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[RP Thread]Knightfall: A Duel Between Light and Dark?

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11-26-2006, 1:31 AM
That was indeed a good duel... I thought, I'm glad that it is over. The next stop should be Dantooine. It's time for me to have a rest. I walked toward the ruin of the dueling place. When I walked out of the stone gate, I found the sun is warm.

Suddenly, I found a ship at Exar Kun's temple. Great, I bet a careless person left it here. I cheered and used the Master Speed and ran to the ship. When the ship departed from Exar Kun's Temple and to Dantooine, my prestige sense told me that a greater crisis is still brewing.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-26-2006, 1:40 AM
Think what you want Jedi, I left that there! I knew you would escape.... I never counted on me actually killing you! I thought sensing his thoughts in the Force. I will come after you, you WILL become a Dark Jedi whether it kills you or not!
11-26-2006, 2:05 AM
Dantooine Landing Pad. I stepped down to the Dantooine and walked into the Khooda. "Whew, let me have a rest. A rest is a must." I murmured and began meditating.

Fellas: This is the End of Chapter 1. Thank you for enjoying the show. Stay tuned for Chapter 2!
 Anakin Skywalker
11-26-2006, 11:06 AM
Well, well, well we are about to begin Chapter 2: The Assassins.......

"Bastila, I want our five most worth Assassins in here... I need to speak with them..." I said.

"Yes Revan, I will go get them..." She said.

((If anyone reading this would like to be a Sith Assassin, please go HERE ( I'm gonna need a lot of em.))
 Diego Varen
11-26-2006, 4:03 PM
(Is this set after KOTOR? I don't really know, but anyway, I hope this is alright. Also, CSI, nice to see my Username being mentioned in one of your posts...)

The Twi'lek Jedi Master, Nauk Grelan walked towards Khoonda, sensing another Jedi inside. Nauk wasn't the greatest Jedi ever, since he had fell to the dark side, after the battle on the Star Forge, but he returned to the light side, after his quick descent, but he neither followed the light or the dark path. Just his own. You could say he was a grey Jedi, but nobody really knew for sure.

Nauk approached the front door of Khoonda, once the home of a family who had lived on Dantooine, prior to the attack by Malak. Nauk entered the building and saw the Human Jedi Master, meditating peacefully.

"Excuse me," Nauk began, expecting a reply.
11-26-2006, 4:13 PM
"Hmmm?" CSI slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at the door. A Twi'lek? Who is he?

"Hi, eh, Master..." CSI frowned friendly, "I don't think I catch your name? Oh, sorry, how rude! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is CSI." With a polite bow, CSI finished his self-introduction.
 Diego Varen
11-26-2006, 4:16 PM
"A pleasure to meet you," Nauk said with no emotion in his voice, due to his recent fall, "My name is Nauk Grelan, I once followed the path of the Jedi, but since my recent fall to the dark side, I no longer follow that path. However, I'm no longer with any side. I'm just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe."

He smiled at his own joke, before continuing.

"May I ask what you are doing here?"
11-26-2006, 4:25 PM
"I see." CSI smiled, too, "Eh, well, sorry I didn't make that clear, I'm a former Sith Lord, too. Now we finally got something in common, right?"

After a pause, CSI continued: "I was meditating. And I'm afraid that Revan had returned, while he walked further deep down on the Dark Side path. And we had a duel, and then he interrogated me. I tricked him by duplicating my image to lure him away then I grabbed a shuttle by Exar Kun's temple, then flew here, then I was meditating, the end. I know the story is not exciting, I'm bad at making long speeches."
 Diego Varen
11-26-2006, 4:41 PM
"I was aware of Revan's fall," Nauk told CSI, "That is why the Jedi were so foolish to let him live, if I do say so myself. I sense that Revan is going to send assassins to kill those remaining Jedi. Including us both. Dantooine isn't safe. We should leave, but I respect your opinion on this matter."
11-26-2006, 4:46 PM
"I still believes in redemption. No one is under redemption. No one." CSI calmed down, "Yeah, right. You probably are right. But the problem is where is our next stop? Do you have any better idea?" CSI looked at Nauk, "And I appreciate your respect."
 Diego Varen
11-26-2006, 4:54 PM
Nauk scratched his chin, thinking. What place would be safe from Revan and the Sith? Lehon wouldn't be at all safe, since Revan gathered his new Sith army there and all the core worlds where Revan had gone to find the Star Maps wouldn't be safe either.

