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[FIC] The Second Coming Of Evil

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 Diego Varen
01-24-2007, 11:58 AM
It is up to you Mr_BFA. This is your Fanfic and do what you think is best.
 Darth Randus
01-24-2007, 1:04 PM
I agree with Pottsie... Its your story, and its your decision. I personally would not mind it either way.
01-25-2007, 12:05 AM
OK, Well im going to change the fact of Atrox being his brother, but the next update wont be for a while, because, im moving! :D:D:D ... And not just to another city mind you, i meant to a whole new state altogether! :D:D:D ... but one sad part to it, there will be no internet, so i will have to wait till i go to a net cafe to post the chapter. And worse yet, there will be no computer at all! So thats my main motication to get a job as soon as possible.

Well, im off on my trip tomorrow so i wont be on for a while, so fair well! until next time :D (probably in a month or so, with another 2 chapters, and edited version on chapter 19.

EDIT: sorry for mis-spelling, typed really extremely bullet paced fastness.
And @Pottsie: Congrats to 4000th post! :D
01-25-2007, 12:11 AM
OK, Well im going to change the fact of Atrox being his brother, but the next update wont be for a while, because, im moving! :D:D:D ... And not just to another city mind you, i meant to a whole new state altogether! :D:D:D ... but one sad part to it, there will be no internet, so i will have to wait till i go to a net cafe to post the chapter. And worse yet, there will be no computer at all! So thats my main motication to get a job as soon as possible.

Well, im off on my trip tomorrow so i wont be on for a while, so fair well! until next time :D (probably in a month or so, with another 2 chapters, and edited version on chapter 19.

EDIT: sorry for mis-spelling, typed really extremely bullet paced fastness.
And @Pottsie: Congrats to 4000th post! :D

Sorry to see that you're moving, and won't be in contact for some time. Where you're going, have fun and good luck. And also, sorry I havn't commented on your fiction. I'm not all the way done with reading it. But so far it's awesome, so I look forward for your return.

Good luck.
 Diego Varen
01-25-2007, 1:19 AM
Thanks Mr_BFA. I hope moving is alright for you and I'm looking foward to seeing you online again soon.
02-07-2007, 3:02 AM
Hey all, i've edited that last bit of chapter 19. But sorry, no other chapters yet. Should have some up in the next couple of days, if i can get around to writing some. I'm back at my old place for a while, it just didnt work out where i was at the current time (absolutely no jobs were available everywhere i looked).
So, ill be on more often.

Anyway, the story should be getting more interesting soon. I just wish Revan and Atrox will hurry up and finish the fight thats all, lol.
02-09-2007, 1:03 AM

Bastila screamed in agony. Acolytes were surrounded her as they slowly seared her flesh with the tip of their lightsabers.

“Enough!” came Jonas’ voice; the acolytes stood back and deactivated their sabers, “Perhaps, now you will cooperate?” he said, walking right up to Bastila’s face.

“You can do what you will, Sith,” she said stubbornly, “I will not turn.”

“Now, now, don’t be like that,” smiled Jonas, “You were one of us once, were you not? You have felt the power that can be unlocked when he touch the dark side, the urge licking at your insides to grasp that power and unleash it! Why do you deny that urge?”

“Because, it’s not the way!” said Bastila, sweat pouring down her face.
“Pity,” replied Jonas, “We could have used a warrior like you.” He walked to his acolytes and said loud enough so Bastila could hear, “She is no use to us, kill her!”

A deep sickening feeling filled the pit of Bastila’s stomach; she did not want to die, but nor did she want to turn to the Dark Side. “Wait,” she said; Jonas stopped and looked back around to face her, a sneer on his face, “Yes?” he asked

“I do not want to die,” she said, “But I stand by what I said, I will not turn to the Dark Side, but I may have some information what may be of some use to you.” Jonas raised an eyebrow, “And, that would be?”

“There is someone here, on this planet, more powerful than you, more powerful than any of us. And with only his power, he could destroy all life on this planet with just a flick of his hand if he wanted to,”

“And why hasn’t he done that?” Jonas mocked

“Because,” replied Bastila, “He wants you!”

* * *

Revan felt Bastila’s pain for just a second before she blocked him out. He did not know what was happening to her, but he didn’t like it; he had to finish this now.

“During all of this fight,” he said, looking Atrox in the eye, “We have grown more weary. You have had losses because of me, I admit that, but I also admit I have not renounced my old ways, and I have done things to make up for what I have done and although you have more power than me-,” he kicked Atrox’s legs out from under him and he fell to the ground, “- you have forgotten one thing.”

“And what is that?” spat Atrox

Revan smiled, “I’m the ‘Saviour of the Galaxy’.” And with that, Revan brought his saber down and cleaved the Sith’s head straight off with a clean cut; leaving a surprised and angry expression on the face as the head rolled away. Revan let out a long sigh of relief and switched his saber off.

He felt Nom walk up behind him and turned to face the young man, “Are you alright?” he asked Revan

“Im fine,” assured Revan, “It has just been a long while since I had had an intense fight such as that. He was extremely powerful.”

“Listen, Revan,” said Nom, “Whilst you were fighting, I felt, well … Bastila -,” Revan held up his hand to stop Nom, “I know, I felt it too,” He replied, “There isn’t much time, I would go now if I could, but I feel like I would not even get passed the front door im so exhausted!” Nom smiled, “It will be alright,” he said, letting Revan lean on him for support, “We will get her back, I promise.”

“Its funny,” said Revan; Nom looked at him questioningly, “I should be giving you this advice, not the other way around. She was more of your master than me.” He explained, as they entered the Ebon Hawk and Revan went to lie down in the Medical room.

* * *

Whilst Revan was sleeping, the rest of the crew were sitting outside of the ship. The sun had set and the white orb had risen to hang in the black sky.

“… I dunno,’ said Atton, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“You always have a bad feeling about something,” said Mira

“Yeah, and that must mean, im always right, because whenever I have I have a bad feeling about something, I’m right about something aren’t I?”

“Shut up,” exasperated Mira, “Isn’t it time for you to get some rest?”

“Playing the motherly role now are you?” he sneered

“Both of you,” said Carth, “Cut it out! Seriously, you both act like your bloody married or something.” Atton and Mira smirked.

“Revan!” said Nom suddenly. The others turned to look at the boarding ramp and Revan was in fact standing there, an expression on his face that none of his companions could tell what it was.
He walked down and went to the edge of the cliff and just stood there, gazing into the deepening depths of the trees and into the distance. Even though it was too dark to see the temple where his lover was being tortured, he knew exactly where it was.
Carth looked at the others and seeing all their blank faces he said, “I’ll go talk to him.”

He got up and walked over to Revan, and placing a hand on hs shoulder he asked, “How are you feeling, Rev?”

“The love of my life is being tortured as we speak, how do you think I feel?”

“Let me re-phrase that,” said Carth, uncomfortably, “What do you plan to do to get her back?”

“Easy,” Revan replied, “Walk in there, find her and cut down everyone who gets in my path.”
Carth nodded with a small smile, “I like it. Simple, easy to remember.”
Revan released a shout of anger and dropped down to sit on a large boulder. After a few silent minutes, without looking up, Revan said, “Are our sins, ever forgiven?”

Carth continued to look at him intently, “I’ve never tried.” He said
Revan looked up, “You mean … hmm … never tried,” he got up and looked out to the distance again. He nodded his head, apparently finally deciding about something, looked to Carth and said, “Well, im going to try.” And with that, he jumped down from the cliff and landed to the soft forest floor below.

Very, very short chapter here. Mainly because its building towards a longer chapter for the next one i put up. I also put in a quote from a very awesome film if any of you can find it. Just remember, there is no prize to whoever finds it lol.
 Diego Varen
02-09-2007, 1:25 AM
Another good Chapter Mr_BFA. I like build-up to some Chapters and this does it well. I wonder what Jonas will do to Bastila. Looking foward to more and I'm not sure where the quote is from.
02-09-2007, 1:39 AM
Thanks Pottsie ... uhh, i mean .. Topsite ... (That really got me the first time i seen it lol, i didn't know who it was until i looked at the post count and re-arranged the letters)

So yeah, the next chapter will be longer. Not long to go now, (I think) till the ending, what that will consist of ... hell, that's something what i would like to know as well!
 Bee Hoon
02-10-2007, 2:56 AM
Poor Bastila! She keeps getting captured and tortured by the Sith! Just want some clarification fi you don't mind... What do you mean when Carth says "I've never tried" in response to Revan asking whether sins are ever forgiven?
02-13-2007, 6:59 AM
Well, Beehoon. I find to think of Carth as a hard willed, thick skinned kind of guy, who holds everything to himself. Let's hardly any emotion out into the open willingly, and hardly wants to admit that he's wrong, or done something that he should not have had.

I'll start with Revan firstly (it will help explain the answer to your question, hopefully, lol).
He thinks, (in my point of view) that, whatever he does, he will never be able to make up for anything that he has done in the past, no matter how much he wants to. But he feels that he can at least do what ever he can to the people around him, so he will never fall, again.

Now, for Carth. For the things what he has done in the past, he thinks that he does not need to try and undo any of them, hence why, he's never tried in making his sins forgiven. (For example: wanting to get revenge on Saul Karath).

Anyway, thats my opinion and view on the question and i hope that that will clear it up for you :D
02-13-2007, 10:07 AM

Yay! Its finally official, this story is past the 100 page mark on 102 pages on microsoft word! W0ot!!!!!! hmm ... anyways, now that ive got that out of my system, lets get back to the story, shall we? ;) lol

Carefully, Silently, Revan pressed on through the night until the large temple came back into view. The darkness surrounding it was even more pressing then that of the night sky. Accentuating the power of what it held within. As he looked high above, with the Force as his aide, he could make out the sentries posted along the walls and high turrets.

“This is going to be more easy than what I thought.” Said Revan to himself, smiling.

Knowing that he could not possibly make it into the temple via the great oak front doors, he gathered pressure underneath his feet and launched himself up high, the wind rushing through his hair and cloak as he went. He landed on a small pass-way between two turrets and slowly walked into the turret on his left.
No light could be seen as he walked down the case of swirling stairs, he walked carefully as not to take a wrong step.

As he descended, the staircase became brighter and he started to hear voices. Slowly he crept his way down until the stairs stopped and there was a long hallway and several doors branching from either end. As he got to the first doorway he heard the voices cease, suddenly.

“What was that?” asked one of them

“Not sure, but I don’t like the sound of it!” replied the other, “You should go check it out.”

“Me!” said the other, “Why me?” On and on the bickered, and Revan thought to himself, ‘Jeeze, sounds like something out of a bad hologame’

Walking in the room and watching the guards whip around in surprise, Revan smiled and said, “Hey fella’s,” and with a flick of his wrist, he sent the two guards flying in both directions and slamming hard on the wall. He walked back out of the room and down the hallway, encountering guards in the different room as he went; but fortunately he was able to continue forward unnoticed.
He reached out in the Force and felt Bastila’s presence, but to his horror, it was only a faint whisper. Pinpointing the precise location of where she was situated, Revan ran to the end of the hall and sped up through another set of staircase. He came to the main Atrium and gazed about; there was no one what so ever. Knowing that he had no time to answer such riddles, he ran down a flight of stairs and into a room on his left. Following the hallway, back down to the lower levels, where he was, Revan fled down the stairs and stopped only until he was waiting as the turbo lift jolted to a stop and the doors opened.

