What kind of places do you have trouble on?
I gave 2 examples for each option
whups, i clicked the wrong one. i meant the narrow ones (tantive IV). i hate them. wide open battles are good. so are the ones with obstacles.
Small narrow ones. I do enjoy them at times, but they play better with smaller amounts of troops. Usually I find them much to claustrophobic. Examples: Polis Massa and Mustafar. These places can be cool, but more often then not I find them more frustrating then fun.
I voted "Small,narrow battlefields (TantiveIV,Polis Massa)". I like streets/cities especially.
How about ones with lots of underbrush, plants, and/or fog.
If you mean like Dagobah, no. I hate Dagobah. I can't see.
Sometimes I have trouble with small/narrow ones, because enemies can wipe you out with a gernade real easily. This goes the same for you however. It's also claustophobic. Actually, I voted for wide open battlefields because unless you're a sniper or something with a good long range weapon, many times you must travel through open ground with little or no cover, in some cases. If I'm not playing smart, sometimes I'll be fired upon from multiple directions, and once the enemy has you in the open, its hard to get away. I suppose you can survive on any battlefield, if you know how to play it that is.
None. Maybe expect battles in space. So I guess wide, open space battlefields. Otherwise, I have no trouble what so ever.
How about ones with lots of underbrush, plants, and/or fog.
Why would you want that? Felucia on multiplayer sucks! yet alone 1 player!
None. Maybe expect battles in space. So I guess wide, open space battlefields. Otherwise, I have no trouble what so ever.
Thanks Commander Obi-Wan.I forgot space battles.Post if you have trouble on space battles the most.
I guess I have the most trouble on small and narrow battlefields, although I'm actually pretty good on the Tantive IV.
so pretty much it's polis massa thats the worst map. (narrow maps). although felucia is exttremely annoying
Why would you want that? Felucia on multiplayer sucks! yet alone 1 player!
The poll is titled: "What kind of battlefield do you have trouble on?" I was suggesting a poll option for maps with fog/brush like Endor and Felucia, becasue my machine can't handle them, thus I have trouble on those maps.
The narrow battlefields are incredibly hard to me. I get owned on Polis Massa, because of the narrow corridors and walkways. TantiveIV is a little easier.
wow. i just realised that the reaosn i was gettin pwned so much on polis massa was that i play with friendly fire on. it turns out my team was usually killing more of eachother than the enemy with those stupid grenades.
i probably have the most trouble with wide open maps mostly because i hate them which means i play worse, i do however love the small maps mostly because i love them, so i play very well (horay for the tantive 4! whoo! :P)
i love small maps cuz grenades work better there. popping around corners and stuff also afew troops can hold off aton of guys on small maps if there are medic and ammo bots in nearby.
ii do however love the small maps mostly because i love them
im sorry, but that really doesnt make any sense whatsoever...
I cant stand Endor, thats my worst one of them all
I voted for wide opened battlefields.
I posted way back and I just realized, I didn't read the poll right. I thought it was what kind you like best. Hence my voting of small/narrow maps. I like those the most. I have the most trouble on wide open ones or ones with underbrush and, especially, fog (Felucia, Dagobah).
Battlefields like Tantive V or Polis Massa are harder for me, because a single hit from a grenade or rocket lancher can wipe out loads of people at once. (Especially when the AI on my own team blow themselves and me up :violin: ).
:vadar: Vader is a really good character for Tantive V, however, because his slow walking speed doesn't matter as much, allowing him to do major damage.
Big battlefields are awesome, especially those with high platforms or hiding spots for sniping.
Cloud City :)
only available on xbox ;)
Narrow maps are the hardest! Friendly Troops crammed in narrow corridors killing each other, its awful and difficult!
I love the Narrow maps! I own in those.
I find I have the most trouble on Felucia, mainly due to the damn fog. I also sometimes find narrow battlefields , such as the Tantive IV annoying ..but then again I also use the close quarters fighting to my advantage to take out groups of enemies with grenades and rockets.
Wide open battlefields ;) Geonosis ftw!
I hate the trees in Yavin and Endor.
Playing offline, the forested maps are a nightmare, online when playing as rebels, is much better
i voted for narrow maps, cuz the battles are boring and the things you can do are limited. I much prefer open spaces because there is a bigger variation of things to do and your not constricted to one direction. :)
I like the narrow maps and the huge wide open maps, but not those ones that are inbetween like Felucia and Endor, they can be a bit annoying.
like zomg, rez
I went with the nonexistant option of Yavin IV, Felucia and Dagobah(sort of)since they are incredibly laggy.
I like small, narrow battlefields, but they give me the most trouble. That along with forest maps.
I have big trouble the open field maps as I am not a good sniper. I love the narrow maps and I pwn on them. :blast5: :rifle1: :lsduel: :laughing: :blueblas1 :lazeye: :chainsaw: :lightning :fire11: :attack2:
why dont you ppl just use invincibility the code is pause the game up up left down down down left up up up left right youlll here a beep if it works
i dunno if it works on evry system but i know it works on ps2 and xbox at least
i meant up up up left down down down left up up up left right ok?
Please use the edit button and dont necro old topics
I like a lot of space. The problem is.. alot of space usually means vehicle noobs. So I find myself prefering the maps without vehicles... which are the smaller or narrower maps.
what about the ones with ewoks/wookiees lol those are toughest
^^^ I agree, Endor is especially tough when playing as the Empire, it's so difficult to spot the Rebel troops.
I voted "Small,narrow battlefields (TantiveIV,Polis Massa)". I like streets/cities especially.
dude he said which one do you have TROUBLE on. READ!
I cant stand Coruscant.Jabbas palace is horrible too
It depends. If I'm trying to play through a map without dying, the narrow ones can get kinda tricky.