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[RP Thread]Knightfall: A Duel Between Light and Dark?

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 Anakin Skywalker
12-07-2006, 7:59 AM
((Do you realize, that your still wearing your mask, because I burned you? That it doesn't matter if you smile, that no one can see it?))

Revan sensed CSI was alone....

"You, Dark Jedi's, are going to stay here, I sense that he is alone, I want you to capture him while I find his 'friends.'" Revan said.

"Of course master, anything for you." They replied.

Revan walked off.... in search for the other 3 Jedi. He neared the Nar Shaddaa docks, and sensed their pathetic power. As he got closer to the safe houses, their power seemed to be getting stronger. He walked up to the last one and ignited his dark blood red blades. The double-bladed lightsabers easily cut through the doors on the safe house. The three ignited their blades one by one, but Revan Force Pulled them out of their hands, and shoved them onto his belt. He cast a Stasis field around each one of them, and took all three back to his shuttle.
12-07-2006, 12:49 PM
[Yeah, I know. But my mask only covers part of my face. You still can see me smile.]

Suddenly, CSI felt emptiness. He searched for his friends via the Force, but they're nowhere to be found. He frowned.

Suddenly, three dark Jedi jumped in front of him. CSI smiled: "Thank you, Revan, welcome appreciated." Then he bent down and used Flash Step to teleport behind them with his silver lightsaber ignited, and stabbed two of them in lightning speed. Not realizing what happened, they fell. The third of them looked like a novince. His hands were shaking. CSI sighed and smashed the third's lightsaber away.

"Now tell me, where is Revan?"

"I will never betray my master!" He shouted.

"OK, fine. However I know where he is." CSI smiled and walked away. Before walking away, he said calmly to the Dark Jedi: "I know he's here. Tell him that give my friends back, or he's a dead man."

He didn't feel a thing. Not hatred, not passion, not anger. He felt serenity. Thinking about the battle is going to be end soon, he even smiled.

CSI sat down and began meditating. He said through the Force: :Revan, long time no see. What are you doing here?:
12-07-2006, 3:36 PM
((Hey you guys, slow down a bit and allow people to answer. Somehow I feel like I am being left out of the loop because I don't have a regular connection. Be careful how you conduct battle scenes hint read rules. Sorry if I come across as a butt head.
CSI: Kirabaros has a katana. My assassin is watching))

Kirabaros felt the stasis but it was a weak attempt. He threw it off and stood looking at Revan with an intense look, his eyes seemed to burn like fire. He said, "You risk throwing a weak stasis just to try to capture me Revan?"

The assassin who had been watching appeared next to his master. He asked Revan, "Milord, I believe this one would make a find addition to your dark Jedi. You can feel his power. It's beyond my understandign but it can't match yours I am sure."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-07-2006, 5:00 PM
((Ok, you two, I don't mind you doing that, but those were my Sith Assassins! But CSI, they weren't using Stealth, and besides even a novice knows not to betray the Sith.))

"Ahh.... your are very preceptive!" Revan said to the Sith. Revan caste Horror on the Jedi. All three of them bent down and were holding their heads.....
12-07-2006, 5:21 PM
((RSM: don't assume your powers will work every time. just say 'he cast Force Horror at them' and leave it like that. That's why it is RP))

Kirabaros felt the horror and he was brought back to the bad memories he suffered as a child. Through that he was able to see Revan clearly and straightened up even though he was suffering still from the power's effects. He spat forth, "I see you prefer to use your knowledge of the Force. Here's a bit of my own." With that, he shot forth a powerful Force Wave that had a lot of heart backing it up.

The assassin who suggested tha Kirabaros be taken alive was thrown backwards by the sheer power. He wasn't wrong in guessing that this Jedi was different from those that existed in the Republic. It was almost as if he were from beyond the Republic.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-07-2006, 5:27 PM
((Well the only class that can avoid the Horror effects is the Sentinels.))