"Coruscant," Nauk suggested, "Perhaps some of the surviving Jedi have gathered there. Although with Master Vandar, there isn't anyone responsible enough to lead the Jedi. So what do you think?"
11-26-2006, 5:04 PM
"How about Nar Shaddaa?" CSI replied, "I think we need to get into undercover if we need to hide from Revan, and there are plenty of refugees, bounty hunters, what do you think? My idea is we pretend to be bounty hunters and roam around the galaxy, is it okay?" CSI frowned and asked Nauk, "Besides, I have all equipments to go undercover-vibroblades, blasters, armors, and other stuff. And, eh, I know you'd complain about blasters, but trust me, they're useful, especially you have an huge army behind your back."
 Anakin Skywalker
11-26-2006, 5:45 PM
"Where is Bastila?" Revan said aloud.

"Milord..." A Dark Jedi dressed in red said walking up to Revan.

"What is it?" Revan barked back.

"The Mistress of Darkness sent me to see you..... she said you needed Sith Assassins."

"Yes, so you're hear about that, eh?"

"Yes, milord......"

"Well we must wait, I sense that Nihilus is on the move." Revan bellowed at the Dark Jedi.
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 1:34 AM
"Perhaps you are right," Nauk replied, "We need a different name too, just in case Revan is searching for us. I'll go with Grauk Nelan. Not creative, I know, but it should be enough to hide from the Sith. So when shall we leave?"
11-27-2006, 1:49 AM
"OK, let's dress up here before we depart." CSI turned away from Nauk and grabbed a whole gear of Bounty Hunter armor (It looked very like Jango Fett's armor). "Put this on, Grauk." Then he threw a heavy blaster and two vibroblades: "I know blasters are uncivilized, but when situation calls, we have to answer it." Then he took out another similiar bounty hunter armor: "I already have an undercover name: Tahiti Nui. Now we're officially bounty hunters. Go for some bounty!"

A few minutes later, on Khooda's plain, two "bounty hunters" ran to the shuttle on the landing dock.
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 1:58 AM
So uncivilised, Nauk, or Grauk thought as he put on the armour, trying to catch up with CSI, or Tahiti Nui as he was now called. Nar Shaddaa, wouldn't be the greatest planet to go for a trip, but since they were both now prey for Revan's Sith Assassins, they had no other choice.
11-27-2006, 2:11 AM
The shuttle departed from Dantooine. Through the window, CSI looked at the planet. Beautiful planet, he thought, But we have to go. Farewell, birthplace of the Jedi. Their destination is at Nar Shaddaa. At the cockpit, Grauk, the pilot, was piloting the shuttle carefully. As a co-pilot, CSI carefully checked the weapon system and radar system.

"All checks out," CSI signaled Pottsie, "Ready for hyberdrive."
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 2:18 AM
"Nar Shaddaa," Grauk muttered under his breath, "A hive of scum and villany, here we come."

Grauk shot the shuttle into hyperspace and looked at his new companion. He didn't know much about his companion, other than his name.

"You can't be called CSI," Grauk told him, "No Jedi in the Order has ever had their names as initials. Surely you must have a proper name. Oh and if my piloting is dodgy, you'll know why. I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy."
 Anakin Skywalker
11-27-2006, 8:13 AM
More Sith Assassins flowed into the room. The all sat meditating by the first Sith Assassin. I turned around and every last Sith stood at attention......

"He is upon Nar Shaddaa, I sense he has an ally.... capture them both and take them to Rakta Prime...." I said.

They all replied in Unison, "Yes... Lord Revan."
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 10:57 AM
Grauk sensed a disturbance in the Force. He had no idea if Tahiti had sensed it.

"Revan," Grauk muttered under his breath, "He can sense us through the Force. Running away won't help us at all."
11-27-2006, 12:17 PM
Tahiti sensed this, too. "But at least we can't stay in Dantooine. Besides if we're the bounty hunter, we can go whereever we want to. Even know 'cat and mouse'?" Tahiti said to Grauk.
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 12:24 PM
"Yes, I do know," Grauk replied, "But as always, games bore me after a while. Perhaps we could cut our connection off from the Force to prevent ourselves from being sensed by Revan. Oh and Nar Shaddaa is in front of us now."
11-27-2006, 12:31 PM
"Eh, first, this is not a game...This is a live-or-dead thing. Second, good idea, but if we cut off the connection of the Force, if we got some situation, like fighting, then we can't dodge the blaster, right?"

Then Tahiti looked closely to the Nar Shaddaa dock: "Land over there, the former spot that Red Ecllipse attacked the Exile when they landed by Ebon Hawk."
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 12:34 PM
Then Tahiti looked closely to the Nar Shaddaa dock: "Land over there, the former spot that Red Ecllipse attacked the Exile when they landed by Ebon Hawk."

(Off-Topic:I thought that this was set after KOTOR and before TSL).

"Right away," Grauk replied as he landed on the unoccupied landing pad.

The stench of scum and villany was outside of the shuttle. Grauk sighed and stood up.

