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The Dark Apprentice [Fan-Fiction]: Help name a vessel!

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 The Source
05-12-2006, 11:10 PM
The Dark Apprentice [Fan-Fiction]: Help name a vessel!
At the moment, I need to name two ships for the fan-fiction. However, I thought I would ask the public what they think would make a cool name for one of them.

The choices are in the poll.
 Jae Onasi
05-12-2006, 11:24 PM
I'm rather partial to anything medical, so Vertebrae was cool, though Megiddo is rather intriguing for something darker.
05-13-2006, 1:47 AM
Megiddo is the best, but it sounds to terran.

What kind of ships are they?
 The Source
05-13-2006, 7:30 AM
One of the ships I am looking to name is a small attack vessel. That is all I can give without spoiling the plot.
05-13-2006, 11:41 AM
Well...the big transport ships in the SW universe were all named after big birds. Millenium Falcon, Ebon Hawk...the smaller ones had names using some smaller birds. Raven's Claw, etc.

Since it's an one-man vessel, you could maybe use a small(er) bird to use in it's name.

From the list above, i find The 'Vertabrae' and The 'Megiddo' the coolest. The Redeemer will grant you some extra fans who have played Unreal though :xp:
05-13-2006, 12:08 PM
No offence, really, but I prefer the names with less of the coolness and glamour, because I don't feel that the fanfic field, no matter how great, will ever compare with the established Star Wars Universe.

So, I pick "Fallen Angle".
05-13-2006, 2:44 PM
How about some of these names:

The 'Renegade'
The 'Stygian'
The 'Diel'Tan'
The 'Wrath of Ragnos'
The 'Ragnarok'
The 'Valiant'
The 'Chaeron'
05-13-2006, 6:17 PM
Vertebrae, mainly because it would be funny hearing about a ship named after a bodypart. Captain, we're being hailed by the Arm Bender!

Edit: You misspelled it in the poll BTW, and it's also plural.
05-13-2006, 11:19 PM
Well I'd go with "Fallen Angel" or "Vertebrae" if it's a small ship, the others sound like names for a larger powerful ship.

If you pick some less used terms, medical descriptions could make for an interesting naming convention;)
 The Source
05-14-2006, 1:04 AM
Everyone's suggestions are helpful. Within a few days, I will descide on one from this thread. Several people have made some great points.

Thank you!
 Commander Obi-Wan
05-14-2006, 3:03 AM
"The Hand of Shan"

I like that on. ^
05-14-2006, 1:30 PM
Here are some more potential ship names from me:

For a smaller ship:
The 'Night Sparrow'
The 'Harpy's Eye'
The 'Sabretooth'
The 'Chimaera'

For a larger ship:
The 'Obliterator'
The 'Transference'
The 'Sur'Ytah'
The 'Judicator'
The 'Thanatos'
 The Source
05-14-2006, 6:04 PM
Here are some more potential ship names from me:

For a smaller ship:
The 'Night Sparrow'
The 'Harpy's Eye'
The 'Sabretooth'
The 'Chimaera'

For a larger ship:
The 'Obliterator'
The 'Transference'
The 'Sur'Ytah'
The 'Judicator'
The 'Tanathos'
Out of all the other ones, The 'Tanathos' is kind of interesting.
05-15-2006, 4:30 AM
Since the name Tanathos is so interesting to you, I'll give you a little info on it. If you hadn't already known, Tanathos was the God of Death in the Ancient Greek mythology. He was responsible for taking mortals who angered the Gods to the Underworld. Now, since we are all from different parts of the world, I can't be sure that the name will end with 'os' in every version (just in case you decide to look into this further) and that's why I'm not sure if the english version actually sounds the way I've spelled it. Someone who lives there could give you the word with the proper spelling (Hallucination, where are you? :)), in case I was wrong.
05-15-2006, 8:54 AM
Dark Apprentice has already been used in EU, in the Jude Watson series of books :)

but good luck on the fanfic anyway :)

 Cygnus Q'ol
05-15-2006, 10:03 AM
Dreadnous Dire

Kromen Fang

Ludonis' Lament

Archemax or Archemus Fire

Gaia's Promise or The Gaian Gale personal favorite.
05-15-2006, 11:56 AM
Since the name Tanathos is so interesting to you, I'll give you a little info on it. If you hadn't already known, Tanathos was the God of Death in the Ancient Greek mythology. He was responsible for taking mortals who angered the Gods to the Underworld. Now, since we are all from different parts of the world, I can't be sure that the name will end with 'os' in every version (just in case you decide to look into this further) and that's why I'm not sure if the english version actually sounds the way I've spelled it. Someone who lives there could give you the word with the proper spelling (Hallucination, where are you? :)), in case I was wrong.

A little bit of a problem, mate! The name is actually "Thanatos ("), not "Tanathos". I should get a copyright on these things... if only I could.

