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Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum

Page: 4 of 6
08-21-2006, 5:23 AM
"I'll see you when the meeting begins. I have some...unfinished business here on Nar Shaddaa. Don't try to follow me." Jack said and he left the ship. Last thing he wanted was another crewmember following him to the place he had in mind. Jack turned on his stealth field generator and went into the streets of Nar Shaddaa. He suddenly remembered Seth saying something about having problems on Nar Shaddaa in the past. "Hmm, maybe it would be a good idea to watch Seth for a while, he might run into trouble." Jack thought and he turned around and waited for Seth.
08-21-2006, 5:46 AM
"Fine by Me" Seth said as he walked down the boarding ramp. The damp, musty air hit him instantly, memories of his time here before began flowing through his mind. "I hate this damn planet" he muttered under his breath. Following the path, he walked until he came across two Refugees.

"Please...Sir, you look handy, could you help us with a problem" shouted the one on the right.

"You got any credits" Seth shouted back, noting the oppertunity to gain a few easy credits.

", thats the problem, we need to pay a thug who's hasseling us but we cant afford it." said the one on the left.

"Then out of my way" Seth said pushing the two refugees aside. Instead of giving up, the refugees scurry on, trying to grab Seth's attention.

"Come on Sir, show some compassion" the refugee shouted as a jogged beside Seth.

"Compassion my...." Suddenly Seth is interrupted. "YOU THERE" He turns from the Refugees to see a blaster-wielding thug in front of him. "You wanna come into my sector then you have to pay a fee". The Thug says as he aims his blaster at Seth. "Is that so" Seth replies and in a quick move he ducks under the blaster which fires and trips the thug up with his leg. He then gets to his feet and kicks the blaster out of the Thugs hand and lifts him up with one hand in an amazing show of strength. "Hassle these guys again and i'll kill you" he says pointing to the refugees. The Thug nods in agreement and just to add insult to injury Seth punches him in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Why did ya do that?, your a real kind man." One of the refugees says as Seth tries to walk on.

Suddenly the mercenary stops still. With his back to the refugees he begins clenching his fists and breathing heavily. To the refugees he seems enraged. "BOOO" he shouts as he jumps around to the refugees, who shocked and ultimatley scared run off trying to escape Seth.

"hahahhahaha" Seth laughs as he walks on into the main square of Nar Shadaa. "Maybe this planet wont be so bad after all"
 Diego Varen
08-21-2006, 5:51 AM
Trando walked out the Carnage. Nar Shaddaa hadn't changed. It was still the busy, overpopulated Planet that Trando had been to before. Now it was time to find the Hutt.
08-21-2006, 6:21 AM
As Seth continued down the Path he reached the main square, it was buzzing, full of Smugglers, Traders, Mercs and Refugees. Even Criminals hiding from their pursuers. As he headed towards the local cantina, he hears someone shout his name from behind.

"SETH, IS THAT YOU" a voice echoes from him. He turns around to see a familiar Rodian standing in front of him. "It is you" The voice rings out once again. Realising who it is, Seth smiles, seemingly delighted to see this Rodian. "Grip" Seth replies in an ecstatic manner. "Its been too long buddy". Grip runs up beside Seth and walks with him along the path. "Tell me about it, ive been badly missing your protection. Remember the Black Sun here, Well they broke away to form their own gang, intent on taking over this sector for their own profit and they remember what you did to them. They also remember seeing me frequently hanging around with you. So they're taking it out on me". The Rodian says in a sad manner. Seth with an angered look on his face begins breathing heavier. "What have they been doing to you" The Merc says while clenching his fists. "Not physical, they've just been sabotaging my businees, i havent sold a weapon in two months. Im even living in my stand". Seth, looking furious pulls out his gun. "Im sorry for leaving, its just that i had the black sun on me, they didnt appreciate me stealing their cargo, i had a bounty on me months after that. But now the black sun wont care if i kill these breakaways." Seth turns and begins jogging away from the Rodian. He turns while running and looks back at Grip. "Ill be back soon, he shouts just as he turns a corner.

After a long run he reaches a large warehouse with two guards at the front door. A look of amazement spreads across the face of one the gaurds. Without speaking Seth shoots the gaurd between the eyes. While the other one pulls out his blaster he is with a blaster shot in the leg causing him to fall to the ground. He opens his eyes to see the zabrak mercenary standing over him. Seth once again shows his strength and picks up the guard in his spare hand, he takes the blaster from the thug's holster and puts it in his. Then, feeling no more use for the guard, he throws him through the door and steps in, blaster raised and ready for the rest of the gang...
08-21-2006, 7:45 AM
Pirates, criminals, thieves, refugees, and bounty hunters. All reasons he didn't come to Nar Shaddda often after he finished his term with Gualla, but not quite the main reason.

Shots went off in the distance, but he ignored it. It was probably some refugee who couldn't pay up. He didn't pity them though. If he pityed them, then that would lead to berating himself for not helping them. But if he did help them, he might only extend their suffering. So he ignored them, though it was difficult at times.

He decided to head to the nearby cantina for a meal, preferably something that tasted better than E-Rats. When he got there, he ordered a steak and it was surprisingly good for a place like this. While he ate, he remembered what his first year here was like.