Revan was still standing.....

"You cannot knock me down!" Revan said, and caste Force Lightning.
12-07-2006, 7:05 PM
:Revan!!! You haven't answer me yet...Yes...I can feel your very presence...Dark Side...Anger...Hatred...Too typical...: CSI strengtched out the Force.
12-07-2006, 9:04 PM
Kirabaros brought his hands up just in time to catch the Lightning as it zoomed towards him. He caught it, countering its power with his body. He sent the lightening straight back at Revan retaining the original power that Revan had sent it with. Kirabaros had only attempted it once before. He just kept his mind on pazaak and his body in tuned with the Force.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-07-2006, 10:01 PM
Revan brought his hand up, and the Lightning bounced off his hand, and it hit the nearest Trandoshan, instantly killing him.

"Well, Jedi, you are powerful, but not nearly as powerful as I am." Revan bellowed. He Force lifted the fallen Jedi from the ground, and created a powerful bond between them.... allowing him to put Force Immunity on to the young Dark Jedi.
12-08-2006, 12:44 AM
[Revan, who's fallen Jedi? And who's the young Dark Jedi?]

CSI can't feel his friend, Kirabaros's Force. Although he had only maintained a few days with CSI, CSI treated Kirabaros as his friend. Now...He had fallen...

CSI decided to face Revan once again. To save his friend, Kirabaros, Grauk, and his new Jedi Knight, Zhane.

:: Darth Revan. Brace yourself. You're about to meet your foe--Former Sith Lord--Darth Nihilus--CSI!::
12-08-2006, 2:24 PM
((Kirabaros never fell and he won't ever! That is not his character. He is a true servant of the light side though he sees things in shades of grey. Hint he's married with a son. He has sufferd from the dark side but it never consumed him nor did he bow to its will.))

Kirabaros watched as the lightning was deflected and retook what was left and created a glowing ball of light that floated in the palm of his hand. It was a technique that he had learned when he became aware of his empath abilities. Right now they were being flooded with hatred directed at him. He was no stranger to this. He could visibly see the dark cloud form above Revan and acted like a shroud. He looked at Revan and said, "I have power as well as you. You use it for evil. I use it for good. The difference is that I have existed long before you have and know of your kind*"

((*See the comments thread.))
12-08-2006, 2:52 PM
Yes! Now I can feel Kirabaros's Force. He didn't fall. I can see he was resisting Darth Revan's Force powers. CSI thought.

::Kirabaros, don't die. Don't fall to Darth Revan. I'm coming to save you guys. Where are you guys?:: CSI whispered into the Force.
12-08-2006, 3:49 PM
Kirabaros heard the voice through the Force. He turned his attention to Revan as he balanced the floating ball of light in his hand and said, "Fear is a path to the darkside. Courage is what you find in the face of fear."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-08-2006, 6:19 PM
"Darkness will over come all!" Revan said. He said Force Pushing all the Jedi into his shuttle, other than Kirabaros. "You will follow me, even if not willingly!"
12-09-2006, 2:06 AM
::Kirabaros, you can do it! No, don't obey him! You were once in Dark Side before, therefore I trust you can resist his will, right? Not Force Pushing you into his shuttle is his biggest mistake he even committed...:: CSI's voice echoed through the Force.
 Jason Skywalker
12-09-2006, 6:28 AM
Zhane smiled and then suddenly Force Pushed Revan out of his feet. He got on his stance and used the Force to pull his Lightsaber from his belt onto his hand and ignited it, it's emerald blade coming out.

"No way Revan."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-09-2006, 8:08 AM
((Your still in a Stasis.... plus I shut and locked the door on the shuttle))

The Force Push didn't effect Revan and he cast Stasis again.... this time he picked Zhane up and started using Force Lightning against him.
 Jason Skywalker
12-09-2006, 8:22 AM
(( I don't recall seeing you posting about locking the door...))

