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 Grey Master
01-09-2007, 9:42 PM
Well this is going to sound kinda creepy, but have you ever been scarred, mentally or physically, if so, by what??

I got a scar by trying to ice skate, got cut in the leg when I fell down on it ,really nasty cut....
01-09-2007, 9:46 PM
I wanted to kill myself in the 5th grade because I had no friends!

Does that count?
 Grey Master
01-09-2007, 9:47 PM
No suicidal comments please.....
01-09-2007, 9:56 PM
I got a scar from falling over a hurdle at a track meet last year.

It's very pretty.
01-09-2007, 11:09 PM
No suicidal comments please.....
Um, why?
01-09-2007, 11:16 PM
No suicidal comments please.....
fine! Once I was walking down my grandma's steps in heels, and I tripped and got rugburn. The scar is all cool.
01-10-2007, 12:08 AM
An appendicitis leaves a wicked awesome scar, looks like a knife fight wound.

Funny story, I have a really high pain tolerance so they weren't actually sure if it was an appendicitis or not.
01-10-2007, 12:08 AM
I have this big scar on my knee. The best part is I can roll up my pants and go "Did you know I got shot?" when it was really just falling like half a story onto some concrete
 Das Mole
01-10-2007, 12:10 AM
when i was like 7, i was in the bathroom and i reached over to look at my dad's razor, and then i picked it up and then decided to put it back, but my wrist accidentally bumped against my mom's curling iron...which was on, of course. so i have a scar on my wrist that makes me look emo.

and also, when i was 11 or 12 we were at the park and i was giving my little brother a piggyback ride...on the concrete. and i fell and scraped about a square inch of skin off my forehead. so now i have a little bumpy/slightly-discolored area there as well.

and that's pretty much it.
01-10-2007, 12:12 AM
so i have a scar on my wrist that makes me look emo.

yeah well it was the myspace angles and me thinking you were a girl that gave it away

(nice man boobs)
01-10-2007, 12:43 AM
only my scar from the dog bite. I'm pretty much clean other then that. And the needle marks. I have a few dozen all over my arms and legs. I try to hit a new vein every week. It's like a find waldo book. Except your looking for veins to put drugs in, instead of some retarded in stripes with a cain. Or a choose your own adventure, where you see just how quickly it takes for you to die.
What exactly was Waldo hiding from anyway?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
01-10-2007, 12:53 AM
Um, why?
They'd make him feel icky. SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG MILO.

I got stabbed with a pencil in 5th grade so I have a big graphite "stain" on my leg. In addition I've got burns from my soldering iron on my hands, and lots of scars on my lower legs (few on mah shins, lots on my knees from falling on a gravel driveway and having rocks in my knees).
01-10-2007, 8:47 AM
I think it'd be awesome to have one of those piratey looking eye scars, where there is like a super thin slash mark across the iris, but at the same time still being able to see.
 Grey Master
01-10-2007, 10:16 AM
Yeah, that would be cool, I would like a scar like the one Anakin has in his face.
 zelda 41
01-10-2007, 7:44 PM
Last year me and my friends were down at our neigborhood lake& woods, and we thought it would be fun to throw my friend Austin's shoes in the lake. He was sorta swimming, so I took his shoes, but he saw me. I started running to the woods part to throw them in the little stream, and I tripped over a fallen tree. It scarred 4 circle sorta things on my leg.
 King Dando
01-10-2007, 7:54 PM
Ouch. I have this faint line of my back where the skin is slightly lighter, from where I fell out of a tree and a branch scrapped my back on the way down when I was 5 years old. There was a lot of blood at the time.
 zelda 41
01-10-2007, 8:00 PM
oooo, I did that once. I was climbing a pine tree before school at the busstop and when I was coming down, a branch cut the side of my stomah. My shirt was all bloody, and when my busdriver saw it she was like 'wtf happened?'
01-10-2007, 9:13 PM
That reminds me when I got beat up at school, and pushed down, and accidently punched in the nose by one of my friends.
 zelda 41
01-10-2007, 9:14 PM
 Das Mole
01-10-2007, 9:17 PM
(nice man boobs)

thanks. nice vagina.
01-10-2007, 9:22 PM
I got punched, and tripped, and my friends who ate lunch with me and the school counsler left me.

