I would like know if anyone could or has a Nihilus armor which can be used to reskin, because the ones available for download at pcgm none of them can be reskined as far as I can tell.
So anyways if anyones has one could someone send it my way, thanks.
Why not simply use Nihilus' default texture and work with it?
Well if I had the Kotor Tool in PC instead of the other and knew how to use it I would, but thats not the point Im not looking for a reskin someone already did, Im looking for a Nihilus with the basic texture so I can reskin it on my own, as I said there Nihilus armors to use on pcgm but none of them bring the texture file to reskin.
Anyone.....at all?
Jaden, please refrain from 'bumping' topics. Forum Rules (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=169078), thanks. -RH
Are you looking for the nihilus template
Yeah that pretty much what I need so I can make a reskin of my own cuz I dont wanna use the armor and fight against him and look exactly like him, that what a pretty much need for someone to send a Nihilus armor with a Template as you said so I can reskin it and make it original instead of copy of it.
1)Go to ERFs in the kotor tool
2)Go to swpc_tex_tpa.erf's
3)Go to N
4)You should start to understand some of the names. Nihilus head is "N_darthnihH", his body id "N_darthnihA". Sion's head is "N_SionH", and his body is "N_SionA"
Good luck!
P.S. If you are looking for Party Member templates go to P instead of N as the template names are different.
*EDIT*For some reason when I try to enter the Kotor Tool I got just now it gave an error and I forgot my recent post in which I said,
-"Well if I had the Kotor Tool in PC instead of the other and knew how to use it I would"
Guess I can only ask someone to send the armor and template to me.
I would but i'm not allowed to post attachments :D
First off what kind of error are you getting when you start Kotor Tool up. I may be able to help you with that. If you could just give me a small description of what kind of error it is giving you I should be able to help you get up and running with it and that way you will be able to extract all of the textures you need.
Well since my PC is in portuguese Ill try to translate it to the best of my ability...
Its says -"The Aplication failed the correct *I cant spell it right so...* (0xc0000135)"
I cant spell that word correctly but that about what its says the rest is just saying press ok to end.
I think I know what kind of warning you are getting. What you need to do when that box pops up is press "cancel" and it should leave the program running. If that does not work come back and tell me so we can try another approach.
What I said was about everything it showed, and there no cancel button just the Ok button.
I'm no expert, but do you have Microsoft.NET framework instaled?
Also, I didn't get that message you translated.... was that a word that you couldn't translate? If so just post it up and I'l translate it for ya.
Well in my point of view Im just gonna continue to "waste" time for other people here so its just better if someone extracted the armor and template for me and send me a PM with it, so I dont bother others with my useless of the Kotor Tool and I dont if I have that MicrosoftNET, chance are I dont have it.
(I just do reskins of what I download and stuff and keep to myself, reason why I dont make use of the Kotor Tool)