Zhane didn't shout on the outside, but he did on the inside. He felt the Lightning enter him, but then he used his mind, using the Force to reverse the direction of the Lightning, joining Revan's Force power with his own, sending it to him.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-09-2006, 8:27 AM
Revan blocked the Lightning, confusing the young Jedi. He then used Force Choke, to silence him. "I will win....." He said. He unlocked the Door and hopped into the shuttle, resealing it when he had entered. He flew it up to his flagship, where Bastila was waiting for his return.
 Jason Skywalker
12-09-2006, 4:16 PM
((Like Revan was old, LOL!! :xp: ))

Zhane had too much on his mind, too pain on his body, and he just and simply fainted...
 Anakin Skywalker
12-09-2006, 4:31 PM
Revan landed on his flag ship and drug the two Jedi to the torture chamber.....
12-09-2006, 4:35 PM
CSI opened his eyes. He can no longer feel Revan's dark aura and Bastila's Battle Meditation.

::Revan. Darth Revan. We'll definitely meet together again.:: CSI thought as he walked into the shuttle he flew to Nar Shaddaa. He set the course to Ruusan, and whispered to himself: "Valley of the Jedi, I must go."
 Jason Skywalker
12-09-2006, 7:13 PM
Revan landed on his flag ship and dragged the two Jedi to the torture chamber.....

((Quoted, corrected and ready to me misquoted and used against you. :) ))

Zhane could not feel a thing, it was like he was in a coma state. He could only hope Kirabaros or CSI could save them. Or they could get out of there.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-09-2006, 7:33 PM
((Actually, that's not grammatically incorrect, most of the time it's a medicine or Meth, but here drug is the past tense of drag.))

Revan set course for the Star Forge, and jumped into hyperspace. It wasn't long until they reached the Star Forge, Revan unloaded both Jedi Knights and took them to the Torture chamber on there. (Which is ten times worse than the other TC)
 Jason Skywalker
12-10-2006, 6:43 AM
(Whatever, the word drug seems like he drugged them, not that he dragged them.)

Zhane woke up, seeing Revan, but being chained.

"This is what you like? To torture?"
 Anakin Skywalker
12-10-2006, 10:26 AM
"I don't torture, that is my Apprentice's job... I am far to busy to torture." Revan said. He walked out of the room, and went to the bridge of the Star Forge.

"Lord Revan, can we help you?" The Dark Jedi Capitan asked.

"I want more ships produced, and what is the stability of the Star Forge?" Revan said.

"More ships??? The Star Forge is at 700% Stability." The Dark Jedi replied.

"Good, I want you to either disassemble the Star Forge, and re-create it over Courscant's Sun, or Jump into hyperspace with the Star Forge and plant it over Courscant. Of course, I will have to be on Courscant for that to work... to make the entire System filled with the Darkside... until I take over Courscant, it will be Lightsided." Revan said.

"Of course, Revan... we will do as you command." The Dark Jedi replied.

Revan went back to the Hangar Bay, and took the Ebon Hawk to Courscant. It would be a while, before he got there, but it would be worth it.
 Jason Skywalker
12-10-2006, 10:50 AM
Zhane looked around, looking for a way to get out of the room. But no, it was all locked thight.

"Well, guess we need to be saved..."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-10-2006, 11:03 AM
Revan's comlink beeped... he answered it....

"Lord Revan, we are prepared to jump into hyperspace!" The Capitan said.

"Good, I am almost at Courscant, I am leaving hyperspace now, go ahead and jump into hyperspace." Revan said. "Tell Bastila, that I need her to convert the prisoners..."

"We will do as you command." The Dark Jedi replied.

Transmission ended...

T3 slid into the room running away from HK-47. "Beep beep booop!"

"Well, buddy, it looks like it's just you, me, and HK-47." Revan smiled, taking off his robe and putting CSF's uniform on. He would soon kill the Chancellor, and then the entire Republic would be under his control, then to find CSI and turn him back to the Darkside.