Shadow had come here looking for work that wouldn't discriminate against his age. Instead he was met with loads of bounty hunters and mercs looking to pick on him, dozens of refugees asking for help, and thieves trying to steal things right out of his pockets. Safe to say, he made it through the day with all of his stuff and life.

Then, after he decided that looking for work here was not worth it, he had gotten lost. Asking for directions didn't help because they wanted to get paid for it. So after wandering through about three sectors, he found himself in the Busseniss Sector, where Gualla was offering up a large bounty for the one who could capture the Jedi who was investigating him alive.
08-21-2006, 9:06 AM
Stepping through the doorway with his blasters raised, Seth begins shooting at everyone inside. Taken by surprise, The Thugs try to retreat to the room behind them but to no avail, within seconds Seth's blaster take down each one of them. The dying bodies looked at their attacker, the person who they had tried to kill on countless occasions while members of the Black Sun. But he had come back to haunt them, knowing that the they were no longer members of the Black Sun he seized the oppertunity and got his revenge.

After inspecting the bodies he continued on. Through the door and into the cargo room, hundrends of boxes stacked on each other. Full of black market items banned all over the galaxy. Seth watches as at leat 30 people control the room, people who have no idea what happened in the room behind. Noticing that its too much to handle, Seth jumps behind the nearest box. Seeing an oppertunity he climbs onto on of the boxes and jumps onto the balcony, still unoticed. Digging in his pocket he finds what he's looking for, A Thermal Detonator. Without hesitation he launches the TD into the centre of the room. Seeing the danger the thugs try to jump away but the explosion is too powerful. With a powerful leap, Seth jumps over the balcony and into the guards unaffected by the explosion, using the stealth of the smoke and brute strength he takes down each Thug one by one. Soon only he is left standing....

Once he reaches the final room he stops dead, sensing something. Suddenly he's kicked back ten feet by something unknown. As he looks he up he see's two war droids standing over him and the door on the ground beside him. "Drop..your..weapons" one of the droids says as he takes out a HoloProjector. In a blue flash a figure appears on the Holo Projector.

"Well, Well, Well....Seth Khan" The man says. "You've been quite hard to find, who would of thought you would became to our little nest".

Seth, knowing who it is doesnt even reply, instead he spits at the Holoprojector as a sign of defiance. "Haahaha, I seen your little Cherade on our cameras. Quite Impressive, you've improved since the last time we met. But luckily for me your pinned down with now way of escaping". Suddenly the Droid raises his arm and shoots Seth in the neck and seconds everything goes blank.
08-21-2006, 5:06 PM
Jack followed Seth to the warehouse through the city streets. He watched how Seth took out the guards guarding the doorfirst two rooms all by himself. "Not bad for a Zabrak, not bad at all." he thought. He continued to watch the show and was impressed by how Seth handled himself. "This Zabrak sure knowns how to draw the attention of the guards when needed."

Jack had to catch up when Seth went into the last room. When he saw Seth lying down with the droids standing over him, he thought he was too late. "Damnit, I should have stick close to him." he thought and was about to shred the droids to pieces when he noticed Seth was still alive. "Why would they want him alive? Maybe the boss of this little black market wants to see him." Jack was thinking and he stepped away from the droids and decided to follow them instead. "That's it tin cans, take him to your boss and when you do, I'll make sure he will be put out of business....permanently."
 Jason Skywalker
08-21-2006, 5:20 PM
Vanir got to the bridge and saw Reisa relaxing or thinking.

"Hey Raze, that's my way of relaxing," Vanir told her, sitting in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

"Want to check out a good local cantina?" He asked her.
08-21-2006, 5:42 PM
Seth, feeling light head begins to regain his senses, as he opens his eyes he feels the restraints pinning him onto a large table. Trying to think of ways to free himself, Seth reaches into his boot for his Laser Knife, but its gone, along with all of his hidden weapons.

"Dont worry, we took em all." Said a voice from the shadows. Outstepped the leader of the Rogue Black Sun, Kurt Brite. "Ive been waiting for this for a long time, its not the fact that you cost me thousands of credits, its the fact the you made me and comrades look like fools, were called the Rogue Sun by the way. We chased you to the ends of the Galaxy only for you to escape and leaves to give up and accept defeat, we were never left the Black Sun, we were expelled for our failure. Although I did a good job covering up and spreading the rumour that we broke away. You wrecked my chances of becoming a prominent member of the Sun. Now im stuck on this dying planet with nothing but a petty organisation. But I have my way back, if i show your body to the Sun they'll accept me back and ill be on my way back to the top." he said as he laughed in a high pitced tone. Seth doesnt even speak, instead he spits in Brite's face. "Now it will be even more painful" he says while wiping the spit from his face. Suddenly the table begins rising until Seth is face to face with his advisary.

The realisation of what is to come hits Seth, he is about to be tortured until death by a man who shows no compassion. He begins to think of ways to get free. He tries using pure strength but the metal straps prove to strong. After many thoughts his time runs out, Brite walks towards him with an a large, ceremonial type blade. "Time for a little design" Brite says as puts the knife to Seth's. "AAAAAAAH" Seth shouts as Brite gets to work. After a couple of minutes, The Thug stops and walks away leaving Seth writhing in pain. After a minute or so he returns with a mirror in his hand. "You like" he says as he holds it up revealing the Black Sun insignia carved into Seth's chest.
"I.." But before Brite can finish a rustling echoes from the corner of the room......
08-21-2006, 6:07 PM
Vanir got to the bridge and saw Reisa relaxing or thinking.