But why, I'll never know.
01-10-2007, 9:44 PM
Oh, once I was running after my sister who stole my book in the library parking lot (which was filthy for a bunch of nerds driving through there) and I slipped on the paint that divides the spots and slid into the middle of the lot. I had a nasty looking scrape that sliced up my thigh pretty good and to this day, I have a little lump on my knee where some asphalt got trapped and turned black. It looks nasty.(It's like amber! lol) And then AGAIN, the sister and I got into a fight that started out with fists and then she un-sheathed her little talons and sliced my arm open and I was bleeding all over the place. Now it looks like I was mauled by a lion. So as you can tell, most (ALL) of my injuries are her fault. :fist:
01-10-2007, 9:49 PM
I once got the inside of my thigh scraped when I was playing this game where we tossed a broom from the ground to the roof, back and fourth. I'm lucky that broom didn't go through me.
01-11-2007, 1:46 AM
Once I was getting something from the ground, so I crouched down to pick it up, just as I got back up my sister opened the drawer so I got scraped along the corner where the 3 pieces of wood meet. I was bleeding, but the first things I did was scream at my sis. I had a 4 inch long scar along my back. It's pretty faded by now, but it's still there.

Another time I was playing with my pencil ... and I stabbed myself. Stupid but true. I wasn't bleeding, but I could see how deep in the graphite was into my hand. I have a little pinprick now.

When I was 5 I burned my palms on the hot-iron. Someone tripped me and I held my hands out ... It hurt like a mutha. I was screaming and crying and water only made the pain worse. My hands were red and paralyzed for about 3 days, I wouldn't touch nuthin. For 2 years after, I had such a fear of hit irons. I refused to be in the same room as them and would get a panic attack if I couldn't leave.
 Samuel Dravis
01-11-2007, 12:21 PM
I got stabbed when I was a few weeks old. Fortunately the doctor was able to close the gap and fix my intestine. There's a big scar across my stomach from that...
 King Dando
01-11-2007, 2:46 PM
Once I was going down one of those huge plastic slides, the kind where you have to sit on mats for, and as I was going down, I went over a hump and turned onto my chest and on top of my left hand, while still maintaining my speed. It was a hot summer day, and the slide was quite warm, so you can imagine:

Speed + Heat = Alot of Skin Removal

When I reached the bottom of the slide, I looked at my hand, and my knuckles were literally white and had bits of skin hanging from them. This was maybe 7-8 years ago, but there are still faints marks on my hand to this day
01-11-2007, 3:53 PM
Damn you people have gotten messed up. So much pain, so much suffereing. Does anybody want to vent, and share their feelings with us? It's ok to share your feelings with others. That makes the bad fly out of our anuses and leave us with joy and rectal bleeding!
 Samuel Dravis
01-11-2007, 5:06 PM


01-11-2007, 5:24 PM
Damn you people have gotten messed up. So much pain, so much suffereing. Does anybody want to vent, and share their feelings with us? It's ok to share your feelings with others. That makes the bad fly out of our anuses and leave us with joy and rectal bleeding!
"MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!!!!" -Weird dancing thing from 'Rejected'

Fine let's vent. I hate my life, I don't think my friends really like me, nobody reads my newspaper articals, People think I'm insane, this kid who thinks he went out with me wants to 'go back out' with me and he's creepin the sh*t out of me, I'm always made fun of, Tomarrow may be my last day of seeing hot gym guy if he doesn't have study hall, and my husband doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
 Samuel Dravis
01-11-2007, 5:28 PM
Fine let's vent. I hate my life, I don't think my friends really like me, nobody reads my newspaper articals, People think I'm insane, this kid who thinks he went out with me wants to 'go back out' with me and he's creepin the sh*t out of me, I'm always made fun of, Tomarrow may be my last day of seeing hot gym guy if he doesn't have study hall, and my husband doesn't want to talk to me anymore.Feel happy about your husband. If you divorce him you get half of the goods. You can then buy the rest of the stuff you mention.