"Oh, short one!" HK's voice rang throughout the ship. "Come here, I've built you some Assassination Protocals similar to mine!"

"Beep Beep Whoop!" T3 said frantically.

"Don't worry T3, I'll install them." Revan said. "HK get in the cockpit!"

HK walked in carrying the Assassination Protocals.

"Hand them to me..." Revan said. HK put them in Revan's hand and then Revan installed them in T3. "There, now... that wasn't so bad was it?"

"Beep, beep, whoop." T3 said.

"Good, now to test your Protocals, I want you to Assassinate the Senator from Naboo." Revan said.

"Boop..." T3 replied.

"Good." Revan said.
 Jason Skywalker
12-10-2006, 3:23 PM
(Just a thing there, HK didn't say his usual before-phrase-comment.)
12-10-2006, 5:40 PM
The shuttle landed on Ruusan. CSI walked down the loading ramp and walked on the yellow sandy land.

Suddenly, he felt a strong disturbance of Force: "Darth Nihilus. Why did you come here?"

It's "Protocol", not "Protocal", in your part, Revan.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-10-2006, 11:31 PM
((I am actually doing something, that even I didn't expect, I am thinking about making this into a little cartoon... a series... I am working on the Script right now.))

A Force Ghost appeared before Nihilus...

"What do you want, Sith?" Arren Kae asked.
12-11-2006, 2:49 AM
"Master Arren?" CSI looked at the beautiful ghost, "It was a long time since Mandalorian War, right? Eh, and Darth Revan sends his highest regards." CSI made a political bow, "I'm no longer a Sith. I'm redeemed by the Jedi Exile. And I'm here to ask for solutions."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 8:10 AM
"What is it you wish to know?" Cay Qel-Droma asked appearing before him. Both Arren and Cay were still cautious about him, they weren't going to say too much.


Revan had landed on planet of Courscant, and the Star Forge was coming out of hyperspace. Everyone on Courscant expected the Dark Lord to be aboard the Star Forge, so what little remained of the Jedi flew to the Star Forge, that had just stationed above the sun. That made Revan's job easier, the Dark Lord turned on a Stealth Generator and snuck up to the Chancellor's office... and stepped in. Once he was in front of the Chancellor, he ignited his saber, and left stealth "mode." The Chancellor backed up, but Revan jumped and chopped off his head.... he ran to the Senate, and declared the War over, that he had won, that he was the Ruler of the Galaxy!
12-11-2006, 12:40 PM
"Solution for Darth Revan." CSI looked at the two respected Jedi Masters and continued, "I heard Darth Revan had a plot of destroying Jedi orders and trying to turn me into Dark Side. I'm afraid my friends, are, too."
12-11-2006, 12:59 PM
((Oh Boy. Now I'm really behind. I have no clue where I am supposed to be. Until this is resolved, I cannot contribute. ))
 Jason Skywalker
12-11-2006, 1:52 PM
(You where at Nar Shadda. Just make yourself going to Coruscant or the Star Forge very stealthily or something. As for me, can't do a thing 'till Dark_Lady posts.)
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 5:10 PM
"I am afraid we cannot do anything to help you, until we are sure of your return to the Light...." Arren started.

"First, we must test the purity of the Lightside within you......" Cay started.

"Your first test shall commence...... you shall walk into my brother's tomb, and get to his casket... you will be tested, with you being tempted to the Darkside again, if you are still not on it." Ulic Qel-Droma said.

"Good Luck..." Cay started.

"And may the Force be with you!" Arren completed.
12-11-2006, 5:19 PM
Kirabaros managed to escape from Revan and he felt not afraid, not nervous, but sure. He had seen Revan's kind before and he will persue until the two sides meet and decide which will reign for the while. He went back towards his ship, an Avalonian fighter, making it superior in that it was faster and more manuverable, and asked his astromech T4 to plot a course for CSI's location. During their brief exchange, he had tagged the Jedi with a homing beacon. He found that he was on Ruusan and made way to go. He sent a communication that he would be arriveing.