"Hey Raze, that's my way of relaxing," Vanir told her, sitting in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

"Want to check out a good local cantina?" He asked her.

Raze slowly turned her head to face him. She stared at him for a moment, as if suspicious of why he was asking her, then said. "If you're buying, sure. Any place but the 'Expensive Prayer', though." She grinned sardonically. "I'm banned from that establishment."
08-21-2006, 6:20 PM
Jack drawed his katana when he saw what Brite had done to Seth. He walked up to the guards and stabbed them in the back. The average stealth generator would normally turn off when making any sudden movements, but his stealth generator however, would not. Brite observed as he saw the guards dropping down on the floor, dead. He was still unable to see Jack and he held up his blade.

"Who's there! Show yourself you coward." Brite yelled.

Still unable to see him, Jack stood in front of him when he turned his stealth generator off and cut Brite's hand off with one swift swing of his katana. Jack moved behind him when he was screaming in pain and grabbed him from behind, holding his katana to his throat.

"Sorry to interupt your sick little game, punk." He said as he started to push the katana slowly into Brite's skin. "but now it's your turn to feel some pain." he grinned to Seth as he struck a dagger up Brite's spine, cutting through his nervous system. Brite was screaming in pain and Jack kicked him down on the floor. "How does that feel huh?" he said as he walked around him and kneeled down in front of Brite. "Lucky for you I'm in a hurry so we'll make this quick." Jack said and he held up his katana and pierced Brite's head when he tried to look up.

"You ok Seth?" Jack said as he walked up to the table and used his katana to slash the metal straps holding Seth's arms and legs.
 Diego Varen
08-21-2006, 6:24 PM
Trando knew that Nar Shaddaa was still the same. The thing was that he had never met a Hutt on Nar Shaddaa. Or at least, not one by the name of Gualla.
08-21-2006, 6:28 PM
"Ive Been better" Seth replies as he gets up and retrieves his armor and weapons. In a matter of minutes he has everything attached and is ready to leave. Once they begin walking he turns to Jack with a relieved look on his face. "Thanks for that Jack, I thought old Brite had finally got me back". As they left the warehouse and the trouble behind them, Seth's look changes into an inquisative one. "Tell me, why did you follow me to the warehouse?"
08-21-2006, 6:37 PM
"You told me and the rest of the crew you had some trouble here on Nar Shaddaa before so I figured I might as well make sure we don't lose a crewmember on our first mission. Besides, my own business here could wait." Jack explained Seth. "That was quite a show you gave back there. Although I wouldn't have killed every last one of them in quite the style you did, I must say I'm impressed."
 Jason Skywalker
08-21-2006, 6:47 PM
"Well, how about the Flowing Bowl? It also has a Pazaak Den beside it. You in?" Vanir asked Raze.
08-21-2006, 6:51 PM
"Thanks. But i kinda let myself down at the end though, now i have a permanant scar resembling the Black Sun." He says while laughing. "Im in a bit of pain with this scar so im gonna head back to the ship and see what i can do, then ill get Trando to patch me up later. Ill see you back at the ship. "Seth begins walking in the other direction but stops and turns back to his crewmember. "Thanks again Jack" he says as he hurries back off to the ship.
08-21-2006, 7:11 PM
"No problem." Jack said, but Seth was already too far away to hear it. "Well, time to go visit that sneaky little rat after all these years." He murmered and he went back into the streets of Nar Shaddaa.
08-21-2006, 7:13 PM
"Well, how about the Flowing Bowl? It also has a Pazaak Den beside it. You in?" Vanir asked Raze.

Raze wrinkled her nose. "Erm... last time I was a the Flowing Bowl, they had a 'plumbing' problem with the freshers." She thought a moment. "What about the Screaming Skannbult? They have gaming tables, the food's not bad, and their Corellian Spiced Ale isn't ever stale. But, as you're buying, it's your choice."
08-22-2006, 8:25 AM
After a long, painful walk Seth finally reaches The Carnage. Once on board he heads straight for the med-bay. He begins digging through the drawers and shelves but finds nothing strong enough. He leaves the med-bay and heads to the common room, he looks through all the presses but still doesnt find what he's looking for. Worn out he decides to stop looking and ask for help. Things become alot unclearer, the pain becomes too much and the scar begins to burn as if on fire.

"Raze, have we got anything strong, i just had a bit of an ordeal. To be honest Jack just saved my life" he gritted through his teeth and into the Comlink. "Look" he says as he takes of his top and shows his scarred chest to the camera.
08-22-2006, 9:38 AM
After walking for about twenty minutes through the backalleys of Nar Shaddaa, Jack finally arrived at his somewhat unusual destination. He was in the outer reaches of the industrial areas, standing in front of an abbandoned building. The building was marked with the blood red letters: 'RA' . Of course, no-one knew what RA stood for. People rarely visited this area, because of the many 'mysterious dissapearances'. Many believed that there were serial killers on the loose, but he knew better. Jack turned around and looked to see if any of the crewmembers decided to follow him. "No-one.....Hard to imagine that any of them would bother following me but just to make sure, I'll take the back entrance." Jack turned around and went into another side alley. It was dark and what the average person would call 'creepy', but Jack loved it and used to consider it as the doorway to his home. He remembered how he came here often, walking through that very street and always being greeted by the watchman. Some years ago, something totally unexpected happened after he returned from 'assassinating' the Jedi Secura. Now, years later, Jack was still haunted by what happened that one day...

