I was working on a mod and decided to save my work, when I was done I wanted to save but i got this error screen, I decided not to save so i just pressed quit. When i reopened the Module Editor all my work was gone! But the files are still in the project folder. How can I fix this?
Well, I think that you should have saved despite the error.
When you do that it gives you the same thing, your work ends up lost
When you do that it gives you the same thing, your work ends up lost
If you can document the exact steps necessary to consistently reproduce the problem, I'll look into it for you.
You get a screen like this
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v384/Elven6/ghfghfgh.jpg) (Sorry the picture dosen't get n e bigger)
After you close that window your mod gets messed up meaning your map basiclly gets erased!
FT - Like I said, if you can document the exact steps necessary to consistently reproduce the problem, I'll look into it for you.
this is EXACTLY what happened to mine (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=160485). I still haven't been able to figuire out what did it, but since Fred edited my folder for me, there have been no problems.
Can I also reccomend that you back up your projects reguarly?
Ok when you are working on your mod and decide to save at times a screen like the one I posted pops up. When you press continue your mod gets messed up the next time you open it. If you press quit their is a 50% chance your mod will still work the next time you open the module editor.
This also happens when you edit a character in the module editor