* * *

“We should have gone with him,” said Nom, as he spoke to Carth. They were sitting at the cliff, staring at the dark speck at which was the temple, where Bastila and now Revan were, “He will need our help, he cannot fight this on his own.”

“No,” said Carth, “He can, and he will. It’s his fight now, we cannot intervene.”

“I still don’t like it,” replied Nom, “I came to get all of you, but for what?”

“Maybe,” said Carth, “Revan knew that we needed to be here for a certain reason. But whatever that reason is, it’s got me.”
Nom looked to the ground and he gathered the Force to levitate a stone and threw it over the cliffs edge.
“What do you call this planet?” asked Carth suddenly

“Alzuria.” He replied

“What does it mean?”

Nom thought for a moment, “Well, ive never really thought of that before. Long ago, when the first settlers came to this planet, they had their own language and strange powers. They called it Alzuria, and the best of what I can think of (because I’ve looked at old scripts written in this Ancient language) is that: Alzur means Destiny and Ria, means land. But when I think about it, I must be going wrong somewhere because I don’t think they would have called it, ‘Destiny land’,” he scoffed at his own joke, “The sentence structure must be different then ive concluded, because it cannot just be those two words.”

“Land of Destiny?” suggested Carth.

“I think you may be right,” said Nom

Nom looked over his shoulder to see what the others were doing and gasped, Carth spun around and looked at what had caught Nom’s gaze. “Carth,” said Nom, “The reason as to why we are here … I think, it just presented itself.”

* * *

Revan looked over to the far corner of the room and spotted Bastila in the same Force cage what he himself was in. He ran over to the controls, deactivated it and sped over to her, taking her hand in his.

“Bastila, my love,” he said, “What have they done to you?”

Her eyelids started to flutter and she slowly opened them. She whispered his name and he leant in closer to hear what she was saying.

“Revan … “ she whispered, each word more difficult to say aloud than the last “Why did you come back? I thought … its … Revan … it’s a trap!”

Before Revan could ask her what she meant, he heard laughter behind him. Turning around, he saw two Sith Lords standing by the entrance of the turbo lift.

“Trapped again, Revan.” The one on the left said, as he produced his reddish saber; the other Sith Lord followed in suite.

“We’ll see,” said Revan, igniting his own blue blade, walking to the centre of the room, “Was it you who did that to her?” he asked as he pointed to the deep scars on Bastila’s face and arms.

The Sith smiled, “Why, yes,” he said, “Yes, it was.”

“Your first mistake.” Replied Revan

“Oh?” asked the Sith, raising an eyebrow

“Yup,” said Revan, “And your second mistake was in thinking that I would not be able to get passed you.”

“I doubt that,” said the Sith as he lunged through the air towards Revan. Bringing his lightsaber upwards, he was able to sear the front of the sith’s uniform and burn the skin underneath. With a grunt of pain the sith sped around for another attack; Revan dodged the oncoming swirl of the saber and brought his own lightsaber downwards, searing the clothing, skin, and muscle tissue in his arm, cutting through the bone and slicing the sith’s arm off completely, before lunging the blade through his back.

“What!” yelled the Sith, apparently shocked by his partners death.

Revan walked forward, lifted his saber high above his head and with all the strength he could muster, he brought it down onto the Sith’s saber. Sliding his blade down, Revan sliced his opponents hilt in half, producing hisses and sparks flying from it. He gathered the Force into the palm of his hand and pushed the sith back into the turbo lift doors as hard as he could; Revan heard the bones of his spine snap against the door.

He rushed back over to Bastila and lifted her up from the bench. Lifting her arm up and around his shoulders, he let her lean all her weight against his, and they struggled to the door and ascended to the higher levels. When the turbo lift opened back up to reveal the hallway; Revan noticed that it was still empty. But he wasn’t sure now, because of the cloaking devices which the Sith lords downstairs had wore. He now cursed himself for not thinking to grab them before the entered the turbo lift.
Slowly they walked up the stairs seeing that the Atrium was empty once again, the descended the stairs and headed towards the front doors; Clapping filled the room bouncing off the walls and echoing ten times louder than what it would have been if it was outside.

“Well done, Revan!” said Jonas as he descended from a flight of stairs to their left, “Well done, indeed! I never would have thought that you would have gotten this far.”

“I’m unpredictable.” Replied Revan, as he softly lowered Bastila to the ground.

“That you are,” laughed Jonas, “And you will find,” he said, “That I am too!” he said as used the Force to pull Bastila towards him. Revan quickly grabbed his lightsaber and ran towards Jonas, “Ah,” said Jonas, and he put Revan into a full body stasis. Lifting Bastila up from the ground by the scruff of her neck, he said, “She is beautiful, isn’t she?” caressing her face with his hand.

He unhitched his lightsaber from his belt and said, “It is a pity.”

It happened in a flash of bright red light; Jonas produced the blade of his saber and lunged it through Bastilla like a hot knife through butter. Her scream echoed through Revan’s ears as he watched, horrified at his own helplessness at his lover’s pain. Jonas deactivated his saber and threw Bastila’s body towards Revan.

“Sorry, Rev,” he said with a hint of a smile, “But it had to be done.”
He let Revan free of the Stasis, and watched as Revan fell to his knees and went to Bastila’s body. Feeling the small warmth there was dwindling away from her face; he tried to pour his strength into her, but she would not let him, she had blocked him out completely.

“Bastila, no,” he whispered, “I should have been able to help you, I should have been able to save you!”

She slowly opened her eyes, and whispered, “You did save me.” Then her eyes closed and her breathing ceased as her hand fell limp to the ground, as she let go of her one last breath of life.

Holding back whatever emotions were fighting to break out and escape him, he softly place her head down on the cold stone floor and stood up with his back to Jonas.

“As I said, Rev,” said Jonas, “It had to be done.”

Revan unhitched the hilt from his belt, “Indeed,” he said, “And so … was this!” he yelled, as he gather the Force underneath his feet and propelled himself backwards through the air and landing right in front of Jonas.

The fight what followed was one of the greatest fights in the known history of that planet. Their strokes of the saber created waves of pure energy what erupted into ferocious storms of intense heat and power. Their feet hardly touching the ground and their eyes never leaving the gaze of the other.

“You have taken away from me, my whole life,” Revan, as he parried an attack from Jonas, “My whole future and my one reason for not giving up on this galaxy.”

“You have just learnt the truth of life, Revan,” replied Jonas, “No matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we strive to succeed: we all die, bitter and alone, with no one to guide us and no one to comfort us. That’s why learning power is the true meaning of life, so one can learn to not fear the necessity of death, but for death to fear the necessity to keep on living. Not being able to take your life away until you see fit!”

“You are blinded Jonas,” said Revan, “And if you cannot see for yourself, the destruction what you have caused, the importance of all the lives you have taken, then I must show you the true meaning of being a Jedi!”

Revan elbowed Jonas in the jaw, brought his fist to slam against his stomach and brought his forehead to clash against the tip of Jonas’ nose. With blood protruding from his nose and his jaw throbbing, Jonas fell back and landed on the stone floor; Revan brought the very edge of his saber to Jonas’ throat.

“Revan,” said Jonas, “Do you know what will come about if you are to kill me?” Revan looked into Jonas’s black eyes and saw, for a second, a glimmer of some kind … but it was gone not even a moment later.”

“What would that be, Jonas?” said Revan

Jonas looked back into Revan’s stare and said with a smile on his face, “It would be the death of the Republic.”
 Diego Varen
02-13-2007, 10:53 AM
Yes, a duel with Revan and Jonas. I'm looking foward to more Mr_BFA and I like it. Congrats on getting over one hundred pages on Word.
02-15-2007, 4:55 AM

“What do you mean, Jonas?” asked Revan, keeping the flaming tip of pulsating energy and light directed at Jonas’ throat.

“You always were a soft one, Rev,” replied Jonas, laughing softly, “If you let me get up, I will tell you.”

“You know I won’t do that.” Said Revan

“Fine,” spat Jonas, “If you kill me, you will have no hope in defeating the fate of the Republic. Trying to cheat death, is such a folly thing, and that’s what you will be doing if you end my life here and now,”
“I was ordered to try and kill you Revan, it was not my decision. This being, has greater power than any foe the Republic has ever faced. Allowing that to live is something we cannot do! Do you want to leave the republic no chance of survival?”

“And if I let you live, the threat can be destroyed. Is that it?”

“Mostly, yes,” said Jonas, “Because, by yourself you are a worthy advisary, don’t get me wrong, but if you face this evil you will die, along with everybody you have ever cared for or loved. Together is the only way we can destroy this threat!”

“You have killed the only person I have ever truly loved,” said Revan angrily, “And you expect me to trust you?”

“I did not expect so, no,” replied Jonas, shaking his head, “But you must understand, to let her live would not have been wise. She is powerful, in not only the Force, but in the inner energy of her self. She would have turned your will against you, and that would have been the end for sure.”

“Nothing what you say will take back for what you have done.” Whispered Revan

“Fine,” said Jonas, “But if you wont trust me about it not being right in me killing her, then believe me in this: If I had not killed her, you would have.”

“I would never harm her,” said Revan, “I could never be able to comprehend at what I would have become if I had killed Bastilla.”

“Ah, you see, you have Revan,” sneered Jonas, “You have killed her!”

“Reverse psychology?” laughed Revan, letting the tip of his saber gingerly touch the skin of Jonas’ throat.

“Tell me, if you did not send Nom to retrieve your companions, would Bastila still be alive?” said Jonas, as he frowned in displeasure at the burning tip searing his skin.

This comment hit Revan like an explosion being set in his chest; Jonas was right.

“You see that I speak the truth, Revan.’ Sneered Jonas

“No,” said Revan, miserably, “It’s not true, it can’t be. I wouldn’t … I couldn’t … “ He walked back and fell to the ground next to the limp form that was Bastila. Jonas got up and brushed the dirt from his robes; he retrieved his lightsaber and hitched it to his belt.

“Use this anger Revan, for it is the only way to destroy this threat. If you do not then there is no hope for survival, you know this.”

“No,” said Revan, “I will not fall, not now, nor ever again. I swore an oath, an oath that I still hold to.”

“How touching,” said Jonas, “Now, are you in or out? For if you are, only after killing this threat we can finish this little talk with our lightsabers if you wish. But it must wait until then.”

“I will not kill you … yet,” replied Revan, “But when the time comes, I will not hesitate in directing the final blow to end your life, Jonas. You will pay for Bastila’s death, I swear my own life on it.”

“Then let it be done!” declared Jonas, “We will fight side by side once again, but who shall survive by the end of the battle to come, only time will tell.”

* * *

“Nom, behind you!” yelled Carth, as he fought off two Sith soldiers.