That day he walked through the alley and the watchman was there as always, but this time, he was waiting for him for a reason. There was no friendly expression on his face when Jack greeted him and he didn't respond.
The watchman pressed a button next the door and within seconds three assassins came out of the door, standing right in front of Jack.

"Something wrong?" Jack said, breaking the ever lasting silence. One of the assassins grinned and said "The Republic decided to remove any leads to the assassination of the know what that means."

Jack froze, he understood what they meant. Whoever send the orders to kill the jedi Secura wanted to remove all evidence of the assassination, including the assassin... The only thing Jack knew at that moment, was that he had to get out of there and that he could no longer work for the republic. "Not even a shred of honour amongst assassins huh?" He joked.

What happened after that was a complete dissaster. His ex-associates hunted him down through the back alleys of Nar Shaddaa. He ran and ran, but was finally cornered into a dark alley, much like this one. It was at that moment, Jack just lost himself. He could no longer let them continue with what they were doing and he decided to stand his ground. He used his poisonous darts and shot two of the assassins and he fought the remaining ones with his katana. Jack chopped one of the assassins' arm off and then decapitated him, with blood coming out of his neck and shoulder. Another assassin tried to attack him from behind, but slipped through all the blood and fell on the ground. When he tried to get up, Jack pierced his katana straigth through his chest and twisted it. The screaming filled the city streets with fear, there was no-one who dared to go see what happened. There were no witnesses. Jack killed every single last one of them and his former associates lay dead in the streets of Nar Shaddaa. The battle didn't leave him unharmed though. He was bleeding badly because of a wound in his side and he stumbled through the streets of Nar Shaddaa, until he reached a medical center after limping for about five kilometers. When he was standing in the doorway, a doctor noticed him bleeding and ran towards him. Before the doctor could reach him, Jack collapsed and blacked out.
08-22-2006, 4:46 PM
"Raze, have we got anything strong, i just had a bit of an ordeal. To be honest Jack just saved my life" he gritted through his teeth and into the Comlink. "Look" he says as he takes of his top and shows his scarred chest to the camera.
Raze, still with her earpiece on, frowned slightly at the Captain. "Seth," she explained, tapping her earpiece. "He's run into a problem or something. Seth?" she said into the com as she put it on two-way speaker, "you've only been gone an hour. How could you have had an 'ordeal' already?"

She switched the viewscreen to the common room cam--where she and Vanir could see Seth standing there with his shirt off.

Raze cocked an amused eyebrow. "Oh, n-ice," she said slowly as she surveyed the bloody Black Sun ensignia on his chest. "But please don't tell me that you paid someone to do that to you." She grinned slightly. "I could have given you one of those tattoos for free.

"There's a first aid kit in the overhead compartment by the fresher,"she continued. "You should find some quadocaine and some bacta spray in there. Just spray it on and you should be fine."

She looked at Vanir. "I think we'd better let Mr. Logan know that he's going to have to look after the ship on his own. Because I think we need to go babysit the crew. Or we won't have any crew left to meet with Gualla or anyone else. Apart from K'Nala," she added grimly. Her expression grew serious. "And I am not letting a bunch of unruly, trigger-happy, blood-thirsty mercs prevent me from getting paid for this kriffin' job."

Raze switched the ship's systems to stand-by, and got out of her seat, and grabbed her jacket off the hook on the wall. Reaching the cockpit threshold, she turned and said to Vanir, "Well?! Are we going to go get that drink or not?"
08-22-2006, 5:02 PM
"Thanks" Seth replied through the comlink as he headed towards the overhead compartment. He tosses a few objects out of the way in an unruly manner until he reaches the First Aid Kit right at the back. He picks up the container of Quadocaine and swallows a handful of the powerful painkillers. After a quick shake of the head he takes out a disinfectant wipe and the Bacta-Spray which he puts to use on his bloody scar. Through the pain he manages to apply the medication and once done, a look of relief spreads across his face. Instand pain refief with high class medication. He decides to use the painfree time to stitch up his scar. Within minutes he does it all with the bare minimum of pain. Feeling even more relieved he puts away the First aid kit and heads to bed.

"Call me when were ready for the mission" he says, sending his last message before drifting off to a painless, troubless sleep....
08-22-2006, 6:10 PM
"You think that you can capture a Jedi, young human?" The Hutt in front of him, Gualla, asked laughing.

"I can and will. With a bonus if I succeed?" Shadow asked the Hutt. Shadow was 19 years old right now and was about 6 '6 ft. tall.

"Yes, I would be willing to give a bonus for such a fine capture. But if you fail, you will pay with your life, human." the Hutt said, getting the last sentance across clearly.

"I won't fail." And with those words Shadow left. Once again he was underestimated for his age. But this time he could actually prove himself. It would be hard though, because he had hunted some cunning prey, but Jedi were quite differant. Very differant.

He looked up to the sky and wondered, how was he going to capture a Jedi? Finding it first would be the trick, but then he would need a plan for disarming it of its lightsaber, procede to knocking it unconcious, and then getting it to the Hutt without being spotted by another bounty hunter. Not a task to be taken lightly.