"Let's go," Grauk told Tahiti.
11-27-2006, 12:47 PM
"Yeah, looked like we got bunch of business to take care." Tahiti sighed, too, "And don't forget we don't like killing, just incapacipate them."

When they disembarked the shuttle, one of the Rodians said, "Oh, fresh meat. I love it."

Another Trandoshan said: "It's time for bounty!"

Tahiti whispered to Grauk: "Since when bounty was put on bounty hunters?"
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 1:18 PM
"Good point," Grauk whispered back, immediately grabbing his Lightsaber striking the bounty hunters down, "Well, it got rid of them. So what do we do now?"
11-27-2006, 1:54 PM
"Eh, nice swordmanship, but we're not supposed to use lightsaber here?" Tahiti whispered, "Besides, Exchange still have a huge bounty on Jedi, you remember?" Then Tahiti gave one of his Katana-shaped vibroblades to Grauk, "At Nar Shaddaa, not only disguise like a Bounty hunter, act like one of them--you'll need it."
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 2:25 PM
Grauk took one look at his new weapon and sighed.

"Uncivilised, like the random blaster," He observed, "I suppose it will do for now. But what do we do now? We need accomidation. A shuttle won't do for me."
11-27-2006, 2:46 PM
"All right, have it your way. Which weapon to use is not important. The important thing is we need to work together, escpecially on Nar Shaddaa, the messy planet." Tahiti sighed, then he lightened up, "Well, yes, we need accommodations, you mean. Let's talk to fugitive first to see if we can help them. I believe if we help them a lot, and they sure will keep our secret, what's your idea?"
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 2:48 PM
"I agree," Grauk told Tahiti, "Lead the way."
11-27-2006, 3:41 PM
Kirabaros had come to Nar Shaddaa for the need to help. Being drawn to suffering was a terrible weakness and one he couldn't help if it raged like wildfire across space. He had docked at teh refugee sector and set about wandering the platform. Paying for information, he found that another Jedi had come through there and had alleviated the burdens there some. This made Kirabaros puzzled and he inwardly turned to find out why he was drawn to this place. The answer came when he saw a human and a Twi'lek crossing through. He was curious and like a bug drawn to a light, he swooped his way to seek them out. He kept pace behind them, grateful that he had chosen to wear what his friends called his smuggler outfit: black boots, black pants and a white shirt covered by a dark spacer jacket. The only thing visible was his katana which hung at his hip. He followed, and pulled on the sensation of fear and running to find the source, attempting to gently alert the pair that he was behind him.
11-27-2006, 3:53 PM
Tahiti and Grauk ran towards the fugitive sector. Before they could enter the sector, a pair of Exchange Thug blocked the road.

"Tax time!" One of the thug said.

"Or you won't pass!" Another one said.

"Look, we're bounty hunters, and why don't you let us go? We'll leave you alone." Tahiti waved his hand.

"What?! A pair of mere bounty hunters knows Jedi trick? Kill them! Kill them all!" The first thug shouted.

"It's my turn. I started this." Tahiti waved to Grauk, "Watch and enjoy." Then he charged to the thugs, with his vibroblade in the cover. When he ran past the thugs, he took out the blade and did tons of slashes in the lightning speed. When he stopped down, the thugs seemed still in one piece.

"Ha! You can do better than that!" One thug jeered.

Tahiti said nothing, and slowly put his vibroblade into its cover. When he fully closed the vibroblade into the cover, the thugs were broken into pieces.

"Ouch. A little overused my Iaido training," Tahiti observed and scratched his head.
 Diego Varen
11-27-2006, 4:04 PM
As Tahiti finished the thugs off, Grauk tutted. A while ago, he was the one telling Grauk not to bring attention to themselves.

"Not bad, not bad," Grauk critisied, "I've seen better, but not bad. I sense that we're not alone. I suggest to take care of your surroundings. This place is dodgy, as you should already know."
11-27-2006, 4:10 PM
"Really? I didn't notice that," Kirabaros finally said after watching them take out thugs. He leaned against one of the pillars. He continued, "You two are supposed to be bounty hunters but you give each other away easily. You're easy pickings for any one of these lowlifes."
Kirabaros loved playing the informant role because it often times irritated the person and it gave him a better insight to character. Right now he was picking up boastful ride and he voiced it, "Stop being boastful. Anyone could take out a thug like that. Besides it further gives you away, Jedi."
11-27-2006, 4:19 PM
"Hush!" Tahiti made a gentle "Shush" sign, "Did you feel that? Somebody is behind us. Wait, most interesting...The follower is indeed Force Sensitive..."
11-27-2006, 4:48 PM
"Yeah and I have been talking to you for the last few seconds. Must have lost the memo." Kirabaros was looking at the pair while leaning on the post. Apparently he had not allowed himself to be seen readily. Old habits die hard.
11-27-2006, 5:00 PM
"Now you got our attention." Tahiti put away the katana, but still asking warily, "Well, what does a smuggler do on this planet? By the way, I sensed you're force sensitive. Are you a Jedi, or Sith that Revan dispatched to catch us?"
11-27-2006, 5:26 PM
"Perhaps neither," Kirabaros replied and he stood up straight and walked closer. "But I can assure you that I am not a smuggler, Jedi." He was standing looking at Tahiti in the eyes, his amber ones locked on to the other's giving a look that was as if he were trying to see right through him.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-27-2006, 5:28 PM
What is this? Another ally for Nihilus? Revan thought to himself....