The trap had been set, and they had fell for it. Nom had already concluded that the Sith allowed them to escape, only to catch and kill them later. Whilst Nom and Carth had been talking, a patrol of Sith, ambushed them. Nom quickly counted them to be at least around sixty when he first saw them and after an hour of fighting, there was at least half of that now. Amazingly none of the companions had fallen; however, Atton was nursing a blood nose and possibly a broken wrist, but he was able to fight well enough. Mira had taken a fairly hard knock to the head, but had recovered with only a slight dizziness, Visas, Jolee, Carth, Mission, and Nom fought without fault. With the help of Zaalbar, Mission was able to hide behind him whilst shooting off flurries of laser bolts.
If he thought training with Bastila was difficult, he really had no idea. Proper battling was more exhausting than what he ever though possible. Even though he used the Force to keep him energized, it had taken a lot out of him.

All of a sudden, there was an extreme ear splitting roar and the trees to his left shook and trembled with force before being pulled out from the roots and thrown out of the way. Ten extremely large, hungry and annoyed looking Terentaks were glaring mildly at them all; it seemed that the battle had woken them up, and they weren’t happy about that at all. Like a tidal wave of horns and teeth, they ripped through the line of soldiers, separating limbs from bodies and throwing them over their heads and down the sheer cliff. Screams echoed all around them as the companions watched at they’re newly found luck, but they were taking out of the hopefulness when none of the sith remained and the Terentaks turned to them.

“Ah, Carth?” said Nom, “What do we do know?”

“What we usually do,” said Carth irritably, “Fight until the last Terentak falls. And hope we don’t die in the process.”

“Well, thanks for the comfort.” Mocked Nom.

The Terentaks charged forward and Nom looked about him, trying to find ways to take the beasts off guard. He noticed an upturned tree, he used the Force and directed it at the Terentaks as hard and accurate as possible. Knocking four of them over, he leapt up in the air, ignited his lightsaber and ran across their stomachs, slashing through and across as he went.

Blaster bolts were fired in all directions, some hitting the Terentaks, others nearly hitting Nom, causing him to leap to the side on top of the Hawk.

“Watch it!” he yelled

“Sorry!” came back several replies (including a roar from Zaalbar)

Different coloured lightsabers were ignited; Nom flew off the ship and imprinted a picture of his foot onto the side of one of the beast’s head. Making him fall to the side knocking over three others. Visas, Jolee, Atton and Nom all jumped up on top of one and dug the sabers into each of the beast’s chests. A scream was heard and Nom saw Mission cowering as two Terentaks were taking swipes at her, without thinking he leapt off the dead Terentak and ran over. Sliding across the blood covered grass, he sliced both the inner legs of the two monsters, making them fall to the ground, Atton hurried over and he and Nom both lunged their sabers into the side of the beasts thick heads.

The last Terentak was standing over next to the cliff; Nom looked over, saw the beast and lazily flicked his hand and sent the Terentak over the edge, roaring until it hit the floor hundreds of meters below.
Suddenly, even though they had won that battle, Nom fell to his knees, panting and grasped at his heart. It was not from exhaustion, but from an almighty sorry of something terrible just happened. They all ran over and stood around him.

“What’s wrong, Nom?” asked Carth

“Bastila,” he gasped, “She’s … gone!”

“So it is done,” whispered Visas, behind them all.

“What do you mean, ‘gone’?” asked Carth fearfully, but he knew what he meant even before he finished the question.

“Dead,” whispered Nom, “Jonas, he killed her, just now. I felt it like he actually pierced my own heart with his blade.”

“No, I don’t believe it.” Said Carth

“I have to get there,” said Nom, “I know Revan said to stay here Carth,” he said as Carth went to interrupt him, “But that has changed now, besides, do you always do what your told?”
When Carth stayed silent, Nom said, “Thought so. Now, whoever wants to come, im not stopping you, but we will not rest until we get to that temple!”

With that, he took off and flew over the cliff, and when hitting the forest floor, next to the dead Terentak, he took off into the night.

* * *

As the great front doors opened, they revealed the barrier of thick trees and a great purplish sky above, with specks of red and yellow flashing across it. Silent and still was the air as it and the sky recognised the feeling of death and produced the colours to remember who ever had passed.
Jonas and Revan (who carried Bastila) walked down the front steps and onto the damp dewy grass below.

Revan was alerted by a presence suddenly bursting out of the trees but he was relieved to see it was Nom.

“You bas-!” yelled Nom as he lunged himself at Jonas, forgetting about everything else.

“Nom, stop,” whispered Revan, “There will be a time for that, but it is not now.’

“What? How can you say that! Look what he did!” yelled Nom.

“He will pay for what he has done, but not by you.” Said Revan.

“He may be willing enough to give you a second chance, but I wont be,” threatened Nom, not taking his eyes away from The Exile. Jonas just smirked.

“It’s Nom, isn’t it?” he said, “Why do you care for such things, you have such a power, you could do anything, yet you choose to stay and take the teachings from two masters, which one of whom is dead. Why?”

“To learn to use the Force so to be able to destroy beings such as yourself!” spat Nom
“Hmm,” replied Jonas, “With my teachings, I could show you powers that even the great Revan does not know, does that not interest you?”

“No, it does not.” Nom replied

“Your choice,” said Jonas. His attention however was directed to beyond the trees as the rest of the company emerged through the foliage.

Revan explained the whole situation to them and reluctantly they moved out of the way to let Jonas pass.

“I don’t like this,” said Carth as he walked next to Nom at the back of the group.

“Join the club,” replied Nom, bitterly, “But we have no choice but to trust that Revan knows what he is doing.”

They got back to the ship, and they entered into the main hold. Revan went and laid Bastila’s body down on the bed in the Port Dormitory. When he got back to the main hold he noticed every set of eyes were upon him.

Before they asked he said, “I’m heading to Coruscant to bury Bastila in the tomb of the Jedi Temple. Whomever wishes to come are able to. But I will not be doing anything else until this is done.” He said that last part mainly to Jonas.

Without saying another word, he walked into the cockpit, entered the specific co-ordinates and after a second when the stars lined before them and everything came to a stand still; they were launched into the slipstream tunnel and into Hyperspace. Heading to do one of the things, Revan thought that he would never have to do.

* * *

That night, no dreams were occurring where they were not interrupted by feelings and images of things that needed not disrupting.

Darkness surrounded Nom, light grey fog swirled around him. Stars started to shine brightly above him, and wind caressed his face. He felt grass between the toes of his bare feet, and the cool air soothed his thoughts and mind. Softly a voice spoke in his ear:

“Hello, Nom,” it said.
“Bastila?” he asked, and he was startled as a ghostly form of Bastila formed in front of him; she smiled at him.

“My time of being your master is over,” she said, “But do not stray from the path what you have started to walk. Listen and trust in Revan’s words, he will lead you from now on.”

“But Master,” said Nom, “Jonas joins us on the Ebon Hawk, Revan and Jonas are talking right now, just after what he had done to you!”

“I did not see this,” she said, more to herself, “Listen Nom, beware of Jonas, he is dangerous and will stop at nothing until everything is under his control.”

“I will make sure that never happens.” Assured Nom.

Bastila smiled, “I’m sure you will. Continue your training Nom, for very soon there will come a time, where you will have to make a choice. This choice could prove either deadly or hopeful for the republic. Trust in your feelings and you will make the right one,”

“But what if I don’t, Master? What if I fail?” he asked, miserably, “I cannot do this alone.”

“You will not be alone, you are surrounded by the most thoughtful and nice companions in the galaxy. Excluding Jonas of course.” She added, smiling.

“Yes, Master.” Replied Nom, “Thank you.”

“One more thing Nom,” said Bastila, “Tell Revan … Tell him that I do not hate him in any way for he has not done anything wrong. Tell him, I love him because he came for me, and that’s all that matters. And make sure to let him know, to take my body to Dantooine, I prefer the scenery of that planet much more than that of Coruscant.”

Nom smiled, “It will be done, Master”

“Oh, and Nom,” she said, “Call me Bastila, for I am not your Master anymore.” Nom laughed, “Sorry, Master … I mean, Bastila,”

“Now awake Nom, for your Destiny is about to begin.”
“Wait Master! Will I ever talk to you again?” Nom asked, but Bastila’s form was gone. But just before he woke up, he heard her soft voice in his ear say, “You may just yet Nom, you may just yet.”
 Diego Varen
02-15-2007, 5:21 AM
I really liked this Chapter Mr_BFA. The talk between Revan and Jonas was done really good and I've always like the Exile, light or dark, male or female. Revan I can only really like as a male, but I don't mind some female versions. Anyway another good Chapter and looking foward to more, but I sense that this Fic is coming to an end, but I could be wrong.
02-15-2007, 7:21 AM
Thanks, Topsite. I always like to choose the Exile's side of things, even if he/she is DS. I'm the same, i prefer the Exile than to Revan.

I don't like to think that this Fic is coming to an end, because ive enjoyed writing it very much. But i think, (if i don't set it out in parts that is) that this story, has a little bit more to go yet. :)
02-24-2007, 7:04 AM

“She came to you in a dream?” asked Revan, curiously. Nom had just told him about the dream he had had.

“Yes,” he replied, “And she told me some things, that you need to know,” So Nom explained to Revan all about her feelings toward him and her death, the place where she wants to be rested, and about the choice she said that he will have to make, “I just don’t get it though, what choice am I to make? What will become of it? Its just all too confusing.”

“Patience is a Jedi’s most valuable aspect, Nom,” said Revan, “If you have patience, then the situation will reveal itself to you, when you are ready to hear and see it.”

“I know master,” replied Nom, “But it is just so frustrating! I’m not meant for great things. There’s no great power or wisdom inside of me, its just emptiness.”

“You doubt my judgement?” asked Revan

“No,” said Nom, quickly, “Of course not.”

“Then take heed in what I say Nom,” said Revan, “There is a great power inside of you. You just have to realise that and take the responsibility what the Force has granted you. Bastila sensed it and I sense it also.”

“I will do what must be done.” Said Nom, lowering his head.

“Come,” said Revan, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Now is not the time to discuss such things. Besides, I have to go tell Carth that were changing course.” He smiled, turned around and made his way into the cockpit.

“So, wait just a second!” Revan heard Atton say as he neared the entrance to the cockpit, “You’re telling me, that you cut the engines when in a space battle?”

“Trust me,” replied Carth, as Revan got leant against the entrance, “When you’re in a space battle and you have Revan at the turrets, you want to give him a clear shot. The Sith make just one pass, and there you have. Space dust.”

“Your just a big old softy,” said Atton, “That’s what you are. You just can’t handle flying hard anymore.”

Before Carth could reply, Revan asked, “Am I interrupting anything?”

“No,” they both said at the same time. They shot dangerous glares at each other.

“I swear, that you two are like a couple of immature younglings.” Mocked Revan.

“With this one here,” said Carth irritably, shooting Atton another frown, “It’s easy to forget you have other important things to do with all of the idiocy what’s flying around.”

“Least I don’t smell like a rancor’s lair.” Muttered Atton

“That’s enough!” said Revan, as Carth was about to retort, “Nom just told me very interesting,” and he told them about the dream, “So, we’re heading to Dantooine. Enter the new co-ordinates and let’s go!”

“Yes, captain!” they both said, then looked at each other again, “Hey!”

Revan, just walked away, shaking his head, “It’s gonna be a long trip.”

Walking into the med bay, he sat down next to the box that was Bastila. Before they had left Azuria, Nom and Carth walked into the forest to a place where the Iliath trees grew. The bright brown-green bark what grew upon these trees was remarkably strong, it could even withstand a laser blast. Through slow and hard labour, they were able to carve a traditional coffin for Bastila. They placed her in the med bay; they thought it unfit to place her in the cargo hold like a piece of equipment.

He lifted off the lid and stared down at her peaceful face. Not moving, no more smiles, no more laughter. It felt like he had lost not only her, but also a piece of his very soul.
He placed his hand on her cold cheek, and felt a soft brush against his mind. Concentrating, he tried to locate the touch what he just felt, but it was gone. Letting out a deep, unsteadied breath, he placed the lid back on top and slowly, each step feeling more burdened than the last, he walked out of the room.

“Are you OK, Master?” asked Nom. He was sitting down at a small table that was located next to the storage room. Revan took a seat next to him.

“Have you ever felt loss, Nom?” asked Revan, “Have you had anyone that you have loved most dearly and had them taken away from you on an instant?”

“You cannot miss what you have never had.” Replied Nom

“I guess your right,” Revan sighed, then let out a small laugh, “Your the apprentice and im the teacher, and yet I feel that im learning more from you than you from I.”

“Hey guess what,” said Nom suddenly, “I completely forgot with everything that has happened, what time of the year it was. It’s my birthday.”

“Really?” said Revan, “Well, happy birthday. How old are you?”

“Well, back on Azuria, the leaves would have fallen for the thirteenth time.” Replied Nom, and when Revan just looked at him dumbfounded, he added, “Eighteen,”

“Ah, a coming of age party! I like the sound of It.” Said Revan

“I don’t want a party,” said Nom, “Not now anyway. It can wait.”

“Yes, and it should.” Said Revan, looking towards the med bay door.

“Don’t tell anyone that it is my birthday, please.” Said Nom

“Why not?” asked Revan

“Because,” said Nom, “then everybody will be feeling different than what they should. Bastila is gone and we shouldn’t ignore that.”

“No we shouldn’t, and nor would we,” Said Revan, “Birthdays are a time for celebration Nom. The beginning of a life is not something to be thrown aside.”

“Nor should the ending of one.” Said Nom, evasively.

“Bastila would not want us to dwell on what has happened, we can keep and honour her memory and that’s the best we can do.”
Suddenly Revan realized that he was not only just talking to Nom, but to himself as well.

* * *

“We’re coming up on Dantooine,” yelled out Atton

“Finally,” said Revan, and through a whisper he said to Nom, “And finally it sounds like those two have stopped argue-,”

“I thought we decided that I would take off, and announced when we arrived somewhere, and you would fly the ship whilst we were flying around the planet we are at and whilst in orbit! I am the Admiral of the Republic Fleet, it is not the other way around!”

“Carth, Atton, cut it out!” said Revan, “talk about bloody annoying!” Nom just smiled as they descended the boarding ramp and onto the grass plain of Dantooine.

Early morning was just awakening as they stepped onto the grass. The faint smell of dew and pine reached Nom’s nostrils and he took a long refreshing breath. The sun was shining her face through spots of purplish sky through a group of heavy greyish clouds high above. Nom could hear distant birds and animals through the trees and large Kath hounds bounding across the plains.

“The souls of Jedi long lost to the Universe walk upon this earth still.” Said Visas, as her and the rest of the companions descended the ramp.

“And they shall be accompanied by one more on this day.” replied Revan.

“I have acknowledged to the other Jedi Masters at Coruscant about what has happened,” said Nom, “But they cannot leave the Academy because of the Students.”

“I understand,” said Revan. This was one day, which he had hoped never to live.

The day was spent traversing through the Jedi Enclave and its surroundings.

“I regret that I was not here on the day the fire from Malak rained down upon my home.”

“If you were here, you would have died too Revan,” said Nom, “And that would have made matters worse.”

They got a call from Carth on the comlink for Revan to get to the Council chambers as fast as he could, so he and Nom took off back into the enclave to where Carth and the rest of the crew were.

“What in the -,” Revan said as he gazed down on three sets of skeletal remains scattered throughout the grass.

“So this is what happened,” said Visas, as she turned her head in Jonas’ direction.

Revan looked at her, then at Jonas. “What have you done?” he whispered

“They had to pay for what they had done to me, Revan.” He replied. No emotion could be seen on his face as he continued to look at Revan.

“So you killed them? What did they do to deserve such a fate?”

“They were the ones responsible for cutting the Force from me. And for that, they had to be punished.”

“You are sick!” said Revan

“Enough of the flattery Revan,” sneered Jonas.

* * *

Night came, and it was to reveal a sight of deep sorrow. A bonfire was slowly burning next to the Jedi Enclave and Bastila’s grave, along with the graves made for the three discovered Jedi Masters.

The headstones were carved with the names of the deceased; silence surrounded and succumbed every living thing.

“And so passes the last of the Jedi Masters of Dantooine.” Said Revan. He turned to leave but stopped when he heard Nom saying, mostly to himself, “I swear to you Master, that by my life, I will continue the lost teachings of this enclave. I will fill these halls with life once more, and protect everything and everyone in this galaxy that needs my protection.”

Revan placed a hand on Nom’s shoulder and realized he was shaking slightly, he whispered, “Come, Nom. You made an oath, now it is my turn. I swear to you that I will help in every way I can to help you fulfil your destiny, I promise.”

Nom looked up at Revan, “Thank you Master but… I think that this is a path that I must take on my own. I will journey with you for the rest of our quest, but then I am afraid I must strike out on my own. I think that this was what Bastila meant. I will see the rebirth of the Jedi, and make sure that as long as I live, I will see to it that the Republic will never fall to the demise of the Sith again.”

“You have grown far more than I could have hoped these past few months Nom,” said Revan, as they slowly turned their back to the fire and walked back to the ship, “You truly are a Jedi.”

* * *

“Revan!” said Jonas, as he seen Revan enter the main hold of the Ebon Hawk, “We need to talk, now.’

“Fine.” Said Revan sharply. They walked into the Port Dorm and Jonas turned to Revan and said, “It is time. We cannot linger here anymore. I feel the end is near, and it will come swiftly if we are not to act.” Revan continued to look at Jonas. He knew it was time; he had sensed it earlier as well. The threat’s time to strike, had now come, “Do you have any idea as to where to look for the threat?” asked Revan

“Azuria,” replied Jonas, “It is an ancient planet and it holds the key to the location for where we must go. It is time Revan, when the light and the Darkness shall clash together once more. The destiny of the Republic is about to be uncloaked. it is time Revan. To face, the True Sith!”
 Bee Hoon
02-24-2007, 7:30 AM
I can't believe I missed so many updates!:O Thanks for the clarification. *gasp* You killed Bastila! Now that's something I didn't see coming.

Just a few suggestions:

Atton was supporting a blood nose and possibly a broken wrist, but he was able to fight good enough.

It sounds a bit odd, and something like "Atton was nursing a bloody nose and possibly a broken wrist, but he was able to fight well enough."

And Nom just jumped off the cliff that successfully killed a terentatek that fell off, and he did so without any injury whatsoever? :S

Otherwise, keep it up! Can't wait for the True Sith:p
02-24-2007, 7:42 AM
Thanks Beehoon.
Yeah, i needed to do something to make the story abit more interesting and give the title a bit more meaning, i thought.

Thanks for the suggestion for the line with Atton's injuries, it really seemed to suit it alot more than what i originally put there. And as for Nom not getting any injury when he jumped off the cliff. Nom had the Force so he was able to more or less, glide himself down. Which didnt give any injury. Whereas, the Terentak could not stop itself from falling and there for, resulting in its painful, but quick, death, lol.

I hope that explains it :D
 Bee Hoon
02-24-2007, 7:58 AM
Hehe, fair enough. These darned Force users are just so unpredictable, lol. Jonas sure is evil now. Oh btw, enjoyed the Carth-Atton argument. Lol.
 Diego Varen
02-24-2007, 8:27 AM
I liked the reference to the Jedi Masters from TSL. Jonas sure is evil. Good Chapter as always and looking foward to more.
03-01-2007, 7:16 AM
Thanks to both of you for your comments :D


A day had passed and still, Revan had not given the order to take off; he wanted to leave, to destroy this threat, but he still wanted to stay on Dantooine. Away from everything else what may be happening in the Universe.
A sudden chill of gloom had blanketed the Ebon Hawk; nobody said a word to each since they had stepped onto the boarding ramp the day before.
Revan’s dreams were filled with, sadness, loss, hatred and pain. They were not normal nightmares, but much worse. Violent.

Fire surrounded him, licking at his sides, cuffing both his wrists and ankles, binding him in a fiery embrace of heated pain; searing his flesh. He could not perceive anything through the darkness, which lay beyond the flames, but he could sense something closing in on him, prepared to strike at any moment.

“Who are you?” he said, gritting his teeth from the overwhelming pain.

“I am the darkness which you hold closest to your heart, Revan.” Replied a voice inside his head, it was his own voice, “You are losing, Revan.”

“I don’t know -,” started Revan.

“You know exactly what I mean,” hissed the Voice, “You are fighting a losing battle. How many lives need die because of you?”

“I have killed no-one,” said Revan.

“Oh?” asked the Voice, “Bastilla was no-one was she?”

“I did not kill her." snarled Revan
Stop lying to yourself Revan, no matter how hard you try, all you will find will be failure. You know she dies because of your actions.”

“No!” yelled Revan, as loud as his vocal cords would allow, “That’s not true. She died for something she believed in. Not because of me.”

There was a shrill, harsh laugh; much different from his own, that echoed throughout his ears. The fiery binds tightened their grip, making his gasp in pain.

“Believe that if you wish, but soon enough you shall see the truth. Jonas is right, you know. If you did not send Nom, she would still be alive.”

“Revan shut his eyes tight, “I killed her,” he said miserably, “It was my fault.”

Suddenly here was a dim voice that bounced through the particles of the air and found its way to Revan hearing. It sounded like somebody turned the volume up high, and then down low; the voice seemed to gather potency, then die out again.

“Go away and leave me in peace,” whispered Revan. But the voice kept on calling his name. “I said, leave me alone!” he screamed. Suddenly the binds that held him loosened, and he fell onto a solid, freezing cold surface. He opened his eyes and realized that he was indeed, lying on his back in the main hold of the Ebon Hawk with everybody surrounding him, looking worried.

“Are you OK Master?” asked Nom, who knelt down beside him.

Revan tried to get up but was stopped by a huge pounding that erupted within his head. He placed a hand on his forehead and realized it was covered in sweat.

Nom leant a hand, “Come on, Master,” he said, “Stand up.”

Revan took Nom’s hand and he lifted him up. Swaying a little, Revan placed a hand on the table next to him to keep himself steady.

“I killed her,” he said, “It was my fault she died.”

“Jonas did, not you.” Said Nom

“You don’t understand. If I had not had you to send for her, she would still be alive.”

“That may be true,” said Nom, nodding his head, “but she died, because she was doing something what she believed in.”

“Ive tried saying that to myself, but it’s not true,” replied Revan. There was an awkward silence, then, “Im going alone,” said Revan, “Me and Jonas. None of you have to come, this is our fight, not yours.”

“We are coming with you Revan!” said Nom, “If you are a part of this galaxy and that’s what the threat is after, then its out fight as well. We are a part of the Republic as much as you.”

“Your still not coming,” said Revan, “there is no need.”

“Enough of this Revan!” said Nom, “Do not act as though you are the only person who has lost something.”

“Oh?” said Revan, “And what is it that you lost Nom? Nothing, that’s what, you only knew her what … a few months?”

He didn’t hesitate; Nom clenched a fist and struck the side of Revan’s head, impacting right on Revan’s cheekbone.

“Now, you listen to me Revan,” whispered Nom, “I may not have known Bastilla longer than you, but I still cared about her. It was not the love that you two shared but she was dear to me, and I don’t ever want you to hear that said again, because next time ... I won’t strike you with a fist.” With that, Nom turned and walked away from him and down the boarding ramp, leaving a long and heavy silence in his wake. One by one, the rest of the crew turned and walked away leaving Revan ashamed and shocked at what he had just said.

* * *

Clearing his mind of all thought, Nom walked along the grass plains next to the riverbank. He tried to forget everything that had just occurred, but it was impossible.

* * *

“If you have come to lecture me, don’t bother,” said Revan as Carth entered the Cargo Hold, as Revan sat down on the floor, with his back against a container.

“I know what your going through Revan,” said Carth, “We all do.”

Revan sighed, “What am I to do Carth? How could a saviour of the Galaxy … the so called, “Prodigal Knight” who has shown people to follow their hearts and walk their own path, lose his?”

“You have lost your way, yes,” agreed Carth, “But we are only the people who we perceive ourselves to be. If you think that that you are lost and wounded, then you are. There’s no way to change the past, so that’s why we are given the chance to change our mistakes in the future. We will not ever forget what has happened, it will be apart of us for the rest of our lives, and so will Bastila’s spirit. She will always be with you Revan, don’t think otherwise.”

“You have come quite the philosopher these past years haven’t you Carth ...” laughed Revan softly.

“Ive been around Jedi for too long,” replied Carth with a small smile.

“What am I to do?” asked Revan, “I feel like I am a wanderer in a unknown land. Travelling to dangers never been seen before.”

“First of all,” said Carth, “Apologize to Nom. What you said was very harsh and wrong. Then, second … we, (noticed I said, “we”, Revan) will go back to Azuria, find the Sith, Kill them all.”

“A bit on the Dark Side, don’t you think?” said Revan, “Answering the Sith’s call with their own expertise.”

“Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire.” Replied Carth

* * *

Walking through the empty halls, feeling the lost souls, and brushing his fingers through the ivy crawling across the walls; Nom Kavar thought about his old life. He thought about his friends who he worked with in the mines, the people who he had cared about, and the people who he had lost.

“Therion, my old friend,” said Nom, smiling slightly; “I wish you could see me now.” Therion Astkari was Nom’s best friend at the Mine back on Azuria. But he had died in a sudden freak accident, when a mining tunnel collapsed and killed everyone who was in the tunnel instantly.

He heard rustling behind him and spun around, igniting his lightsaber as he went, “Oh,” he said, “It just you.”

Revan, looked solemnly in his eyes, “I am sorry, Nom. I should not have said what I said back on the ship.”

Nom deactivated his saber, “No,” he said, “You shouldn’t have.”

“I just don’t know-,” started Revan, but his voice faltered.

Nom looked up and saw Revan staring out into the council chamber, “Do not know what?” he asked

Revan stirred and said, “I do not know if whether, I can be your Master anymore. A broken hammer cannot help build anything.”

“Thanks for referring me to an object and you a hammer,” scoffed Nom.

“Your right,” said Revan laughing, “That was a bad choice of words. What I meant was, a Master cannot train an apprentice if he himself, does not know anymore what to teach.”

Nom started to walk to the entrance of the Enclave with Revan following him.

“I trust in you Master,” he said, “But you have to trust in me as well. I am coming with you, there’s nothing you can do to stop me, and that is something to believe me about.”

Revan smiled, “I was blind in my own sorrow before, but now, I would have it no other way.”

Nom smiled as they made their way back to the ship.

When the boarded and made their way to the main hold, it was to find that everybody else were already standing around waiting for them. Revan smiled, “I want you all to know … if you do not want to come, you don’t have to. We will drop you off first anywhere you want to go,”

“We’re coming with you, Revan,” said Mira.

“Ofcourse,” said Jolee. As the rest of the crew agreed.

“Prep her for launch then!” said Revan, happily.

“It looks like we have the old Revan here,” said Carth, “Key word here, being ‘old’ that is.” He added.

The rest of the crew laughed as him and Atton headed for the cockpit, “By the way,“ they heard Atton said, “I got dibs on flying.”
* * *

“So,” said Revan as he entered the Cargo hold where Nom was stationed. He was sitting where exactly where Revan had been when Carth talked to him, but ofcourse, he didn’t say anything. “We’re good, right?”

Nom laughed, “Yes,” he said, “We’re good.”

“Good!” replied Revan, “Now, would you like to know anything. About the Force, or something completely different? I don’t mind. I’m bored as all hell, there’s nothing to do beside meditate when travelling, and even that has its limits.”

Nom smiled, “What was it like, saving the Galaxy?”

Revan was silent for a moment then said, “Well, how to do you feel now?”

Confused, Nom said, “I’m feeling alright, not sick or anything.”

Revan laughed, “No, that’s not what I meant. When you think about it, we are saving the Galaxy right now. Destroying this threat will mean salvation for the Republic and a change for more life to be born.”

“Well, now that you put it that way,” laughed Nom, “I feel pretty damn good.”

“And that’s, how I felt.” Said Revan, smiling.

* * *

“So, they are coming,” said the tall figure to himself as he stared out into the scenery of his home planet, “I wondered how long it would take them.”

“The one who was foolish enough to call him one of our own has decided his fate after all. I admire that. But that will not save the pathetic organization what he strives to protect.”
He turned and proceeded down a long set of stairs and into a huge cathedral sized atrium. Lines of robed figures stand proudly against the walls as the powerful being walks by them. He stood before them all and stared into each and every one of them in turn. Burying himself into their thoughts, pulsating within their very souls.

“The time has come!” he yelled, “No longer shall we wait in the darkness. No longer shall we hide ourselves from our destiny! Our mantle was taken from us, it is time to reclaim it!”
He was answered with a deafening explosion of cheers and the hisses of a thousand red lightsaber being lit, bathing them in a sea of blood illumination.
 Bee Hoon
03-01-2007, 8:07 AM
Ominous! It was a lil Dark-sided of Nom to strike Revan, but I guess it was a sharp wake-up call to him. The conversation about saving the galaxy is so true, lol. Awaiting coming installments!
 Diego Varen
03-01-2007, 11:36 AM
Good for Nom for sorting out Revan. Looking foward to more and the final battle.
03-03-2007, 3:05 AM
Thanks. It was a bit on the dark side for Nom to strike his master but it certainly did make Revan aware of what would happen if he continued doing what he was doing.
Another chapter, but this one is a bit short today, but i tried to make it as best as possible for such a short chapter, because i had to go somewhere when i wrote it.
It's abit of a slow chapter, with hardly any progress in the story, but i just couldnt think of any other way to write this chapter.
Anyways, i hope you all like it.


“We’ll be in Azuria in less than an hour,” said Atton when he walked into the main hold of the ship.

“Very good,” replied Revan, “How is everybody feeling?”

“I feel like im being surrounded by a group of Krayt’s with no mean of escape,” replied Mira with a sickening expression on her face, “I can feel the immense power already, even when we are so far away.”

“Your weak,” said Jonas, “we should be relishing in this power, not hiding from it.”

“That’s enough Jonas,” said Revan, glaring into The Exile’s eyes.

“How will we even start looking?” asked Nom, “We don’t even have a clue where the True Sith are.”

“I have a feeling that,” said Revan, “That they are on Azuria. Because when I first got to the planet, there wasn’t a planet at all. Just empty space. And then I heard a voice inside my head, a cold, cruel voice, then it unveiled the planet and tried to kill me by controlling my ship to crash down below on the surface.”

“How can we kill something that can cloak a planet and control your ship, with only its mind?” asked Nom

“We will find a way,” replied Revan, “But for now, I suggest you all get ready. Who knows how long we will be away from the ship and if you need to gather supplies, now would be the time.”

With that order, most of the crew dispersed and went to retrieve anything the thought they would need. Half an hour later, everyone was back in the main hold, except for Mira. Revan asked if anyone knew where she was, but they didn’t.

“I’ll go look for her,” offered Carth

“OK, just make sure she is alright.” Agreed Revan

Carth went off to the starboard Dorm, then the garage, engine room, cargo hold, but there was no sign of her. He then checked the port dormitory but still, she was not there; he then decided to go to the med bay. And there she was, sitting on the other side of the bed with her back to the entrance. Even if he could not use the Force, Carth knew that she was upset, about something. He moved into the room and she whipped around.

Her face was all red and blotchy, and she had faint tears down her face. “Mira, what’s wrong?” he asked. She quickly whipped her face with her sleeve and with a hurried nothing, she made her way to get of the med bay, but Carth stopped her.

“Talk to me, Mira,” he said, “I’ve never seen you like this for the time ive known you.”

“That’s because I never get like this,” She said, “for a good reason.”

“And what might that be?” asked Carth

“Because-,” she spluttered, “Because, I never get afraid, never worry, and I don’t want to let the people who are around me to know if I ever do. It’s just not me!”

He gestured to the small bunk, “Sit down,” he said gently. He guided her over then sat down beside her, “I know how you feel. I’m the exact same, and you know what. It’s OK to be afraid, it’s just what makes us human. We cannot run from it, it’s who we are, no matter how strong we think ourselves to be.” She looked down to the floor, and didn’t say a word. Carth looked at her; even when she was sitting here, being miserable, crying, she still was beautiful. He placed those thoughts to the back of his head.

“Listen,” he said softly, “You don’t have to come with us, you can stay here, on the ship.”

“Because why?” she snapped, “Im weak, is that it!”

Taken back, Carth said, “No, not at all. It- well, I would just prefer it if you did. I just – I just don’t want to see you get hurt. That’s all.”

She looked at him, “What are you saying, Carth?”

“I don’t know,” he said softly, then, “Hey, you called me Carth!”

“Yeah, why is that so surprising?” she asked lifting an eyebrow.

“It’s just,” said Carth scratching his chin, “you always say things like, ‘you’ or ‘grouch’ and other things. I thought you had forgotten my name!”