I knew about the mythology, but I felt more attracted to the word after I learnt it as an etymological prefix. I've planned on creating purely etymological names for future fanfics. Another planned name is "Quellan Espirit", which has European roots. I won't unveil the meaning yet. ;)
 The Source
05-15-2006, 1:02 PM
Dark Apprentice has already been used in EU, in the Jude Watson series of books :)

but good luck on the fanfic anyway :)

Several months after I developed the mod, I walked into a Barnes and Noble and saw the tittle. I was bummed out that the tittle was allready in use. As a Fan-Fiction and mod, I can use the tittle for the fun intention. If I were producing a book, I would get busted for infringing on the name. Since I am not making any profit on the tittile, I don't think there is any harm done. Worste case senerio, I will slightly change the name.
05-15-2006, 5:55 PM
A little bit of a problem, mate! The name is actually "Thanatos", not "Tanathos". I should get a copyright on these things... if only I could.

Thank's for correcting me. I wasn't sure which of those two versions is it, so I unfortunately wrote the wrong one. :)
 Cygnus Q'ol
05-16-2006, 10:51 AM
I suppose it would depend on your alignment.

If you are inherently dark, then you're more likely to engage with inquiries to force will upon ones who insult or instigate.

Most lightsiders would probably ignore or defer to a benign solution.
 Darth Manus
05-16-2006, 9:44 PM
Nidhogg, Gleipnir... If it was a larger ship, maybe Naglfar...
 Darth InSidious
05-17-2006, 3:56 PM
I voted for the Megiddo, but failing that, I have some ideas:

The Decade Sparrow
The Tantalus
The Coriolanus
The Clodius Pulcher
The Suicidal Insanity
The Appendectomy (sp?)
The Rotting Nightmare
The Untimely Demise
The Ra-Horakhty
The Hand Of Hord
The Arm Of Ragnos
The Might of Sadow
Kressh's Madness
The Merciful Victor
The Avenging Angel
The Glorious Victory
The Righteous Cause
The Invincible
The Xim the Despot
The Vandar Tokare
The Attaxerxes
The Odan-Urr
The Empress Teta
Pall's Blade
The Korriban Dawn
The Dantooine Sunset
The Manaan Midday
The Tarisian Vengeance

05-17-2006, 4:30 PM
Whoa that's one long list!

Here are some more from me:

For a smaller ship:
The 'Poacher'
The 'Nebula'
The 'Comet'
The 'Corellian Wasp' (or just the 'Wasp')
The 'Chameleon'

For a larger ship:
The 'Blue Dawn'
The 'Sepulcher'
The 'Northern Star'
The 'Behemoth'
The 'Fist of Fate'
 The Source
05-17-2006, 7:36 PM
Holy Snikes!

What a bloody list. Some of those names do sound cool!

I like:
The Korriban Dawn
The Dantooine Sunset
The Might of Sadow
Kromen Fang
The 'Tanathos'
The 'Chameleon'
The Avenging Angel
Dreadnous Dire
05-18-2006, 12:33 AM
Well, these kind of suck, but here it goes:

The Rancor's Claw
Dathomir's Shade
Gethzerion's Wrath

I'm reading The Courtship of Princess Leia right now, can you tell? :) lol...

a few others I like are:

The Chameleon
The Blue Dawn
The Sepulcher
05-18-2006, 5:03 AM
MacLeodCorp, it would be helpful if you told us what type of ship is the other one, until then I'm just guessing it's a larger ship - a destroyer, or something.

So here's a few more:

Smaller ship:
The 'Stalker'
The 'Mosquito'
The 'Icarus'

Larger ship:
The 'Prometheus'
The 'Supernova'
The 'Transgression'
 Darth InSidious
05-18-2006, 5:55 AM
Glad to be of help :)
05-19-2006, 4:38 PM
MacLeodCorp, you'll tell us when you choose the names, right?
 The Source
05-21-2006, 2:15 PM
The Small Ship: The Megiddo
(Armagedon for those who don't know.)

I thought the Megiddo will give the smaller ship a stregnth.

The Bigger Ship: Undecided
(There are several great names in this thread. I am looking at a Sith War Vessel, and I want to find something strong. Something that will drive fear.)

I am still looking at:
The Korriban Dawn
The Dantooine Sunset
The Might of Sadow
Kromen Fang
The 'Tanathos'
The 'Chameleon'
The Avenging Angel
Dreadnous Dire
05-21-2006, 2:30 PM
OK, then, Sith Warship:

The Unraveller
The Hephestus (I hope I spelled this one right)
The Eternal Darkness
The Might of Hord
The Blade of Trayus
The Dark Rebirth
 Darth InSidious
05-24-2006, 4:52 PM
The Hand Of Pall?
The Hellspawn?
The Pillager?
The Exterminator?
05-24-2006, 5:04 PM
More suggestions:

The Red Sword
The Bludgeoner
The Curse of Malachor
The Beast of Trayus
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