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A Question for Modders...

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 Master Leffe
02-27-2006, 7:51 PM
I've been modifying the game to give the Rebels a bit more of a chance in battle (And am considering releasing this as a mod...) by adding in a Venator-Class cruiser on their side, though the ship is modified to be stronger than the Acclmaator (its predessecor) and weaker than the Victory (its descendant). When I (with Three60's help) copied the Nebulon B and modified it to be the Rebellion Venator, I had to add on the hanger. The only problem was this: The hanger hardpoint appears on the side of the ship, not in the middle. It's a minor detail but it's annoying the he_l out of me. Can this be fixed by simple recoding, or is it going to be stuck that way? Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.

02-27-2006, 8:04 PM
Hard points are attached to points on the model called "bones". Each connection bone is listed in the data for the specific hard point. If you replaced a Nebulon hard point with a hanger, you just need to make sure that the bone name your hanger hard point refers to is the same bone name for the hard point you replaced. You probably don't want to have more than one hardpoint attached to a single bone, however.

It is also possible that when you attached the hard point you left the default "SPAWN_00" bone name. Since rebel ship models are not built with a spawn bone like Imperial ships are, the fighter spawn would default to the zero-point of the model (which is the center of the Nebulon if I recall correctly).
 Master Leffe
02-27-2006, 8:10 PM
Hmmm.... But I didn't replace a hardpoint at all... That's the thing. I added it on completely new...
 Master Leffe
02-27-2006, 8:11 PM
How do you take screenshots again? Then I could just show you...
02-27-2006, 11:04 PM
If you have XFire, have it open and press Scroll Lock + S. For the game, I think it's just F12.
02-27-2006, 11:35 PM
Darth Torpid posted another, more specific explanation of landing bay hardpoints in my thread. Since it was totally off-topic, I think he meant for it to go here. ^_^

Here's the link:
 Master Leffe
02-28-2006, 2:19 PM
Alright, that helped. Thanks Torpid and Rhedd (Wouldnt have seen that without you lol)
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