A well placed shot from an assault rifle to the hand would disable it and then a well placed melee would do knock it unconcious, but he was pretty sure that the Hutt would like a fully intact lightsaber. So, instead he would use stun rounds for the capture. He would need to lure the Jedi to a place where he could make the capture without another bounty hunter stepping in, so the best place would be in the place it spent the night.

He would have to find the Jedi first. The Jedi probably didn't know it had a bounty on it, but the fact that there quite a few heavily armed bounty hunters on the prowl in the area screamed 'Stay Away!'.

He went to the nearest cantina for a drink. It was dark and warm as just about everyother cantina to stave off the cold outside. When he sat down at the bar, he noticed the corpse of a human with its head cut off on the floor furthur down.

"What happened to him?" Shadow asked the bar tender as a few droids started to clean it up.

"Some idiot was trying to hit on a girl Jedi without knowing it. He tried to grab her but instead lost his life." the bartender said as if it was nothing.

"How long ago was that?" Shadow asked.

"About, say, half an hour ago. Why?" the bar tender asked.

"I'm looking for her. What color lightsaber did she have and what was she wearing?" Shadow asked. It was seeming like his lucky day.

"It was green and she was wearing a brown cloak. She muttered something about going to a hotel nearby, so I would recommend look at the Palka hotel\." the bar tender replied.

Shadow got up and slide him a two-hundred credit chip saying "This is for being so cooperative and incase anyone else asks."

The bar tender got the picture, took the credit chip, and said smiling "Of course. Do come again to the Screaming Skannbult."

Shadow left the cantina and headed to the hotel. He would go through the ventalation system and capture the Jedi in its sleep, rendering the use of stun rounds obselete for the moment. Then he would place her in a giant bag he had and take her to the Hutt. Yet that sounded too easy to be true, so he stopped by the hotel he was staying at to get all his gear. And it was.

He was there at the Screaming Skannbult again, eating a meal and just relaxing for the moment.
 Jason Skywalker
08-22-2006, 9:00 PM
"Sure." Vanir told her, getting up and out of the Carnage with her. They walked out of the loading ramp and then walked around the Refugee Sector looking for a good cantina. Eventually they found a likely-looking one and in the sign showed:

The Tarisian Bar : Were Wishes Come True

"Well, this seems a good one. Shall we go in?" Vanir asked Raze.
08-23-2006, 3:22 PM
K'Nala Sat in her quarters waiting for the mercenaries to come and get her so she can 'Aid' then in the mission.
08-23-2006, 5:45 PM
Raze glanced at the outside of the cantina. It was just across the street from the Screaming Skannbult and, no, it didn't look bad, she thought.

"I suppose it looks okay," she said to Vanir. And then she thought a moment more.

"Oh... wait... yeah...I remember this place now," she said slowly. "They have hourly drink specials on Reactor Cores." She paused, thinking, then frowned slightly. "Sure wish I could remember what I did after the second round of drinks that night," she said under her breath. Then she grinned at Vanir. "But, nevermind. Sure. Let's go in!"
08-23-2006, 6:26 PM
Jack went through the side door and entered the hallway. He expected the place to be deserted, but the light was on in the living quarters and he could hear someone walking. “I wonder who that could be.” Jack thought, as he sneaked forward and entered the room.

His blood started boiling when he saw who was in there. It was that sneaky little rat, ‘Qiro’, the rodian assassin. For all these years, Jack thought he killed that traitor with a poisonous dart back in that alley. He pulled his katana out of it’s hilt and grabbed Qiro from behind. “Remember me?” he said, holding the katana high enough for Qiro to see his helmet in the reflection. “Hu…Hu…Hunter?” the rodian stuttered.

“You should have died that day Qiro…just like the others.” “Please, I…I can g..g..gggive you credits!” Jack was really getting angry at him now. ”Do you really think that credits will make up for what you did, you traitor!” Jack yelled as he pulled the rodian’s head backwards and rammed his katana up his spine. Before the rodian had the chance to scream in pain, Jack silenced him by cutting his throat with one of his daggers. He could hear the gargling of blood clotting in Qiro’s windpipe when he fell to the ground, face down. The leaking blood turned the room into a complete mess. Jack no longer cared about what happened to this place, he went to the armoury and forced the door open. He took everything that was still useable varying from explosive charges to extremely small tracking devices often used by assassins to keep track of guards/targets. He didn’t look at what the rest of the stuff was, but he threw it all in an empty backpack he found. He placed a few bombs and he left the building. As he came out of the alley, the bombs blew up, destroying the entire building completely. He stood there, watching the building he used to call home as the remains burned to the ground.

It was time for him to forget about the past and to continue with the mission. Jack looked at the burning rubble one last time before he turned around and went back to the ship.
08-23-2006, 6:53 PM
Shadow snapped out of his daydreaming and looked at his chronometer. It was only around 6:00 in the evening. Some questions started to pop into his mind. How long to get to the palace? About an hour by walking from his current position. Docking on a platform in the sector would be put on record by the dock master. How long would the meeting take? Depends on how willing Gualla is to give up the information. Would they be able to fight their way out incase a fight broke out? No, they would be gunned down by every guard and bounty hunter in the room before they took two steps.

