Well, after reading the news on the mdlops patch... I'm almost ashamed
to post this.
Been working on a editor (glorified notepad) for scripting kotor and
eventually kotor II.
I've tried my hand at modelling and scripting. And there are just so many
custom hilts out there (great ones too) that it's hard to be original. And
ideas for scripts, well.... nothing is coming to mind for me right now
so I decided to do this. My contribution (I hope)
The text highlights as you go, and higlights when you open a .nss file.
I've added as much info as I could to change the color of as many
function, object and items.. but not finished yet.
It's pretty simple, my first attempt at C#. I mostly do php/vb
I plan to add the compile/decompile options, and some custom user settings
by the end of this week.
If scripters out there would find this usefull, or would like to try it out...
is it crap... isn't crap.. let me know I'll put it up on pcgm for download.
I really don't want to continue with some support.. LOL
Knowing me, I'll finish it anyway...
The help menu opens up NWNLexiconmNovember2004...
Don't know if I need permission, if I do tell me. I don't want to p#$% anybody
I would also like to add "ready made scripts" to use as examples etc.
The scripts on the sticky would be nice, need permission for those too..
So I'm asking. :D
Thank, hope for some comments.
**readme file contain more detailed information**
EDIT: Dec.3rd.2005
Well, I've been trying to make this as complete as possible. Since I'm not
really a Kotor scripter, that will be nearly impossible. So I'm trying to add
features to this application to help others. So now, when a function is typed,
and it's in the list of highlights (which is growing btw), it will retreive informaiton
from the nwnlexicon website and display the info. Internet connection needed.
There's also a field to send search the web site directly, or there's always the
help section that will display the lexicon... :)
The custom list has changed, and in my opinion better.
EDIT: Dec.2nd.2005
Added some tooltips for certain functions, like in this example: CreateObject.
It's still needs some work, so I'll post the update later in the week.
EDIT Dec.1st.2005:
Sorted out some items by categories, armor,weapon...
Also added a custom item list, kind of a frequently used items.
And should also compile for kotor1&2.. keyword being should. :)
Added characters to the keywords highlighting list.
As always, check out the readme for more details.
EDIT Nov.26.2005:
If you download this, please be kind and send me some feedback.
It's the only way to make it better... Thx
Fixed a few bugs, added some colors and more keywords, read the
readme file for more info.
download here: