I'm making a mod that lest you play as the Empire. The Very Easy BETA Version is done. I uploaded it to EAW Files. It's easy because of balanceing but thats a issue I'm resolving. This requires Chriz mod.....Or, you can just get the updated files for 56kers. I'll have both up as soon as their approved.
you could just take the files from Byrants mode, they're not exactly extensive.
No you can't. It's actually a frowned upon practice to just take somebody else's files and use it for your own mod without asking first.
You can do it for your personnal use only.
A question of basic mod etiquette :)
No you can't. It's actually a frowned upon practice to just take somebody else's files and use it for your own mod without asking first.
You can do it for your personnal use only.
A question of basic mod etiquette :)
I didn't mean uncredited and as far as I know their is absolutely no difference between lifting them and doing them youself.
Besides, it's about an 8 second editing job for each of the three files, factions, campaigns_singleplayer and the story_sandbox file :)
EDIT: It would also be helpful if Sithman said what he was intending to do with the Empire. As it stands it's only changing those files around, unless he's balancing the campaigns_singleplayer file to find a good mix of starting units. Perhaps the AI?
No you can't. It's actually a frowned upon practice to just take somebody else's files and use it for your own mod without asking first.
You can do it for your personnal use only.
A question of basic mod etiquette :)
Not just mod etiquette, but human etiquette. It's a rule :)
Like for example, you copying the girl of my dreams as a public avatar! (dreams shattered)
The rreason I did it was because for those who don't understand it, they can have it. And I'm trying to balance out AI's and things of that sort, but using his mod as a foundation. I could not post it if it would be such a problem. Let me know.
Excellent MOD !!! Very good job, Thanks !!
i was working on my mod, hoping i can get the missing heros working by giving them bodys and icons that i know works. well, screw it.
ANy idea when it will be finished?
anyone having trouble with the invis Imp ground unit? I think its the 8 leged cannon?
Any ideas? This is not playable, your can't do land battle because of invis units? :/
The units, as far as I'm concerned thru playing it, aren't invisible. I'll try the cannon though to see. I'll post the link tonight