 men! And... oh yeah. Then there's your friend. He might not like the idea. Right."

She sighed. "I... cannot believe this! Has he never trusted anyone?!"
08-09-2007, 1:35 AM
Nivian grinned at her and sighed.

He trusted me once, he thought to himself.

"He doesn't trust easily. Your actions in battle will prove yourself, and hopefully gain his trust."
08-09-2007, 5:04 AM
Aria shrugged. "Yeah. I guess you're right." Then she sighed.

"All right. Let's get moving." She wondered if she could move in a fast pace like Nivian, or just climb on his back again.
08-09-2007, 9:22 AM
Nivian looked at Aria and grinned slightly. Soon enough they'll both be able to see what she was capable of.

"So do you want to see if you can keep up with me or just ride on my back for old time sake?"
08-09-2007, 10:24 PM
Aria thought about it for a moment. Then, she gave him a grin. "I'll... see what I can do." She readied herself for a fast movement, as if in a race.

"I'm going to see if I can run as fast as you." She smiled, waiting to see if she could run in a fast pace like Nivian.
08-09-2007, 10:45 PM
Nivian looked at her from the corner of his eye and grinned.

"Get ready then Aria"

He then took off at full speed, but making sure he could sense Aria behind him.
08-10-2007, 1:41 AM
Aria smirked. "Let's see what she's got." Suddenly, Aria felt herself running in full speed. She ran by Nivian, and jumped in the air. She was high in the air, as if soaring through the sky.

"Woooo! I've got speed!!" Aria yelled, excitedly. She landed on the ground and continued to run. She looked at Nivian and smiled. "Not bad for a new Lycan, huh?"
08-10-2007, 1:52 AM
Nivian smiled back. He was excited to see her doing so well. But he could tell she was still careless with her other senses.

"No not bad at all. But you should pay more attention to your surroundings. Like that tree" he said as he picked up more speed.
08-10-2007, 2:00 AM
Aria looked confused. "What tree?" She glanced ahead. There was a tree in front of her that she was about to hit! She jumped up in the air, front flipped over the branch, and landed on the ground. Then she continued to run. She smiled.

"Sorry, Nivian. I'll be careful more. Hey! I know this might sound crazy but... can you be my teacher?"
08-10-2007, 2:14 AM
She wants me to teach her huh?

Nivian grinned. He ran passed her with great ease. He was no longer holding back.

"Alright I'll be your teacher. But don't use any formal titles with me. Those are nothing but irritations. Nivian will do fine"
08-10-2007, 2:27 AM
"Sure thing... Nivian." She smiled at him, then continued their journey to Hungary. She sighed.

"Are we at Hungary yet?" Aria asked, curious if they were near Hungary or not.
08-10-2007, 3:11 AM
Nivian stopped abruptly and caught Aria so she wouldn't over shoot. He looked out at the distance to a near by castle.

"We've been in hungry for a while. You see that castle over there?" he pointed in the distance.

"That's our destination." He smiled at her "But first, some basic training. Please take a seat."

Nivian sat down with his legs crossed.
08-10-2007, 3:40 AM
Aria scratched her hair. "Um... okay." She sat on the grass in front of him. She hoped that she'd pass this training, and not fail Nivian.

"Okay. So... what's the training about?" She smiled, waiting patiently for his answer.
08-10-2007, 8:25 AM
Nivian closed his eyes. In th distance he heard a stream flowing steadily. He could smell the flowers, and animal life that surrounded them.

"Besides greater speed and strength. All your other senses are heightened as well. Close your eyes and listen to your surroundings. Do not strain yourself, just listen" He finally told her.
08-10-2007, 3:21 PM
Aria looked confused. "Er... okay." She closed her eyes. She could hear all of nature's surroundings. She smiled silently. Then nodded.

"Yes. I... I feel it somehow," she whispered.
08-10-2007, 4:12 PM
Nivian smiled and nodded his head. He was slightly surprised she was doing better then he thought she would.

Guess I better not underestimate her ability to learn.he thought to himself.

"Now focus on one thing you hear. Follow it." he said to Aria.
08-10-2007, 5:09 PM
Aria still had her eyes closed. She listened to the one thing that she heard. The stream. She opened her eyes, and slowly got up. She followed the sound curiously.

When she got to the stream, she knelt down and looked at the water. The only thing she saw was her reflection. She sighed. "Nothing."
08-10-2007, 6:00 PM
Nivian watched as Aria got up and walked towards something curiusly. He tilted his head to one side then got up himself and followed her. He saw her knelling down by a stream. He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"So what did you see? Or more importantly what did you hear?"
08-10-2007, 7:36 PM
Aria bowed her head, ashamed. "Well... I only heard the rushing water of this stream. Then something told me to come here. But I don't see anything. I--" Suddenly, she stopped.

"Wait. I see something..." Aria looked at the water closely. She could see a female Lycan with yellow eyes and brownish hair, looking back at Aria. The young woman squinted her eyes. "Is that me?" she whispered to herself.
08-10-2007, 7:53 PM
Nivian grinned. He stood up and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"In time perhaps. But for now your human. Come we must head to the castle the war will be starting soon."
08-10-2007, 9:24 PM
Aria nodded. She got up by his side, and looked up at him. In her eyes, she was afraid of death... but she knew she'd be protected by Nivian, and she'd protect him.

She smiled. Then they began to walk towards the castle.
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