01-11-2007, 5:35 PM
I'm glad someone else thought about the rejected cartoon there. I love that. It brings back memories of one of the funniest weekends of my life.

Venting is fun. And it really is good for you. But no matter how crummy you think things may be, just remember that there are people out there who proabably have it much much worse then you. And they would give just about anything to trade places with someone who doesn't have to worry about where to find their next meal, or if they are going to have a roof over their heads, or much worse.
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 5:44 PM
Commentator voice: "For future venting, please go see an expert" :xp:
01-11-2007, 5:59 PM
Feel happy about your husband. If you divorce him you get half of the goods. You can then buy the rest of the stuff you mention.

I'm already getting a divorce. Poopdog and I are apparently getting married because he apparently looks like preteen Wil Wheaton.
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 6:05 PM
I'm already getting a divorce. Poopdog and I are apparently getting married because he apparently looks like preteen Wil Wheaton.

LOL.... can I attend to it? :D
01-11-2007, 6:22 PM
No, no, no. That's a bit backwards there. Apparently preteen Wil Wheaton is a clone of ME. And he owez me madz moneez. Everyone is welcome to attend the wedding. Except wizards, and some pirates. Also you better bring a kickass gift. Or else!
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 6:24 PM
Is a toaster any good? how about a coffee maker?
01-11-2007, 7:28 PM
Is a toaster any good? how about a coffee maker?
No, my mom has a kickass toaster. And a magic bullet, so we're good. We could live with DDR Ultramix 3 for xbox though...
01-11-2007, 8:01 PM
I don't have any scars myself, but I've scarred someone else. Does that count?

It was back in high school, and we had PE last lesson. There was a bunch of us who lived close enough to be able to walk to school, so we didn't bother rushing after the football game or whatever - had a shower, took our time whilst everyone else ran off to the bus park. So I'm sitting there and out of nowhere this guy called Tim rubs this sock in my face that was covered in sweat that he found on the floor. Obviously, he set off running, and I chased him with the closest heavy object to hand - a can of deodorant.

He made it out of the changing room into the schoolyard, and I threw the can at him. For some reason, he stopped and turned around as it flew through the air. The can hit him on the temple, and for a moment everything was fine.

Then blood started pouring out of his head - literally.

He lifts his hand to his face and kind of dizzily asks, "Is that the can or am I bleeding?"

A few of us helped him back into the changing room, and whilst the teachers were quite interested in finding out how it happened (as were his parents) he didn't grass on me, and the 'official' story was that someone had thrown something from another side of the playground. He was pretty good about it really - I probably could have gotten expelled, but he was pleased enough to get three days off school with concussion.

Ah, school. Those were the days.
 zelda 41
01-11-2007, 9:31 PM
"MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!!!!" -Weird dancing thing from 'Rejected'

Fine let's vent. I hate my life, I don't think my friends really like me, nobody reads my newspaper articals, People think I'm insane, this kid who thinks he went out with me wants to 'go back out' with me and he's creepin the sh*t out of me, I'm always made fun of, Tomarrow may be my last day of seeing hot gym guy if he doesn't have study hall, and my husband doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

I know how you feel Darth. I hate life so much, I wish I'd die. I have no friends, I'm called 'double sided' cause I'm nice and respectful around the teachers but like any normal kid around others, but they think I'm not. I'm made fun of, I've been called a f***in bitch, slut, whore, ugly ass, fat ass, freak, wart face(cause I had a zit the other day), dumbass,and the worst, a 'horrible accident from hell'.