“So why didn’t you say anything?” she smiled

“Because I liked it,” he admitted.

Mira looked back down at the floor and gasp in agitation, “I shouldn’t be like this. I should be stronger!”

“I happen to like you like this,” said Carth, looking at her

“And what is that?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t know … off guarded.” He said. She looked back at him. For a moment all they did was stare into each other’s eyes, both of them not looking away. And all of a sudden, Carth realized that he was moving closer in, towards her, and before he knew it, he could hear her breathing, smell the scent of her hair and feel the aura of calmness protrude from her. An inch away from her, he heard a soft laugh. He blinked and pulled away from her and looked to the doorway.

“Am I interrupting anything?” said Jonas, as he stepped into the med bay.

“As a matter of fact,” said Carth, standing up, “You were,”

“Oh, I did not know!” said Jonas, acting surprised, “Im so sorry!”

“Shut up, Jonas,” snarled Mira as she stood up and grabbed him by the throat.

“Yes!” he said, smiling into her eyes,” this is the real you, Mira, let your anger take control, let it flow through your body!”

“Mira, no!” said Carth, “Don’t drop to his level. You are and never could be as wicked, evil, and sadistic. Look into yourself and realize this!”

She looked towards him, and slowly released her grip on Jonas’s throat.

“Pity,” he said, as he walked out of the med bay

“Come on,” said Carth, as he took her hand, the others are waiting.”

* * *

They walked out into the corridor and felt the ship shudder. They looked at each other then hurried out into the main hold and asked what was going on.

“We just entered the atmosphere of Azuria,” answered Revan, “Are you alright Mira, you look like you’ve been upset.”

She put on a fake laugh and said, “Me? Upset? Of course not!”

He looked at her, clearly not believing her, but he said, “OK, make sure your ready for when we land.”

* * *

With Atton at the controls, landing the Ebon Hawk onto the plains of Azuria, the rest gathered in front of the boarding ramp. Revan however, stood in the Port Dormitory. He did not know exactly why he was there, but he closed his eyes and listened. Not with his ears, but with his mind.

He looked into the depths of the Force, bumping against the strains of the void and leaning towards intervals of light and sound.
Until suddenly, there was a rush of extreme intensity of power and malicious intent. For a second he thought it might have been Jonas, but then realized that whatever it was, it was far more powerful. But then, the rhythmic beat of the feeling realized it was gazing upon him and blocked all thought from Revan, and then he acknowledged. He just touched the mind of the person who he must destroy. The True Sith.

Revan felt a sensation form in his stomach. He had never known anything could exist with that much power. It was overwhelming.

“You feel tense,” came a woman’s voice.

“I just felt the being who I might destroy,” replied Revan, “wouldn’t you be tense?”

The woman laughed, “You have a point my darling. But you mustn’t stray from the path that you have chosen. Trust in yourself and you will succeed.”
Revan opened his eyes and looked around him. But he was alone.

“Bastila?” he asked, but there was no response. He sighed then walked back to rejoin the others.

“Are you OK?” Nom asked, as Revan stood by him.

“Haven’t felt better,” replied Revan smiling.

The boarding ramp lowered slowly until the fresh sunlight spread across their faces and gave them all a sense of tranquillity. Relieving them of all worries and pains. They descended and gazed upon Azuria once more.
 Diego Varen
03-03-2007, 3:59 AM
It doesn't matter that it is short Mr_BFA. It is an opening to the final battle of the Fic. Looking foward to more and I think Carth and Mira are in love.
03-03-2007, 7:47 AM
Thanks Topsite.
Yeah, i didn't know whether to have a love plot between them two. I still don't know, lol. We'll just have to see how it all works out, i guess.
Dunno when the next chapter will be out. I'm having computer problems atm, (stupid, evil, sadistic piece of machinery it is) but im sure it will be out soon enough.
Thanks again, and thanks for being the no.1 post person in my thread lol, it's cool how you've stuck around for this long.
Anyways, i think there will only be a few more chapters to this, but i won't say anymore :D ... (mostly because i don't know as to what they will consist of as of yet, lol)
 Bee Hoon
03-04-2007, 2:05 AM
Carth and Mira was not something I'd ever expected, lol. I hope Mira doesn't fall! She's always been rather emotional under her "tough chick" facade (insert curly line under the e yourself. Can't figure it out).
03-05-2007, 11:02 PM
lol, i think the curly is meant for under the 'c' isn't it? Anyways ...

And just something to keep your mind off of Mira falling ... She won't ...
And it's still the same as before, i don't know when the next chapter will be out, but it shouldn't be too far away.

I've also noticed that in my last post, i forgot to thank for all the readers who have posted (and of course, the one's who have not posted ... you have boosted my view count :D). I just thought i would do that now because it seem's that this Fic is coming to an end soon enough and i may accidently forget to thank ya's.
 Bee Hoon
03-07-2007, 9:29 AM
Eh, oops. My mistake. Good on the spoiler... Meh, Jonas is evil enough for all of them.
03-09-2007, 4:59 AM

They spent a week searching for any means of finding the key to unlock the secret of the location of the Enemy. But to no avail.

“This is ridiculous!” spat Jonas on the evening of the eighth day away from the ship, “We have spent, what? A week, and what have we found? Nothing! We cannot keep on going on like this!”

“We cannot help how long we will be out here, Jonas,” said Revan, calmly, “We shall be out here as long as it takes.”

Jonas didn’t say anything, but just stared at Revan with the utmost disgust.

Nom lay down beside the small fire they had conjured and shut his eyes. He listened to Revan talking, listened to the animals that crept up close to get a closer look at the new inhabitants of the forest and then, a thought struck him.

“Jonas,” he said, “Was there anything at the temple what you were at? Anything, peculiar?”

“No,” he replied, stiffly, “Why do you care?”

“I care,” said Nom, opening his eyes and sitting up, “Because I want to find these Sith as much as you do. Even though we do not have any other similarities.”

“Well, we did find a Holocron, but none of my men, or me, could operate it. We do not know why.”

“Why did you not speak of this before?” said Revan, “Perhaps it is what we are looking for!”

“It might have been.” said Jonas, shaking his head.

“What?” said Revan

“It might have been,” repeated Jonas, “It was destroyed.”

“Why did you destroy it!” yelled Revan, “Are you truly that much of an idiot?”

“Hey! Don’t look at me! I didn’t destroy it,” spat Jonas, “Talk to your buddies about it.”

Revan turned to Nom and Carth, “What is he talking about?” he asked them.

“I have no idea,” they both replied.

“A Force Wave, which they produced, made one of the main tunnels of the complex collapse, and in turn, making the chamber beneath which held the Holocron, collapse also. So you see, it was their fault, not mine.” said Jonas, sneering.

“Did you even bother to check to see if the Holocron survived?” asked Revan.

“There was no need to!” replied Jonas, “Did you not listen to what I said? The room was destroyed, not even a Holocron could have withstood the rocks!”

“Be that as it may, we still need to check. Who knows, you may be wrong.” said Revan

“You idiot!” spat Jonas, “You just don’t get it do you? You will not listen to anybody who tries to tell you different. You always have to do what the great Revan thinks is right. Whether it be stupid or just,”
Revan stared into Jonas’ eyes. He did not say anything in return to Jonas’ last remark, but instead, he stood and walked away into the forest.

* * *

Walking here and there Revan pressed on with a debate he had in his mind eve since they got to Azuria.

‘Where are you!’ he cursed in his mind, ‘Stop hiding if you are so powerful and face me!’ He waited but there came no response. Until …

* * *

Revan came back into the small clearing to where the rest of the companions were, he laughed before he said anything, “We’ve been looking in the wrong places!” he said.

“Caught on, have you?” snapped Jonas.

Revan ignored him, “You see, Jonas occupied a large temple. And that was not the only temple on the planet was it? There are others on this planet, some less conspicuous than others.” he finished, looking at Nom.

Then Nom realized what Revan was saying, “You mean,” he said, “The complex? The place where lived for all my life?”

“Temple,” corrected Revan, “And yes, I do mean that very same place. Did you not find anything strange about that place Nom?”

“Well, no …,” Nom admitted.

“That’s because you didn’t look hard enough,” said Revan

“I never really needed to look harder, did I?” Nom laughed

“Touchй,” replied Revan, “But there key is there. That’s where we need to go.”

“Wait!” said Jonas, standing up, “How do you even know if it is or not?”

“Call it instinct,” smiled Revan as he started to walk.

* * *

“This is it,” said Revan, as he and his companions peaked through a thick line of bushes. There were just out the front of the large gates that provided entrance to the complex (or temple).

“Do you know how many there are?” asked Carth

“Two at the entrance, four along each side of the wall, and another four in a room just inside of the gates. (They check for clearance.)” said Nom, ticking them off on his fingers as he counted.

“Right,” said Revan, “Well, here’s what we will do. Carth, Nom and I will waltz on in through the front doors, while you all wait here. Then when all is clear the rest of you will join us.”

“That’s stupid. Small chance of success, big chance we will get killed in the process,” said Jonas, then he smiled, “What are waiting for?”

“I always love your optimism, Jonas,” said Revan, shaking his head, “Seriously, I never get tired of it. Never.”

Carth, Revan and Nom all took deep breaths, then slowly proceeded out from the cover of the bushes and into the sight of the guards.

“You there!” yelled one of the guards, raising his blaster, “Halt, and state your business!”

“Well,” said Revan, “We were hired by the owner of this … facility, to locate a missing worker. And, as you can see … we have succeeded in recovering him and now me and my counterpart wish to go and collect our reward.”

“We were not told of any such thing,” said the guard suspiciously

“Well, no you wouldn’t have,” said Revan, “An escaped slave is nothing that the owner would wish to spill to anyone would he?”

“I guess not,” replied the guard, “But I still don’t like you. There is something wrong going on here, I feel like im not getting the whole truth,”

“Well that’s because.” came a voice from behind them, “You are not,”

“And who might you be?” asked the guard, pointing his blaster to behind Revan. He looked behind him and sighed; it was Jonas.

‘Don’t you ever just sit and do what your told?’ he said in Jonas’ mind

‘Why should you get all the fun?’ sneered Jonas

“I said, who might you be?” repeated the guard.

“Why spoil it?” said Jonas as he ignited his lightsaber.
The guard didn’t even get a single shot in before he was struck down by Jonas. But the others weren’t so unlucky.
Revan and Nom both ignited their lightsabers and attacked the guards which came around the corner of the wall and through the gate. Carth unsheathed his vibrosword and engaged with another of the guard.

The fight was over quickly, but they were delayed nonetheless; Carth was still fighting with his own opponent.

“Anytime, Carth.” said Revan smiling as he took a seat on the ground.

“Just because im not a Jedi.” said Carth, “Its not like I can cut through his blade or anything,”

“Neither can we if you remember.” reminded Revan.

After another five minutes, Carth finally had the last stroke and struck down his guard. With a small yell, the guard fell to the ground limp.

“About time!” said Jonas, “I was about ready to strike both of you down because of your pathetic cause for battle!”

“Lets just go,” said Carth.