The assassin was disappointed that the strong Jedi had escaped. He was impressed at his ability with the Force. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He asked his master Revan, "Lord Revan, what of that Jedi that escaped? He surely has abilities that he could teach you. It would only make you stronger."
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 5:36 PM
((Revan is on Courscant.....))

Revan turned to the Dark Jedi, now disguised as his daughter.......

"He is afraid, he will run... as always... I have gone up against him before. He escaped me then too, one day I will capture him, and turn him to the Darkside, and force him to teach me all his powers..." Revan told her.
12-11-2006, 5:55 PM
((I know that. How did I become a she? Oh well. My guy assassin just became a she.))

The assassin looked at Revan with a tinge of doubt in her eyes. The Jedi looked too powerful to be forced to do anything against his will. He might be more like Revan in that he had to be threatened with something valuable like the life of a friend. If anything she learned that a strong will is not easily broken. she voiced carefully, "His will is quite strong. To make assumptions beforehand is a sign of too much pride."
12-11-2006, 7:35 PM
[Since when you guys planted so many homing devices on me? Eh, and JM12, what's the 'Strong Jedi' that just escaped? You or me? I don't think I escaped, I just went to Ruusan.]

On Ruusan, CSI made another bow towards Arren, Cay, and newly appeared Ulic Qel-Droma. Suddenly, his intercom chirped. He searched all pockets on the robe, and still can't find it.

Frustrated, he reached into his pant pocket and took out the chirping intercom. Opened it, a holograph of Kirabaros appeared.

"Kirabaros! It's nice to hear from you again. Where are you?" CSI smiled when he saw his friend, "Where are the others? Grauk? And Zhane?"
12-11-2006, 8:10 PM
((The Jedi I keep referring to is Kirabaros because he has abilities that were considered nothing but fantasy. Not so on Avalon. My tracking device is small. After all Kirabaros sought you out :D ))

Kirabaros, glad to see a fac replied, "I am just leaving Nar Shaddaa. I am picking you up on Ruusan, an area of intense power. Be wary of those that try to tempt. I am on my way."
12-11-2006, 8:27 PM
CSI sighed. He looked at the Jedi Masters who are waiting for him: "Eh, Arren, Ulic and Cay...One of my friend is coming...So can I wait?"
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 8:35 PM
"NO! The tests shall begin immediately!" Arren said. "It won't take that long.... he I sense he is a Lightsider, so he will NOT have to take the tests..."
12-11-2006, 8:36 PM
"Hmmm..." CSI thought for a while and asked Cay and Ulic: "What you think?"
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 8:43 PM
"We... feel the same way!" Ulic said... sensing his brother's thoughts.
12-11-2006, 8:52 PM
Kirabaros could tell something wasn't right and waited patiently for a few seconds. When he received no response, he said, "I'm coming, over and out."
12-11-2006, 9:18 PM
"Wait..." CSI said into intercom and was interrupted by the "beep" which indicates the line is broken.

"Sorry master, looked like we have to wait," CSI sat down and crossed his legs, "There is no ignorance, there is knowledge..." and began meditating.
 Anakin Skywalker
12-11-2006, 9:34 PM
Arren would not stand for this, so she picked him up by the throat.... ((hey not all Jedi are perfect. :D))

"You will go NOW!" She said shoving him in the tomb and locking it....
12-11-2006, 10:36 PM
"Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh..." CSI was shoveed into the cave. After slided for a while, CSI got to his feet.

"Aw." A small rock landed on his head. "Aw." Another one.

When CSI searched his pocket for the intercom, and found the intercom was done for--Crap.

"Da**," He threw it away and used the Force to reach out to say to Kirabaros:

::Kirabaros, now I have to undergo some test. I believe you will find my shuttle, right? Just wait there and don't come here looking for me. I'll be out after a while.::
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