There were others, but they could be planned for with the rest of the crew. He looked up and saw Raze and the Captain enter the cantina opposite if the one he was in.

Ugh, Shadow thought to himself. That place was a good place to drink before, but had gone to hell when the Hutts started to collect hard. They were barely able to maintain their outward appearance. Well, at least it was like that when he had been there about a year ago. It could have changed with a lucky break or so. A lot of things can change in a year and nothing in a hundred.

The Captain was one of the few trustable assassins, as long as you weren't his target. He was smart, and knew how to play his cards right. His care-free style was more of a coverup and a morale booster if anything else. How do you inspire confidence in the crew when your always sulking or being serious? So, instead he smiled and acted cheery.

Raze thought of men as gullible and easily manipulated, in turn making herself a target of manipulability on a smaller scale of thinking. That was proved in his first conversation with her. While, true, he had been an official assassin for ten years, he was taken up as a mandolorian assassin's apprentice (Well, techanacly speaking, he made the mandolorian take him) at the age of ten, the year he also got his first sentient kill. A child was underestimated, which made it easier for Shadow to kill at that time.

He knew that she didn't care what anybody thought of her. She was just pretending to acknowledge him when he had spoken about the jealousy. She was also smart enough to know not to attempt to use her abilities on any of the crew. The fact that nearly all the crew aboard the Carnage was a man helped that. Every man within proximity of her, which would be most of the crew, would be attracted. The ones who had seen it before would resist, the ones who did not would end up fighting with the others like him.

Overall, she, like the rest of the crew, would be watched and learned from. Everybody had something to teach, knowing or not. He decided to let everyone have three more hours before calling them all in to prepare.
08-24-2006, 3:35 PM
K'Nala Eye's widened as she awoke from her meditation, While she was use to the Isolation from her training she felt that she should see what some of the crew were up to. She could feel three of the crew had left the ship and they were in a cantina not to far from the ship.

The dark jedi arrived at the cantina in the refugee sector and walked in.
08-24-2006, 4:49 PM
Raze and Vanir had only just been served their drinks in 'The Tarisian Bar' when things got a bit ugly around them. Well, a lot ugly. Ugly in the form of a Gamorrean with a horrendous head cold sitting with his 'associates' at the table to their left and a Quarren in a foul mood arguing with his 'associates' at the table to their right.


Raze's eye's grew wide. "Duck." She roughly grabbed Vanir by the front of his shirt and pulled him down with her as she ducked below the table.


Raze cringed as she heard the clearly audible 'splat' from the Quarren's table. She let go of Vanir's shirt and then slowly raised her head. "E-ew," she grimaced, as a large thick glob of Gamorrean snot slowly oozed down the side of the Quarren's face.

Raze had only enough time to give a quick glance at Vanir, and say, "Uh-oh," before the Quarren and the Gamorrean, and all of their 'associates' started to fight. Glasses broke. Chairs tumbled. Tables flipped. Anyone that had any sense scattered, and those who didn't have sense participated--either willingly or unwillingly.

Somehow Raze managed to extricate herself from the fracus with barely a scratch, but also with an unopened bottle of Corellian Brandy. As she backed her way to the door, she scanned the crowd for Vanir. Not seeing him, she figured that he might have gone outside and she turned to walk out the door...

And bumped smack into K'Nala, who was just walking in. "Sorry," Raze apologized as she skirted around her. "This isn't really my kind of party. But if you see Vanir before I do, tell him I went back to the ship."
 Jason Skywalker
08-24-2006, 5:22 PM
Vanir got up and looked around.

"Pretty nasty fight. I've got better business to attend to." Vanir said to himself, going out before being whacked in the leg by a Gamorrean with a chair. He quickly rolled to his front and got out his blaster pistols, shooting at his ham legs, the pig squirting in pain.

He looked to his right to see a Mandalorian with a Heavy Mandalorian Rifle. Vanir quickly put his guns down and took out his Long Vibrosword and deflected all the shots from him, since he was a great swordsman and the Vibrosword had a cortosis wave, to endure lightsaber fights. He then rolled to his front, jumped at his side and swung at the Mandalorian's arm, blocked by the armour. He then rolled back and threw his Vibrosword, cutting the Mandalorian's head between the chest plate and the helmet. He then hided and took out the Mandalorian's blue armour and put it on.

He then appeared and got out of the Cantina, but not before getting a couple of bottles of Tarisian Ale. After all, it is good.
08-25-2006, 8:58 PM
Not particularly liking bar fights, especially when there were smelly Gamorreans involved, Raze thought it best not to hang around the cantina. Besides, K'Nala the Dark Jedi was still hovering at the entrance, and the less Raze saw of that woman, she thought, the better. So, she made a hasty, but discreet, retreat and headed back towards the ship. But, at least the evening hadn't been a total loss, she thought, as she shoved the bottle of Corellian Brandy under her jacket.

Halfway to the ship, she stopped and sat down on the edge of a damaged cargo container that someone had dumped at the side of the street. She pulled out the bottle, cracked open its seal, and took a long swig. "Gah!" she gasped as her eyes started to water. "Good stuff."