I've been voted the ugliest girl on our class team, and everone says I'm just a freak who should go die in a hole.Dark was right.......
01-11-2007, 9:34 PM
Dark wasn't right! Is she the one wiht the internetz gaia stalkers who want to f*ck her? NO! You are!!

You're stalker material. As a matter a fact, you're bridesmade material. YOU ARE A BRIDESMADE AT MY INTERWEBZ WEDDING. ~badge'd~
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 9:40 PM
Am I best man material?
01-11-2007, 9:41 PM
Am I best man material?
I'd talk to Ross about that...
 Samuel Dravis
01-11-2007, 9:43 PM
Mmmm, lemme think. No. Second best, probably. I am always first. Besides, no one argues with a guy who has a T-rex for his avatar. That's pretty hardcore.
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 9:43 PM
If not I will go suicidal........:xp:
 zelda 41
01-11-2007, 10:07 PM
Thanks Darth, but is having an interweb staulker a good thing anyway?

Edit: OMG Darth this dress is awesome:
01-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Thanks Darth, but is having an interweb staulker a good thing anyway?

Edit: OMG Darth this dress is awesome:
Too frothty. If I'm gonna have an interweb wedding dress, it's gotta be chic. I'm considering this ( but I'm not sure.
01-11-2007, 10:56 PM
Hmmm. I was considering the same dress for myself. Now I'll have to reconsider. As for best man....I dunno. I don't have any close internet guy friends. I could think of a couple real life guy friends that might do it. Maybe you can fight them too. You guys could duke it out i guess to see who the victor is. I never really saw it as a coveted position, but I don't know much about weddings.

Plus my dogs have to be involved in the procedings somehow. Maybe they'll bust through the skylight while wearing rocket packs or something. We'll see how it plays out.

P.P.S. I proabably wouldn't mind d.d.r. either. I've never really played it though. I do have an xbox so that would be a plus if it was an xbox version.
01-11-2007, 11:07 PM
Hmmm. I was considering the same dress for myself. Now I'll have to reconsider. As for best man....I dunno. I don't have any close internet guy friends. I could think of a couple real life guy friends that might do it. Maybe you can fight them too. You guys could duke it out i guess to see who the victor is. I never really saw it as a coveted position, but I don't know much about weddings.

Plus my dogs have to be involved in the procedings somehow. Maybe they'll bust through the skylight while wearing rocket packs or something. We'll see how it plays out.

P.P.S. I proabably wouldn't mind d.d.r. either. I've never really played it though. I do have an xbox so that would be a plus if it was an xbox version.Those are some amazing ideas you have. There could be a cage match for your groomsmaids. I would ref or somthing.

As for the dog idea, love it. Although, I would love it if they parachuted from 40,000 feet during the reception. My dog prolly won't come, you know. She's got biting issues.

As for the you owning an xbox, I had no idea. Now we'll have two xbox's. xDD.

But foremost, We MUST set a date. I want to wait a while, so how does next Tuesday night sound? Around 7:30ish or somthing?
 Grey Master
01-11-2007, 11:08 PM
Make me the best man and we will see...:xp:
01-11-2007, 11:42 PM
Tuesday is fine with me I guess. I might be late because I think I'm working that night. LOL. I should tell them I can't work because I'm getting married that night.

All dogs are under mandatory attendence. They'll be fine. I also have a 360 now so we should be all set on the gaming front for a while. Maybe somebody could get us a Wii? Actually someone HAS to get us a Wii. Or no wedding.

Interent marriage eh? I guess I'm going to have to give up being an internet bachelor and hitting on internet girls on internet message boards. (Do guys even really do that?) I don't even know your real name. Also I think there's a decent amount of age difference between us. So I'm not sure that this going to go off without someone being arrested. Interent police will have my ass in internet prison, where I'll be someone's internet bitch in an internet shower when I drop the internet soap.

I never feel old. Ever. I still think of myself as a kid. This is the only place where I sort of get the idea that I'm actually kinda old now.

This post also doubles as the most I've ever said the word internet in my life.

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