Hi, does anyone know when they are going to release the editor and if not release a new one are they going to do a patch or something for it to add the new stuff to it from FOC? thanks
sorry for double posting but, nobody seems to be visiting this (prolly cuz it's so far down on the list) so I thought I would ask a question real quick to liven it up and move it near the top for a little bit so here's the Q: Anyone know yet?
They said when the next patch comes out...probly before x-mas
Something I'd like in the Map Maker is to make your own Galactic Conquest maps... or is that allready avalible and I haven't been able to find it?
New Map Editor and Patch within the next 2 weeks.
Yeah i agree about the Conquest maps. That would totally rock
Yeah it would (it would also give purpose to the greyed out "Custom Maps" button under the "Official Maps" when you do a GC :lol: )
Yeah it would (it would also give purpose to the greyed out "Custom Maps" button under the "Official Maps" when you do a GC :lol: )
If you're a modder, you can make new GC maps. I just have no idea how to do it tbh... And, just look around, you're bound to find other GC maps people have made.