She reached inside her jacket and pulled out a small card. (Clicky ( As she stared at it reminiscently, she wondered if she had made the right decision about working for Dooku. Of course, at the time, there really hadn't been any other choice. Count Dooku wasn't the type of person you refused once he made you an offer. And the pay he was offering was quite substantial. But unlike the rest of the crew who seemed to relish killing, she was not an assassin or a murderer--well, not an intentional one, at least. She looked down at the card and sighed. No, she couldn't ever go back. There was only forward.

She sat quietly for a moment, watching other people going about their business--a Twi'lek hustling people to come and watch his dancers; a haggard looking soldier dickering with a Rodian on the price of a second-hand blaster he was trying to sell; a couple of teenage refugees attempting to pick-pocket a dockworker who looked like he had had one drink too many as he weaved his way down the street. Yup, she thought, Nar Shaddaa may be a cesspit, but it was a good place to watch people.

And she felt as if someone was watching her. Raze didn't feel unduly threated, but she did feel like someone's eyes were boring a hole in the back of her head. It was time to go.

She took another swig of the brandy, then recapped the bottle. She took one more look at the card, debating for a moment whether or not to toss it in the gutter, but then decided not to, and shoved it and the bottle inside the large pocket inside her jacket.

She rose and headed toward the ship. Shadow should have had arranged his meeting with Gualla by now, and would soon be returning to the others so they could formulate their plan, and, she supposed, she should probably be there.
08-26-2006, 10:14 AM
"It's good to see you have your priorities in order, Save the ale." K'Nala joked walking up behind Vanir in the Mandalorian armour. "That outfit suits you, The strong warrior."
08-26-2006, 2:46 PM
"I wonder who started this little party" he thought as he passed the tarisian bar. A thug flew through the doorway, nearly hitting Jack when he landed on the city street. He could still hear blaster fire coming from inside and people were running out of the doorway. "Better not go in there when carrying explosive charges, one hit might blow the cantina to pieces."

Jack was on his way back to the ship using his stealth generator, until he saw someone sitting on crate. He stopped there for a moment because he recognised the person. It was Raze, sitting there while drinking and observing the people that passed. "Harmless and beautiful." Jack thought when he looked at her. "Why has Dooku hired her... was the semi old Dark Jedi getting sensitive or what?" He decided to wait and continued watching her for a while. After she stood up, Jack followed her all the way back to the ship and boarded it.

Jack went straight to his room and turned off his stealth generator. He walked up to his bed and softly dropped the backpack filled with assassin gear on it. After that, he carefully unpacked it and placed the equipment in his locker, which was completely full after he placed the last item in it. "Finally." he sighed afterwards. Thinking on what to do next, Jack decided to go see what Seth was doing. He left his room and entered Sethґs room, who was sleeping when he got in there. "Sleeping on the job huh?" Jack muttered to himself. "I'll wake him up after I heard the briefing." Jack thought as he turned around and left the room.
08-26-2006, 5:33 PM
While everything has off doing whatever. Richard remained inside the ship. He had been to Nar Shadda several times and was no longer interested by it. He was much more happy inside the ship. However now he was now concussion missile launcher, replacing all new comments with slight used one, like he was doing in the engineering room.
08-26-2006, 5:55 PM
Shadow decided to take a long route in going back to the ship. The air was becoming colder as darkness overtook the sector a bit earlier than usual. He left the cantina after a fight had broken out in the cantina across from the one he was in. He had briefly considered joining in on the fight for fun but decided against it.

It was silent and empty in the area he was in, but he heard and saw things in his mind as he walked. He remembered running through here, after the Jedi.

The Jedi had bribed the bar tender into sending whoever asked about her into a trap. Shadow was the first, but he managed to turn the situation around thanks only to his Assault Rifle and its stun rounds.

He had hurt the Jedi and now it was on the run. The Jedi hadn't been able to deflect the rounds and got hit with 15 rounds per second. The Jedi was stunned long enough for Shadow to inject her with a tranqualizer, but she had snapped out of the stun and ran. But Shadow was just as fit as any Jedi and was catching up to her, unable to fire his weapon for the moment due to technical reasons. She was lost and both of them knew it. She tried to shake him at every turn with no avail. Her breath was getting ragged, full of fear of what might happen when he caught her. She shouldn't be afraid of me, Shadow thought. It's what Gualla will do to her that she should be afraid of.

She stopped and turned around to face him at a docking pad, with nowhere left to go. She ignited her lightsaber and charged him recklessly. He sidestepped and tripped her. He then wrestled her down to the point where he pinned her, tranquilized her again, and bound her up. He put her in a large bag and then proceeded back to Gualla's palace, ready to claim his bounty and ask if it would be possible to get his now missing left arm replaced for free.

Shadow snapped out of his day dream to find that he was in the bay. It was odd how fast thoughts carry one through life. When he entered the ship, though he had decided earlier to do it later, he decided to call everyone back now and meet in the common room.

When he got back to the common room, he said over the com "Would all of the crew report to the common room of the ship please. Those outside the ship are also asked to report back. I have the time for the meeting."
08-26-2006, 6:44 PM
Raze was just putting her stolen bottle of brandy in her footlocker, when she heard Shadow's announcement. Since she wasn't an assassin, she felt pretty sure that she wasn't going to be part of whatever plan the mercenaries came up with, except for flying the ship when they were ready to leave, of course. But, she figured that as she had been designated by Dooku as the 'First Mate' she should probably be there. Besides, K'Nala would probably decide to kill her if she wasn't present.