“Wait,” said Nom suddenly

“What?” asked Revan

“Well, doesn’t this seem abit strange? We are all the other guards? And not only that, where are all the workers?”

“Perhaps we shall find out soon enough.” said Revan.

“Are you guys done yet?” came Mira’s voice

Revan laughed, “Yes, you can all come out.”

“Besides,” said Atton, “Why did we all have to stay behind?”

“I didn’t want them to know how many of us there are,” said Revan

“Smart,” piped up Jolee, “But apparently un-needed,”

“Indeed,” said Revan, “Well, lets go!”

* * *

“Well this is an eye opener and no mistake,” said Nom.

They had just entered the complex and were greeted by a horrible stench of death and decay. Thousands of corpses littered the ground before them, each one with evidence upon their bodies from a stroke of a lightsaber.

“Ah,” said Jonas, “Home,”

“Disgusting!” cried Nom, “How dare you insult my friends and whom I considered my family!”

“Death is natural, live with it.” said Jonas

“We will mourn for whose lives have been lost,” assured Revan, “But not now.”

Nom nodded and proceeded forwards, carefully to make sure he did not step on anyone, which proved to be very difficult.
They finally reached a set of stairs and proceeded slowly to the top.

“It is near,” whispered Jonas to Revan, “You can feel it?”

“Yes,” replied Revan, “I can feel it,”

They came to an extremely large room and walked to the middle, but stopped when they heard the hissing of many lightsabers coming to life.

Hundreds of dark figures leaped from the floors above and landed to form a circle around the group of companions. Each of them wielding a red lightsaber.

“Ah, Hi,” said Nom, “Sorry for the intrusion, we were just looking for someone who is said to be the True Sith. Know him?”

The figures slowly walked inwards, closing in on them.

“Not up for any talk after all,” said Nom, igniting his lightsaber as the rest wielded their own weapon.

* * *

“We don’t have time for this!” yelled Jonas, as he took on four Sith at once.

“Nom looked towards a door at the far end of the corridor and noticed a tall figure standing proudly. They were cloaked, but they seemed to be illuminated by some dark aura. A soft shroud of mist hung around them, just covering their face from sight.

“Revan!” he yelled, “Look!”

Revan looked to where Nom was pointing and seen him. He leapt up and over the soldiers of Sith, but the figure just turned his back on Revan and walked away, up a flight of stairs.

Nom and Jonas followed him and landed right next to Revan.

“Go!” yelled Carth, “Kill him … Do it!”

They looked to their friends while they were fighting and reluctantly, turned. The three of them faced the doorway in front of them and started to run forward and up the flight of steps.

They got to the top and proceeded into another room, around the same size as the last one. And alone, in the middle of the room stood the tall figure. As they neared, he unhitched his cloak and threw it to the side.

“Welcome back, Nom Kavar.” he said, “I was wondering where you had gotten off to.”

Nom looked at the man standing in front of him puzzled, then gasped. It was his master, the boss of the mining operation, the boss of everything in the complex. The person who he had come to trust, even though he had to work for him, Nom had come to think of him as a father figure.
But that was a long lost thought now, as Nom Kavar stared into the heart of his future. Right here, right now, the fate of the galaxy and Nom Kavar would be decided, right now, the battle for all life was about to begin.
 Rabish Bini
03-09-2007, 5:05 AM
More good chapters as always
Keep it up! :thumbsup:
03-09-2007, 5:41 AM
Thanks Akuma.
Remember folk's, any corrections what could be made, any at all, let me know :D I don't bite, lol. (Well, not much anyway :D)
 Diego Varen
03-09-2007, 11:58 AM
Corrections? How about this: ridicules (should be ridiculous). Anyway good Chapter as always and I'm wondering what will happen next.
03-10-2007, 4:55 AM
Thanks, Topsite. Yeah, i re-read through that chapter today cause i was bored and i noticed a number of little mistakes i made. So, instead of typing this, i should be over there (where?) editing the mistakes. But there you have it, im here, typing this ... right ... now ... yeah ...
 Bee Hoon
03-10-2007, 7:21 AM
The final battle at last... So why did the mining boss suddenly slaughter everyone?:S It's a bit strange that the guards were guarding nothing:p
03-10-2007, 7:32 AM
The final battle at last... So why did the mining boss suddenly slaughter everyone?:S It's a bit strange that the guards were guarding nothing:p
Haha, yeah. But not to worry! that will all be explained in the next or next next chapter!!!!! i think ........ hmm ... maybe ...
03-13-2007, 5:37 AM

“No comment?” he asked, as he continued to gaze at Nom.

“You …,” faltered Nom, “I trusted you.”

“Just goes to show, how foolish you truly are,” replied the Sith, “But I must say, I am impressed. Becoming a Jedi! I never would have thought.”

“Just goes to show, how foolish you truly are,” mimicked Nom.

The Sith laughed, “Indeed,” he said, “Indeed it does.

“Why did you kill everyone?” asked Nom, “What did they do for you to destroy everything they have worked so hard to build. For you, no less.”

“You did not know?” asked the Sith, “Well, you have been gone for long Nom. They were planning to rebel against me. They had learned, somehow, of my true identity. It had eluded me for a time, of how they found out, and how long they had known. But, in time, I found out that they had had a spy within my grasp. Why I didn’t not find this out, I do not know, perhaps their spy was trained in such arts of such barriers around his mind to evade such intrusions. I captured him however, and broke his mind down until I could see every little piece of information he held within his grasp. And, well, after that session, he was incapable of doing anything else. So, he was disposed of.”

“Then I sought out the other leaders of the small pathetic scheme, and disposed of them. But, it seemed, that just motivated the rest of them. And they continued along with their operation. I lost nearly half of my army, which I had hoped to lead with on my assault on the Republic. That surprised me greatly, for I thought that they were just weak slaves; not worth bothering with. But, alas, I was wrong again. I have a rather annoying habit of that happening lately.”

“Now, enough of this talk, you have come to kill me, have you not? Why haven’t you? I can’t see why you would want to in the first place. I’m just trying to create a new galaxy, one with no suffering, or pain. But you know, you cannot create a new galaxy, without destroying the old one.”

“And that,” said Revan, igniting his lightsaber “Is something we will not let happen. We will kill you before that happens.”

“I got a better idea,” he replied, “How about I rip out your small intestine and use it as a jump rope?”

“Oh,” said Jonas, as he ignited his own lightsaber, “I like that one! Can I use it?”

“Use this!” said the Sith. He pulled out a hilt and ignited it.
The crimson blade shown brightly in the dimly-lit room. Illuminating the walls with a blood stained texture.

Jonas leaped forward, Nom sprinted forwards, lightsaber held high, and Revan jumped up and over to land behind the True Sith Master. Bringing his lightsaber downwards, Nom ducked his head, just narrowly evading a stroke that would have left him without a head. Jonas and Revan both swung their lightsaber around, but the Sith jumped up, and the two sabers clashed together, emitting a shower of sparks; making them shower Nom.

Laughing, the Sith made a strike at him, but Revan blocked it and elbowed the sith in the jaw. Rubbing the side of his mouth, the Sith said, “Nice one. But it is a pity that it wont happen again!”

He lunged forward, and with speed more than anything that they had every seen before, the Sith reached behind his back and pulled out another lightsaber. He brought it in low, swinging it to the side and flicked his wrist, bringing it directly up towards Revan’s face. He felt the hot air that was being emitted from the tip of the saber and flung his head back, cracking his neck as he went.

Nom, still down on the ground, brought his lightsaber up and across, catching the sith by surprise as Jonas sliced downwards. The two blades hit the same saber at the same time but on opposite sides, which caused the Sith’s blade to fly out of his hands, spinning wildly as it went.

The Sith Master, flipped backwards and landed on one knee near a corner of them room.

“You fight well!” he said, the empty room making his voice seem ten times loud as normal, “We could really use your talents.”

Revan laughed, “No. But thanks for offering!”

“You know,” said Jonas, “I usually like to know the name of the person im about to kill. Makes me feel closer to the victim.”

Nom shuddered. But the Sith just stared at him.

“You are truly evil, aren’t you?” he said smiling, “I like it. However, if you truly must know my name; it is, Zharik: True leader of the race known as Sith.”

“That’s a whole bunch of names,” said Jonas, “But I like it. Corny, yes, but it has a sense of power to it.”

Zharik sneered, “Much better than Jonas.” With that, he lunged off the ground once more and landed in front of Jonas. He gathered the Force to his palm, where it reached they very tips of his fingers, pulsating the air around them. He pushed Jonas hard in the chest, but instead of just him falling to the ground, Jonas was flung all the way across the room where he slammed hard into the opposite wall; shattering the bricks behind him and falling to the ground, unconscious.

For a full hour, Lightsaber clashed with lightsaber as slashes, swipes and lunge were made at each opponent. Revan knelt on one knee panting, whilst Nom held a stich at his side. The Sith Lord, apparently was unharmed or did not even express the slightest signs of slowing down.

“Enough of this so called ‘fighting’,” he said, “I daresay your companions would have been killed by now, so I guess I should get this over and done with.”

Revan and Nom both ran at Zharik and swung their lightsabers. Revan aimed to strike at the shoulders, Nom aimed a slash across Zharik’s legs. With no means of escape, Zharik quickly gathered the Force around him and created a protective casing around his body; it pulsated with a faint greenish blue colour. Electricity soared up both blades of the sabers as they hit the barrier and went through the fingers of their occupants and up their arms; making them go numb with shock.

“What?” gasped Revan, “How - what was that?”

“Power,” said Zharik, simply.

“That was unbelievable!” said Nom

“Join me, and you will learn such things.” said Zharik

“I think I can learn that myself thanks,” said Revan, lunging forward once more.

‘It’s useless,’ thought Revan, as the saber bounced right off the Barrier and sending another jolt of electricity up his arm, ’Just useless!’

Nom suddenly bounded forwards and projected a Force wave at Zharik, sending him several feet in the air and crashing to the floor.

“It looks like that this battle will have to be fought using the Force, not the lightsaber.” he stated, deactivating his saber.

“Brave of you boy,” said Zharik, “Lowering your defences like that. Even when, I could do something like … this!”
Zharik threw his lightsaber and sent the crimson blade heading straight for Nom. There was no time to move, no time to get out of the way from his attack.

But the attack never came; the saber bounced off Nom, creating shimmering flashes of blue and green light, which surrounded him.

“Ah,” smiled Zharik, “You are clever!”

“And cautious,” added Nom.

“How did you know how to do that?” asked Revan

Nom smiled, “I can only usually see something once and I will be able to do the exact same thing.”

“You are clever,” said Revan.

* * *

“Fine,” said Zharik at the other side of the room, “The Force, it is.”

He deactivated his saber, clipped it to his belt and prepared himself in a fighting stance.

“After you,” he said, gesturing mockingly to Nom.

Nom looked around him to see if there was anything that he could distract Zharik with; there was nothing.

Then he thought of something … ‘Just maybe’

‘Master’ he said through thought, ‘I have an idea on how to get through that barrier of his. But if I do it, it will show him how and he will be able to get through mine also.’

