Is it just me or is that a different game than SWBattlefront?
That's not Battlefront I or II. It's some fan made game or possibly a TC for another shooter.
It looks like a hastily textured mod to me.
That is a mod for Operation Flashpoint.
It doesn't belong here, for numerous reasons.
Though this doesn't belong in the General Discussion forum (like MachineCult said), that looks pretty cool. :) The clone trooper models overall look smoother that Battlefront's models, and the effects are spectacular. The only thing that looks odd are the laser effects; they look too thin. And the last time I checked, battle droids don't bleed. ;) I almost wish that this WAS Battlefront, which is sad considering that I think a mod looks better than an official game. :(
EDIT: I saw an AAT flying through the air after rewatching it. :lol:
Shouldn't this belong to the "The Sliced TaunTaun " ??
Not that anyone would visit that section... oh well.
Isn't it saddening when a mod if another engine looks better than the original? Especially within the same generation of gaming! Op Fap is the elder game!