"Attention all Assassins, there is a third ally..... I want you to capture him as well."

Bastila walked into the room....

"Bastila, I'm going to Dantooine...... that fool Malak didn't destroy it like he should have.... he just destroyed the Star Map and the Jedi Enclave....."
11-27-2006, 5:50 PM
Revan, since when have you been ever able to catch an Avalonian? We come from where the Force began. We live in a place that cannot be found except by those who know where it is and are pure of heart. You, are neither of those. Kirabaros sent while he was still peering at the two he was staring at. He sensed the ripple of anger across the galaxy, much as he sensed other emotions. The Force had that way of communicating to him in that manner but it didn't bother him like it did when he first received his power.
11-27-2006, 7:13 PM
"Eh, if you seek to join us, fine by me, but, a word of warning, don't expect a safe journey with us as we're wanted by Revan." Tahiti said briefly, "And your smuggler status is perfect for undercover." Then he turned to Grauk: "What do you think, Grauk?"
 Anakin Skywalker
11-27-2006, 9:23 PM
Revan hung his head, his hands up against the Star Forge's computer Database. He shook his head.... what in the name of the Dark Lord Shar Dakhan is going on?

There are many disturbances in the Force.... I sense my Sith Assassins have reached the Surface of Nar Shaddaa.... that is good. :After them.... find them, capture them.... but if you can not... Grind their bones into dust.:

"I am leaving for Dantooine, as soon as possible Bastila." Revan said aloud to Bastila.
11-27-2006, 11:18 PM
"Fine by me," Kirabaros replied still looking at them. "I can always disappear when I need to. The only reason you found me is because I let you." He was still calm even after his message towards Revan. They would meet. That was for certain; it was the will of the Force.
 Diego Varen
11-28-2006, 2:30 PM
"We need all the allies we can get," Grauk told his friend, "But we should prepare for an army, I think. The more Force Sensitives that are with us, the harder Revan and the Sith will hunt us down. Our new friend is welcome to join us, but don't expect me to clean up after you or protect you when Revan decides to strike."
11-28-2006, 3:00 PM
"I can handle my own. Besides, Revan won't strike as an army, yet. He will more likely send his assassins after you two. I am of no consequence to him," Kirabros replied. His katana swung low on his hip and brushed his leg but he wasn't disturbed by it. Weaponmastery was something all of people learned. To know one was basic, to know more was exceptional. Bushida demanded all forms of defense.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-28-2006, 5:16 PM
((That's where your wrong JM12.))

Revan boarded his flag ship...

"Captain... set course for Dantooine. HURRY!"

"Yes, Milord!" He replied.
11-29-2006, 1:24 PM
((RSM: He assumes that. No one cares much on Nar Shadaa unless they are an utlander, foreigner))

The assassin had received his orders from Darth Revan. He was pleased. Anything to aid his lord. He went to his footlocker to grab his gear. His master had said that there was a third one. Maybe he wouldn't have to be killed. If he could be turned, he could become a powerful ally. His mind ranged with the possibilities.
11-30-2006, 2:21 AM
Tahiti narrowed his eyes for a while: "Bushida, right? Mmm...Interesting, it is, like my Iaido. Sometimes I'd like to sparr with you..."

Suddenly, Tahiti felt he was being watched when Kirabros and Grauk and him entered the vast room for refugees. He saw a lot of eyes stayed fixed on him. Some people were murmuring, "Look, bounty hunters!" "That only means trouble."

"Eh, what do you suggest we do?" Tahiti scratched his head.
 Diego Varen
11-30-2006, 2:26 AM
"I say we shoot them and get out of here," Grauk suggested, "Something tells me that we aren't welcomed here. What does our new friend suggest?"
11-30-2006, 2:42 AM
Tahiti interrupted before Kirabros would speak: "No, seriously, Grauk, I think it's a bad idea to shoot innocent people...How about we talk to the leader here and see what we can do here, what do you guys think?"
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