‘That does not matter if we can kill him,’ replied Revan, ‘What is this idea of yours?’

* * *

Zharik looked from Nom to Revan cautiously. What were they planning? With the power of them both, they had been able to block him out of their minds permanently to be able to plan their attack undisturbed. He couldn’t have that.

“Enough!” he cried, breaking a chunk of rock out of the wall and flinging it toward the two Jedi. Nom and Revan dodged the pieces of rock and ran forward. Revan jumped up high, but Zharik’s concentration was directed at Nom who had both of his arms outstretched with the bottom of his palms stuck together; making his hands point out in opposite directions. Small jolts of energy were starting to pulsate within his grasp, spreading from the very tips of his fingers to the middle of his palms.

Zharik went to try and imbue more power into his barrier, but stopped as he heard Nom yell, “Now!”

Zharik looked up and seen Revan springing down on him, lightsaber pointed directly at his skull. All of a sudden he felt an enormous push against his chest and felt the power drain from his body.

“This cannot be happ -,” but he did not get the rest of his sentence out. Nom had fired a blast of Force energy that he had gathered together from the tiny molecules of water from the air. He then added a small amount electricity shocks of the Force and accentuated their power with the water. It was not a Dark Side power, but yet, it was not a power of the light either.

No weapon for melee design would have been able to penetrate the barrier, but it was created from the Force. And if it was created from using the Force, then maybe, just maybe, it could be dissolved by the Force; and that’s just what had happened.
With Nom disabling his means of protection, Zharik had been left defenceless, open to attack. Revan straightened his saber and pointed it at Zharik’s chest as he flew towards the ground. But he was stopped in mid-flight!

Just as Revan been only seconds away from cleaving his head in two, Zharik used the Force to grab onto the body of Revan, and was able to hold him exactly where he was, making him immobilized. Zharik held Revan up in the air with the Force grip and squeezed his body. He felt that he was being forcefully pushed through a very, very thin tube and shooting downwards, losing breath, gasping for air. But as soon as it had begun, Revan felt his muscles relax and he fell to the ground, with a small grunt, he looked up …

Nom was holding the hilt of his lightsaber, whilst the purple blade drove through the chest of the True Dark Lord of the Sith. His eyes widened in shock and anger, Zharik stared down at the blade, then to the determined look on Nom’s face.

“It’s not possible,” he gasped

“It’s not, probable,” corrected Nom, as he pulled the blade out of Zharik’s chest and let his body fall to the ground. His chest raising and falling as he struggled to gain breath. Slowly, Zharik felt the beats of his heart, slow, his eye lids started to close and his hearing became faint, as the beats of his heart slowed till a standstill.

“So,’ said Revan, “it is done,”

Nom turned to look at Revan and felt the breath run out of his body. Before he could say anything at all, an extremely bright, blood-red blade of a lightsaber, pierced it’s way through the back and out again through the chest of Jedi Master, Revan: The Saviour of the Galaxy.

So, there it is, only a couple more chapters to go. I bet you didnt see this one coming ... well, maybe you did, maybe you didnt. But anyways, just have to wait till next chap to see how it all pans out for Nom. :D
 Bee Hoon
03-13-2007, 8:20 AM
I don't think Jonas introduced himself... Ooh, that dirty backstabbing traitor! Kreia would be spinning in her grave if Malachor V hadn't been destroyed! The part where you described the position of Nom's hands was rather awkward. It got the point across, but not very smoothly.
 Diego Varen
03-13-2007, 12:09 PM
Another good Chapter as always Mr_BFA and I'm looking foward to the final chapters.
03-14-2007, 3:55 AM
@Beehoon: Yeah, i just didnt have a clue how to write what i wanted to write lol. It got confusing after a while so i just settled with that. If you have any tips on how to adjust the wording to make it sound better, by all means, let me know! :D lol.

@Topsite: Thankyou, once again.
 Bee Hoon
03-17-2007, 9:52 AM
Nom had fired a blast of Force energy that he had gathered together from the tiny molecules of water from the air. He then added a small amount electricity shocks of the Force and accentuated their power with the water. It was not a Dark Side power, but yet, it was not a power of the light either.

This line is a bit strange... What, did Nom manage to achieve fission of the water molecules?:p And the "small amount electricity shocks of the Force" is awkward too... Can't really get the idea you're trying to convey.

Nom who had both of his arms outstretched with the bottom of his palms stuck together; making his hands point out in opposite directions. Small jolts of energy were starting to pulsate within his grasp, spreading from the very tips of his fingers to the middle of his palms.

"It was the typical Ryu/Ken "AHBUGIIIIT!!" move." Sorry, just couldn't resist that:p It is hard to describe, but maybe something like "Nom who had put his hands together, and now stretched out his arms and slowly spread his fingers so that both palms were facing Zharik." Meh, it's not good either, but hopefully it'll help you think of alternate ways to describe it.
03-18-2007, 6:13 AM
Haha, HADOKEN!!!!
lol, yeah i see what you're saying!

The first quote. I just tried to maginify in explaining how Nom did what he did. It wasnt a really good description but it was the best what i could come up with lol. The small molecule particles of H2O in the air mixed with, say (the Force Lightning power). Thats what i tried to mix with. It would have been way wierder i reckon if i just put "Samll droplets of water used with the Force Lightning power" lol.

With the second quote, i kinda took the idea of like a Kamahameha or lol, something like that anyways. But, it kinda just didn't work, haha.
Your change of the hand placement fits a bit better as i can actually (if i was reading from a point of view from someone else, other than myself) invision what Nom is doing.
Because even when i read my version now, i just can't ... understand, lol.
 Rabish Bini
03-19-2007, 4:52 AM
Another good chapter. And I must say, your spelling is improving, no offence.
Street Fighter rules!!!
03-19-2007, 7:15 AM
Haha thanks Akuma. No offence taken what so ever! :D
And hell yeah .. Street Fighter rules! lol.

Anyway, while im posting this .. i should say (so i stay on topic) that the next chapter is not coming along as smoothly as i planned but it should be out soon. Wow this is turning out a way longer Fic than what i first anticipated!
 Bee Hoon
03-19-2007, 9:28 AM
Point taken on the first quote. I suppose you just meant to say that he used it to augment the Force Lightning somehow?:S What's a kamahameha? I've really struck a blank where the desription is concerned... Maybe you'll improve on it if you ever have a sudden urge to edit, lol.
03-20-2007, 7:01 PM
Yeah, maybe. I might actually go over the whole Fic after i've done and edit/add/remove parts to make it more of a better story.

lol, a Kamahameha is just something from DBZ.

Next chapter hopefully should be up soon, but not tomorrow (my 18th!!!!!!! w0ot!!!!!)
So maybe the day after or saturday.
 Diego Varen
03-21-2007, 2:06 AM
Happy Birthday Mr_BFA (I might create a Thread for you in Ahto). My Birthday is on the 25th. Looking foward to the next Chapter.
 Bee Hoon
03-23-2007, 11:23 AM
Happy belated birthday! Heh, I beat you by a few months:p DragonballZ? Never read/watched it. Happy birthday to you too, Topsite!
04-06-2007, 6:57 AM
OK. This is a very, very short chapter. And when i say, very short ... i MEAN very short. I just got really bored and decided that i would cut off this chapter to where i was at and i would start anew. So yeah .. im starting to concentrate more and more on my novel so i dont know when the rest of the story will be finished.
Anyways .. back to the very, very, very short chapter.


‘I’ve been itching to do that for a long time.’

‘You coward,’ yelled Nom, as Revan’s body fell to the ground and Jonas stepped away, ‘You could not fight him fairly? You had to murder him?’

‘I had to, otherwise he would have killed me,’ admitted Jonas, ‘I watched, silently while you two fought with Zharik. I seen your power and I seen it dwindle as the battle raged on. And I waited. Waited for the perfect chance.’

‘Bah! Perfect chance!’ spat Nom, ‘So much for needing your help,’

‘True,’ said Jonas, walking around Revan’s body and standing before Nom, ‘I thought that I would need Revan to destroy the threat. And, in part, I was right. You see … my plan was to let Revan, and you, tire the Sith and then . . . Then I would strike. Killing all three of you. But I have succeeded in only one aspect of my plan. I have killed Revan, I missed out on my chance to kill the Sith, but at least I will have the honour in killing you.’

‘Not if I’ve got anything to say about it,’ said Nom, igniting his lightsaber once more.

Jonas smiled and leapt forwards. Nom brought his purplish blade up to block the oncoming attack and he swung his saber around to parry. Jonas jumped to the side and lunged forwards aiming for Nom’s throat, but ducking forwards and swirling around to get behind Jonas, Nom was able to slash across the back of Jonas’ legs.
With a grunt Jonas fell to his knees and looked up as Nom walked in front of him. Nom sliced the top of Jonas’ lightsaber hilt off; it would not be able to ignite, anymore.

‘Indeed you are powerful,’ said Jonas, ‘You have a mighty gift young one. Choose what you will, but a power such as that cannot go unhindered and overlooked for too long. I can see it in your eyes. You long for control of your life and of your power. Revan, Bastila, they would have made sure that that would not have ever happened. They were afraid of you and your power, but no more. You can be free, do what you will when you feel most like to. Isn’t that what you have dreamt about for all these long years? Not to be a Jedi, just not to be controlled and ordered around like some useless dog.’

Nom looked at Jonas, then he gazed to the doorway. He felt the presence of Carth, Mira and Atton. Then closely followed by the rest of the companions.
Carth looked from Zharik’s body, then to Revan’s, then to Nom and Jonas.

‘What happened?’ he yelled, rushing over to Revan’s body

‘This bastard murdered him!’ said Nom, not taking his eyes off of Jonas.

‘Well, what are you waiting for? Kill him!’ cried Carth

‘No,’ whispered Nom. Jonas smiled.

‘Oh, I wouldn’t smile if I were you,’ snarled Nom, ‘you will be trialled for this and every other murder you have ever committed.’

‘There is nobody who would dare trial me,’ spat Jonas.

‘The Jedi Council will,’ said Nom

Jonas laughed, ‘There is no Jedi Council boy!’

‘Yes there is,’ replied Nom, ‘Your looking at them.’

Jonas looked around, ‘What,’ he scoffed, ‘A child, an old man, a desperate and weak woman, a blind Sith and a idiotic fool? You are all pathetic!’

‘Think what you will,’ said Nom, ‘You will be trialled nonetheless and you will be punished. You have no choice.’

‘No choice, eh?’ sneered Jonas

All of a sudden Carth’s voice echoed around the stone chamber.
‘Look out!’ he yelled

Nom looked to where Carth was pointing and he seen Revan’s lightsaber coming straight towards him. He brought his lightsaber up and was able to knock it away. But it came straight back for him; Jonas was laughing.
Nom looked to him and before he knew what he was doing, a purple blade was piercing Jonas’ chest and there was a soft thump, as the hilt of Revan’s lightsaber fell to the ground. Nom de-activated his lightsaber and let Jonas’ limp body fall to the ground.

‘So,’ said Nom, walking over and kneeling softly over his masters body, ‘It is done.’
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