She closed her locker, left her quarters and headed to the common room.
 Jason Skywalker
08-26-2006, 7:31 PM
Vanir alongside K'Nala heard Shadow for the meeting. He nodded and made his way to the ship, seeing many beggars and bounty hunters in the way, though, none of them had the job to attack him or something. He had a Mandalorian Armour, and he assumed it would scare off people.

When he reached the Carnage, he entered and went to his quarters, passing by Raze. He took out his armour and put it inside his locker, now in his regular clothes and then made his way to the common room.
08-27-2006, 6:15 AM
Carefull, carefull, carefull Richard said to himself as he tried to place a componant untill he was distracted by a Shadows anncounted, he was startled causing his cans to jolt, which caused the componant to touch with another componant which gave Richard an electric shock "****!". He then decided to take a break and see what Shadow wanted.
08-27-2006, 8:17 AM
K'Nala Followed Vanir back to the ship and went into the common room as the captain went to his quarters. On entering some of the crew were already there and she could feel they were all frustrated with waiting around not doing much.

she walked up to shadow "I hope we'll be going soon, the crew are getting restless."
08-27-2006, 8:35 AM
"Then they will be disappointed to learn that we still have another 8 hours before the meeting." Shadow said to K'Nala as he waited for all the crew to get to the common room. The crew did look like they were getting impatient, which was odd when considering that they were assassins. They were supposed to have patience practically bred into them.
08-27-2006, 8:47 AM
"ummm, strange how a simple task is taking so long, Seems efficiancy isn't a priority here." She said turning away from him and taking a seat.
08-27-2006, 1:05 PM
Raze had been sitting in one of chairs nearest to the bridge corridor, passing the time by filing her nails, as she patiently waited for Seth, Jack, and the Doctor to arrive in the common room.

"I hope we'll be going soon, the crew are getting restless," K'Nala said to Shadow.

"Then they will be disappointed to learn that we still have another 8 hours before the meeting," Shadow replied.

"Ummm," K'Nala mused. "Strange how a simple task is taking so long. Seems efficiency isn't a priority here."

"Well then, K'Nala, perhaps you'd like to take charge," Raze said icily, although she didn't make eye contact with K'Nala. "That's what you Jedi-types do best anyway, isn't it? Telling other people what to do." She looked up then, her eyes smouldering with suspicion and loathing. "So you don't have to do the dirty work yourselves."
08-27-2006, 1:53 PM
K'Nala lookede down at the ships pilot. "Talk to me like that again and they'll be the last words you ever say." She said calmly grinning at her afterwards.
08-27-2006, 3:32 PM
At hearing K'Nala's words, Raze's jaw set. She fought hard to control the blue/green flush beginning to flicker across her skin. It was an indicative of anger, not fear, although she was sure that K'Nala was aware of that.

"My apologies," Raze said to her, not breaking her gaze on K'Nala. "I was only speculating based on past experience." She paused. "I had no idea you would be so... emotionally sensitive about your heritage."
08-27-2006, 8:06 PM
"Well, in my past experience, pilots didn't insult the crew and sith had more patience. My advice would just to leave each other alone since it looks like you two won't get along well." Shadow said standing between them.
 Jason Skywalker
08-27-2006, 8:15 PM
Vanir, who had been witnessing the heated convsersation, if you can call that one, between Raze and K'Nala and Shadow's comments afterwards. He then sighed and went back to his room.

Inside, he took out a bottle of Tarisian Ale and poured it on a glass. It tasted quite good, even after all the confusion that happened. He closed the bottle and got out again.

I wonder if the refresher is already good too..., Vanir said, walking to the refresher before closing his nose with his hands.

"Sheesh! Those Zabraks sure are some glorified "do-that"." Vanir said, getting out of there.
08-27-2006, 8:41 PM
"Fine with me," Raze said to Shadow. "And I didn't insult her," she added. "I was merely making a suggestion."

She broke her gaze with K'Nala, conceding defeat for the time being.

"Can I make another suggestion?" she asked Shadow. "Why don't you record your briefing? We're only waiting for the Doctor, and I can hear Seth and Jack walking up the corridor. They're all bright boys. I'm sure they can figure out how to use the playback on the holovid, in case they missed something important. C'mon, let's hear your plan for meeting this Gualla the Hutt. Some of us would like to get some sleep before the proverbial poodoo hits the fan in the morning."
08-28-2006, 1:59 PM
Shadow heeded Raze's suggestion and got out a holo disc. "Well, it's really simple," Shadow started. "K'Nala, Doc, and I will leave at around 2:30 in the mourning to go to Gualla's palace, if it could be called that, because it will take about an hour to get there by foot and the meeting will start at 4:00 in the mourning. Taking the ship to the business sector would be recorded. Jack and Seth will follow and wait outside making sure our meeting goes uninterrupted. Jack will make sure that no messengers go out through the back of the palace and go to someone affiliated with the Republic. Seth will make sure that the front is secure. They will also help if things go downhill. Raze, Vanir, and Logan will stay on the ship and make sure it's ready to go if we have to leave in a hurry." He then turned off the holodisc, set it on the table, and said "If anyone needs me, I will be in the store room." Then he walked out of the common room.
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:31 PM
"2:30 in the morning eh?" Trando asked, "That is early, but it's up to you."
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